Old Games you remember playing but can't remember the name of.


New member
Nov 26, 2017
Shanixer said:
Shanixer said:
I remember a game where it was 2 players and it was like a battle between the red tiles and the blue tiles. I remember playing it with my sister on the snes. I know there was water or something around the map. My first thought of the name was battleship but it's not that game. If anyone can help me I couldn't be able to thank you enough
The two players would battle against each other, on two separate islands. I know its an SNES game Was 2D and Top Down view i think. Any Help?
Sounds a lot like Rampart


New member
Nov 26, 2017
Hi All,

I can't remember the name of a game I played in the mid 90's to early 2000's. It was a pc game for children and I can only remember bits and pieces about the game. It took place in a castle, the drawing style was cartoon-ish. It might have been from a first person point of view. I think there were small mini-puzzles/mysteries to complete. The goal might have been to either rescue the princess or find out where she was taken? There also might have been a duck? Either as a narrator or as the character you were playing. I remember there being a dining area and kitchen with long wooden tables and you had to look for something in there. There were pots clanging and hissing sounds coming from the kitchen. I also remember leaving the castle to go to another castle to look for something I think and there was a drawbridge but there was some sort of puzzle or something you had to complete before you could cross the drawbridge to the castle and I think I never got past that point.

Any ideas?? It's driving me nuts! Thank you!


New member
Sep 12, 2017
It was match shapes, a like teris but with you moving shapes around to 'fill out' bigger shape on the screen so it would dissapear. I remember the little shapes came on wodden platforms and when you finished the level you would get platforms with money instead if you had empty place. If you ran out of place for new shapes you lost.

You had tool to change/destroy the shapes? It's similiar to Arctic Quest by Alawar/BigFishGames, but with squares (I think?) and sharp red/blue/green colors, and forest/magic/crystal shards?/etc.

NOT "Puzzle Inlay".


New member
Nov 26, 2017
Simon Frohlich said:
***Reposting from page 827, as this may have gotten lost in the mix.***

Hello and please help me with this one.

Platform - Game Boy Advance (possibly, if not, then more probably PS1)

A male character (cartoon-ish kid) starts out on the west side of an empty green field.
-If you go to the east, there is a broken bridge over water.
-If you go north, you get to the top of the field - there is nothing interesting there
South is where it gets interesting. You get to a ladder that you go down. At the bottom of the ladder, there is an orange circle. If the character steps on the circle, it closes and a new feature opens (e.g. a building suddenly appears in the starting field). There is a cave past the orange circle, and there are more orange circles and enemies in this cave. Going over the circles either adds another building or opens a passageway in the cave.

Thank you in advance.
This sounds like the start of Soulblazer for the SNES

Muhammad Zeeshan

New member
Nov 26, 2017
Hi guys
Theres a game I cant remember playing its of Pc and pretty sure after windows 98, probably windows ME era comparing how I remember its graphics to be but wont bet on it its probably much earlier. It was 2D and there were I guess 3 difficulties if some levels in each. The concept was you used to get many items in your inventory on right it included things like maybe cheese, a peanut, bombs, scissors etc and on the screen used to be a scene displayed which showed an animation in process but it was incomplete. kinda like those contraptions where one action leads to another and it completes the chain, same way like I mentioned before youll drop the peanut so the elephant goes to it then you drop the cheese so mice comes to and and elephants gets scared he goes other way drops a platform which makes the scissor cut something and in the end it completes the level. you basically drag everything at once and then click a button on the bottom right saying maybe "animate" or maybe "action" I don't remember for sure and then the animations started. there were many of these animations as different levels.
ive tried looking for this so many times with failure :( posting it for the first time. id love to finish this game never got the chance when I was younger.

Thankyou so much if someone made the effort to read this hope so someone can remember this xD


New member
Nov 26, 2017
Hi, I have been trying to find a game for a while, I played it around 2003-2010 ish. It's a point and click game where you are a blue person with a large nose(maybe) and you have to escape from someplace. I remember in the game, you had to cross a bridge and turn off water pipes. I think this might be quite obscure. If you need more detail on the game please let me know. Thank you in advance.


New member
Nov 26, 2017
I'm trying to find a puzzle game I played on Macintosh in the late 90s. You control this dude in a top-down view in a dungeon type room. Each room is full of stones that make up a maze. Some of the stones can be moved out of your way, like spherical boulders that when pushed, will roll in a straight line until they touch a wall. There are also red stones that can be pushed once, then they turn gray and can't be moved anymore. The object of the game is to collect tablets with symbols on them that are found under some of the red stones. Once you've found them all, you can exit the room and move on to another. As far as I can remember, there were no enemies, no ways to die.
I think the name of the game was two words and the second word was Enigma, but searching variations of "enigma 90s macintosh puzzle game" has gotten me nowhere, so I'm not so sure about that.
I got the computer from my uncle, who got it from the college he was working for at the time, so I wonder if the game wasn't available to the public or something.

Nate Cowman

New member
Nov 27, 2017
So, I have looked for this game all over the place. I used to play it on the PC with my brother. It was made by "Eureka!" I think, at least when it started up it had a lightbulb that walked across the screen and would light up as it said "Eureka!" like "Eur-ee-ka!". It was a shooting game that was in 3-D and consisted of a bunch of corridors that you tried to find the other player in, or the NPC player if you were by yourself. One was a human, I think, and the other was a monster or alien of some sort. One of the corridors had a picture at the end of it of the "Dogs Playing Poker" painting, one of the few things I remember vividly about it. It was in the late 90's that I played this game, and would really love to find it again! I would be so thankful to anyone who might be able to help!

old texan

New member
Nov 27, 2017
OK. I hope I got this right.
What I'm looking for isn't exactly a game. It was a number puzzle from the mid 80s that I got on a disc from a place in Mississippi that sent out a free (just pay postage)disc with all sorts of games on it.
This one started with a numbered grid I think it was 10 x 10, but I can't remember for sure, it might have been rectangular. Anyway, there was a number in each box except for the lower right hand corner. The object was to jump the number of squares dictated by the number in the upper left hand box either across or vertical. You had a set amount of jumps to get to the empty square. If you made in in the right number of jumps it would reset to the next level. There was a sequence of three sounds as it flashed the numbers in the boxes.
What I remember is that it was a deep blue background and white grid & numbers.


New member
Oct 10, 2017
Hey don't know if this has been guessed yet but I vaguely remember this game I used to play on GameTap in the mid to lat 2000's
-It was for sure a 2D platformer
-I think the main character was a boy
-I also remember the story being something about a girl being stolen
-There were bosses in it
-Had 8bit-ish graphics but they looked good(at least that's how I remember)
-I can sort of remember having to restart the whole game when you died or something similar
-I vaguely remember the final boss being two flying vampire things
-I can't remember how you killed enemies but it might be by shooting
-I feel like the graphics were similar to Kirby in the way the bosses and environment was done
-Had very good music(again that's how I remember it)
Sorry for my bad memory
Please help me find this it has been killing me for months


New member
Nov 26, 2017
terfdestroyer420 said:
I'm trying to find a puzzle game I played on Macintosh in the late 90s. You control this dude in a top-down view in a dungeon type room. Each room is full of stones that make up a maze. Some of the stones can be moved out of your way, like spherical boulders that when pushed, will roll in a straight line until they touch a wall. There are also red stones that can be pushed once, then they turn gray and can't be moved anymore. The object of the game is to collect tablets with symbols on them that are found under some of the red stones. Once you've found them all, you can exit the room and move on to another. As far as I can remember, there were no enemies, no ways to die.
I think the name of the game was two words and the second word was Enigma, but searching variations of "enigma 90s macintosh puzzle game" has gotten me nowhere, so I'm not so sure about that.
I got the computer from my uncle, who got it from the college he was working for at the time, so I wonder if the game wasn't available to the public or something.
I FOUND IT. It was Akeyan Enigma. This was driving me crazy on and off for months, I wish I'd known how easily it would turn up if I just searched "enigma" on archive.org.


New member
Nov 27, 2017
so, I was playing a game maybe 12 years ago or so and it was a game you could play on the internet as i recall, it was a girl in the forest and you could collect like fruits i think and you could jump on trees and go down to the earth part , it didnt look so bad, like it didnt havbe many pixels and stuff, so if you know please do tell :)


New member
Feb 28, 2016
Muhammad Zeeshan said:
Hi guys
Theres a game I cant remember playing its of Pc and pretty sure after windows 98, probably windows ME era comparing how I remember its graphics to be but wont bet on it its probably much earlier. It was 2D and there were I guess 3 difficulties if some levels in each. The concept was you used to get many items in your inventory on right it included things like maybe cheese, a peanut, bombs, scissors etc and on the screen used to be a scene displayed which showed an animation in process but it was incomplete. kinda like those contraptions where one action leads to another and it completes the chain, same way like I mentioned before youll drop the peanut so the elephant goes to it then you drop the cheese so mice comes to and and elephants gets scared he goes other way drops a platform which makes the scissor cut something and in the end it completes the level. you basically drag everything at once and then click a button on the bottom right saying maybe "animate" or maybe "action" I don't remember for sure and then the animations started. there were many of these animations as different levels.
ive tried looking for this so many times with failure :( posting it for the first time. id love to finish this game never got the chance when I was younger.

Thankyou so much if someone made the effort to read this hope so someone can remember this xD
This would probably be an Incredible Machine game. I'd guess Contraptions, but check them all out.


New member
Nov 27, 2017
What I remember is:

? Protagonist is male

? You sort of choose the sword you were using

? 2D Kinda Pokemon style camera

? Date is before Windows XP

? The only scene I remember is some kind of road, leading to a castle? The sides of the road were all white and I think you killed some kind of insects along the road.

? The inventory screen was kinda like Minecraft



New member
Nov 27, 2017
Hi all

I've been very tired searching an old PC game. Please help me to look for it.
Game itself circa 1986 - 1993 if not mistaken.

1. 2D
2. Side scroller
3. Dungeon
4. Single character RPG
5. Using magic like Fira and Firaga
6. Shop feature and money using Gil currency
7. I think the character using like viking's helmet and beard
8. Have map feature too if not mistaken

That's all I can remember. Sorry for poor memory.


New member
Nov 27, 2017
Hey guys, i'm looking for a game which i played a couple years ago, here is the details:

i played it on PC, i'm not really sure what is it about, but it contains hunting, survival and environmental puzzle.

I played it in 2007, but the game maybe older than that.

the gameplay is a puzzle-like, you go through places and search for a clue with a hand as your cursor. If the hand grabs something, then it means there is a clue.

also, you need to hunt something to eat, like a deer or any wild animals. At first, you just have an air gun and a knife to hunt, but later in the game you'll find a firearm.

here is some event that i remember:

. you have to fight a grizzly bear, and he is so close that you need a knife to kill him, because if you use your rifle, he will knock it off.
. you will find a man camping near the river, he has the firearm and some bear traps. you can buy it, or just kill him to get the items for free.
. mini-game to cross the river
. you'll fight a bunch of wolves, and it's impossible without the firearm
. then you meet a native, he will ask you to give him something if you want to pass through, and you have to give him the gun. If you try to kill him, then he will kill you and it's a gameover.
. The main character will writes his journey experience on a log journey or something.
. The gameover screen is different, based on how you die. If you die because of bear, than the screen will shows bear. If you die because starvation, the screen will shows you being skinny and dead.
. I never finished it because the lack of my english skill back then, so i got stuck. I remember about having stones with animal marking that can be placed near waterfall, but i still lacking one stone and i really got curious what will happen if i've collected all the stone.
. there is a minigame of mountain climbing, where you put your hand (cursor) on th stable stone. If you miss and put it on the unstable one you will fall and die. On the peak of the mountain, there will be eagle (or hawk) marked stone.

i already tried to search it by myself, but i still can't find it. I'll really grateful if you can help me find the name of the game, so please guys, i need your help..


New member
Nov 27, 2017
Jmarbun said:
Hi all

I've been very tired searching an old PC game. Please help me to look for it.
Game itself circa 1986 - 1993 if not mistaken.

1. 2D
2. Side scroller
3. Dungeon
4. Single character RPG
5. Using magic like Fira and Firaga
6. Shop feature and money using Gil currency
7. I think the character using like viking's helmet and beard
8. Have map feature too if not mistaken

That's all I can remember. Sorry for poor memory.
Gil currency, fira and firaga named magic skill, i think maybe it's one of final fantasy series?


New member
Nov 27, 2017
Help! I?m thinking of an old PC game (had to have been between 2000-2006 but could be earlier) that was either click-and-point or narrative style game. It had multiple discs and each disc was a different color. One was red, one was green, yellow, blue etc. and would have to be changed out depending on which area/land you visited. The view was first person.

To my knowledge, there was no violence in the game it was strictly dialogue and puzzle. The map was very large and the scenery was very rich. One of the few characters I remember was a native woman with no top but her hair covered her body down to her waist.

Thanks in advance!


New member
Nov 27, 2017
Probably was in a web browser since I remember playing a different game where you have to trap dots(called flies? or flys? or something)

In the game I want though, you play as a guy exploring planets
It's a sidescroller
You have a jetpack and a spaceship
Art style *might* have looked like Out Of This World(SNES) but dont hold me to that



New member
Jun 28, 2016
Samirah Evers said:
I've been looking for this game for a long time.. I can't remember too much, because I was 4 years old at the time (around 1998)

-you played as a dog named max (not sure if dog or called max) that was wearing a white shirt with black spots.
-you were helping a green lizard(or alien) to build a spaceship that is in the attic.
-You helped by collecting numbers that could be found around the house in every single room.
-the green lizard or cameleon could disappear.
-At the intro the main character would walk in with a trumpet followed by letters (logo or title) which had eyes.
-At the start of the game the main charecter would be next to a flag pole where you could select a language.
-I think it was a point and click game and it was 2D.
-you stayed pretty much just in his house and outside infront of the house.

-The game had several series with one which took place at a shopping district. Where you were with another person that was called Lisa I think. You had to get a everything on your shopping list.

-This game was meant for children around the age of 4-8 I believe.
Another game that I've been looking for involves green rats.
-You had to click on items to look for the rats.
-There would always be people in the background that didnt notice, but once you found a rat they would scearm or faint.

If anyone could help I'd be really happy :D
Max and Marie Go Shopping