Mh, I see the point here - I just completely disagree with it, frankly.
Here's why.
First off, I'm a woman and if they made a videogame convention dedicated to women, I would NOT attend it. I want female gamers to be equal to male gamers.
Do I even need to add how retarded a videogame convention dedicated to shaolin monks would be?
So, tell me: why then, a videogame convention dedicated to gay is apparently ok?
I repeat: this. is. a. GAME CONVENTION.
It's not a pub or a place to flirt, it's not something that needs a discrimination for gay or for women or for different religion.
So the message I -am- getting from the existence of a gay videogame convention, is that gay people feel themselves to be so irreparably different from heterosexual people that even when it comes to something like videogames, they need their very own version of it.