Opinions you have that most people don't agree with.


New member
Jan 1, 2011
Krantos said:
God exists. Jesus was the son/offspring/part or God. The Bible is almost completely wrong.

Beat that.

Christians and Atheists hate me.
Most christians should love you. The Catholics will hate you though...

King Toasty

New member
Oct 2, 2010
I hated everything about Drake's Fortune. No way am I buying the second one.

God knows why it got so many good reviews, other than the pretty foliage.


New member
Mar 18, 2011
thelonewolf266 said:
Ken_J said:
Shelf explanatory really, state your opinion and back it up.
(please no racism, sexism, or homophobia)

Myself I think that Halo is not that bad a game. It has slick and easy to use gameplay, and the mythos is deep and rich. Yes the games tell that story poorly but other games tell their story just as badly if not worse. I think the real problem people have with it is bad online experiences, I can certainly relate with that.
I'm sorry but that is a terrible example Halo is a universally critically acclaimed video games series which is also one of the best selling video game series ever.How exactly does that mean most people don't like it ?
Halo is one of the most successful shooters of all time. It has a great story, great controls, great online, and a great community. What gives thelonewolf266?


New member
Dec 24, 2008
Is this only gaming wise?

I always thought pokemon is a crappy game for little kids...


New member
Oct 7, 2010
you should have the right to sieg heil in germany without going to jail for hate crime provided they don't harm anyone physically,and the people hering you should have the right to talk back and/or choose to not be offended.

and i'm not a nazi i just value freedom of expresion more than enything else.


New member
Feb 1, 2011
I hated Dragon Age 1. It was like playing a book, long drawn out conversations with all the NPC's put me to sleep. Not enough action.

Commodore 64 was the greatest PC ever made.

Warcraft 3 was a horribly overrated RTS. (I'd die for CnC Zero Hour though <3 )


Revelation 9:6
Mar 23, 2011
Any and all legal acts between two (or more) consenting adults should not be regulated by the government. In any way, shape, or form.

And that includes Free-Market Capitalism


New member
Apr 10, 2009
MightyMole said:
Who doesn't like watching people in their neighborhood do their daily routine while hiding in a trashcan, breathing heavily as you stare at them through the mask's tiny eye holes.
Call me crazy but I'm not crazy. PARADOX CHOP!


New member
Oct 12, 2010
chickencow said:
omega 616 said:
I don't like the "I think it's bad so it's rubbish" sense. For some reason, it really annoys me.

As for your stupid person comment, last week while waiting in my school's cafeteria, I overheard two people behind me talk about cool languages to learn. One of them said that German is an angry sounding language because of the Nazi regime. I had to use all of my willpower to not laugh in her face.
I take German while it's not angry sounding I can say it's an ugly sounding language. So many rough syllables and weird consonant pairings like 'sz' (any word borrowed from English that has an 'sc' sound like scene, is spelled szene and you pronounce it like it sounds).


New member
Nov 19, 2009
Drakmeire said:
I like this song.
everyone else thinks I'm crazy
... I actually liked that song...
I'm not sure how to feel about that
OT: I think that 'meme' is pronounced 'me-me' not 'meem'. because that's how its fucking spelled.


New member
Sep 8, 2010
I actually liked FFXIII. Although I have only played X and XII. Perhaps it was the soundtrack and higher graphics, but I just clicked better with it then FFXII. Stupid Vaan...


New member
Aug 21, 2010
The Draka society in SM Stirling's novels is a Utopia and something we should aspire to(it doesn't count as racism since the Draka think EVERYONE who isn't a Draka is inferior).


New member
Nov 18, 2010
pandasaw said:
thelonewolf266 said:
Ken_J said:
Shelf explanatory really, state your opinion and back it up.
(please no racism, sexism, or homophobia)

Myself I think that Halo is not that bad a game. It has slick and easy to use gameplay, and the mythos is deep and rich. Yes the games tell that story poorly but other games tell their story just as badly if not worse. I think the real problem people have with it is bad online experiences, I can certainly relate with that.
I'm sorry but that is a terrible example Halo is a universally critically acclaimed video games series which is also one of the best selling video game series ever.How exactly does that mean most people don't like it ?
Halo is one of the most successful shooters of all time. It has a great story, great controls, great online, and a great community. What gives thelonewolf266?
I really don't understand your post explain please?


New member
Jan 17, 2011
I didn't think that the graphics in the latest Aliens VS Predator game were bad

I actually like World at War, Modern Warfare 2, and Black Ops. sure, the stories made no sense and there's much better multiplayer, but that's like saying a $50 bill is nothing because $100 bills exist. yeah, there's better alternatives, but that doesn't mean $50 should be tossed away

I like the Star Wars prequels. yes, there is a LOT to hate, but the fact is that I grew up with them (Jar Jar was the shit for 5 year olds back in the day) and if it wasn't for the hype surrounding Phantom Menace, I probably wouldn't have seen the originals at such a young age. suffice to say, I would be a TOTALLY different person.

I personally think TF2 is the best game Valve has made. yes, Portal was groundbreaking, but it didn't have much replay value. TF2 has given me over 600 hours of fun so far. and I like the hats too. yeah, stuff like the Spacechem items are kinda stupid, but I'll be dammed if I don't love my Soldier's M. Bison cap.

I liked Transformers.

I think Spectacular Spiderman is superior to the 90's series. if Fox wasn't so scared that Spiderman would be banned for violence, it wouldn't have been pussified beyond comprehension (Spiderman cannot actually punch anyone, "destroy" is used in place of "kill", every gun fired lasers, if I'm not mistaken, Daredevil was not allowed on the show; "Devil" could upset some people, etc.) they would at least be equal, but Spectacular blows it out of the water in my opinion.

I actually like the Wii and most of what Nintendo's been doing as of late. yeah yeah, Wii Music, forget that and play some Mario Galaxy 2.


New member
Feb 28, 2011
SirBryghtside said:
Well, I hate Batman with a burning passion...

So there's that.
GASP! your entitled to your opinion, but I am truly sad, what is your reasoning behind this?


New member
Feb 28, 2011
bbad89 said:
Krantos said:
God exists. Jesus was the son/offspring/part or God. The Bible is almost completely wrong.

Beat that.

Christians and Atheists hate me.
Most christians should love you. The Catholics will hate you though...
Agreed wholeheartedly, how the world twists and bastardizes Jesus sickens me, Catholicism sucks


New member
Apr 18, 2011
dt61 said:
chickencow said:
omega 616 said:
I don't like the "I think it's bad so it's rubbish" sense. For some reason, it really annoys me.

As for your stupid person comment, last week while waiting in my school's cafeteria, I overheard two people behind me talk about cool languages to learn. One of them said that German is an angry sounding language because of the Nazi regime. I had to use all of my willpower to not laugh in her face.
I take German while it's not angry sounding I can say it's an ugly sounding language. So many rough syllables and weird consonant pairings like 'sz' (any word borrowed from English that has an 'sc' sound like scene, is spelled szene and you pronounce it like it sounds).
It's a hard sounding language, like you said rough syllables and hard consonants, so it does tend to sound "angry" compared to the latin based languages like French that use soft sounds, and flow easily. Then there's the Slavics which is very backwards sounding, like you are playing English backwards