I'm increasingly starting to think that members of the United States Senate should have prior military experience, if they are going to be put in the position and the power to be able to officially declare war. And that any civilian political leadership of the Military should be those who have previous military experience, otherwise the concept, difficulties of what war means and the people involved becomes too detached from those making the decisions about people's lives.
I honestly think that every citizen of the United States should be alloted health care as a basic human right. Bankruptcy due to medical costs is the most despicable fate to befall anyone, and it happens far too often to be considered acceptable or "how life works." Bullshit.
We talk so much about 'american exceptionalism' so much these days yet don't seem to care about our domestic issues and the basic health of our citizens and our infrastructure. Always thinking we're at risk or in danger of crumbling off our pedestal of a World Power- but from external threats, not from internal collapse from lack of maintenance, which is far more real and likely.
Lastly, for something concerning gaming, I think that the idea to 'show Tali's face' in Mass Effect 3 is a horrible idea.