Old Games you remember playing but can't remember the name of.


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May 12, 2014
kiskoksz94 said:
Hello everybody!

I try to find a game. I think it's from te 90s. It is a turn based strategy game on a planet or moon. You start with a round base and you have to shoot(?) or throw your other buildings from it. The buildings are connected with the building you shot it from and if it's destroyed, the disconnected building will blow up. You can also send a vechile, but i think you dont have other units to attack. Of course you have to destroy the enemy base. Please help me find the title.
Found the game, moonbase commander.


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Sep 25, 2013
robonigga said:
Roman78 said:
robonigga said:
Ok this is all I remember from this game since I only played the demo.
It's a super old game where you play as a giant robot running through the city streets fighting other robots. I'm pretty sure its a white robot and he has sharp fingers, some of the enemies where little blue flying robots. The main thing I remember from that game though was that you could pick up civilians, they would squirm around between your two fingers and you could throw them against the wall and they would leave a tiny little splat of blood on the wall.
Could be "Future Cop L.A.P.D."

Nope it was a third person game, and the robot you played as was white with I think glowing green eyes.
Maybe one of the Battletech Games, could "Battletech - a game of armored combat"
May 13, 2014
Hello all I'm trying to find a windows 98 pc game that was a Micky mouse game,I remember bits and pieces of the game,I remember having to call the pizza place for some pizza i think it was minny who came over to the house after Micky invited her i believe it was a party of some sort,I remember playing it on my grandpa's lap may he rest in peace and i would love to be reminded of those times if anyone knows what i'm talking about that would be great,thank you!


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Sep 25, 2013
Rockelle Mattarelliano said:
Hello all I'm trying to find a windows 98 pc game that was a Micky mouse game,I remember bits and pieces of the game,I remember having to call the pizza place for some pizza i think it was minny who came over to the house after Micky invited her i believe it was a party of some sort,I remember playing it on my grandpa's lap may he rest in peace and i would love to be reminded of those times if anyone knows what i'm talking about that would be great,thank you!
Follow the Reader - Mickey Mouse

Is a game hard to find. Well i found some pictures: here [https://www.google.com/search?q=%22Follow+the+Reader+-+Mickey+Mouse%22&client=firefox-a&rls=org.mozilla:de:eek:fficial&channel=sb&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=_-RxU6zgMvPvygPm6ID4BA&ved=0CAYQ_AUoATgU&biw=1145&bih=675]

Or i am pretty sure it's in here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Disney_video_games#Mickey_Mouse_series


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May 13, 2014
I'm trying to track down an old game I played as a kid. I must have played it during the late 90s but I remember thinking the game looked pretty old then so it's most likely from the early 90s. It was on a CD with a bunch of other games including Cool Spot and various Commander Keen games which supports that theory.

The game itself is a point and click adventure where you start in a modern house in the real world and it's raining outside. There's not much to do that I can remember other than go downstairs and collect the mail which includes a package from a friend with a new game in it. You can take the game upstairs, put the floppy disk (I think) in your computer and start playing. At that point you switch so you're actually playing the game (rather than playing a person playing a game).

The game inside the game is some kind of fantasy adventure (I think it was point and click) where you can play as one of four characters which you pick at the start. After choosing a character you start inside a round stone room with a door. Different characters have different things they can do but I remember only being able to get out of the room with one of the four characters. The others would all die in different ways (I think one was crushed by the room collapsing but I can't really remember). With the character that got out of that room I remember they were outside on a path with grass beside it. There might have been a bridge over a river or something and I very vaguely remember there being only a limited time to react as some kind of enemy or creature came towards you over the bridge. That might all be completely wrong though. The only thing I'm sure about is that you were outside on a road or path somewhere.

I hope this is enough for someone. I'd really like to find it and try getting a bit further than I did as a child.


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May 13, 2014
I've got a friend trying to find an old game she played, but her description was so vague I couldn't just do a google search, so I found this place and thought I'd ask to see if anyone can make heads or tails of her description.

"The main character was a girl who went from island to island growing flowers (pretty sure they were flowers) and she would fight off crads or whatever animals the island had that wanted the flowers and after she was done with one island she would talk to people and find out where she needed to go next and I remembered it being very beautiful and the graphics were great at least for the time, and it was probably made in the early 2000s. I'm pretty sure it was a computer game that could be downloaded from the internet. She was a blonde I'm pretty sure, and it was such a long game I'm not sure I ever finished it even though I played it a lot."


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Oct 13, 2009
Haegin said:
I'm trying to track down an old game I played as a kid. I must have played it during the late 90s but I remember thinking the game looked pretty old then so it's most likely from the early 90s. It was on a CD with a bunch of other games including Cool Spot and various Commander Keen games which supports that theory.

The game itself is a point and click adventure where you start in a modern house in the real world and it's raining outside. There's not much to do that I can remember other than go downstairs and collect the mail which includes a package from a friend with a new game in it. You can take the game upstairs, put the floppy disk (I think) in your computer and start playing. At that point you switch so you're actually playing the game (rather than playing a person playing a game).

I hope this is enough for someone. I'd really like to find it and try getting a bit further than I did as a child.
That's Companions of Xanth.


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May 12, 2014
kiskoksz94 said:
Demut said:
I've had this 2 games in my mind for a while now with no luck finding them... maybe i would be able to find them here :p

Both are from pc, and are, at least 10 years old. I remember playing one of them 13-15 years ago, the other might be a little "new".

The first was a car game... but not just a car game. I remember that in order to ENTER the game, a jukebox appeared with a question, and you had to answer it correctly to be able to start the game (otherwise it would close). At that time i didnt know english so it was more like a roullette rather than answering the question. When you were able to enter the game, you started with money and no car in your garage. You could use a newspaper to buy a new or used car. Then you could buy different parts and exchange them in the garage (i remember changing the motor, removing the screws and putting a new one). And then you could go to the street to run vs ppl. You could bet money or the car. If you won the car, you could then choose which car you would use and that car would enter the garage. You could paint it, put stickers, change tires, motor and other parts. It had nice graphics considering what i can remember and the time it was made.

The other, although "newer", it had less graphics. It was kinda like lemmings, but at the same time, it wasnt. The only thing i can remember is that you could use like a laser to make a hole in the ground where you could "trap" the enemy. After some time, the hole closed. I think you could "construct" like walls/"metal things" that could block the path. The view i think it was like the lemmings or like worms. Also you had a "customize level" thing in which you could "modify" the ground, add enemies and things.
maybe street legal or street legal racing redline? or maybe monster garage: the game.

No, it wasnt any of those... but thanks to that i finally found it. It was called Street Rod (and the sequel, street rod2).

Thanks to this now i can, for now and until i remember another old game, die at peace.

So, if anyone ever looks for the same games i was looking for, here is a small pic of each of them:

1) Street Rod: car game where you can buy parts and cars from the newspaper and you can run for money or betting the car against several racers. You could change the tires, engine, put stickers, etc etc

2) Lode Runner: similar to lemming, you had to pick the gold to pass the level. The "enemies" were other guys that also grabbed the gold and killed you if they touched you. You could "dig" a hole in the ground with a laser (and in newer versions you had more weapons).



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Apr 22, 2014
TinariKao said:
imyourerror said:
Hey, so I recently remembered a really old game I played on windows 98 or 95.. I really don't know.
Basically it was ping pong type game. At the start of the game some guy shows up and his head is cut off and then you bounce it from one side to the other while the head skins off and skull is all that remains.
Can't remember any more details.

Maybe you can direct me to some lists I could look through.?
Haven't had any luck so far..

Too long; didn't read:
Violent/bloody ping pong with a head ~win95-98
Look up Noggin Knockers X
Thank you, Lord TinariKao!
Noggin Knockers 2 was exactly what I was looking for!




New member
May 13, 2014
Hi guys, for like 8 years ago i'd played a game, but i only remember a bit of it.

You are a fish that's going through a kind of puzzle adventure.
I also remember there was a squid boss in the game and a level you are going for multiple times, where you must swim away from a shark. I can't can't remember anything about it more.

But if any of you guys could use those small details to find the games title, it could nicely


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May 12, 2014
KevinThePlayer said:
Hi guys, for like 8 years ago i'd played a game, but i only remember a bit of it.

You are a fish that's going through a kind of puzzle adventure.
I also remember there was a squid boss in the game and a level you are going for multiple times, where you must swim away from a shark. I can't can't remember anything about it more.

But if any of you guys could use those small details to find the games title, it could nicely
Aquaria maybe?


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May 13, 2014
Okay, so I'm in need of some help. I'm trying to find this old game I remember playing when I was in elementary school, but I can't find it. It would help if I could remember the name of it but I don't. =/ I know it had to do with morphs or something.. I remember how it went and what you did and what it looked like, but I don't know what to type into google to try and find it. I remember when you were playing it, you had these little baby things and you would click and drag them to a spot, either on land, in the sky or in water. And depending on where you put them would depend on what they would be when they grew up. And you would give them whatever showed up in a little thought bubble beside them. And there was this line of food and water and books and other stuff at the top of the screen and you would click it and drag the right one to the right morph. The more you got what they wanted correctly, and the faster you got it done, the happier they would be and they would morph into an adolescent and then into an adult and then you would release them into the wild, and you would keep doing this and as you kept playing you had to take care of more and more morphs at once until it either got overbearing and all your morphs died or you stopped playing.. I really like that game but I just can't find it anywhere.. I would be really appreciative if somebody could help me find this game.


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May 13, 2014
Hey guys, I've been google searching for a particular older Point and Click adventure game I played back when I was in Middle School. I have not be able to find anything about it anywhere. Hopefully someone might be able to help me find it and keep me from thinking I'm insane and hallucinating the memories of this old game. It's going to be a tough one to find I feel.

The game in question I want to say was released between the mid 90's and the first half of 2001 because I played it at my middle school from '99-'01. It was a point and click style adventure/survival game with some FMV elements targeted at a Middle School student level. It's plot was somewhere along the lines of protecting the environment. It also supported a first person perspective. That's all I can remember at the moment, I'll put some more thought into it to see if I can remember more.


New member
May 13, 2014
KevinThePlayer said:
Hi guys, for like 8 years ago i'd played a game, but i only remember a bit of it.

You are a fish that's going through a kind of puzzle adventure.
I also remember there was a squid boss in the game and a level you are going for multiple times, where you must swim away from a shark. I can't can't remember anything about it more.

But if any of you guys could use those small details to find the games title, it could nicely
Is it one of the Freddi Fish games by Humongous Entertainment

I have a very difficult one, it's been haunting me for over 13-14 years.
It's an old PC game. From the early 90's-00'.

From what I remember about the game it was a Semi Live Action Point and Click Adventure game. It may have had Live-Action sequences and/or the environment was real. I believe in the beginning or near it I was in a very small house. Possibly a cabin type, but the outside was like desert if anything. Inside the house it had a computer. Behind the computer was a window as well, you could see the outside. I remember if I used the computer the Dial-Up modem noise would occur. After that dial up stopped I remember a man appearing before me in the window. I believe he actually poofs out of nowhere He said a few things, but I don't remember. He may have been a live actor. It also seems like I was in the middle of nowhere or a desert looking place.

The memories of the game remind me a lot of Gabriel Knight 2, that is the graphic style. I know it's not the game. It also had a very Myst like feel to it. I've been searching years for this damn game and I hope someone here may know this.


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May 13, 2014
trying to find an old, probably 80s, racing game
in the game you can play as four different vehicles, however i can only remember dune buggy and pickup truck
you are always on a dirt track and can use oil slicks and landmines to hinder the other players, however since they stay on the track, you can hit them as well
you can also use nitrous oxide to make yourself go faster
you are able to change the gravity when you go up a hill/ramp to land farther away
driving me INSANE not being able to remember what it is (no pun intended)


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May 13, 2014
KingArmorKing said:
trying to find an old, probably 80s, racing game
in the game you can play as four different vehicles, however i can only remember dune buggy and pickup truck
you are always on a dirt track and can use oil slicks and landmines to hinder the other players, however since they stay on the track, you can hit them as well
you can also use nitrous oxide to make yourself go faster
you are able to change the gravity when you go up a hill/ramp to land farther away
driving me INSANE not being able to remember what it is (no pun intended)
Is it this one?

Ivan ?Ironman? Stewart?s Super Off Road - 1989


I could be wrong.


New member
May 13, 2014
Nokeo said:
KingArmorKing said:
trying to find an old, probably 80s, racing game
in the game you can play as four different vehicles, however i can only remember dune buggy and pickup truck
you are always on a dirt track and can use oil slicks and landmines to hinder the other players, however since they stay on the track, you can hit them as well
you can also use nitrous oxide to make yourself go faster
you are able to change the gravity when you go up a hill/ramp to land farther away
driving me INSANE not being able to remember what it is (no pun intended)
Is it this one?

Ivan ?Ironman? Stewart?s Super Off Road - 1989


I could be wrong.
nope that's not it
but that's a good game, might go and see if i can play it later


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May 13, 2014
hello im looking for an old pc game where you start as this girl whos traveling through ruins and have to collect a three orbs after which u need to get past a giant scorpion using a stick and a piece of cloth and place the orbs in the right place after which u go down into an underground passage where u have to get past an ogre *i cant remember all the details but later on u have to stop the headless horseman from killing you by giving him his head back anybody got any ideas


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May 13, 2014
Hey all! I am trying to figure out an RPG I played on PC about 10yrs ago, although it's probably an older game, I would guess from the early 90's. It's set in medieval germany, you make characters, and there are a ton of abilities to put scores into I remember one is Artifice which had to do with like making fires. Combat was rts with a pause and commands, graphics were maybe 5 years beyond TSR pool of radiance. It was open world you could travel around with random events at places. End game was a cult opened up a portal to hell. I think the time was all measured canonical hours like Matins and Vespers. I remember making a guy who could throw potions, um.. looting flamberge's off of corpses. And the currency was maybe gold florences or something. Plz help this game was challeging and fun.


New member
May 13, 2014
Kingarmorking trying to find an old, probably 80s, racing game
in the game you can play as four different vehicles, however i can only remember dune buggy and pickup truck
you are always on a dirt track and can use oil slicks and landmines to hinder the other players, however since they stay on the track, you can hit them as well
you can also use nitrous oxide to make yourself go faster
you are able to change the gravity when you go up a hill/ramp to land farther away
driving me INSANE not being able to remember what it is (no pun intended)

Rock N' Roll racing for Sega Genesis maybe?