Old Games you remember playing but can't remember the name of.

Omnific One

New member
Apr 3, 2010
Not really an old game, but I can't for the life of me remember the name. It was some sim/RTS where you gathered resources and built a settlement in North America from scratch. I don't think it was Dawn of Discovery because I don't think it had a forced viewpoint.


New member
Mar 25, 2010
troyrich said:
I was thinking eariler about all the games i used to play and one came to mind that i used to love, but i cannot for the life of me remember what it was so I wondered if anyone else gets this same memory issue and who knows Might end up finding some classics we forgot long ago.

My one is a PC game It was a car game of sorts driving around and arena leaving a coloured trail behind you and you killed other players by getting them to drive into the trail you leave behind. I think the cars and arena were mostly black (or at least the version i had was) and the trail and 'walls' coming from the cars were really bright colours depending on team etc. Like red, orange, green, blue.

Well there you go, What games have you forgotten, Hopefully we can rediscover old games we thought long lost!
If you still don't know the name of the game go Google Armagetron. Its exactly like you describe except its probably not the game you played.


Elite Member
Nov 9, 2008
troyrich said:
I was thinking eariler about all the games i used to play and one came to mind that i used to love, but i cannot for the life of me remember what it was so I wondered if anyone else gets this same memory issue and who knows Might end up finding some classics we forgot long ago.

My one is a PC game It was a car game of sorts driving around and arena leaving a coloured trail behind you and you killed other players by getting them to drive into the trail you leave behind. I think the cars and arena were mostly black (or at least the version i had was) and the trail and 'walls' coming from the cars were really bright colours depending on team etc. Like red, orange, green, blue.

Well there you go, What games have you forgotten, Hopefully we can rediscover old games we thought long lost!
Either GLTron or Armegatron Advanced.


Elite Member
Nov 9, 2008
Yoshi_Fan said:
Yoshi_Fan said:
I have one that is driving me mad!

My dad had this game for the original PLaystation. It was a RPG and you were a drunken wizard (dressed in Orange I believe) trying to get in better with the wizarding school you attended. So they send you on a quest to kill the dragon that has been looming over the castle spire most of the game. You are solving puzzles and collecting items in the process.

All the characters seem to have british accents and the game is actually pretty funny. But for the life of me I can't remember the darn name.

Also, when you wait for awhile without playing, the wizard guy puts his head right up to the TV and knocks on it and says "Hellllllloooooooo"!

Can anyone help me out?

Oh I've got it. It is "Discworld". An Adventure Game based on Monty Python! Lol! Great game. Now if I could only find a copy.
No, it was based on the novels of Discworld.


EDIT: Woops, forgot about my previous post.


New member
Jul 13, 2010
Back in the mid - late 90's when I was young I played a top down RPG on PC anyway you started outside a castle and then go into the castle. I don't remeber if I couldn't get out of the castle or if it was just a demo limited to the castle.


Lv.1 NPC
Apr 17, 2009
I remember a really old one it was a hunted mansion point and click adventure from way back. All I remember was you had to input the moves so it was like a point and click/text adventure.

Not sure if it was fun or not but don't lose any sleep over that........


New member
Oct 30, 2010
The Game I'm looking for I think I might have only played a few times. All I remember is that I think you start off in a closet in a museum or something like that. Then you walk out and cut the grill of a closed well with some bolt cutters then climb down a ladder into some labyrinth-like sewers. After walking around for a while you would get to a gate that you would have to use a multi-tool on to open an alarm box then but gum in it in order to prevent the alarm from going off when you get through the gate. I pretty sure you were going to steal some crown or other treasure. Pretty sure its was a point-and-click but I'm not sure. Also, on the cover I think there was a guy going down a zip-line.


New member
Oct 30, 2010
Niko Stepz said:
xxygizx said:
Niko Stepz said:
I remember this one game for the PC fondly, you were some kids in Egypt and had to solve puzzles to find special treasures. Or something like that. I just remember being in Egypt, Ancient Egypt I think, and solving puzzles. If anyone remembers the name of the game, or one they think it might be you should totally tell me :p
Cartoon graphics?
If that's the case, it's most likely [a href="http://www.learningvillage.com/html/rcstime.html"]CARMEN SANDIEGO'S GREAT CHASE THROUGH TIME[/a].
Otherwise I have no clue.
That's probably it! Haha, I wonder if i could get it to work on my computer .. ?
I don't think thats the game you are looking for. That was definitely "The ClueFinders 4th Grade Adventures: Puzzle of the Pyramid". That game was the bet as a kid. It was part of a series. I played them when they first came out.


New member
Jun 2, 2010
sadly, i'm too much of a nerd not to know names of games i played. That only happens to songs and films, which is logical when you think of it, you watch a film but just miss the opening by a minute


New member
Sep 29, 2008
I used to play a game on either Sega or SNES. You play as a little bouncy ball with a face and it is a side scrolling platformer. I have tried to look it up so many times and it always ends in failure!!!

Scarim Coral

Jumped the ship
Oct 29, 2010
There is this one game that been bugging me for years and I trying to figure out what it was called. It was a Asian game for the SNES and it was like the game R-Type but it was top point of view (you seeing the top part of the ship not from the side like R-Type). Anyway I know that it's was an asian game cos it had like anime intro showing a pilot (can't remember what the pilot look like other then it was a guy) and a female partner (I think she was like the energy source or something and she was wearing like a robe and look divine).
I remember that the first level was in a green forest like level and another level was in outer space were the boss had this werid face. I rememember one of the power up (like R-Type) was like the ship spawn several green beans that shoot at the same time as the ship like they are its children (they become smaller when get hit). Lastly I remember the game over screen with the pilot and the girl in chibi form stranded in a fire camp cos their ship had crash to the ground.


New member
Apr 6, 2010
i remember this one game it was post-apocalyptic i think, it started out with this girl standing on a car, maybe a bus, then you had to go into an abandoned mansion and clear out some cyborg guys, once you did the mansion imploded and you had to escape. after that there was a level or map that you had to kill the cyborgs to destroy the command center in an empty subway. if you die you reform at a check point where it shows the layers of your body coming together. it was a few years ago, and it was an awesome game


Keep a hat handy
Jan 23, 2010
I remember a game a long time ago.

It was an RPG and I only remember the beginning, which was epic.

You start out simply entering a palace made of glass it seems. You start out as a party of 4, and are apparently heavily leveled up, well equipped, and everything. You wander through, running into random battles and the like, until you get to a set of bosses. You can soundly beat these bosses, but after the battle, they form this dark light around you.

You and your compatriots make your own lights to battle it, and win, but everyone is injured. You walk about and check on everyone, but the party is separated by a collapsing glass bridge. So, half of your party takes off, and you and your party member escape on foot from the palace/castle.

It then fast forwards, and the main character and hero from the beginning is found trying to escape his girlfriend, no longer the hero they were before.

The game is for SNES, I think(not sure at all here), and it is a great game filled with all sorts of stuff, and I wish I could remember what it was called so I could find it.


Everything in Moderation
Aug 18, 2008
Teddy Roosevelt said:
I remember an old N64 game a long time ago where you had these futuristic motorcycles. Now, you didn't just race. You had guns. You always had a default autocannon type weapon, which fired a basic blaster round, and then there were various missiles and such. Three weapons I remember were the yellow rocket, which was direct fire only and had zero lock on and went in a straight line through the air. The red rocket was more of a guided missile that would lock on to any visible target and it would fly at it without following the track, so it could crash into hills in the track and such. The final one was a purple missile which would follow the course without fail and hit the nearest person ahead.

The game mode I remember playing was something called "shoot 'em up," which basically had you going around a track shooting at these weird disc-looking things at the edge of your line of sight. You could see them blow up, but they would always keep coming back in greater numbers, and you could never catch them.
Sounds a lot to me like 'Extreme-G'. Was pretty cool I guess.


New member
Dec 11, 2009
The Spectator said:
It was a sidescroller. Though it was inside a house. The main characters had pointy heads and.. I think they wore some kind of detective outfit. On the screen you could see two floors of the house. I can't remember what the main objective of the game was though.
wasnt bonanza bros by any chance? you played a pair of criminals robbing houses, and you had to avoid the occupants


New member
Nov 15, 2009
UnusualStranger said:
I remember a game a long time ago.

It was an RPG and I only remember the beginning, which was epic.

You start out simply entering a palace made of glass it seems. You start out as a party of 4, and are apparently heavily leveled up, well equipped, and everything. You wander through, running into random battles and the like, until you get to a set of bosses. You can soundly beat these bosses, but after the battle, they form this dark light around you.

You and your compatriots make your own lights to battle it, and win, but everyone is injured. You walk about and check on everyone, but the party is separated by a collapsing glass bridge. So, half of your party takes off, and you and your party member escape on foot from the palace/castle.

It then fast forwards, and the main character and hero from the beginning is found trying to escape his girlfriend, no longer the hero they were before.

The game is for SNES, I think(not sure at all here), and it is a great game filled with all sorts of stuff, and I wish I could remember what it was called so I could find it.
I don't know what game that is but it sounds like it would be interesting to play!


New member
Nov 15, 2009
This is a game I played for the Atari 800 but was probably available to other computers of the time. It's an adventure game on several disks with graphics for the scenes and you typed in commands for where to go and what to pick up.

At the beginning you break into a museum to get some scrolls and then run to not get caught. I think the point of the game was to find the rest of the scrolls and get some fantastic treasure. I know that you are attacked by a snake and have to try and dodge a rockslide at some point.

You also end up in some kind of labyrinth and before you enter there are some masks? who are telling you something and all I can remember is "Bowls of silver, jade and gold/Lead the way safe passage hold."

Does anyone have ANY idea what the name of this game is?

Teddy Roosevelt

New member
Nov 11, 2009
Psychemaster said:
Teddy Roosevelt said:
I remember an old N64 game a long time ago where you had these futuristic motorcycles. Now, you didn't just race. You had guns. You always had a default autocannon type weapon, which fired a basic blaster round, and then there were various missiles and such. Three weapons I remember were the yellow rocket, which was direct fire only and had zero lock on and went in a straight line through the air. The red rocket was more of a guided missile that would lock on to any visible target and it would fly at it without following the track, so it could crash into hills in the track and such. The final one was a purple missile which would follow the course without fail and hit the nearest person ahead.

The game mode I remember playing was something called "shoot 'em up," which basically had you going around a track shooting at these weird disc-looking things at the edge of your line of sight. You could see them blow up, but they would always keep coming back in greater numbers, and you could never catch them.
Sounds a lot to me like 'Extreme-G'. Was pretty cool I guess.
Thank you so very much for reminding me. You have enhanced my reminiscing ability.


New member
Oct 22, 2008
I recall an old Playstation game in which you played as an anthropomorphic tiger who had some sort of Chi powers. But in the beginning, you are attacked by this Dragon and are on a revenge quest. You go around and meet/battle other Zodiac animals. The name has escaped me for fifteen years.


New member
Feb 10, 2010
I used to play this one PC game where I'd have to dig up dinosaur bones and the characters were a lizard, a dingo and a kangaroo.