Old Games you remember playing but can't remember the name of.


New member
May 14, 2014
I bloody love this thread. I can practically feel the excitement and happiness people get from rediscovering those lost games :)

Maybe ill be as lucky :).

Old 3D adventure RPG.

Medieval fantasy setting.

You play a character that has been infected or otherwise contaminated, and as you progress (could be time bound) you gradually lose your human form to something more beastly. i remember it having 2 stages at least (might be 3 if complete human was possible). i believe the upside was that you were stronger, the downside was no npc would talk to you and hence you couldnt continue the story.
There was a way to reverse to a less beastly state, but u had to drink water that was blessed? holy? at the cost of a chunk of your healthbar.
It had some basic swordplay in it, and i believe different weapons could be used.
There was also a tavern where you could play a form of reversi.

considering the sparseness of my info, google doesnt get me anywhere, and the lists of games i found stretch decades.
I played it on PC, ps1 comparable graphics... mightve been around the same time as FX fighter so 1995 ish.

would be such a blast if someone could shed some light on this :)


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Oct 13, 2009
raven_gates said:
hello im looking for an old pc game where you start as this girl whos traveling through ruins and have to collect a three orbs after which u need to get past a giant scorpion using a stick and a piece of cloth and place the orbs in the right place after which u go down into an underground passage where u have to get past an ogre *i cant remember all the details but later on u have to stop the headless horseman from killing you by giving him his head back anybody got any ideas
Sounds like King's Quest VII: The Princeless Bride.


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May 14, 2014
I'm trying to find a 2D bullet dodging spaceship game i played long ago.

The menu was the moon or the earth with some kind of tower below.
What i remember is close to the end is a giant spaceship with some turrents that we must destroy to get the part to inflict damage on the ship. It was a long battle and kinda hard.
In the end was a boss and the background is a city with clouds.
Anyone know what game is this ?


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May 14, 2014
Hey guys - I'm trying to find a couple games I used to play as a little kid. The computer was a MAC I think from the late 80s or possibly really early 90s. Everything on the computer was black and white, simple graphics, no internet.

The first game was where you were a little helicopter and you were hovering above a horse and carriage with hay in the back of it and a little stick figure driver. You had to drop your man out of the helicopter into the hay, and the carriage went faster and faster with each level passed. You could also drop the helicopter man on the driver of the carriage and kill them, something my 6-year-old self had quite a lot of fun doing.

The second game I don't remember as well, but it was a really simple space game. I think you played a ship or a laser or something and you had to shoot at incoming aliens. There were crystals I think that gave you points. I didn't play this one as much I think, it wasn't as easy for me I dunno. It had music with it too, but I don't remember what it sounded like. Super vague, really sorry, but do your best? I can try to remember more maybe.



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Oct 13, 2008
Pikkow said:
Hey all! I am trying to figure out an RPG I played on PC about 10yrs ago, although it's probably an older game, I would guess from the early 90's. It's set in medieval germany, you make characters, and there are a ton of abilities to put scores into I remember one is Artifice which had to do with like making fires. Combat was rts with a pause and commands, graphics were maybe 5 years beyond TSR pool of radiance. It was open world you could travel around with random events at places. End game was a cult opened up a portal to hell. I think the time was all measured canonical hours like Matins and Vespers. I remember making a guy who could throw potions, um.. looting flamberge's off of corpses. And the currency was maybe gold florences or something. Plz help this game was challeging and fun.
This sounds just like Darklands.

Romeo Verona

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May 3, 2014
Hello, thank you for taking the time to read, I am grateful for you help and for this forum. There is this PC strategy game I played, most likely between 2000 and 2007 that looked like Age of Wonders. I had to kill ladybug larvae and there were wizards and I could buy people, they had swords, arrows, etc. I told my kids stories about it and they would love to play this game, we would all be so grateful if you could make this possible and touch their lives. Thank you)))


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Sep 25, 2013
KingArmorKing said:
trying to find an old, probably 80s, racing game
in the game you can play as four different vehicles, however i can only remember dune buggy and pickup truck
you are always on a dirt track and can use oil slicks and landmines to hinder the other players, however since they stay on the track, you can hit them as well
you can also use nitrous oxide to make yourself go faster
you are able to change the gravity when you go up a hill/ramp to land farther away
driving me INSANE not being able to remember what it is (no pun intended)
Maybe Moonshine Racers?


New member
May 12, 2014
KingArmorKing said:
trying to find an old, probably 80s, racing game
in the game you can play as four different vehicles, however i can only remember dune buggy and pickup truck
you are always on a dirt track and can use oil slicks and landmines to hinder the other players, however since they stay on the track, you can hit them as well
you can also use nitrous oxide to make yourself go faster
you are able to change the gravity when you go up a hill/ramp to land farther away
driving me INSANE not being able to remember what it is (no pun intended)

Bump n jump?
Crashing race?
Death race?
I have no more ideas, hope it's one of these.


New member
May 14, 2014
Been looking for days, old rts game, had space battles which were from the side (as in ships moved forward back up down) but also had land battles, there was four factions, grey cybernetic style humanoids, red muscular big things (i remember them being very militant style, weird green trader things and i dont remember the other, land battles gave you a unit that unfolded/transformed into the main base. There was also neutral things on maps you could kill like dinosaurs etc. 3-d modeling if I remember right. Lots of rocks and pillars you could destroy for more space, think the land battles had sea units aswell, not sure about air troops.
On the land battles I think the grey ones primary unit was a walker style troop, the green traders were small buggycar things.
Any help would be very very very appreciated.


New member
May 14, 2014
I've had a song stuck in my head for twenty long years. It's an opening song of an old console game (NES or PS1, if I -had- to take guesses it would be the latter) and I played it in the 90s somewhere.

It is a fantasy RPG. No 3D graphics, not a sidescroller, kind of like those games RPGMaker does? The beginning animation (not animated the same way as the gameplay) had awesome music that has stuck to my head. It features all the characters, I think, but the most prominent feature is that there is a guy climbing on top of a mountain, and his all friends are waiting for him there. There is also some girl who blinds/otherwise immobilizes a large purple monster.

I don't remember much about the actual gameplay. The protagonist was a girl, and I think the surroundings were some sort of a school where you could talk to students and teachers and stuff. The girl had two objects: a crystal which would shine light when you took it out, and a clock which would (sometimes) turn back time.

Is anyone getting any nostalgy vibes for this?


New member
Oct 30, 2007
Molankati said:
I bloody love this thread. I can practically feel the excitement and happiness people get from rediscovering those lost games :)

Maybe ill be as lucky :).

Old 3D adventure RPG.

Medieval fantasy setting.

You play a character that has been infected or otherwise contaminated, and as you progress (could be time bound) you gradually lose your human form to something more beastly. i remember it having 2 stages at least (might be 3 if complete human was possible). i believe the upside was that you were stronger, the downside was no npc would talk to you and hence you couldnt continue the story.
There was a way to reverse to a less beastly state, but u had to drink water that was blessed? holy? at the cost of a chunk of your healthbar.
It had some basic swordplay in it, and i believe different weapons could be used.
There was also a tavern where you could play a form of reversi.

considering the sparseness of my info, google doesnt get me anywhere, and the lists of games i found stretch decades.
I played it on PC, ps1 comparable graphics... mightve been around the same time as FX fighter so 1995 ish.

would be such a blast if someone could shed some light on this :)
I'm going to guess either Lands of Lore: Guardians of Destiny, or Vampire: The Masquerade: Redemption.


New member
May 13, 2014
Nokeo said:
KevinThePlayer said:
Hi guys, for like 8 years ago i'd played a game, but i only remember a bit of it.

You are a fish that's going through a kind of puzzle adventure.
I also remember there was a squid boss in the game and a level you are going for multiple times, where you must swim away from a shark. I can't can't remember anything about it more.

But if any of you guys could use those small details to find the games title, it could nicely
Is it one of the Freddi Fish games by Humongous Entertainment

I have a very difficult one, it's been haunting me for over 13-14 years.
It's an old PC game. From the early 90's-00'.

From what I remember about the game it was a Semi Live Action Point and Click Adventure game. It may have had Live-Action sequences and/or the environment was real. I believe in the beginning or near it I was in a very small house. Possibly a cabin type, but the outside was like desert if anything. Inside the house it had a computer. Behind the computer was a window as well, you could see the outside. I remember if I used the computer the Dial-Up modem noise would occur. After that dial up stopped I remember a man appearing before me in the window. I believe he actually poofs out of nowhere He said a few things, but I don't remember. He may have been a live actor. It also seems like I was in the middle of nowhere or a desert looking place.

The memories of the game remind me a lot of Gabriel Knight 2, that is the graphic style. I know it's not the game. It also had a very Myst like feel to it. I've been searching years for this damn game and I hope someone here may know this.
Nope it wasn't that game, i also forgot say it was also a 3d and maze game


New member
May 14, 2014
This is not from my memory, it's from a friend's.

A PS1 game, shooter (not FPS, though), characters are a big muscular black guy and a little white girl with pink hair, in space, shooting aliens with "really cool looking guns"

ahhaha, that's all my friend remembers. Not a platformer/side-scoller game, believed to be a top-view shooter.


New member
Jul 15, 2013
Shena said:
I've had a song stuck in my head for twenty long years. It's an opening song of an old console game (NES or PS1, if I -had- to take guesses it would be the latter) and I played it in the 90s somewhere.

It is a fantasy RPG. No 3D graphics, not a sidescroller, kind of like those games RPGMaker does? The beginning animation (not animated the same way as the gameplay) had awesome music that has stuck to my head. It features all the characters, I think, but the most prominent feature is that there is a guy climbing on top of a mountain, and his all friends are waiting for him there. There is also some girl who blinds/otherwise immobilizes a large purple monster.

I don't remember much about the actual gameplay. The protagonist was a girl, and I think the surroundings were some sort of a school where you could talk to students and teachers and stuff. The girl had two objects: a crystal which would shine light when you took it out, and a clock which would (sometimes) turn back time.

Is anyone getting any nostalgy vibes for this?
That's Wild Arms 1 for PS1 ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=96ORXHRszG4&t=1m43s )

(It's on PSN if you want to play it again!)


New member
May 14, 2014
I have this game in mind that's been bugging me for the longest time. I used to play it at my parents' friends' mom's house (I know, it's complicated). I remember playing Maximum Carnage and another dolphin game that sucked ass, but this one game that we played all night every time we went there, I can't remember.

You played as either Dracula, Frankenstein, or a werewolf(not sure about the werewolf) and it was a high speed side scrolling action fighting game. You would be running through the levels(Co-Op if you wanted) as miniature Dracula or Frankenstein in like this huge bedroom type place, grinding down staircases, jumping on desks and stuff. I'm pretty sure it was on the Sega Genesis.

I can't remember much else but hopefully this helps one of you.


New member
May 13, 2014
So this game I cant remember the name of was played on the PC. You start out in a type of tree house
, someone dies and then a mouth forms within the tree and it talks to you. after that it doesn't talk again you have to walk around the world its like a forest environment. I remember collecting rain drops and gems! Its like an adventure game, your player is a male and that's all I can remember!! please help, been driving me crazy


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Apr 20, 2014
AscalonVII said:
I have this game in mind that's been bugging me for the longest time. I used to play it at my parents' friends' mom's house (I know, it's complicated). I remember playing Maximum Carnage and another dolphin game that sucked ass, but this one game that we played all night every time we went there, I can't remember.

You played as either Dracula, Frankenstein, or a werewolf(not sure about the werewolf) and it was a high speed side scrolling action fighting game. You would be running through the levels(Co-Op if you wanted) as miniature Dracula or Frankenstein in like this huge bedroom type place, grinding down staircases, jumping on desks and stuff. I'm pretty sure it was on the Sega Genesis.

I can't remember much else but hopefully this helps one of you.
It doesn't fit much of your description except the console you believe it to have been on and the monsters you remember in it, although they seem to be bosses featured in the game and are not playable, but I came up with Night Slashers http://www.giantbomb.com/night-slashers/3030-32646/

Beyond that, I am not sure what it could be as I looked at what was supposed to be a comprehensive listing of things Frankenstein has been featured in beyond films, and none of the video game appearances matched what you said.

And the dolphin game that sucked ass was likely one of the Ecco games :p


New member
May 14, 2014
Redrow said:
AscalonVII said:
I have this game in mind that's been bugging me for the longest time. I used to play it at my parents' friends' mom's house (I know, it's complicated). I remember playing Maximum Carnage and another dolphin game that sucked ass, but this one game that we played all night every time we went there, I can't remember.

You played as either Dracula, Frankenstein, or a werewolf(not sure about the werewolf) and it was a high speed side scrolling action fighting game. You would be running through the levels(Co-Op if you wanted) as miniature Dracula or Frankenstein in like this huge bedroom type place, grinding down staircases, jumping on desks and stuff. I'm pretty sure it was on the Sega Genesis.

I can't remember much else but hopefully this helps one of you.
It doesn't fit much of your description except the console you believe it to have been on and the monsters you remember in it, although they seem to be bosses featured in the game and are not playable, but I came up with Night Slashers http://www.giantbomb.com/night-slashers/3030-32646/

Beyond that, I am not sure what it could be as I looked at what was supposed to be a comprehensive listing of things Frankenstein has been featured in beyond films, and none of the video game appearances matched what you said.

And the dolphin game that sucked ass was likely one of the Ecco games :p
Yeah, no that isn't it. Thanks for trying though. And yes, Ecco sucks ass.


New member
Apr 20, 2014
AscalonVII said:
Yeah, no that isn't it. Thanks for trying though. And yes, Ecco sucks ass.
Guess #2 : Monster in My Pocket


New member
Apr 27, 2014
I played a game that was either on the xbox or playstation2, the main character was a guy who turns into a demon? when he fights, he starts out in a church, and he meets an old gypsy guy who makes dresses for his granddaugher, each dress she wears gives her a different attack power? I think that when the guy dies, or over does it, or something he ends up in another realm, where he has a conversation with another being that idk, I think there were doors where he could choose another path??????? It was out about the same time as the Bards Tale. Thank You :)