Old Games you remember playing but can't remember the name of.

Victoria Slayton

New member
Mar 22, 2010
Ok fellow thinkers. I have a game I remember playing. It was on an Apple and you had to have a disk to do anything with this computer. It was a third person point of view, and you wandered through a maze. I remember that you had traps. Some of them were vines. there was also quick sand you had to watch out for. It was kinda like a side scroll like Zelda. any help would be grateful. Thanks.


New member
Jan 23, 2012
Okay. Mine should be rather easy. It was 2D sidescrolling game where you played as a green alien thingie. There were those bad guys that you could mind control to let them fall off to holes or what not who also had a gun. As I remember then you didnt have a gun so you couldnt kill them by force. The language of those creatures were some jibberish. When you wanted to mind control a bad guy then the charafter would lift his arms to his head and started to chant in their jibberish language.

I hope that someone would remember.. really need this game :D was awesome


New member
Jan 23, 2012
Helloooooo, just another new user who found this thread while looking, in vain, for a game they played when they were younger.

I'll start by saying that it definitely wasn't Leisure Suit Larry, but it was a game with a guy with black hair and a green t-shirt (I think), who had gotten drunk the night before and lost his plane ticket. The travel agents won't sell him another one because he hasn't got the money, and he gets kicked out of the bar he went to straight away because he did something really bad. I believe the game starts with you having to find your keys, and the areas I remember were a park (possibly with a drug dealer, or you find some used needles at some point), the bar, an alleyway and I think a club. I didn't play it for too long because I was apparently too dumb to get very far but it was from the 90s and was a DOS game with point and click interface.

Hopefully someone knows what I'm talking about so fingers crossed and thanks in advance :)


New member
Jan 23, 2012

First of all, if you can't undertand my game description, please tell me! :) I'm from Brazil and I don't speak English very well!

So, here we go: I used to play this game on PC in 1988/1989. This game is so old that it was still one of those big disks, you know? (not the small ones!) We used to have a PC back then because of my dad's work!

So, the game was a 2D game. The main character was a red little prince, (or king), with a little plume on the top of his head.
This little prince had to walk throught the castle. The castle had many doors; to open an yellow door, you had to first find a yellow key; to open a green door you had to find a green key; etc.
At the top of the screen, there was a "game map", with little squares (100 of them), each square representing one room that you had to go. The white squares were the rooms you had already been; the black ones, the ones that you still had to find the right key with the right color to get in.

I can still remember the SONG of this game, but not its name!!! Please, help me!!!!!


New member
Jan 24, 2012
Hi! I have been trying to remember this game for so long now.
It's pretty old. I played it when I was little.

- it had a person running on a pyramid type thing.
- and collecting jewels/ diamonds
- on some levels a devil looking thing would come up and try to kill you.
- there were also skeletons trying to kill you.
- you could get an extra life by capturing a heart.

please help!


New member
Jun 9, 2010
Any help with this would be great.

I remember playing it on the PS1, I'm pretty sure.

I want to think it was Tactics Ogre, but I don't remember if that was it or not.
There were stacks of units on the screen and you could move them in real-time. I think I had archers and spearmen, or something like that.

It implemented strategy. I don't recall if the full game was that way or if just that one section was strategy, but I really enjoyed it. For the longest time I thought it was Ogre Battle, but that wasn't it.

Any thoughts?

Eddie Sullivan

New member
Jan 24, 2012
so, looking for the name of this game im trying to remember. really old. online, on the computer. sorta like twisted metal, but was more like a spaceship vehicle than car. you could get different guns, huge maps on the moon usually, and could get powerups and everything.. anyone know what im talking about? you could also choose different bot types, like medic bot, demolition bot, sniper bot, etc..

Willie Luker

New member
Jan 24, 2012
I've been looking for this game for around 7 years now. It was a Nintendo 64 game, you had a mech that could fly around. The level I remember was a vast, grassy expanse bordered on all sides by impassable mountains. Im fairly certain it was a mech battle game. If anyone has ANY suggestions, they would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance. :D


New member
Mar 9, 2010
Game I'me trying to remember;

2d Side scroller
Cartoon Las Vegas setting
humanized dogs/cats as caracters? Like 'Dog City'... Hell, it may have been a Dog City game.


New member
Jan 24, 2012
Ok, i need help on a few games.

1. The first game is as far as i recall, a 1st person adventure game. I played it somewhere around 1998-2002. I can't remember much, but you play the role of a dinosaur. You also have an inventory and one of the items you find is an egg. I also remember a bird's nest somewhere in the game.

2. The second game is a game my dad used to play a long time ago. The only thing i can remember is that you can fly a dragonfly in the game.

3. The last game i'm trying to find is in comparison a quite recent game. You are a biker and you need to find apples and you finish the level by reaching a flower.

Thanks :)


New member
Jan 24, 2012
gtdannemiller said:
Hey all who are here, I have a game that no one seems to know. There are other websites I have posted on about it but no one seems to know what it is. It is particularly hard to find because it came on a disk with other games as well. I believe the platform was an Apple II, and I played it in 1996 or so. I believe the game was called bomber, but I am not even certain of that. Here is as best a description that I can come up with. If you can come up with the game name (more specifically the disk name also so I can find it), you are my hero!

The game was only black and white. In it you had to answer multiplication problems that would allow you to build up bombs depending on how many you completed correctly in the time frame allowed. The higher the multiplication problem you got, up to 9*9, the more bombs you got for answering it correctly. Then you would fly a mission, dropping bombs on various targets, warehouses, fuel tanks, etc. and avoiding enemies shooting anti-aircraft fire at you and flying around obstacles. View was from the side of the plane. It was fairly simple. Also, if you got all of the multiplication problems right you could potentially earn stealth mode so your plane could not be seen.

In addition to this game, there were at least 2 other games that came with it. One of the games was A miss muffet game where you had to answer problems before a spider fell into her curds and whey and kill her, and the other was a frogger like game where you had to answer math questions for the frog to jump.

Thanks in advance!
I am looking for this game too, but can't find it anywhere! The game for me was part of a 10-pack demo disk, with the 3 games you mentioned along with some more games, each one testing a different mathematical skill. The bomber game was multiplication, there were a few role playing games that tested reasoning skills, LCDs, and GCFs I believe, and maybe some game that involved a widget factory but I can't remember exactly. I think one of the games was a treasure hunt of some sort where you got clues along the way, probably using some sort of word problems. All the games were educational as far as I remember, but the Bomber multiplication game was the best and I was addicted to it.

I remember one time in school our teacher had us play a game to quiz us on multiplication where we would sit in a circle with the teacher in the middle and one student would be the 'challenger' and stand behind another student waiting for the challenge problem. The teacher would hold up a multiplication flashcard, and if the challenger said the answer first he won and moved to the next person, otherwise he would have to trade places with the seated person. Well that bomber game made me a multiplication whiz, my current self would probably even get beat by my 8-year-old self, and so the only way my classmates could beat me was to wait for a 'something times zero' flashcard and be faster to yell "zero!"

Anyhow, I clearly have sentimental ties to that game, but also think they stumbled upon a winning combination for educational software. It clearly worked for 8 year old boys which is a tough demographic. Any help locating this software or the name of the company or other games included would be greatly appreciated. Surely there are a few elementary school teachers from the 80s and early 90s who found this magic software and paralyzed a few unruly boys with it!


New member
Jan 24, 2012
i remember this game me and my lil brother used to play for nintendo64 but i forgot the name of it and i want to find it... in the game you are this bald head guy or skelliton and from what i can remember you could swim and you have a gun and you run from dogs (rot rillers) and if they ketch u they kill you...i caint remeber any thing else in the game i was so young


New member
Feb 18, 2009
MheanQ said:
Okay. Mine should be rather easy. It was 2D sidescrolling game where you played as a green alien thingie. There were those bad guys that you could mind control to let them fall off to holes or what not who also had a gun. As I remember then you didnt have a gun so you couldnt kill them by force. The language of those creatures were some jibberish. When you wanted to mind control a bad guy then the charafter would lift his arms to his head and started to chant in their jibberish language.

I hope that someone would remember.. really need this game :D was awesome
Oddworld Abe's Oddysee/Exoddus (amazing games and they seem to be coming up quite a lot)

They're pretty cheap on steam now.


New member
Oct 5, 2011
tmeyer1985 said:
I used to play a game when I was a kid for SEGA that was "awake from the dead" or "arise from the dead". I can not think of what this game was called. Any help would be nice.
If you mean "rise from your grave", that sounds like Altered Beast.

MheanQ said:
Okay. Mine should be rather easy. It was 2D sidescrolling game where you played as a green alien thingie. There were those bad guys that you could mind control to let them fall off to holes or what not who also had a gun. As I remember then you didnt have a gun so you couldnt kill them by force. The language of those creatures were some jibberish. When you wanted to mind control a bad guy then the charafter would lift his arms to his head and started to chant in their jibberish language.

I hope that someone would remember.. really need this game :D was awesome
Sounds like one of the Oddworld games, either Abe's Oddysee or Abe's Exodus.


New member
Jan 25, 2012
hi guys i need some help,i played some years a go a strategy game,with tanks soldiers units wars etc, and i cant remember the name i played it was like in 2006 i think,its not red alert,i remember there was trucks that was changing to buildings ,tent etc,it was not red alert or c & c please help

by the way it is not futuristic it was like mondial war


New member
Jan 31, 2010
Could you expand on that a bit? You've just described 95% of RTS games ever made.


New member
Jan 25, 2012
i ca'nt remember much things ,the specific thing for this game was the trucks that were changing to buildings but everything was real not robots or shit


New member
Jan 25, 2012
just give me some strategy games that fits to me requirements and i will check them please


New member
Aug 2, 2008
There was this demo I played. It was on one of those "100 great games" disks you could get at Wal-Mart and such. It was a game in space and you would fly around trading stuff. Buy low sell high kind of thing. You could upgrade your ship and had to deal with pirates and stuff. That's about all I can remember about it. Once in awhile I think about it but I lack the ambition to try to figure out what it was called. If anyone knows what I'm talking about it would be stuperpendous!