Old Games you remember playing but can't remember the name of.

Chris Bloomhill

New member
May 19, 2014
Hey guys I'm looking for an old Sonic game that was out on the Sega Saturn. It had the intro where tails was flying a plane and he crashed it. Then Sonic turned yellow and ran across the water onto an island where he crashed and dropped all his emeralds. Then Knuckles comes along and steals them all (I think) Something like that.


New member
May 19, 2014
Chris Bloomhill said:
Hey guys I'm looking for an old Sonic game that was out on the Sega Saturn. It had the intro where tails was flying a plane and he crashed it. Then Sonic turned yellow and ran across the water onto an island where he crashed and dropped all his emeralds. Then Knuckles comes along and steals them all (I think) Something like that.
That's Sonic The Hedgehog 3 and it's for the Genesis, unless they made a version for the Saturn I'm not aware of.


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Oct 13, 2009
Micheal Darton said:
I'm looking for a game I played mid-90s. It was a game about witch doctors and shaman taking over island and fighting your opponents using disasters like valcanos, meter shower and hurricane if anyone can help that would great. I'd love to play this again
Might be Populous: The Beginning.

Zachary Trinkle

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May 20, 2014
millsmick said:
Ok I cannot think of this game to save my life... I don't really even remember what the gameplay was like, so that doesn't help much. Anyway, in the game you were in a diner or some sort of restaurant and there was a talking jukebox. He had a face and that's all I remember. I remember there was a game where you like made pancakes maybe or a cake, I don't remember and I just remember the narrator dude saying "strawberry" when you chose strawberries... Great description, huh? Anyway I hope someone knows what I'm talking about!
I have no idea if you'll see this but I came here looking for the same game and thought you should know it is Fisher Price ABC's featuring JJ the Jungle Jukebox


New member
May 20, 2014
Okay I remember a game for the ps1 but i only played a demo and in the demo you start out in a city by the ocean surronded by walls and the main character is a guy and he goes down to the beach where he gets into a fight sorta but a girl comes and stops you and i think after that you get into a conversation with someone about leaving or why you can't go beyond the walls, the game was an overhead rpg i don't know what the fighting was like because i don't remember if you got to fight in the demo, but anyway if anyone knows that game it would be much appreciated.

Anthony Fowler1991

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Feb 19, 2011
Okay I'm look for a game, it was early 2000's I believe. It was an arena style game with close combat weapons but futuristic. I remember low gravity and online play being a really big thing with this game, I'd say it was on either xbox360 xbox ps2 or maybe even ps3. Thanks

Martin Lai

New member
Mar 29, 2011
I am trying to find an old free fighting/brawling/arena game, I don't remember much but you where able to play a single player/coop campaign or fight with or agents friends in small arenas.
One of the special thing about it was that when setting up the campaign you could tweak not only if you wanted normal A.I companions, you could also add friendly versions of the mobs that you fight or even play as one of them to see if you could beat the game as a simple guy. I made a picture of what i can remember (it was not stick men and there was more weapons but i can't draw sprits)

The game was also very easy to edit as all the characters and attacks where in easy to edit image files, as a result it had adescent modding scene.
The Image files where kinda like this (Icy tower)

If anyone have any ideas of what the game was called i would be really happy to know.

Sorry for any grammar errors I used google translate for a bunch of this.


New member
May 20, 2014
Hello !

I need your help because i spend alot of time to retreive the name of an old game.
I remeber few things :
- i played it on PS1, 1996 - 1999 i guess
- RPG game like diablo
- can play it in coop on the same screen (i played a bench of hours with a friend on this game <3)
- graphism is like metal slug (cartoon)
- the game takes place in greece - athenes
- you kill bots (witchs - skeleton - soldier)
In the half of the game i remember that you can power up and be a mass muscle (Arnold powaaa ^^)

I hope you to help me in this quest !

Thanks ;)


New member
May 20, 2014
Hi everyone! :)

I'm searching for an old pc game. I used to play it for ages, but I was little and just can't remember the name. So, this is what it is about:

- I played it on dos or windows 3.11
- the game was in aerial view
- you had to control a jumping blue marble
- there were some wooden planks everywhere and underneath them was water
- you were not allowed to fall into the water -> game over
- when you jumped onto some wooden planks a minigame started (like Arkanoid and stuff)
- the screen kept scrolling so that you had to hurry
- every level had a password so that you were able to start there instead of starting from the beginning.
- I remember one password: "wormhole".

Hugs and Kisses from Germany!
Leytiri :)


New member
May 20, 2014
Hi guys, the game I'm looking is a game I remember playing when I was a child ('90s). It was a puzzle game where you had different stages (like the forest, the castle, the village) and you could see the whole stage on screen from a side view. You were a mage (red or blue) and you could make the block below or in front of you with your magic wand disappear for a few seconds to get through. They stages were different if you played single player or two-players because the two-players stages were designed to make the 2 mages co-op to get at the end of the level.
The graphics was kinda pixelated.

Sorry if it was already asked but 394 pages are too many to read XD.

Thank you!


New member
May 20, 2014
I've scoured the internet and can't find the name of an old 90s computer game.
-I played it on a mac.
-The game was 2D, point and click from your point of view.
-At the beginning it said "Parental Guidance Suggested" and this guy in front of a chalkboard said "Alrighty then" when you started the game.
-The game started in a house.
-There was a monster in the attic
-If you turned off the light switch in the kitchen the cockroaches would kill you.
-After completing some tasks you could leave the house, but you couldn't cross the street.
- You could go into the forest, and there was a key which opened a treasure chest with a glowing light.



New member
May 20, 2014
badrobot said:
I've scoured the internet and can't find the name of an old 90s computer game.
-I played it on a mac.
-The game was 2D, point and click from your point of view.
-At the beginning it said "Parental Guidance Suggested" and this guy in front of a chalkboard said "Alrighty then" when you started the game.
-The game started in a house.
-There was a monster in the attic
-If you turned off the light switch in the kitchen the cockroaches would kill you.
-After completing some tasks you could leave the house, but you couldn't cross the street.
- You could go into the forest, and there was a key which opened a treasure chest with a glowing light.

Is it possibile it was Alone in the Dark?

Joel Karjalainen

New member
May 8, 2014
Martin Lai said:
I am trying to find an old free fighting/brawling/arena game, I don't remember much but you where able to play a single player/coop campaign or fight with or agents friends in small arenas.
One of the special thing about it was that when setting up the campaign you could tweak not only if you wanted normal A.I companions, you could also add friendly versions of the mobs that you fight or even play as one of them to see if you could beat the game as a simple guy. I made a picture of what i can remember (it was not stick men and there was more weapons but i can't draw sprits)

The game was also very easy to edit as all the characters and attacks where in easy to edit image files, as a result it had adescent modding scene.
The Image files where kinda like this (Icy tower)

If anyone have any ideas of what the game was called i would be really happy to know.

Sorry for any grammar errors I used google translate for a bunch of this.
Reminds me of Little Fighter 2.

Martin Lai

New member
Mar 29, 2011
Joel Karjalainen said:
Martin Lai said:
I am trying to find an old free fighting/brawling/arena game, I don't remember much but you where able to play a single player/coop campaign or fight with or agents friends in small arenas.
One of the special thing about it was that when setting up the campaign you could tweak not only if you wanted normal A.I companions, you could also add friendly versions of the mobs that you fight or even play as one of them to see if you could beat the game as a simple guy. I made a picture of what i can remember (it was not stick men and there was more weapons but i can't draw sprits)

The game was also very easy to edit as all the characters and attacks where in easy to edit image files, as a result it had adescent modding scene.
The Image files where kinda like this (Icy tower)

If anyone have any ideas of what the game was called i would be really happy to know.

Sorry for any grammar errors I used google translate for a bunch of this.
Reminds me of Little Fighter 2.
Thanks that is indeed it, my picture was totally wrong haha.


New member
Apr 20, 2014
azireedge said:
Okay I remember a game for the ps1 but i only played a demo and in the demo you start out in a city by the ocean surronded by walls and the main character is a guy and he goes down to the beach where he gets into a fight sorta but a girl comes and stops you and i think after that you get into a conversation with someone about leaving or why you can't go beyond the walls, the game was an overhead rpg i don't know what the fighting was like because i don't remember if you got to fight in the demo, but anyway if anyone knows that game it would be much appreciated.
Sounds like it might be Grandia

The screenshots don't really capture what you described, but you might recognize it from how it looks and also it does feature a giant wall and going beyond it.


New member
May 20, 2014
Ricky Husni said:
Uuuh sorry, I'm new here and I really needs help from you good guys here :) Sorry if this is a vague report...

I'm looking for a game, maybe in Playstation or Playstation 2, a 3D action beat-'em-up game where you can use about four different characters but I remember there's this guy with white hair and using his kicks as main weapon, and a girl using mop (or maybe golf stick?) as a main weapon.

And also I remember the name of a stage boss, Riot and in other stage, Otto. Riot uses a knife as his weapon, and Otto...as far as I can remember is a big, bulky guy that punches hard.

And if this can be a little bit helping, Riot and Otto have multiple health gauge (Riot being Blue, Green, Yellow, if I'm not mistaken) and Otto has a lot more, White, Pink, Blue, Green, Yellow...

I really want to know since this is one of my favourite game back then, thanks a lot XD
This is the exact game I came to talk about! I remember it was for PS1, I used to play it all the time with my big brother. Neither of us remember the name of it, and it's so frustrating. The main male character used his legs as a weapon, he kicked and jumped on to people's necks and broke them. The main female character was a bit younger than him and she carried a mop everywhere , can't remember why, but she used it as a weapon.

Is there anyone here that can help? I would be eternally grateful!


New member
Jul 15, 2013
Jaeq said:
Ricky Husni said:
Uuuh sorry, I'm new here and I really needs help from you good guys here :) Sorry if this is a vague report...

I'm looking for a game, maybe in Playstation or Playstation 2, a 3D action beat-'em-up game where you can use about four different characters but I remember there's this guy with white hair and using his kicks as main weapon, and a girl using mop (or maybe golf stick?) as a main weapon.

And also I remember the name of a stage boss, Riot and in other stage, Otto. Riot uses a knife as his weapon, and Otto...as far as I can remember is a big, bulky guy that punches hard.

And if this can be a little bit helping, Riot and Otto have multiple health gauge (Riot being Blue, Green, Yellow, if I'm not mistaken) and Otto has a lot more, White, Pink, Blue, Green, Yellow...

I really want to know since this is one of my favourite game back then, thanks a lot XD
This is the exact game I came to talk about! I remember it was for PS1, I used to play it all the time with my big brother. Neither of us remember the name of it, and it's so frustrating. The main male character used his legs as a weapon, he kicked and jumped on to people's necks and broke them. The main female character was a bit younger than him and she carried a mop everywhere , can't remember why, but she used it as a weapon.

Is there anyone here that can help? I would be eternally grateful!
Crisis Beat ( http://www.giantbomb.com/crisis-beat/3030-6678/images/ )

(Here's a pic of the white-haired guy and the mop-guy http://i1.ytimg.com/vi/94JY2yUrS9g/hqdefault.jpg )


New member
May 19, 2014
sonics1030 said:
There's a game I played a long time ago. It was an horizontal shooter where you controlled a ship and you could buy weapons to install in your ship. You could only have 2 installed at a time and you could choose which of them to put on top of the ship and which to put underneath it. You could buy a new turbine and switch your old one for the new one. You collected money in the stages. I played it in a PC, but it could have been an emulator. I'm not sure. I can't remember the name of that game for the life of me. Does anyone know?
I just discovered the name of the game. It's Stargunner. I was surfing the net and I accidentally found a review on it. Take a look:


New member
May 20, 2014
Hi there

I'm trying to remember and old football/soccer game that I had on my PSOne 80% of my life ago, can't remember the name but I know that you could play some kind of mode where you play against various teams and if you win you could pick players from the other team to and switch places with the players on your team, to explain a little more detailed, let's say you choose Manchester United and play against Juventus, if you win you can for example take Del Piero from Juventus and switch places with Andy Cole on your team, or take Edgar Davids and switch him with Nicky Butt.
I can't remember the name of the game but I think it came out somewhere around late 90's early 2000's