Old Games you remember playing but can't remember the name of.


New member
Jul 27, 2011
Shooting flash game from the early 00s you were just a head and abody but you had gunsa nd it spawned a series of videos where the main character killed a clown dj


New member
May 19, 2014
A horror fantasy type shooting game, where you spawn in some misty swamp and proceed to enter a mansion (only the first part, afterward you go out onto a street) in which there are all sorts of monsters such as huge teddy bears that try to eat you and you have futuristic guns with which you kill them. This was probably made in the mid 2000's, it had pretty good graphics. This was for PC.


New member
May 19, 2014
Kaptain4274 said:
Shooting flash game from the early 00s you were just a head and abody but you had gunsa nd it spawned a series of videos where the main character killed a clown dj
Madness interactive?


New member
May 16, 2014
raeior said:
MikeDoe said:
I'm looking for a PC game I played in the second half of the 90s (probably 96-99ish) at a friends house a lot.

I have some really significant memories of details but sadly that's about it.

I remember it to be somewhat like Gangsters: Organized Crime but set in present day or possibly near future. You basically managed a crime syndicate, having your thugs set up illegal businesses (brothel/bordello being one of them that really stayed in my mind) and such. You had an overview of the city from bird's view and could select houses or blocks to perform actions on. You could select single buildings/blocks or larger areas that were marked in bright green after selection.

I figure it was turn based with one phase having you assign your thugs and the second one having your orders carried out.

I think the name contained "syndicate" and or "crime", something like that. It's not Bullforg's "Syndicate (Wars)".

Any help would be gladly appreciated as I'm starting to go crazy trying to find this game.
This could be "Gangsters: Organized crime"
It isn't. As mentioned above it is quite similar to Gangsters but in a more modern setting.


New member
Apr 29, 2014
mermaideve said:
mermaideve said:
Okay, I literally just got an account to ask about two games I can't find names for.

The second game was for the PC, and was 2D. It was about this girl with brown hair who like went into this imaginary world of hers where her bully also turned into snake. There were like four different worlds. I think all of the worlds were like pizza world or dessert world, things like that. The monsters she had to defeat were food, like some were pieces of cheese (I don't really know for sure). At one point in the game, there's a series of slides at a playground and you have to pick the right one for a puzzle.

That's all I really know and I would LOVE to find out those names!
Does anybody think they can figure out what the second game is? I would love to find it out. I'd definitely buy it again. I remember playing it all the time. And I think there was also a mini-game with one of the characters on the disc too. The mini-game also talked about a sequel (that I never got).
I figured out the second game. It was Starflyers! I'm so happy I figured it out xD


New member
May 19, 2014
I'm trying to find this game which i played around 2003 on PC. It was a simple Machine Gun which was placed in the middle and it would keep spinning around and kill soldiers, and the higher level you go, helicopters and tanks would show up. I'd say the environment was like Vietnam or somewhere there because the soldiers wore those kind of hats. If anyone remembers the name i would appreciate it.


New member
May 19, 2014
Not sure I'm posting this in the right place, but here goes. This is what I remember:

Old PC game. I remember playing it in 1991 or 1992. A fighting/karate kind of game, 1 on 1, to the death. Loser's head will fall off, bloody. If you beat your opponent you pass the level and fight the next one. Each battle you have the chance to temporarily become a weird thing that does more damage. In one of the stages the Indian godess Kali is in the background--the one with 6 arms, and she's holding knives if I remember correctly. On the first level you fight a bald dude. Dudes get better as you progress through the levels. Brutal game, awesome, any help is welcome.

Louie Aikens

New member
Mar 21, 2013
I remember playing a game for the ps1 were you control a spider, I don't remember much other than your spider turns silver, I wish I could remember more.

Dawud Bryant

New member
May 19, 2014
Hi guys

I used to have a game on sega megadrive back in the day. It was of a rabbit that did karate, he had a karate outfit on, does anyone remember its name?



Bruno Senra

New member
May 19, 2014
@Dawud Bryant: This one maybe? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brutal:_Paws_of_Fury

Hello everyone, I'll be eternally grateful to whoever can recover this one! (I assume it to be hard to find, searched quite a bit for a while and nothing so far.)

I used to play this PC game on a "1000 games" CD I had as a kid (from PCGamer I think?), so it's old (but not too much, '90s? 16 bits era looking I believe) and 2-D and small. Here's all I can remember of it: You'd play as wizards in a platformer, your point was to save some children and there was co-op option (different colored little wizards? unsure if 2 players or up to 4). The mood of the game was pretty somber and gory, you could die from spikes and such (I think there were giant boulders or something like that too), and instead of focusing on action it was pretty puzzle based (there were enemies, tho), you'd have to press levers to activate mechanisms and find colored keys to open same colored doors and etc., so you could find your way through the maze and reach the end of the level.

I guess that's all I can remember, here's hoping it's not too obscure a game, hehe. Thanks!


New member
Oct 18, 2013
MikeDoe said:
raeior said:
MikeDoe said:
It isn't. As mentioned above it is quite similar to Gangsters but in a more modern setting.
Damn, how could I have missed that. Sorry! Only other game in that area that I do remember would be Streetwars Constructor Underworld but that doesn't quite fit. Since you already mentioned the first Gangsters, you probably can also rule out Gangsters 2 The mobster sim, right?
There are also the Godfather games but those are more action games than simulation afaik.


New member
Nov 20, 2009
Louie Aikens said:
I remember playing a game for the ps1 were you control a spider, I don't remember much other than your spider turns silver, I wish I could remember more.
Is it Spider [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spider:_The_Video_Game]


New member
May 19, 2014
Hello everyone,

I'm looking for an old PC game, with the following properties:

- 2D puzzle/dexterity PC game, level-based
- you play a (colored) ball
- this ball could change its color depending on what obstacle it hit
- this ball would automatically move up, until it hit an obstacle, then down, and so on...
- that means: you can only control left/right.
- some obstacles (blocks) would be destroyed after touching it with the ball (I think they would be destroyed if the color of the ball matches the color of the block)
- hitting a certain key (I think SPACE) would speed up the up/down movement

For any suggestions I would be very thankful!


New member
Jan 19, 2014

I think I may be at the point where I would be willing to reward someone if they can help me track down this game. I've spent hours scouring the internet, using all the search terms I can think of. I have LOTS of details, so I am hoping someone can help me out with this, and if you need more, I can give you more. I NEED THE NAME OF THIS GAME!

PLEASE help me look for this game!

I've had trouble finding this one even after searching through lists of "all" games from the 90's.

This is a mac/pc game(not sure if it was available for both, but I played on mac between 1997-2003) that was an educational dinosaur/paleontology game. It started with getting inside this raptor robot that allowed you to travel around and collect bones and talk with scientists. The scientists were real people so the clips were actual video mixed in with the graphics. You spent the whole time I think with a control panel to travel to different locations.

It was all a bunch of puzzles. You would travel to the desert and have to use dynamite, shovels and then trowels and smaller instruments in the right order with certain sediments and rock layers to get to the fossils.There was a geologist who would help you with this and teach you about different types of rocks he was an older man. Then you would take the fossil to the lab and another scientist would give you tools to clean up the fossils. Then you would have to put together the skeleton like one of those sliding block puzzles.

Please help me find this game! I never got to finish it, and I can't find it anywhere. All the dinosaur games I've seen, or had suggested to me are missing that the game I used to play had video clips of real people/scientists who would help you solve the puzzle. And I can't remember the name of the raptor/robot you were inside of.

EDIT: It is not 3-D Dinosaur Adventure.


New member
Sep 25, 2013
LaikaM7 said:

I think I may be at the point where I would be willing to reward someone if they can help me track down this game. I've spent hours scouring the internet, using all the search terms I can think of. I have LOTS of details, so I am hoping someone can help me out with this, and if you need more, I can give you more. I NEED THE NAME OF THIS GAME!

PLEASE help me look for this game!

I've had trouble finding this one even after searching through lists of "all" games from the 90's.

This is a mac/pc game(not sure if it was available for both, but I played on mac between 1997-2003) that was an educational dinosaur/paleontology game. It started with getting inside this raptor robot that allowed you to travel around and collect bones and talk with scientists. The scientists were real people so the clips were actual video mixed in with the graphics. You spent the whole time I think with a control panel to travel to different locations.

It was all a bunch of puzzles. You would travel to the desert and have to use dynamite, shovels and then trowels and smaller instruments in the right order with certain sediments and rock layers to get to the fossils.There was a geologist who would help you with this and teach you about different types of rocks he was an older man. Then you would take the fossil to the lab and another scientist would give you tools to clean up the fossils. Then you would have to put together the skeleton like one of those sliding block puzzles.

Please help me find this game! I never got to finish it, and I can't find it anywhere. All the dinosaur games I've seen, or had suggested to me are missing that the game I used to play had video clips of real people/scientists who would help you solve the puzzle. And I can't remember the name of the raptor/robot you were inside of.

EDIT: It is not 3-D Dinosaur Adventure.
Dinosaur Safari maybe?



New member
May 19, 2014
After a ludicrous 2 hour research session, I found the name of the game you are looking for when I recognized a picture of a wall used in the game (wtf?). It was driving me crazy too because I played it on Macintosh as a kid. It is no wonder it was hard to find since it was called "Number Maze". It was published by Great Wave Software around 1988. That's about all I can find on it! You can still find some copies of the game floating around eBay, and I'm currently looking for a way to play or at least view it!

Here's a website with more info: http://www.allgame.com/game.php?id=17630

Also, here's an original picture of the startup screen, which you may recognize: http://www.2600connection.com/interviews/marilyn_churchill/interview_marilyn_churchill_17.jpg

CruelHero said:
CruelHero said:
Hey Guys, I ran across this thread searching for two old games I was looking for. I saw them mentioned but couldn't find the post about them. They were old pc games from the mid 90's that I played in school. I wanted to find them for my son to play. He's right about that age now.

The first one was a math maze game where you had to lead a mouse around the maze and solve math problems to open up the blue/red/invisable blocked path doors. Your cursor was cheese and later on there was a horse and the cursor was a carrot. Each time you finished a level of mazes you added something to the throne room, like a lion on a throne, crown, books, gold piles, etc. I found it a year or so ago but I've forgotten.

The second was, I think, a spelling game, where you were a rabbit. There were different parts to the game like fishing,, something to do with a carrot garden, and mostly I remember mining. The rabbit was in a mine and there was a pickaxe and cart and when you completed part of the game he would hack off one of the crystals and it would fall into your cart. You had to collect and increasing number and the crystals were different colors the further you got along.

I've been looking for a long time for these so if anyone knows the names I would really appreciate it. Thanks.
Post was overlooked so I thought I would try again.


New member
May 19, 2014
This game that I forgot the name of was a 2d game. The graphics were good, the game took place underwater and you were some sort of scuba diver that had its own team fighting off another team of scuba divers. I also believe you fight aliens in the game or just big fish. Hopefully you guys know the name so I can play it again!

Micheal Darton

New member
May 19, 2014
I'm looking for a computer game I played mid-90s. It was a game about witch doctors and shaman taking over island and fighting your opponents using disasters like valcanos, meter shower and hurricane if anyone can help that would great. I'd love to play this again


New member
May 19, 2014
There's a game I played a long time ago. It was an horizontal shooter where you controlled a ship and you could buy weapons to install in your ship. You could only have 2 installed at a time and you could choose which of them to put on top of the ship and which to put underneath it. You could buy a new turbine and switch your old one for the new one. You collected money in the stages. I played it in a PC, but it could have been an emulator. I'm not sure. I can't remember the name of that game for the life of me. Does anyone know?

Kamryn Townsend

New member
May 19, 2014
Okay so I use to play this game when I was younger where you played as a girl and she could go to school and play sports like soccer or cheerleading and it was for PC. My mom got it for me and I use to love it, she could go to the mall and change her clothes or hair and get a boyfriend. It reminds me of the Sims that I play now, but I really would like to know what this game was. I think it had the word Girl in the title if I remember correctly. Please help!