Old Games you remember playing but can't remember the name of.


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May 16, 2014
General_Squa said:
I played this game round my friends house in the early 2000s. It was a 3d first person sword fighting game. it was a large map with loads (I used to think it was hundreds but that might be my imagination) of AI players fighting each other. The map was pretty bare and was pretty much just dirt but it had a wall around the outside that I could get to the top of and look down on the AI.

That is really all the info I have on it, it was either on the Dreamcast or the PS1/PS2. If anybody can remember anything like this I would love to know. Thanks in advance.
Sounds like Dynasty Warriors.


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May 16, 2014
333buttercup said:
Emma Kampa said:
Hey guys, i have a game that i am just dying to remember and can't seem to find it anywhere. It was a game set in Ancient Egypt. I don't remember much but it was an adventure game where you had to solve certain puzzles and what not. I remember there being like pillars and hieroglyphic puzzles you had to solve. At the beginning i remember there being some sort of car or something that they stole from a pyramid maybe? There is boats to go to Egyptian places too. Also remember it being in the 90's sometime. If anyone could help me that'd be great! :)
Any followup on this game? I am looking for the same game. It's killing me that I can't find it or remember what it's called!
A quick Google search using the phrase, "quest game with egyptian theme" revealed to me a game called Curse of the Pharoah: The Quest for Nefertiti. IDK if thats the game your looking for. I never played it. Hope this helps.


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May 16, 2014
Pikkow said:
Kingarmorking trying to find an old, probably 80s, racing game
in the game you can play as four different vehicles, however i can only remember dune buggy and pickup truck
you are always on a dirt track and can use oil slicks and landmines to hinder the other players, however since they stay on the track, you can hit them as well
you can also use nitrous oxide to make yourself go faster
you are able to change the gravity when you go up a hill/ramp to land farther away
driving me INSANE not being able to remember what it is (no pun intended)

Rock N' Roll racing for Sega Genesis maybe?


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May 16, 2014
Dmitri said:
The game I'm looking for is a hack n slash style Diablo clone, but with more "fluid" controls. I remember being in a town with shops and a dungeon with monsters to fight(typical I know). The combat however was not target based, instead you swung your weapon at a direction/location to attack enemies.

I've been searching everywhere for this game. I have a feeling that it was never taken past demo stage. I played it around 1999. My gut tells me that it came on a PC Gamer Demo CD, possibly with Panzer General or the Messiah game demo.

***I FIGURED IT OUT!!! It's "Revenant"
I imagine you edited your post? I knew the game though! xD Great title! Combo based hack and slash isometric view RPG. Play as a warrior hero pulled back from the grips and torment of Hell to destroy a cult of ninja's or something along those lines lol.

John Demetriou

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Apr 7, 2014
TinariKao said:
John Demetriou said:
Hi there, Ive been looking for this game for about 10 years now and I think I found it once but didn't save it and now cant find it again! All I can remember is that you start walking through a forest or something and you need to go into a castle, its an RPG. To get passed a part you have to make something cry with an onion. Another part you walk in to a room and a big blade cuts your head off. When you die you go to the doctor and you are a skeleton. Thats all I know. Please help! P.S Its a DOS game. I use to play it before we had windows 95, when "my computer" was File Manager.
Shadowgate, Deja Vu, Uninvited are all DOS games where when you die you may see a skeleton/skull/reaper. Is it like those? Anything else you can recall?
None of these, but thank you so much for the input!
Only other thing I can remember is that at the start of the game you were on this road and to your left there was a black castle that you couldnt get into and you had to keep going along the road to get to the other castle where you went into and there was a guard.
you had to find an onion and bring it to him to make him cry and get passed. After that there was a room and you would take 1 or 2 steps into it and a blade would slice your head off.
Could be under adventure or rpg.
When you died, you would go to the doctor and it would show your character on the operating table as a skeleton.
Sorry I cant remember much more but I really appreciate the feedback!


New member
May 16, 2014
Ok, I've been looking for this one for years... always played it at a friend's house.
Early-to-late 90s, on a computer, possibly DOS/Windows 3.1. Was definitely one of the old black and white games, no real graphics, just ASCII. Now let's see what I can remember about playing it... You were a detective, trying to track down stolen items. The clients and stolen goods were randomized. Then you'd follow clues, travel via subway, solve.

I know it isn't much to go on, but I had so much fun with it as a kid, and it'd be nice to finally find it.

It is not Sleuth, btw. It was not a murder mystery.


New member
May 16, 2014
Heeeyy everyonee.. :)
I really need your help.. Years ago, I've played some game, and it isn't so complicated, but I need to fint it :).. I remember that I was drivig some kind a truck or buldozer, and collect diamonds, but when I'm driving I go through grass,and thats how I find that diamonds.. It isn't much but I hope that you will help me.


New member
May 16, 2014
Hi everyone. I cannot find this game as I can only remember it vaguely and it's killing me! xD

Platform: PC
Date: Late 1990's (I think)
Genre: Hack and slash/fantasy
View: Isometric/top-down
Graphics: Similar to Magicka

I played it in late 90s/early 00s and I guess it can be described as a "cartoonish" and casual version of Diablo.

As I recall the goal was to fight monsters with melee and spells in order to complete each level (maybe by reaching a portal?).

Thanks :)


New member
May 16, 2014
I'm looking for a PC game I played in the second half of the 90s (probably 96-99ish) at a friends house a lot.

I have some really significant memories of details but sadly that's about it.

I remember it to be somewhat like Gangsters: Organized Crime but set in present day or possibly near future. You basically managed a crime syndicate, having your thugs set up illegal businesses (brothel/bordello being one of them that really stayed in my mind) and such. You had an overview of the city from bird's view and could select houses or blocks to perform actions on. You could select single buildings/blocks or larger areas that were marked in bright green after selection.

I figure it was turn based with one phase having you assign your thugs and the second one having your orders carried out.

I think the name contained "syndicate" and or "crime", something like that. It's not Bullforg's "Syndicate (Wars)".

Any help would be gladly appreciated as I'm starting to go crazy trying to find this game.


New member
May 6, 2014
Coldie said:
Satuisaburda said:
I made this account just for this question so,
I'm looking for this "Rpg" 2d game with a topdown view where you could be a Warrior or a Rogue or a Wizard i think there was another class but i don't remember i always played the Wizard he had a cloak that pretty much covered his entire body and you could summon raptors and like bigfoot as conjurations i believe it was on vista OS i have a few memories that may help label it that I'll put
1: There were like little puddles (in like a fountain i think..) that you could use to heal or refill your mana?
2: I think you started the game in a room with a mirror? i don't really remember
3: Someplace further in the game there you were like talking with a blue guy that was a palette swap of the rogue class i think..
4: You could level up your conjurations with skill points and such and some conjurations were Npcs that were from other summoners that went insane i think
I remember "Alot" of stuff from it in like separate memories of playing the game and I'm wondering can someone PLEASE give me the name of it.. I wanna play it again.
Sounds like one of Geneforge games.
:D YEAH thanks you found it exactly as i remember it


New member
Apr 9, 2008
I have two games I've been trying to remember for the past couple of days. They're both for the computer and were from around the year 2000; played them all the time as a kid. I'm also pretty sure they used some gimmicky magnifying glass accessory.

1) You were in a museum and had to go around looking for different clues to solve a mystery or something like that. You went to bunch of different themed exhibits and every new game changed which exhibits had the clues.

2) I can barely remember this game at all, the only thing I can think of was that it was an underwater game where you helped different fish and things like that.

If anyone can even tell me the name of the gimmicky accessory so I can use that to find the games myself, it'd be appreciated.

Now that I'm thinking about games, there was another old computer game that I remember (No magnifying glass). It was a really corny game that had you looking for gold that had disappeared at the beginning of the game. It was point and click and you picked up different items to use to solve puzzles. One thing I distinctly remember was some guy hiding in a oil barrel with a hole in it. You could poke his eye through the hole and he'd jump out.


New member
May 16, 2014
I'm trying to find out the name of this I saw played when i was around 10 or so. I think it was on NES but might have been Sega not sure. You play as a knight in armor and it was side scroll-er in the same way Metroid is. You collected spell weapons and armor to defeat bosses most of which I remember as being walls with faces or floors.


New member
May 15, 2014
Deathwake48 said:
333buttercup said:
Emma Kampa said:
Hey guys, i have a game that i am just dying to remember and can't seem to find it anywhere. It was a game set in Ancient Egypt. I don't remember much but it was an adventure game where you had to solve certain puzzles and what not. I remember there being like pillars and hieroglyphic puzzles you had to solve. At the beginning i remember there being some sort of car or something that they stole from a pyramid maybe? There is boats to go to Egyptian places too. Also remember it being in the 90's sometime. If anyone could help me that'd be great! :)
Any followup on this game? I am looking for the same game. It's killing me that I can't find it or remember what it's called!
A quick Google search using the phrase, "quest game with egyptian theme" revealed to me a game called Curse of the Pharoah: The Quest for Nefertiti. IDK if thats the game your looking for. I never played it. Hope this helps.
Not it, but thanks anyway.
This game would have been from the 90's, as I played it a lot in 19998-99


New member
May 17, 2014
This topic is awesome :)
Ah there was one not so popular game, which was on the PS1.
At the beginning there was something like a "movie-sequence" where the protagonist (a man in prison sentenced to death) can somehow escape through some unexplained magical powers into a complete different world. Where he has to fight some creepy monsters.
But the fighting was not the main part of the game, it was more the tricky puzzles (finding keys and equipments, etc.) to solve. I can still remember the guy you play: Long Hair, White and blue clothes.
And the "bad-guy" was the guardian. He was some sort of a daemon I think (red eyes, but always covered with sunglasses)
It was also a little bit like diablo, but not that dark and scary.
So.. I know a long description :)
Hope someone can help me :D
sorry for bad english


New member
May 17, 2013
eclectish said:
Ok, I've been looking for this one for years... always played it at a friend's house.
Early-to-late 90s, on a computer, possibly DOS/Windows 3.1. Was definitely one of the old black and white games, no real graphics, just ASCII. Now let's see what I can remember about playing it... You were a detective, trying to track down stolen items. The clients and stolen goods were randomized. Then you'd follow clues, travel via subway, solve.

I know it isn't much to go on, but I had so much fun with it as a kid, and it'd be nice to finally find it.

It is not Sleuth, btw. It was not a murder mystery.
Might be Noir: A Shadowy Thriller

Tazzm Fyrflaym

New member
May 17, 2014
i'm looking for what i think is an old-ish game. i know it came out before 2009. it's a "shape puzzle" type game. the basic plot was that an evil wizard had turned the village into stained glass images. to free the objects and people in the village, you had to complete the image by using the shapes that fell down on the left hand side of the screen to finish the picture. the basic shapes (so the shapes all the larger ones were formed from) were a square sitting on its corner and a small triangle. it was a brightly colored game, and the background music was fairly gentle and zen. you could "level up" sort of, which let you choose new shapes to use in the images, get more points and things like that. i rem that some of the earliest puzzles in the game you had to complete were a bridge and a lamp-post. i don't rem how big the game was installed, but i think it counted as a "minigame", of the type Popcap and the like make. any help would be appreciated, its been driving me crazy trying to find out what this game was called.

(if this posts twice, apologies, my browser is sometimes disagreeable)

Keith Keiser

New member
Oct 17, 2009
This has been bugging me for years.
-Playstation 1 / Early Playstation 2
-Was on a demo disc (probably a disc that has multiple game demos on it)
-RPG (Possibly turn based. Can't remember the mechanics but I remember enjoying it a lot)
-All the NPCs and Scenery are in 3D.
-The characters are kind of round shaped and everything is quite colourful and sort of cartoon-ish.
-Starts off in a grassy village or farm but you may actually be indoors at the very beginning.
-You go from the village/farm to a cave very early in the game, and the cave may include at least one fairly cartoon-ish skeleton enemy.
-Most probably a male protagonist.
-I've looked through many top100 RPGs for ps1 and ps2 and so many demo discs. It's a frustratingly obscure title.

Keith Keiser

New member
Oct 17, 2009
theman said:
This topic is awesome :)
Ah there was one not so popular game, which was on the PS1.
At the beginning there was something like a "movie-sequence" where the protagonist (a man in prison sentenced to death) can somehow escape through some unexplained magical powers into a complete different world. Where he has to fight some creepy monsters.
But the fighting was not the main part of the game, it was more the tricky puzzles (finding keys and equipments, etc.) to solve. I can still remember the guy you play: Long Hair, White and blue clothes.
And the "bad-guy" was the guardian. He was some sort of a daemon I think (red eyes, but always covered with sunglasses)
It was also a little bit like diablo, but not that dark and scary.
So.. I know a long description :)
Hope someone can help me :D
sorry for bad english
For people like you that remember the description of some characters pretty well:
Try using akinator: http://en.akinator.com/
It's a fun little website that tries to guess your character by asking you 20-40 questions or less.
It can be useful for finding even obscure characters sometimes because the database is HUUUUUUUUUUUUGE.
People like seeing if they can beat akinator's knowledge and if akinator doesn't know the character then people can add it to akinator so that akinator can learn it!