Old Games you remember playing but can't remember the name of.


New member
May 7, 2014
Ok, I don't remember much of this game but I used to play it around '95-'00 (I think...). It was a 2d scroller and i remember playing as a character that reminds me of robocop, you were all silver armor and you only had a slit in the helmet to see out and you started out with a very basic weapon that shot small yellow projectiles that only flew so far and you could find upgrades for it that made them travel farther do more damage etc. i think one of the upgrades was a blue shockwave looking thing and another was just a regular red bullet. The levels were all silver toned and you could hit these red mounds that had a letter (R?) on them and when you did a voice would call out "Aieee!!" (echo twice) "Over Here!!" (echo twice). The voice is the only thing that I am absolutely sure of.

It may have come in a pack with some other games as I remember having something like that. It may have come with God of Thunder (1993) and I remember some other game that was a lot like Doom with more open areas. How long until I can just upload the images from my brain to show you guys what I am talking about haha.

Any help is appreciated thanks!


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Jul 15, 2013
lily90n34p3 said:
I played a game that was either on the xbox or playstation2, the main character was a guy who turns into a demon? when he fights, he starts out in a church, and he meets an old gypsy guy who makes dresses for his granddaugher, each dress she wears gives her a different attack power? I think that when the guy dies, or over does it, or something he ends up in another realm, where he has a conversation with another being that idk, I think there were doors where he could choose another path??????? It was out about the same time as the Bards Tale. Thank You :)
Not sure but part of this sounds like the Shadow Hearts series (PS2) ( http://www.giantbomb.com/shadow-hearts-covenant/3030-4001/images/ )


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Oct 13, 2009
7hrs7 said:
So this game I cant remember the name of was played on the PC. You start out in a type of tree house
, someone dies and then a mouth forms within the tree and it talks to you. after that it doesn't talk again you have to walk around the world its like a forest environment. I remember collecting rain drops and gems! Its like an adventure game, your player is a male and that's all I can remember!! please help, been driving me crazy
Sounds like the first Legend of Kyrandia.


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May 14, 2014
Planeforger said:
Molankati said:
I bloody love this thread. I can practically feel the excitement and happiness people get from rediscovering those lost games :)

Maybe ill be as lucky :).

Old 3D adventure RPG.

Medieval fantasy setting.

You play a character that has been infected or otherwise contaminated, and as you progress (could be time bound) you gradually lose your human form to something more beastly. i remember it having 2 stages at least (might be 3 if complete human was possible). i believe the upside was that you were stronger, the downside was no npc would talk to you and hence you couldnt continue the story.
There was a way to reverse to a less beastly state, but u had to drink water that was blessed? holy? at the cost of a chunk of your healthbar.
It had some basic swordplay in it, and i believe different weapons could be used.
There was also a tavern where you could play a form of reversi.

considering the sparseness of my info, google doesnt get me anywhere, and the lists of games i found stretch decades.
I played it on PC, ps1 comparable graphics... mightve been around the same time as FX fighter so 1995 ish.

would be such a blast if someone could shed some light on this :)
I'm going to guess either Lands of Lore: Guardians of Destiny, or Vampire: The Masquerade: Redemption.
Neither, No first person view used, camera was always on you, like resident evil 1/2/3 or final fantasy 7/8/9, nor vampire masquerade, fixed camera, as mentioned above.
thx for the quick reply though :)


New member
Apr 27, 2014
Great! Thank You! I thought I sounded crazy, but it definitely is Shadow Hearts, thank you so much, Doomgriever!


New member
May 15, 2014
Hi! So I played this RPG PS2 (or PS1?) game where basically it's about some guy who makes a contract with a cursed sword or something? And basically after a while of gaming you get absolutely massacred by this enemy and as you're dying the sword offers to give you like ultimate power or something and you can choose to say yes or no. Pretty terrible description but thanks for any help!


New member
May 14, 2014
Doomgriever said:
Shena said:
I've had a song stuck in my head for twenty long years. It's an opening song of an old console game (NES or PS1, if I -had- to take guesses it would be the latter) and I played it in the 90s somewhere.

It is a fantasy RPG. No 3D graphics, not a sidescroller, kind of like those games RPGMaker does? The beginning animation (not animated the same way as the gameplay) had awesome music that has stuck to my head. It features all the characters, I think, but the most prominent feature is that there is a guy climbing on top of a mountain, and his all friends are waiting for him there. There is also some girl who blinds/otherwise immobilizes a large purple monster.

I don't remember much about the actual gameplay. The protagonist was a girl, and I think the surroundings were some sort of a school where you could talk to students and teachers and stuff. The girl had two objects: a crystal which would shine light when you took it out, and a clock which would (sometimes) turn back time.

Is anyone getting any nostalgy vibes for this?
That's Wild Arms 1 for PS1 ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=96ORXHRszG4&t=1m43s )

(It's on PSN if you want to play it again!)
I love you now so very much. I recognized the game instantly and cried a bit. Aaagh! Thank you so much!


New member
Jul 15, 2013
MisoDuhAsian said:
Hi! So I played this RPG PS2 (or PS1?) game where basically it's about some guy who makes a contract with a cursed sword or something? And basically after a while of gaming you get absolutely massacred by this enemy and as you're dying the sword offers to give you like ultimate power or something and you can choose to say yes or no. Pretty terrible description but thanks for any help!
Tales Of Destiny? (They are both on PS1 and PS2) ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KBUNbLJFv3c&t=1m )


New member
Oct 26, 2013
Doomgriever said:
oceansergio said:
Hi, I'm looking for a game I played in the 2000's, it was a 2D game that consists in eating an certain area to complete the level, you are a spider that only moves on the borders of the area and when you eat some area you are vulnerable to strange space insects or something like that, you have to eat the biggest area possible, pls help me :(
That's a Qix clone (there are many!).

Such as Spider Web ( http://cdn.soft112.com/Games-and-Entertainment/Action/Screenshots/49819-spider-web.png )

( http://spider-web.soft112.com/ )
Just found it thanks to you, it's named Volfied !



New member
May 15, 2014
hi, I just lately remembered this game I liked yeeeaaars ago. I don't remember the console anymore, though? maybe ps2 or pc or?? but I remember the Intro of the game! so you see a beautifully animated city and everything's lit up brightly and everything is in yellow and orange colours I think it's something like christmas there? and you see people on the street, happy couples and stuff and then you see a girl, but only her legs and she's walking to the end of this rly high building and idk I think either she jumps immediately after she reaches it or first balances on a thick wire to the middle before she jumps, but this guy (who's later the main character) catches and saves her- and he holds her hand and they fall together and you see this scene where you both fall and I think you have to answer some questions or something like that??

if I think about it more maybe I remember more stuff of the actual plot--
it would be rly nice to find this game again, pls help ;3;


New member
Nov 20, 2009
noteventherain said:
hi, I just lately remembered this game I liked yeeeaaars ago. I don't remember the console anymore, though? maybe ps2 or pc or?? but I remember the Intro of the game! so you see a beautifully animated city and everything's lit up brightly and everything is in yellow and orange colours I think it's something like christmas there? and you see people on the street, happy couples and stuff and then you see a girl, but only her legs and she's walking to the end of this rly high building and idk I think either she jumps immediately after she reaches it or first balances on a thick wire to the middle before she jumps, but this guy (who's later the main character) catches and saves her- and he holds her hand and they fall together and you see this scene where you both fall and I think you have to answer some questions or something like that??

if I think about it more maybe I remember more stuff of the actual plot--
it would be rly nice to find this game again, pls help ;3;
Sounds like Resonance of Fate [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Resonance_of_fate]

Emily Cottrell

New member
May 15, 2014
I remember an xbox game that was on a demo cd my dad had. It was basically you as a character and you start off in a village that looks like a camp for kids. You are one of those kids. Your mission is to go up to the tree house and meet with the other kids and what you think is your camp councilor. The man was a boot camp instructor. So to get back on topic. What happens is you go into his mind. Where you have to get through his boot camp. You face challenges from hopping across big holes in the ground to claiming up the side of hills. I would really like to know the name of this game. I'm sorry if there isn't enough information on the game. Please help!!:)


New member
Mar 21, 2008
Emily Cottrell said:
I remember an xbox game that was on a demo cd my dad had. It was basically you as a character and you start off in a village that looks like a camp for kids. You are one of those kids. Your mission is to go up to the tree house and meet with the other kids and what you think is your camp councilor. The man was a boot camp instructor. So to get back on topic. What happens is you go into his mind. Where you have to get through his boot camp. You face challenges from hopping across big holes in the ground to claiming up the side of hills. I would really like to know the name of this game. I'm sorry if there isn't enough information on the game. Please help!!:)

Backwards compatible with XBox 360, available cheap on steam, graphics hold up on PC, one of the best games ever, go play it now.


New member
May 15, 2014
I played this game round my friends house in the early 2000s. It was a 3d first person sword fighting game. it was a large map with loads (I used to think it was hundreds but that might be my imagination) of AI players fighting each other. The map was pretty bare and was pretty much just dirt but it had a wall around the outside that I could get to the top of and look down on the AI.

That is really all the info I have on it, it was either on the Dreamcast or the PS1/PS2. If anybody can remember anything like this I would love to know. Thanks in advance.


New member
May 15, 2014
Doomgriever said:
MisoDuhAsian said:
Hi! So I played this RPG PS2 (or PS1?) game where basically it's about some guy who makes a contract with a cursed sword or something? And basically after a while of gaming you get absolutely massacred by this enemy and as you're dying the sword offers to give you like ultimate power or something and you can choose to say yes or no. Pretty terrible description but thanks for any help!
Tales Of Destiny? (They are both on PS1 and PS2) ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KBUNbLJFv3c&t=1m )
Nope, I don't think it was any of the Tales games. It was also a 2D game I believe? Thanks for trying though!


New member
May 15, 2014
Emma Kampa said:
Hey guys, i have a game that i am just dying to remember and can't seem to find it anywhere. It was a game set in Ancient Egypt. I don't remember much but it was an adventure game where you had to solve certain puzzles and what not. I remember there being like pillars and hieroglyphic puzzles you had to solve. At the beginning i remember there being some sort of car or something that they stole from a pyramid maybe? There is boats to go to Egyptian places too. Also remember it being in the 90's sometime. If anyone could help me that'd be great! :)
Any followup on this game? I am looking for the same game. It's killing me that I can't find it or remember what it's called!