Old Games you remember playing but can't remember the name of.

Josh Cabezas

New member
Dec 1, 2012
llifon said:
ok, so i remember that i used to play a game were there was a character with dread locks and they used to bounce around the place like mad, his hair colour was ginger and he had a very bouncy walk. if i can remember correctly what the aim of the game was to go around all the planets completing puzzles, every planet had its own type of puzzle and it use to be a very happy, fun game were there would be aliens popping out on you but not in the scary manor more like happy and helping type of mood. also if i can remember this game was around the time when people played ' oddworld '. I asked my brothers, my mum and my father and i didn't get any information off them whatsoever except one thing that my dad told me that it was a game that you downloaded and that you could save your progress and carry on whenever you wanted to.
Lenny loosejocks?

go around disarming bombs, by solving puzzles, had a dog, BLUE SHORTS

try that :p

Josh Cabezas

New member
Dec 1, 2012
kay heres one, its a pc game during the 90s

Its like a "mario bros" rip of but instead of the plumbers we get a BLUE and GREEN Ogre pair. same concept you hit platforms with your head to kill enemies, there even is a TNT box instead of a POW box and there are bosses.

I vaguely remember i fought a Dino Fossil skeleton thing and yea thats pretty much all i can give you on that because it was such a simple game.

think one of the villains was a Bull Dog instead of a goomba/turtle

think you know it, give me anything ITS KILLING ME!!!!!


New member
Dec 1, 2012
This is a game for ps1 or ps2 i played it as a kid. Its probably on ps2.
You played it like a 3ps and then you could swap between your units.
I do not remember any singleplayer, but i remember you played against a friend on splitscreen.
Each one of you had maybe 4 or 5 units, who could shoot at the other players units.
These units were a robot, tank, plane and some others i dont remember.
It was on an open map and each of you would start in a corner of the map.

I remember one players units were robot looking and the other players units were military green. I remember it like both players had the same kind of units but they were slightly different looking.

I would really appreciate if someone remember this games name. I can't remember because i coldn't read english at the time i was playing it as a kid. I still suck at english... sorry for that. PLEASE HELP ME!!!


New member
Dec 1, 2012
Joined just for this thread!

The game I'm looking for had to be in the early 90's.
For sure it was on the PC.
It was 2d Platformer, junk pixel graphics.
You could play it with another person on the same screen.
Platformer styled, but it didn't scroll left right, it was like a maze or puzzle of bricks and other types of brick that you would jump on, all on one scene/screen. You could stand on a brick and pick it up, but when you did it would appear above you while holding it and then you could place it back down. I remember you could also parachute between the maze to the floor below of their were holes, so you wouldn't splat. Along with ladders to climb up. I don't remember the object though, I think you collected things around the puzzle, and later in the levels there might have been little enemies chasing you around at the same time. Once you collected the items or something you could go through a door of some kind somewhere in the maze/puzzle of bricks to go to the next level.

-It is really similar to Lode Runner, but that's not the game. In it you could have 2 players, and parachute, and PICK UP bricks and put them down elsewhere.


New member
Nov 29, 2012
Josh Cabezas said:
kay heres one, its a pc game during the 90s

Its like a "mario bros" rip of but instead of the plumbers we get a BLUE and GREEN Ogre pair. same concept you hit platforms with your head to kill enemies, there even is a TNT box instead of a POW box and there are bosses.

I vaguely remember i fought a Dino Fossil skeleton thing and yea thats pretty much all i can give you on that because it was such a simple game.

think one of the villains was a Bull Dog instead of a goomba/turtle

think you know it, give me anything ITS KILLING ME!!!!!
I'm pretty sure that's a game by Neon (something like that) called "The Adventures of Tim". You're a construction worker or something like that.

Haslin Umar Al-aziz

New member
Dec 1, 2012
There a ps1 game that I can't remember. It's an action game. The protagonist wears red pants and white shirt. There a part where a red truck chasing me from behind and I must jump on a fence at the end of the chase to finish the part. Then an enemy fights me. That all I can remember.

Mario Lameiras

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Nov 2, 2012
Hargrimm said:
Mario Lameiras said:
Since i got no reply ill repost my request.

"Ok there was a ps1 game i am looking for for a couple of months. Its a 3ps, kind of resident evil but its in space, inside a starship. I remember the rest of the crew has zombie-mutant like and they are trying to kill you. And you can swap between characters. I always though it was dead space but i couldnt find any dead space game for the psx.. So.. Any hints?"
Martian Gothic maybe?

It is! Thanks! You are my hero! 10000 internets for you.

Sylvain Bernel

New member
Dec 1, 2012
I'm looking for the name of a platform gameI used to play in the early eighties. There was a big sinking boat and many little men trying to get outa there into little boats. Problem was there were sharks around. When the little launches were full, you had to unload them on the sides of the screen. It was a cool game but damn exciting!

Have you any idea what it could be called?

Thanks for your help!

Haslin Umar Al-aziz

New member
Dec 1, 2012
There a ps1 game that I can't remember. It's an action game. The protagonist wears red pants and white shirt. There a part where a red truck chasing me from behind and I must jump on a fence at the end of the chase to finish the part. Then an enemy fights me. That all I can remember.


New member
Dec 1, 2012
Ok guys this is been a challenge for me for A LONG TIME NOW... I have been looking for this game where you start of in a space ship and the ship gets nocked around just as your about to jump or somthing like that, Any how you start falling towards somthing that looks like earth but idk if they called it somthing else. You start seeing space ships and you have to fall into the hole thats at the top of it, After that you have a gun and u have to shoot at the orbs in their chests to kill them. you also can choose to be a sceintist or a dog holding 4 guns. 2 in each hand he also wears sunglasses i think. Any how iv been looking for this for about 8-10 years... Some one help please


New member
Dec 1, 2012
Lostbutcanbefound said:
Ok guys this is been a challenge for me for A LONG TIME NOW... I have been looking for this game where you start of in a space ship and the ship gets nocked around just as your about to jump or somthing like that, Any how you start falling towards somthing that looks like earth but idk if they called it somthing else. You start seeing space ships and you have to fall into the hole thats at the top of it, After that you have a gun and u have to shoot at the orbs in their chests to kill them. you also can choose to be a sceintist or a dog holding 4 guns. 2 in each hand he also wears sunglasses i think. Any how iv been looking for this for about 8-10 years... Some one help please
The part with the dog and the scientist sounds like MDK 2. You can get it on Steam, as well as GOG I believe.


New member
Dec 2, 2012
I am trying to remember a PC game from the 90's that my ex-husband and I used to play at times (more him than me). It was somewhat like an army game where you built up an army base while fighting your enemies. If your camp was destroyed you had to re-build elsewhere. It was desert like terrain. I cannot remember the name of it. I don't think it was online since it was dial-up at that time. Does this sound familiar to anyone? I think I will recognize the name if I hear it though. Thanks"


New member
Dec 1, 2012
InedibleTrevor said:
Lostbutcanbefound said:
Ok guys this is been a challenge for me for A LONG TIME NOW... I have been looking for this game where you start of in a space ship and the ship gets nocked around just as your about to jump or somthing like that, Any how you start falling towards somthing that looks like earth but idk if they called it somthing else. You start seeing space ships and you have to fall into the hole thats at the top of it, After that you have a gun and u have to shoot at the orbs in their chests to kill them. you also can choose to be a sceintist or a dog holding 4 guns. 2 in each hand he also wears sunglasses i think. Any how iv been looking for this for about 8-10 years... Some one help please
The part with the dog and the scientist sounds like MDK 2. You can get it on Steam, as well as GOG I believe.
Thank you man YOUR MY DAMN HERO


New member
Dec 1, 2012
Lostbutcanbefound said:
InedibleTrevor said:
Lostbutcanbefound said:
Ok guys this is been a challenge for me for A LONG TIME NOW... I have been looking for this game where you start of in a space ship and the ship gets nocked around just as your about to jump or somthing like that, Any how you start falling towards somthing that looks like earth but idk if they called it somthing else. You start seeing space ships and you have to fall into the hole thats at the top of it, After that you have a gun and u have to shoot at the orbs in their chests to kill them. you also can choose to be a sceintist or a dog holding 4 guns. 2 in each hand he also wears sunglasses i think. Any how iv been looking for this for about 8-10 years... Some one help please
The part with the dog and the scientist sounds like MDK 2. You can get it on Steam, as well as GOG I believe.
Thank you man YOUR MY DAMN HERO
No problem ;P

I'm surprised no one was able to point you in that direction in a whole decade; I don't think the game is all that obscure.

They also recently released an HD remake of the game as well. You can get it on Steam, under the appropriate title of MDK HD.


New member
Dec 2, 2012
I was just wondering if you guys could help me my memory of this game is a little fuzzy but it was a game i quite enjoyed as a kid.
It was about two aliens who came to earth and one was a normal looking Alien with a alien gun and the other only had one leg that it hopped around and collected soda cans and i know it was an old xbox game any ideas of what the name is??


New member
Dec 1, 2012
wawaonyx said:
I was just wondering if you guys could help me my memory of this game is a little fuzzy but it was a game i quite enjoyed as a kid.
It was about two aliens who came to earth and one was a normal looking Alien with a alien gun and the other only had one leg that it hopped around and collected soda cans and i know it was an old xbox game any ideas of what the name is??
Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee?

Joe Wenzel

New member
Apr 15, 2010
hope someone can help me out here. there was this old playstation 1 or maybe playstation 2 game. where you were a knight i think trapped in the underworld or something? as you got hurt you would lose armor until you were down to your underwear if you got hit after that you died. any ideas?

EDIT: i found the game. Maximo ghosts to glory


New member
Dec 1, 2012
Hi Guys,

awesome thread! Maybe someone can help me with mine(acutally two games):

1. It was a puzzle/dexterity game that had 9 or 10 different parts. It was a 2d overhead game in early Windows Time, where you had to finish some puzzles/evade monsters and so on. Everytime you finished a part, you got a password for the next one. I remember, that the 5th part was an underwater part, where you had to find air soon enough. Anyone knows what I mean?

2. A game, where you venture into 2d overhead mines filled with traps/,treasures and monsters. I think it had an energy system and every level was just part of a main headquarter, where you could buy better tools and so on. Any ideas? :)
Apr 8, 2010
aetherna said:
The second is not so easy to describe. It is... well, it's either for NES or SNES possibly for the PC, but I doubt the PC, but I'm pretty sure it's the SNES. I don't think it's a console above that (at the time we only had the NES, SNES, and PC), but I could be mistaken. I'm twenty now, and it has to be at least seven-ten years ago that I played it. I'd say probably more around the ten mark, since I was too young to REALLY understand what the game was about.

Whatever the game was REALLY about, I remember that you go into a room and on the table is some kind of map or something. Or maybe a model of a town. You interact with it and suddenly-- you're in it! I don't remember what you were supposed to do but I remember that there were bulldozers or something, and I think you might have had to avoid them? I don't know if maybe I was just interpreting it wrong, I never actually went up to the vehicles or whatever they were.

So the second game is really weird and hard to describe-- harder to identify, I'm sure! Here's to hoping somebody recognizes the babbling I'm going on with and can be like "Oh, that's this game!" :)
That sounds a lot like Soul Blazer by Enix. It has a level that is pretty much exactly like the one you described. Give this LP of that particular level a watch and see if it fits.



New member
Dec 2, 2012
I just joined for this..
I didn't play this game but I saw a preview on TV and thought it was quiet interesting (but oh well it was a few years ago!). I can't really remember much but this is what's still on my mind:
You played a boy and the world looked very dark and gloomy (with many purples and blues) it looked a bit like a dream world maybe?? lol and one thing I remember very well was that there was another boy (a ghost I think)who helped you with something and the protagonist kissed him?? It was so damn strange.. o_O And it looked like some kind of japanese game but I don't really know for sure.. T_T
I don't really know if anyone of you knows this game XDD I really thought it was quite interesting...
I don't even know why I remember this part so well.. ///