hey guys i also have two forttgoten games from my childhood..
- the first one is about a police car that can be transormed into an armor (like the robocop armor) and you can use diffrend kind of wappons..your opponents are machiness,such as huge spiders and stuff..also has a two player mode,where the one is the blue robocop and the other is the red..and you are playing in order to gain land and take over the oponents base..while doing that you can produce tanks,airplains and other machiness..the icon in desctop is a cop budge..i think that the game was called ''robocop'' but when i google it i can only find the classic robocop games...i used to play it in windows 98..
-the second game is the one i remember less.is about 4 different tribes.the blue,the red,the green and the yellow..the chief is the magician.every tribe's magician can use speciffic type of magic.the point of the game is to conquer the other villages and make them yours,while making magic battles..i remeber having the yellow wizard and doing some awesome lightning magic.the icon used to be an earth.i don't recall at all a name..also in '98..
if you know or you think you might know please tell me..i really want to play again these games..ty..^^