Opinions you have that most people don't agree with.


Revelation 9:6
Mar 23, 2011
Dante's Inferno was a good game, and a true work of art.

Project Ten Dollar is a great idea, and I don't mind it one bit.

Dragon Age II was a awesome game, and I got my money's worth with it.


New member
Feb 28, 2011
Pig Mazurka said:
I live in the U.S., but I refuse to stand up to salute the flag or recite the Pledge of Allegiance.

EDIT : Also, if you purposely take a life (respectively being human, fuck animals) you deserve to die, no questions asked.

All extremely ignorant/stupid people deserve to die. Just put them on a rocket and shoot them into the sun.

People who go to school just to see their friends or because they legally have to don't deserve to learn.

If you harass someone else extensively just for being different you deserve to die.

I pee sitting down, what of it? Just because I have a penis doesn't entitle me to stand up.

Every single woman's sport sucks. A lot. Sorry for the sexism, but it had to be said.
YES! 100% freakin YES. though instead of the sitting down thing, I just dont use urinals, I don't like the possibility of people seeing my junk, and pulling your pants down feels better.


New member
May 10, 2010
I liked the Star Wars Prequels. I liked Episode III more than Episode V. Jar Jar did not bother me.

Citizen Kane is overrated, although I admit it was influential.

The movie version of The Last Airbender was a lot of fun, and convinced me to watch the original cartoon.

I also enjoy all the Lego video games (Indiana Jones, Star Wars, Batman). I haven't played the Harry Potter or Pirates ones, but I want to.

Oh, and I think contraceptives are immoral (try getting a date with that as your opening line).

Krantos said:
God exists. Jesus was the son/offspring/part or God. The Bible is almost completely wrong.

Beat that.

Christians and Atheists hate me.
I give up. You win.


New member
Mar 18, 2011
thelonewolf266 said:
pandasaw said:
thelonewolf266 said:
Ken_J said:
Shelf explanatory really, state your opinion and back it up.
(please no racism, sexism, or homophobia)

Myself I think that Halo is not that bad a game. It has slick and easy to use gameplay, and the mythos is deep and rich. Yes the games tell that story poorly but other games tell their story just as badly if not worse. I think the real problem people have with it is bad online experiences, I can certainly relate with that.
I'm sorry but that is a terrible example Halo is a universally critically acclaimed video games series which is also one of the best selling video game series ever.How exactly does that mean most people don't like it ?
Halo is one of the most successful shooters of all time. It has a great story, great controls, great online, and a great community. What gives thelonewolf266?
I really don't understand your post explain please?
Sorry, I should have explained. How does your opinion conflict with the opinion of thousands of others who love the game?


New member
Mar 5, 2011
I have a lot of these. I am a really conservative person, and I don't support gay marriage, atheism, or hyper feminism. I also still belive in old world values about sex, so between all of those, pretty much 99.9999% of the internet disagrees with me.


New member
Apr 18, 2011
JoeCool385 said:
I liked the Star Wars Prequels. I liked Episode III more than Episode V. Jar Jar did not bother me.

The movie version of The Last Airbender was a lot of fun, and convinced me to watch the original cartoon.
I felt that Episode III was the best out of all the Star Wars, it had the biggest emotional impact by far.

And I don't understand all the Last Airbender hate, it actually followed the show pretty well


New member
Apr 18, 2011
After reading all the stellar reviews for it, and Finally watching that damned Rocky Horror Glee Show[footnote]note that I am referring to the Glee episode not the actual movie which i love[/footnote] I thought it was horrible they censor parts because the sounded bad but left in all the stuff that is really dirty, you can not censor Rocky horror with out fucking it up


New member
Apr 18, 2011
Alex Horton said:
The Transformers movie I feel are actually pretty good. There goes all credibility I had as a film critic.
My opinion of the second one is a little skewed cause I got paid to go see it two weeks before it came out.

As in I liked it but that may be why I like it


New member
Nov 9, 2010
I love cut scenes in video games and if I hear the game has a lot of them, I'll immediately be much more interested in playing it.


New member
Nov 18, 2010
pandasaw said:
thelonewolf266 said:
pandasaw said:
thelonewolf266 said:
Ken_J said:
Shelf explanatory really, state your opinion and back it up.
(please no racism, sexism, or homophobia)

Myself I think that Halo is not that bad a game. It has slick and easy to use gameplay, and the mythos is deep and rich. Yes the games tell that story poorly but other games tell their story just as badly if not worse. I think the real problem people have with it is bad online experiences, I can certainly relate with that.
I'm sorry but that is a terrible example Halo is a universally critically acclaimed video games series which is also one of the best selling video game series ever.How exactly does that mean most people don't like it ?
Halo is one of the most successful shooters of all time. It has a great story, great controls, great online, and a great community. What gives thelonewolf266?
I really don't understand your post explain please?
Sorry, I should have explained. How does your opinion conflict with the opinion of thousands of others who love the game?
I was saying the original poster said that he liked halo and I was pointing out that it is a very popular game with critics and gamers alike.That's why I said it was a terrible example of an answer to this thread sorry if that wasn't clear.


New member
Mar 24, 2009
BigEvilTurtle said:
Every water level ever is the worst level in every game ever.

A thousand times yes. I don't even have to put what I may have come up with now. Though I honestly don't know what I would have put. This works just dandy. I think water should only exist in games to be looked at. No swimming or anything.

Farseer Lolotea

New member
Mar 11, 2010
bahumat42 said:
its not irrelevant if it was my entire point?
Then your "entire point" was a tangent to begin with.

seriously thats why people play it now, because they have communities worth of people to play with.
Feel free to dismiss this fact and continue arguing, but it is a very important fact in why wow will be very hard to dethrone.
I'm not "dismissing" anything. "WoW-killer" talk is silly to begin with, and I never claimed anything of the sort.

But the fact remains that you seem to be interpreting "WoW is not objectively better than Rift, much less the indisputable pinnacle of the genre, just because it's the most popular" as some sort of shot at WoW, when it's really not.


New member
Feb 28, 2011
JRPGs aren't dead, its just square enix has slipped in quality.

CoD was and is still fun. It's main problems aren't with its gameplay but how recycled each game is.

Ace Combat 6 and Folklore are two of the best games this generation.

Halo is still awesome. I don't like the new OST used in Reach as much as the old themes, hopefully they go back to the old ones.

People expect too much out of Minecraft, an indie game still in beta. That, and some people just wont be satisfied with anything Notch adds. I guess the last two kind of doesn't count.


New member
Apr 18, 2011
Farseer Lolotea said:
bahumat42 said:
its not irrelevant if it was my entire point?
Then your "entire point" was a tangent to begin with.

seriously thats why people play it now, because they have communities worth of people to play with.
Feel free to dismiss this fact and continue arguing, but it is a very important fact in why wow will be very hard to dethrone.
True enough, but still: it's at all relevant why?
Because the community is what makes WoW the best MMO out there