Old Games you remember playing but can't remember the name of.


New member
Oct 18, 2013
MikeDoe said:
I'm looking for a PC game I played in the second half of the 90s (probably 96-99ish) at a friends house a lot.

I have some really significant memories of details but sadly that's about it.

I remember it to be somewhat like Gangsters: Organized Crime but set in present day or possibly near future. You basically managed a crime syndicate, having your thugs set up illegal businesses (brothel/bordello being one of them that really stayed in my mind) and such. You had an overview of the city from bird's view and could select houses or blocks to perform actions on. You could select single buildings/blocks or larger areas that were marked in bright green after selection.

I figure it was turn based with one phase having you assign your thugs and the second one having your orders carried out.

I think the name contained "syndicate" and or "crime", something like that. It's not Bullforg's "Syndicate (Wars)".

Any help would be gladly appreciated as I'm starting to go crazy trying to find this game.
This could be "Gangsters: Organized crime"


New member
May 11, 2014
i have been looking for a game from 2000s.You play as a water drop or something like that and you can jump high and you fight against little people with masks like tribes and you can have powers

Artemis Herdmann

New member
Jan 19, 2014
I'm looking for a PS1 game, I played it on a Demo Disc, probably found in a Playstation Magazine.
You played a barbarian like warrior, in a circular "sewery" arena, it played like Medievil.
You were thrown into the arena and had to fight green monsters, than you could find your way into rooms with vampires and collect potions etc...
I know that it's very few but I don't know more.
(I remember that you could collect gold thrown by peoples watching you from above, but my memories could have been mixed with Fable II for that.)

Brisk Gaming

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May 17, 2014
Its a FPS/TPS on the pc. I only remember the first mission where you start on the moon and you see giant pods flying into space. you are in a sort of hovercraft spaceship with black and orange colors and you need to shoot aliens (the aliens were green). you could also get out of the spaceship and explore on foot. There was also a Multiplayer mode where you could pick human or alien and the only multiplayer map i remember is one with steep hills and on every hill there was a diffrent spaceship you could enter. pls help :(


New member
May 17, 2014
This has been annoying me for years

Mech based game in 3rd person on PC. Red v Blue if I can vaguely remember. Out around early 00's maybe late 90's. Mechs came out of a factory and the aim was to destroy the other base. Gameplay took place in an arena (I think). Suggestions appreciated!


New member
May 16, 2014
Redhaze92 said:
eclectish said:
Ok, I've been looking for this one for years... always played it at a friend's house.
Early-to-late 90s, on a computer, possibly DOS/Windows 3.1. Was definitely one of the old black and white games, no real graphics, just ASCII. Now let's see what I can remember about playing it... You were a detective, trying to track down stolen items. The clients and stolen goods were randomized. Then you'd follow clues, travel via subway, solve.

I know it isn't much to go on, but I had so much fun with it as a kid, and it'd be nice to finally find it.

It is not Sleuth, btw. It was not a murder mystery.
Might be Noir: A Shadowy Thriller
Definitely not in ASCII


New member
May 9, 2014
- BUMP -

First of all, hello everyone.
This topic really interested me because (well, otherwise I wouldn't be here), I'm looking for a game which I can't remember the name, I want to play that game so much again, that I created an account here just for that.

I remember very little of the game.
It was for the PlayStation 2.
I played it between 2003 and 2005.
If I'm not mistaken, it was fantasy-based.
You were a girl, in the middle of the forest (not a regular forest, a kind of... "futuristic" forest.) and you could skate around...
I'm pretty sure that wasn't the whole game, but a mini-game or something.
I also remember some of the start screen (at least I think it was the start screen) where it appears some letters, which are the name of the game, but I can only seem to remember the letters: SH
I'm not sure if it was in the start, middle, ending, I can't remember at all.

Would be great if you guys could help me.



#Edit 1: I'd gladly appreciate if you guys could help me, I've been looking ever since I first posted it, it's so hard to try and find it by myself.
I know I didn't give a lot of info, but yeah...


New member
May 17, 2014
If anybody could help me track down this one game I would be very thankful. I remember only vague details and this is why I couldn't find it. Below is a list of things I remember about the game, its a rally racing game.
-There was a track with a windmill in it
-It was for PC
-There was realistic damage
-There was the Audi quattro (Group B cars probably were included)
-You could drive your car off mountains
-The game was released between 2000-2005

If anybody somehow manages to track down this game I will be the happiest guy in the world. Its been about 10 or so years since I've played it and its been on my mind for the past several days. Thanks in advance.

Kivanya Maxwell

New member
May 17, 2014
Could someone help me figure out a name for an old Sega Genesis game. It's been in my head for years and I just have not been able to find any information on this game whatsoever. Here's some things I remember about the game:

- It's a fighting game where the characters are all monsters
- I remember always picking a Naga(cobra head & tail with torso of man) character and he used his tail as a whip.
- I remember fighting in a ring or on some raised platform, I could be wrong.

That's about all I can remember about it. I've looked up the game primal fury cause it's a monster fighting game, but it had no snakes in there mostly dinosaurs and gorillas.


New member
Apr 20, 2014
Kivanya Maxwell said:
Could someone help me figure out a name for an old Sega Genesis game. It's been in my head for years and I just have not been able to find any information on this game whatsoever. Here's some things I remember about the game:

- It's a fighting game where the characters are all monsters
- I remember always picking a Naga(cobra head & tail with torso of man) character and he used his tail as a whip.
- I remember fighting in a ring or on some raised platform, I could be wrong.

That's about all I can remember about it. I've looked up the game primal fury cause it's a monster fighting game, but it had no snakes in there mostly dinosaurs and gorillas.
Primal Rage was my very first thought, and I was about to quote that but then I read that it wasn't that.... so then, I bring to the table Beast Wrestler



New member
Jan 24, 2014
So there's a another game that I can't find for the life of me. It's a Mr. Potato Head edutainment point and click game for the PC, like a Putt Putt or Freddi Fish, but I can't find this game. If anyone knows the exact name, it would be greatly appreciated. I played it in the early 2000's, but it probably came out sometime in the 90's for DOS, since it was sprite based. I believe it took place in an amusement park. I think this came out before Toy Story, but I'm not 100% sure. Any ideas? I went on the Wikipedia page for Mr. Potato Head, went to games, but I couldn't find anything.

I played it at school, btw, so I don't have a copy.


New member
May 18, 2014
I cannot remember the name of a game i remember playing quite a long time ago. It had a devil may cry feel to the gameplay but you had a pet demonish thing that evolved as you played and i remember you could eventually evolve it into a samurai but there were so many other choices for it. Anybody have any idea?


New member
Oct 30, 2007
Artemis Herdmann said:
I'm looking for a PS1 game, I played it on a Demo Disc, probably found in a Playstation Magazine.
You played a barbarian like warrior, in a circular "sewery" arena, it played like Medievil.
You were thrown into the arena and had to fight green monsters, than you could find your way into rooms with vampires and collect potions etc...
I know that it's very few but I don't know more.
(I remember that you could collect gold thrown by peoples watching you from above, but my memories could have been mixed with Fable II for that.)
It might be Deathtrap Dungeon.

Ethan Willey

New member
May 18, 2014
Trying to find an old windows game. You started in a 3d rocky area and you could shoot down flying saucers while defending a military complex with reactor silos. You eventually moved to a snowy level. Any help would be much appreciated, haven't thought about this game for probably a decade now.


New member
May 18, 2014
Can you guys find this NES game ?
It is mainly about car crashing, you could your car and more cars can be unlocked later in the game


New member
May 18, 2014
Hey guys, I've been looking for this game that I used to play back in my primary (elementary) school days before the school upgraded to Windows XP. The only sort of description (or what I remember of it) is the following:

In the beginning, you are in some sort of cave system or underground sort of maze and you controlled a little character by inputting the number of steps for him to walk and when to jump. I don't remember if there is only one of these or if there is more than one screen of a similar thing but afterwards you end up in a town. Now, you navigate around the town in a grid like fashion (i.e. four directional square movement) and your position is identified by a blue arrow/triangle. Now from what I can remember, there is a sort of shop, but you can't go in initially because there is a snake in there and you have to find lollies (candy) for him to eat or something. I also vaguely remember there being a church or chapel and I think you may witness a spider kill someone (I know there is a spider but am unsure of its murderous activity). I also remember there being some sort of puzzle where you want to cross a bridge in a jungle but the bridge is broken and I think you have to fix it or move boxed around or something. I also think you needed some sort of knife to access the jungle area.

Sorry if my description is a bit all over the place. I really want to find this game because I was never able to finish it due to being unable to save. :p Thanks in advance for any assistance! :D


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Apr 16, 2011
smuff said:
Hey guys, i'm dying to remember the name of a game i played like 8 years ago, it was a pc puzzle game, in which you were a purple hairy ball with eyes and feet, you had to put mirrors in diagonal positions to redirect lasers, i don't remember if you had to protect yourself like that or destroy enemies with that, i remember the floor was kinda icy, like glass maybe, the perspective was top-down, I also think the name of the game was just one word. Searched over 100 sites and couldn't find it! The main menu when you first opened the game was this purple character with lots of guns and misiles behind
Thanks if you find it!
Dweep Gold, great game.


New member
Mar 21, 2008
heffyhoof said:
I have two games I've been trying to remember for the past couple of days. They're both for the computer and were from around the year 2000; played them all the time as a kid. I'm also pretty sure they used some gimmicky magnifying glass accessory.

1) You were in a museum and had to go around looking for different clues to solve a mystery or something like that. You went to bunch of different themed exhibits and every new game changed which exhibits had the clues.

2) I can barely remember this game at all, the only thing I can think of was that it was an underwater game where you helped different fish and things like that.

If anyone can even tell me the name of the gimmicky accessory so I can use that to find the games myself, it'd be appreciated.

Now that I'm thinking about games, there was another old computer game that I remember (No magnifying glass). It was a really corny game that had you looking for gold that had disappeared at the beginning of the game. It was point and click and you picked up different items to use to solve puzzles. One thing I distinctly remember was some guy hiding in a oil barrel with a hole in it. You could poke his eye through the hole and he'd jump out.
Number 1 is almost certainly Museum Madness.


Number 2, not really enough to go on, but the best guess I can give you is James Pond.


Oh and I'm pretty sure the last one is Teen Agent, which has lost its copyright and is free via GOG.com (and yes it's legal).


New member
May 18, 2014
Ok, i am new here and i dont know if anyone already posted this.

it is a ps1 title, i dont know the year.

the opening cinematic shows you in first person view being toted through what looks like a hospital of sorts. and then these two tack-looking things go in your eyes and then the game starts. you are some sort of vehicle and the first level was a circus type level. there was a bouncing ball somewhere on it and to get through each level you had to get these large white orbs. there were weapons scattered around the level and it was all open ended too. you could also pick up these polygon-like shapes around the level and they followed behind your ship and i think they increased your health. sometimes you can get knocked out of the walls in each world and on the outside you can drive around but there were these u-turn signs that if you touched them they will throw you back into the level. this has been stumping me for years....