Old Games you remember playing but can't remember the name of.


New member
Jan 16, 2012
What was the PC game back in 1997 or 98?
I Remember a Computer game It was like army game In begain of the game you Hop on Army Hummer and it would take you to this tower and you hop off the hummer and if you got so close to this tower Missiles would fly at you and you got to shot at the tower to blow it up. It might be called Drome, Dome And it was red cd And it was for the computer

Can someone please tell me if they know what game i am talking about


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Oct 29, 2009
voodoomoocow said:
nightshade_x said:
Okay this is probably a really long shot but I can't remember much about it.

It was a mystery solving game. You were a sister and brother team (I think they were brunettes or redheads, can't remember exactly) and you were solving cases around the town you lived in.

I remember one of the bad guys was a kid named Moriarity ...

It came in a green box with a violet stripe along the bottom, and was either on the old style floppy discs or the newer 3.5 discs... I just remember there was a lot of them.

I wish I could remember more, but it's been over 10 years since I've played it. I think it was played on Windows 3.1.
This is Eagle Eye Mysteries and you can play it for free on DosBox http://www.abandonia.com/en/games/27927/Eagle+Eye+Mysteries.html
THANK YOU!!! That's exactly the one I was looking for. My squeal of nostaligic glee woke my roomate but I don't care! Thanks again!


New member
Oct 29, 2009
zantaff said:
I remember playing this game whenever I went to my cousin's house but can't for the life of me find what it is.

It had SNES type graphics. It is a (futuristic?) war game viewed top-down where you build units, missile silos and other buildings. You would then launch attacks & defend from the enemy on who is on the other side of the map.
I believe the view was isometric. I can't remember if it was turn-based or not or had fog-of-war.

That almost sounds like Command and Conquer ... They made several that were old style graphics, I know you can download almost all of them in a single pack. Not sure if that is what you are looking for.
Jan 18, 2012
I don't remember much about this game as well because it happened in 2001 or 2002, but here it goes.

I remember playing this multiplayer PC game in 2001 or 2002 and it has been bugging me for years not knowing what it is called, This game is we played in our computer class when we weren't supposed to. I think it came with one or two extra CD's for another person to play from another computer to join other friends plin a game where you would try to shoot and kill one another as many times as possible in different locations of your choice.

I don't remember though if there was a time limit. Does this game sound familar to anyone? Does anyone have any clues to what it might be?


New member
Jan 18, 2012
There was a game that I have been searching for for days, can anyone help?! A few people already posted info about it but no one responded... Here are the current descriptions:

"There was this random old game they had on the school computers...you got trapped in the body of a kewpie doll and transported to like a fairytale land or something where you had to solve puzzles based on nursery rhymes... anybody else ever play this? This was back in the early nineties..."

"Okay, here's basically the only game from my childhood I haven't tracked down yet. It's a PC game...I think I played it when I was 10, so maybe 16 years old? Might not be quite that old, but around that time frame. It was what you'd call a point-and-click, I guess. It had this rather melodramatic opening about how your character (a little boy) suddenly fell ill or wouldn't wake up or something. Like maybe he was in a coma? And someone (I think a shrink?) said that you/the boy are trapped in your dream world. (This opening was all in text, mind you.)

So when you start playing...everything has this weird, dream-like illogic to it. You start off facing a bar, I think. Typical of point-and-click games, you have to find objects that can be used in certain ways...generally strangely. There was a dock, and I think you found a dead fish there. Pretty sure you found a key in the bar...but it didn't open any doors. There was a sewer you could get down into by greasing a grating with something unusual...I think there was a strange character down there. Everything has this sense of something ominous about to happen.

The last screen I can recall getting to is the edge of this canyon...but there's no way across. At the edge there is a strange plant or flower, and you are clearly supposed to do something to it, but I could never figure out what. Possibly because it was just a demo.

If you recognise this, please help!"

Joseph Gallagher

New member
Jan 18, 2012
Hey guys,

i've created an escapist account solely because i found this thread and i have 3 particular games from my childhood which i cant seem to find anywhere......PLEASE help if you can

1. A math based, 2d, point 'n' click game where you are a detective of some kind, every time you click an object (chair, mirror, globe, bookcase) an animation which alters the look of the object and an old 8 bit sound happens before a simple math question is posed, which you then answer via typing it in. The background is black, the setting is a house and the graphics are also 8 bit.

2. A math based educational game.... the only thing i can remember about this game is that it too had a black background and used fluro green and pink for its colours.....and a bomb with a fuse slowly burning called "da - bomb" with a koala sitting next to it.

3. The third and final game on this list is solely remembered due to its box art, which is a dragon wrapped around a tall tower holding a massive (red??) gem.

All of these games are late 80's games and i have exhausted all my resources trying to find them.

If there is anyone who can tell me i'm not crazy.... drop a line some time :D

Dougie Brechin

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Dec 26, 2011
Yoshi_Fan said:
I have one that is driving me mad!

My dad had this game for the original PLaystation. It was a RPG and you were a drunken wizard (dressed in Orange I believe) trying to get in better with the wizarding school you attended. So they send you on a quest to kill the dragon that has been looming over the castle spire most of the game. You are solving puzzles and collecting items in the process.

All the characters seem to have british accents and the game is actually pretty funny. But for the life of me I can't remember the darn name.

Also, when you wait for awhile without playing, the wizard guy puts his head right up to the TV and knocks on it and says "Hellllllloooooooo"!

Can anyone help me out?


That sounds like Discworld.

As I remember it that game was rock hard.

I had this problem with a few games recently. I've since remembered them but let's see if you can.

1. Arcade: 3 games in one with elf type dudes in it. The 3 games were a platform shooter, a puzzle game and a top down shooter.

2. Arcade: Side scrolling shooter featuring your pick of 4 cowboys

3. BBC Micro: Platform adventure where you fought things that looked like toothbrushes.

Dougie Brechin

New member
Dec 26, 2011
zantaff said:
I remember playing this game whenever I went to my cousin's house but can't for the life of me find what it is.

It had SNES type graphics. It is a (futuristic?) war game viewed top-down where you build units, missile silos and other buildings. You would then launch attacks & defend from the enemy on who is on the other side of the map.
I believe the view was isometric. I can't remember if it was turn-based or not or had fog-of-war.


Herzog Zwei? But that was on Megadrive.

I love this thread.


New member
Jan 18, 2012
Hey everyone,

I'm new to The Escapist. Found it randomnly while I was Googling for an old pc dos game I was looking for forever. I didn't find it with the forum, but after much more Googling and hours spent on looking for the damn game, I stumbled on this website :


So for everyone here that still might have photographic memories of the DOS Pc game they're looking for, this site might help !

It sure helped me find my old game :)

Good luck to everyone !! Hope this helps a few people

Connor Tully

New member
Jan 18, 2012
I hope someone can help with this game ( I'm getting annoyed not knowing the name)
Before you started a match you'd choose a character, every character had their own vehicle. 2 I specifically remember are a girl in a pilot hat driving a tank and a pale man driving a hover craft type boat. In a level you would pick up weapons to damage other drivers. You could get freeze rays, shrink rays (I THINK) and boxing gloves. Those are just some examples. I also remember 2 maps. One was a western type desert village with sandstorms where you could drop a 1 ton weight on people and the other was a space map where you could launch into space before being brought back to the planet. This game was co-op (not sure if it was 2-4). It was ridiculously great for me in my childhood and I'd really appreciate it if someone could get me some help on it.

Edit: I also believe it was a PS2 game or Xbox original game. Again any reply would be greatly appreciated


New member
Oct 13, 2009
zantaff said:
It had SNES type graphics. It is a (futuristic?) war game viewed top-down where you build units, missile silos and other buildings. You would then launch attacks & defend from the enemy on who is on the other side of the map.
I believe the view was isometric. I can't remember if it was turn-based or not or had fog-of-war.
That sounds exactly like Metal Marines.

ShayaMarie said:
So when you start playing...everything has this weird, dream-like illogic to it. You start off facing a bar, I think. Typical of point-and-click games, you have to find objects that can be used in certain ways...generally strangely. There was a dock, and I think you found a dead fish there. Pretty sure you found a key in the bar...but it didn't open any doors. There was a sewer you could get down into by greasing a grating with something unusual...I think there was a strange character down there. Everything has this sense of something ominous about to happen
This has to be the first Dare to Dream.


New member
Oct 5, 2011
Solarus17 said:
I've been looking for a racing game.

I played it around 7 years ago for the PC. *it is not an arcade game*
It's a 2nd person toy racing games with several tracks and toy cars.
Sounds a lot like Toy Racer, although that was for Sega Dreamcast. Possibly it got a PC port?


New member
Jan 19, 2012
There is this old game maybe about 10 years ago i used to play. It was allot like Age of Empires cause it was a overhead strategy game where you could build barracks and town halls but, it was monsters lizard men, orcs, stone giants, squid people, and a whole bunch of others like that. and you could go around and find stray monsters that would join you and build a second barracks that built their kind of monsters you could find items that would increase attack or even control on of your enemies opponents. i loved this game and i really hope someone can figure out what it is called i have been searching for it for 2 years.
The Game had several races and these are the ones i remember:
-Humanoid Lizards
-Rock Trolls
-An Alien that looked alot like Zerg
-and there is one more but i cant really describe him


New member
Jan 20, 2012
i have one for you all, i got a demo off the pack of coco pops when i was younger, it was a pc game, from what i remember it was a wild west game, and it started off with you riding into town on a horse, and i remember at 1 point in the game you can get these green bottles of poison and throw them at people to kill them, thats all i got lol, my memory of the game is hazy at best. sorry guys, hope someone recognises it.

Ruud Hooglander

New member
Jan 20, 2012
Hi im looking for an old game , about 13 years old.
It was a kind of empire building game, where you had to build youre tribe to fight others , you could make totum poles to worship and then u got plagues to torture rival tribes, also you could make preachers to converst other tribesmen. If you had youre tribe ready intime befioore the computer tribes attacked you or you succesfully attacked them and u ruled the world you would advance. I know all this, but i cannot remember the name.. Dooooh :p

M.C. Wolfcat

New member
Jan 20, 2012

I would like to know if anyone cat help me find a very old matching or puzzle game.

From what i remember it used stones and you had a list of stones next to a square thing that u put the stones in where it has to match other wise you lose the game.

I wish i had a pic...


New member
Jan 20, 2012
now this request will be the most extreme hard to find! but i hope anyone can help me find this name of the game T.T. its ABOUT 15+ year old? its a sega genesis game. its an airplane horror type of game..you havethis airplane and its really hard to control. i remember you can go to a practice mode to practice the control of ur plane. but the more u crash the chances of dying will be high! u can get upgrades to boost up ur firepower which looks super cool( i believe thers only 2 or 3 differnt type of firepowr upgrade u can get. its 2d graphics btw and it looks pretty good. before each mission.. there's a short briefing on the mission, telling you what u need to do to acomplish it. and i remember the last boss that u have to fight was in a sea area setting. and the 2nd mission or 3rd, i have to fight a big face boss that looks like a monster or an alien, it floats in the middle of the area. please guys i really need help to find this game or i wont die in peace! T.T

btw here is a PICTURE of the airplane of the game! hope this gives a better clue for u guys T.T..

it looks something like that..