Opinions you have that most people don't agree with.

Daniel Park

New member
Oct 10, 2010
I believe the adjuvants in vaccines, along with other environmental contaminants, can lead certain genetically-susceptible children to a "tipping point" of toxicity that can make them spiral into chronic illness, including symptoms that folks commonly refer to as "autistic".


books, Books, BOOKS
Jan 19, 2011
United States
razor343 said:
Cancer patients are not heroes, and neither are they brave. They're nothing special. And if Karma is indeed real and I end up with cancer then tough, I don't expect to be treated differently by anyone.

Anyone who doesn't agree with me, fair enough, your opinion.
Anyone who does, you earned a special place in my heart. (Or stone as some people could refer to it.)
I actually agree with you, breast cancer patients are the worst offenders, it bothers the hell out of me. So I guess we can hurt in hell together!

OT: I don't think Halo was innovative or that great, just very average, and the only reason it sold well and became popular was because it was the only good game that come out for the original xbox at around launch.

The Pirates of the Caribbean movies were boring as hell and Jack Spearow was tolerable despite having Johnny Depp as the actor playing him.

I like the PS3 controller better than the 360's because the 360's controller is awkward and feels cheap.

I have many more but I don't feel like continuing on the account that I know I will get nailed for them.

Pig Mazurka

New member
Mar 28, 2011
I live in the U.S., but I refuse to stand up to salute the flag or recite the Pledge of Allegiance.

EDIT : Also, if you purposely take a life (respectively being human, fuck animals) you deserve to die, no questions asked.

All extremely ignorant/stupid people deserve to die. Just put them on a rocket and shoot them into the sun.

People who go to school just to see their friends or because they legally have to don't deserve to learn.

If you harass someone else extensively just for being different you deserve to die.

I pee sitting down, what of it? Just because I have a penis doesn't entitle me to stand up.

Every single woman's sport sucks. A lot. Sorry for the sexism, but it had to be said.

Farseer Lolotea

New member
Mar 11, 2010
bahumat42 said:
Everyone knows that.
Its the userbase, that is the primary reason anyone goes to or comes back to wow.
Doesn't matter how many spiffy new things something has, if your mates are playing something else.
Are you saying that no WoW fan has ever called Rift an inferior knock-off of WoW, badmouthed its lore, its aesthetic, or the soul system, or gone out of their way to belittle people who switch over or even just consider getting the game? Often enough, without having actually tried it themselves (or at very least, without ever getting out of Terminus or Mathosia)?

If so, I'm afraid you're mistaken. That happens all the time.


New member
Sep 25, 2008
I'm increasingly starting to think that members of the United States Senate should have prior military experience, if they are going to be put in the position and the power to be able to officially declare war. And that any civilian political leadership of the Military should be those who have previous military experience, otherwise the concept, difficulties of what war means and the people involved becomes too detached from those making the decisions about people's lives.

I honestly think that every citizen of the United States should be alloted health care as a basic human right. Bankruptcy due to medical costs is the most despicable fate to befall anyone, and it happens far too often to be considered acceptable or "how life works." Bullshit.
We talk so much about 'american exceptionalism' so much these days yet don't seem to care about our domestic issues and the basic health of our citizens and our infrastructure. Always thinking we're at risk or in danger of crumbling off our pedestal of a World Power- but from external threats, not from internal collapse from lack of maintenance, which is far more real and likely.

Lastly, for something concerning gaming, I think that the idea to 'show Tali's face' in Mass Effect 3 is a horrible idea.


New member
May 2, 2011
mass effect 1 was a far better experience than 2. was more fun, had almost perfect rpg implementation and was designed exactly as it was implemented, as an rpg with shooter elements. Mass effect 2 on the other hand (apart from character development) was worse in every single way, and consolised (yes i realise the irony) and dumbed down. i felt i had less control over my character.

also batman begins was wayyyyy better than the dark night, and christopher nolan is the best thing to happen to comic book characters ever.

on a more personal, less nerdy, note; i believe arrogance is an important personal trait, to an extent. confidence in yourself makes you happy, and i hate seeing people roll over.

Makeshift Koala

New member
Aug 20, 2009
I think Mass Effect 1 is a fair bit better than Mass Effect 2.
I think Deadly Premonition is a work of art.
And I feel I enjoy the Modern Warfare series a little too much, and am seriously looking forward to the third in the series.



New member
Nov 16, 2010
KorLeonis said:
Graveyards are a waste of space. Corpses should be donated to science, ground up and used as fertilizer or animal feed, or otherwise disposed of in the cleanest and cheapest way possible. It has ceased to be a person, its just rotting meat, why does it need its own piece of land for year and years to come?

Surprisingly, most people don't agree with me. Odd, eh?
I see no problem with this. It's only the living that complain after all.

ZeroG131 said:
...existence in general is utterly pointless and meaninglessly complicated.
I thoroughly disagree.


Senior Member
Mar 14, 2011
I find it fascinating that a good 80% of the opinions here are about things the poster dislikes that most people like, rather than the other way around. There's something very interesting sociologically going on here.


New member
Nov 9, 2009
I think the original Superman movie blows chunks
I thought the Godfather part 2 was boring
I hate every Mario platforming game ever, except 64.
And save for Marvel vs Capcom 3, i hate every Capcom fighting game.
Thats about it...

omega 616

Elite Member
May 1, 2009
chickencow said:
I hate the word 'rubbish'.
And if you use it, I probably hate you too.
In the "I think it's bad so it's rubbish" sense or waste products sense?

People that make up pretentious words that are just semantically different. Whats the difference between pedophilia and hebephilia? One is between 11 and 14 the other is below 14 and/or some other tiny little difference.

Selfish people piss me the fuck off aswell.

For instance, I was sat on the bus and I was in the fold up chairs that are there for people with prams or in wheel chairs.

I see a women about to come on with a pram, so I get up and move to another seat, I sit down and look at the person who was sat opposite to me who now refuses to move and sits there smiling.

The women with the pram is clearly struggling to get the pram out of the aisle, the bus driver is asking her to hurry up and get it out the aisle, while this women still sits there smiling away.

The women bumps the women sitting down with the pram and she gets this face on her like she just smelled a bad fart, the women with the pram apologised to her.

There was even a seat that was literally one step away. Stand up, take one step, turn around, sit down. I know, I did it!

Not only are you making it awkward her the parent, your holding the bus up and making every body elses life harder by having to squeeze past to get on or off.

I have seen this happen many times with different people, only one pram owner has said anything. I would be like, "could you move please so I can get in and let others pass".

I hate stupid people, not that I am some all knowing god but you know the ones that don't even know basic facts or the ones who live in a constant "blonde moment", Jade goodey was a perfect example.

"I'm the 25th most influential person in the world and I don't even know what the word means."

"Margaret Thatcher - ain't she a prostitute?"

"I am intelligent, but I let myself down because I can't speak properly or spell."

"I thought chickens ate cheese."

"Rio de Janeiro, ain't that a person?"

"Who is Heinzstein?"

"A ferret is a bird."

"Sherlock Holmes invented toilets."

"Has Greece got its own moon?"

"Do they speak Portuganese in Portugal? I thought Portugal was in Spain."

I wish I was making those up.


New member
May 2, 2011
Call of Duty single player is a far better experience than the multiplayer component, in all games.

Farseer Lolotea

New member
Mar 11, 2010
bahumat42 said:
I'm not saying there are people who dont badmouth other games. Or that those same people deny the facts of the matter.
And my entire point was that the games are comparable.

What im saying is most people who play wow, know why they play wow, and thats the people (not all the people, just their guild or friends or whatever).
The fact remains that people insist that WoW is objectively and unequivocally better. The actual reasons behind why people choose one game over the other are irrelevant.

Oh and Rift also has issues so don't get high-falutin(wow no spell check lol) about that either .

I never claimed otherwise [http://www.escapistmagazine.com/forums/read/9.286589-Opinions-you-have-that-most-people-dont-agree-with?page=5#11306676], so don't get touchy.