Opinions you have that most people don't agree with.


New member
Mar 19, 2009
I LIKE REBECCA BLACK'S FRIDAY! And i'm pretty sure i'm the only one :)

Also i'm against the eating of animals, don't get me wrong i'm not one of those "If you eat meat then you're evil" guys, just, the idea of eating something that was once alive & moving, just makes me want to throw up.


New member
Jun 7, 2010
Halo was not innovative or groundbreaking, neither was it terrible, it was just a run-of-the-mill space marine FPS.

Aliens is the best of the Alien trilogy (yeah, there are more than 3 Alien films, but you know what I mean). Despite what I just said about space marines, I think Aliens fulfils it's role better than Alien. And the less said about Alien 3 the better, but I don't think I'm alone on that point.

I fully expect MW3 to be worse than Black Ops, and Black Ops was terrible. The first MW was a pretty damn good game with a few minor flaws, MW2 had more holes than a fish-net stocking in a mincing machine.

The Lord of The Rings films weren't long enough. Seriously, despite the dangerous lack of circulation to my arse, I didn't want it to end after those amazing 12 hours.

Oreos are disgusting.

The Force Unleashed was both boring and infuriating. The Force Unleashed II was just boring.

Minecraft is a potentially brilliant game, but we shouldn't be overlooking it flaws just because it in beta. Also, it doesn't need "fixing", it needs rewriting from scratch by someone who knows how to program a game properly.


New member
Jun 19, 2010
Final Fantasy VII has aged terribly. It was important and great at the time of its original release, but, when I got it off of PSN, I found that I wasn't enjoying it very much. It was alright, but it is definitely not as good by today's standards as it was by 1997's standards.

I also really liked Final Fantasy VIII. It was easily broken, but that's what made it fun.

Sonic games, while nothing too spectacular, are better than people say. I loved Sonic Heroes, I had some fun with Shadow the Hedgehog, Sonic Unleashed was really good and Sonic Colors, while short, was awesome enough for me to beat it in one sitting. Sonic and the Secret Rings wasn't so good, with the fact that you have to level up to get better controls, but Sonic and the Black Knight was a fun little romp through the Kingdom of King Arthur, with fast-paced and enjoyable combat (though the bosses and big enemies were kind of annoying). The only exception would probably be Sonic '06. It's hilarious to watch people subject themselves to it, but it's not much fun to play.


New member
Oct 26, 2008
bahumat42 said:
I want to at least and try and watch Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, but I just can't bring myself to it due to him being in it. I don't care if he is actually good in it, my mind would be too set on his other roles for me to actually enjoy it.

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
I'd better keep my unpopular opinions limited to the entertainment industry, lest I unleash a shit storm.

- I prefer Ang Lee's Hulk to The Incredible Hulk reboot.

- I like Howard the Duck.

- I severely dislike Nolan's Batman movies.

- Guillermo del Toro is a terrible director, and so is Frank Darabont.

- Jack Sparrow is two steps away from being Jar Jar Binks.

- That Futurama dog-episode leaves me absolutely cold.

- The Incredibles is better than Toy Story, Finding Nemo, WALL-E, and Up combined.


New member
Feb 14, 2009
KorLeonis said:
Graveyards are a waste of space. Corpses should be donated to science, ground up and used as fertilizer or animal feed, or otherwise disposed of in the cleanest and cheapest way possible. It has ceased to be a person, its just rotting meat, why does it need its own piece of land for year and years to come?

Surprisingly, most people don't agree with me. Odd, eh?
That is a surprisingly good idea....I agreed with the 'they don't need the land, they're just rotting corpses now' part. I want to be cremated because of that. Now I may have other plans thanks to you!!
Jun 23, 2008
Ectogenesis [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Artificial_uterus] can ultimately resolve the abortion controversy, and should be used to do so. Though it will raise other issues from some of the same sources, namely those groups who believe sex should be for reproduction only.

Left-Handers are due more respect than they get. That said, user-input in video games does not get from developers the respect and attention it deserves.

Sexual monogamy is overrated, and permanent marriage is an inappropriate goal for a people that frequently lives to be over seventy. Our society would be better served by promoting sexual responsibility, and regarding sexually transmitted pathogens as they do those that are transmitted via other vectors.

Irony said:
Cannibalism, necrophilia, and zoophilia aren't bad on principle. They can be bad, but they aren't pure eeeeeeeeevil.
Slimshad said:
Hey, as long as it's not pedophilia and you're not abusing animals (is that zoophilia?), seems fine to me. No one was using that corpse anyways.
sexual paraphilia [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pedophilia]) has inhibited our ability to treat, and thus our ability to control preventatively, sexual predators.

Zarmi said:
Death penalty = Yes please.
gmaverick019 said:
i actually forgot about this, if the person is proclaimed without a doubt a murderer/rapist/etc.. then yes, may they have the death penalty ASAP so we don't waste a single cent more on them through government spending or taxes.
It actually costs more to kill them than it does to lock them up for life. Besides which, conviction beyond reasonable doubt has wrongfully buried plenty of innocent men and women already, here in the US.



New member
Apr 8, 2011
TF2 is terrible. It was better when it was just a shooter instead of Valve's little "how much gimmicky shit can we implement to suck money out of our playerbase?" project.

Dr Snakeman

New member
Apr 2, 2010
It's not exactly an unpopular opinion with everyone, but certainly on this site and much of the internet in general. Here goes:

I'm pro-life. There is just something immoral about getting to throw away a life (and yes, most biological research suggests that a developing fetus is an individual, not just a "ball of cells") simply because you don't want to deal with responsibility.

I'm now going to run away as fast as I can before all you crazy liberals murder me to death.

[sub]Just kidding about that last part; I love y'all.[/sub]


New member
Oct 5, 2009
MysticToast said:
I think the Xbox 360 controller's terrible. Not trying to incite a flame war and I'm not trolling, I really think that.
Yeah, I kinda think that too. Now, I loved the old Xbox's controller, that was so comfy the moment I picked one up, but the 360 is just crap.
It feels so poorly defined, and it's just a lump of plastic.

Meanwhile, I do like the PS3 controller, because they kept it identical. I am not really a fan of their thumbsticks, too high.

OT: I think Van Helsing was damn fun, as was the new Pirates of the Caribbean movie. I liked them both.

Irony's Acolyte

Back from the Depths
Mar 9, 2010
Uriel-238 said:
Irony said:
Cannibalism, necrophilia, and zoophilia aren't bad on principle. They can be bad, but they aren't pure eeeeeeeeevil.
Slimshad said:
Hey, as long as it's not pedophilia and you're not abusing animals (is that zoophilia?), seems fine to me. No one was using that corpse anyways.
sexual paraphilia [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pedophilia]) has inhibited our ability to treat, and thus our ability to control preventatively, sexual predators.
That is true as well. I'm not quite sure what I think of pedophilia in general, but I don't have the knee-jerk "EEEEEEEVVVVVIIIIIILLLLLL!" that alot of people have towards it.


New member
Nov 15, 2010
Shadow the Hedgehog was fun.

Yeah, I'll just let you process that for a moment.

We good?

Also, I loved Shoot 'Em Up and Angelina Jolie isn't that goddamn hot.

Norris IV

New member
Aug 25, 2010
That anyone with skill should be allowed into Britain and have their own opinions and freely follow their religion (obviously no extremism). Surprisingly I have many friends who think that Britain is for 'British' ie white people.


New member
Feb 16, 2011
OptimisticPessimist said:
Also, I loved Shoot 'Em Up and Angelina Jolie isn't that goddamn hot.
AGREED, with the Angelina Jolie thing. Megan fox is not that attractive either...and her personality and acting "skills" suck! Also, has anyone seen her deformed thumb?? Gross.

Throwing another opinion in there: being tan is overrated and not attractive (if you are a white person. Those who are born naturally dark-skinned look fine). Pale skin is much better looking and more natural on white people. Pale skin is also healthy.


New member
Jul 6, 2009
I don't like FPS's. Sorry but I just find shooting games incredibly boring unless I have an actual gun in my hand.

I think Family Guy is better then American Dad. Alot of people say that American Dad is better but I don't find the episodes that funny. Yes Family Guy does have its occasional down episodes, but I think it's still going strong in it's tenth season.

I much prefer fantasy over sci-fi. High tech gadgets can be cool, but nothing is more awesome then fighting an enemy with a sword, sheild and a bow.

There maybe other things but I can't think of them right now.


New member
Jan 28, 2011
extra credits is bad, preachy, a pretends to be a form of authority that it clearly isnt


New member
Nov 8, 2007
Security is more important than freedom.

And it is okay to believe politicians once in a while.