Opinions you have that most people don't agree with.


New member
Oct 11, 2008
Terminate421 said:
I should also say that I am attacked whenever I say Halo does have Character and is probobly one of the best games ever. (The entire franchise takes the #2 spot on my top ten list) but yet I can't say it with out getting the Doom or Golden Eye argument.
Although I disagree with it being one of the best games ever, it without a doubt definitely does have character, and is worlds better than Doom or Goldeneye.

But what are you going to do to people that don't give something a chance?

Oh, right.

Call them idiots.



New member
Oct 25, 2009
Here's mine: There is absolutely no circumstance in which it is better to be dead than alive.


New member
Apr 18, 2011
Naturality said:
I also hate Apple (I know I'm far from alone on this, but most people I speak to do disagree with me). To quote RMS, "Apple is about as nasty as exists in the world today".
Conversely, I'm okay with Microsoft. I mean, I don't love them, no one does, but Microsoft as it operates today is actually not bad by my standards.
I actually do love Microsoft, they have never done anything wrong in my book
Also I hate Apple and what they did to the computer
Oh and I loved Vista more than XP and never once had any issue with Vista


Regular Member
May 23, 2011
zehydra said:
BigEvilTurtle said:
Every water level ever is the worst level in every game ever.

I'm pretty sure that's a popular opinion
Is it? I'm always yelled at for hating the water levels. By my friends, anyway. But someone has yet to provide me with an example of a good water level. Dire Dire Docks in Super Mario 64 is the best of the worst. Still not any good.


New member
Jan 7, 2011
That a multiplayer Elder Scrolls game would be so mind blowing and awesome that weaker people would start having seizures by just touching its disk.


New member
May 17, 2011
InnerRebellion said:
I think text talk, as in emoticons and abbreviations, is the worst thing to happen to the English language. Yet, all of my friends uses "brb" "lol" and so on.
Me too!


New member
Jul 21, 2010
ZeroMachine said:
Terminate421 said:
I should also say that I am attacked whenever I say Halo does have Character and is probobly one of the best games ever. (The entire franchise takes the #2 spot on my top ten list) but yet I can't say it with out getting the Doom or Golden Eye argument.
Although I disagree with it being one of the best games ever, it without a doubt definitely does have character, and is worlds better than Doom or Goldeneye.

But what are you going to do to people that don't give something a chance?

Oh, right.

Call them idiots.

I like you, you think like me. Its like we both like things that just so happen to be like like like.

Pokemon Nostalgiafags are another thing that makes me want to drill something into my skull. They honestly think Mr. Mime is cooler looking than Scolipede? Thats preposterous!

Farseer Lolotea

New member
Mar 11, 2010
WoW didn't do much that was particularly original. Nor is it the best MMO on the market; Rift actually does quite a few things better.

That's not to say that Rift is unequivocally better, mind you. They're actually fairly comparable.

Additionally, more MMOs could stand to learn a thing or two from DDO about interactive environments.


New member
Jan 7, 2011
BigEvilTurtle said:
zehydra said:
BigEvilTurtle said:
Every water level ever is the worst level in every game ever.

I'm pretty sure that's a popular opinion
Is it? I'm always yelled at for hating the water levels. By my friends, anyway. But someone has yet to provide me with an example of a good water level. Dire Dire Docks in Super Mario 64 is the best of the worst. Still not any good.
I only hate water levels when the character isn't equipped for them, ie, getting the Gravity Suit is always a fucking pain.


New member
Sep 29, 2010
Cancer patients are not heroes, and neither are they brave. They're nothing special. And if Karma is indeed real and I end up with cancer then tough, I don't expect to be treated differently by anyone.

Anyone who doesn't agree with me, fair enough, your opinion.
Anyone who does, you earned a special place in my heart. (Or stone as some people could refer to it.)


New member
Dec 20, 2008
All Smash Bros. games are garbage.
I don't need multiplayer in every game I own.
When one goes out in public they should be washed and wearing clean clothes and not their jammies.


New member
Jul 29, 2009
That Call of Duty 4 (and I am specifically referring to CoD4) is one of the most generic, uninspired, and honestly mediocre games I've ever played. Granted, it's solidly put together, and if nothing else it tells its story through its game play very well, but as solid as the gameplay is it's still boring as hell (point gun at enemy, pull trigger, rinse, lather repeat), and as well integrated as the story is it's still a total snore-fest (terrorists and nukes and Russia and GUUUNNZZZZ!!!!!ZOMG!!!lol111one1!). And the multiplayer? Even worse. Virtually nothing to it other than unlockable guns that are exactly the same as the guns you already have.

I also seem to be one of the only people who seems to think MW2 has a better campaign (at least we got to see some interesting places), even if the gameplay is identical and multiplayer has gotten even more horrendous.


New member
Nov 25, 2008
SirBryghtside said:
Well, I hate Batman with a burning passion...

So there's that.
I can relate somewhat to that, often times writers tend to make him too mary-sue'ish which just kills any sense of danger and urgency. Its just a shame that there are too few writers that can write good Batman (and even fewer in the case of Superman) stories.

On topic: I think that MW2 had one of the most well-paced single-player campaigns ever, it was simply a brilliant roller-coaster that had the good graces of slowing down every know and then to make you reflect on what is unfolding before your eyes (i especially loved the moment when you are in space and you watch a nuke emerge from the sunset).


New member
Aug 12, 2009
*snip* Wrong forum for my sort of comment, apparently. Sorry, couldn't see that from the "hot topics" little tab.

Trololo Punk

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May 14, 2011
Not on the internet, but at school and in real life I get ridiculed for being a naturalist, Also I loved gears of war and Alan wake

Midnight Crossroads

New member
Jul 17, 2010
-Bioware has been using the same formula since Baulder's Gate 2 to write all their stories, and this is the principle reason why DA2 and ME2 had weaker stories than their predecessors.

-United Offensive was the best Call of Duty

-Final Fantasy X-2 was a good game and the laughing scene in X was supposed to be awkward

-Perfect Dark is better than GoldenEye

-Han Solo shot first

-E.T. is a crappy movie

-Mufasa's death is nowhere near as tragic as Littlefoot's mother's.

-Ganking is fun and games need to stop babying players

-Developer-side story-driven MMOs are flawed designs. Player-side story-driven MMOs are far superior.

-Starfox 64 is the best game on the N64 with only Conker coming close

-Brawl is better than Melee, and if you're turning off all items and only playing on Final Destination with some of the characters banned, you're doing it wrong.

-Chrono Cross is an amazing game.

-Final Fantasy 8's junction system was the best part of the game and set it above its peers

-I liked Vanille and Hope. I think people who get annoyed because a character shows any weakness and writes them off as emo are overreacting. Cloud and Squall were fine.

-Zidane is the best protagonist of any Final Fantasy, and his romance subplot with Garnet was the strongest of the series for the simple reason that he won the girl over by being a good, reliable guy.

-Zombie games, for the most part, suck. I find it boring to just shoot waves of enemies whose only strategy is the run at me really fast. I want a zombie game to focus more on the horror elements, and I think the idea of a survival zombie game is the worst idea ever in the history of video games.

-Online multiplayer is for PCs. Split-screen is for consoles. If a game developer takes split-screen out of their game, they are assholes. Valve made a dick move by putting only 2 player split-screen in the console version of both L4D games.


New member
Aug 17, 2010
There is no deity or other "supernatural" entities.

I haven't been able to stand any game I've played on a console in the last 12 years apart from Little Big Planet, racing games and fighting games. During all others I've just longed for a keyboard and mouse.

(Mostly on this forum) I do not believe games are art. At all. I also have trouble seeing movies or music as art, some forms of theater are about as far as I'll stretch.

I have yet to find an anime that isn't either extremely annoying or uninteresting. This includes Mobile Suit Gundam Seed which I've been told is considered good.