Optimus Gets Mad in New Transformers Trailer


Leaf on the wind
Feb 20, 2011
On the one hand, I can never be entirely optimistic about anything involving Micheal Bay...

On the other hand, Stephen Spielberg also has a hand in this. Maybe, just maybe...


Leaf on the wind
Feb 20, 2011
Prismatic Baron said:
Who honestly cares about the humans? Anyone?

I never saw Revenge of the Fallen. I hear it is horrible, but maybe now that I can watch it for free I'll see it. Gotta try anything if my main man Starscream is in it.

The shots in the trailer looked like they have smoother action (Less Micheal Bay shaky cam), so that might be good? Still, hard as hell to be excited when I know it's another movie about Shia LeBeouf in his eternal quest to justify his career after Holes.
What was wrong with Holes? It's probably the only movie that I thought he was actually good in.


New member
May 15, 2010
...I'm sorry, did you hire Liam Neeson to voice your villain then NOT give him any lines? Once again Michael Bay, you add nothing to society...


New member
Jan 1, 2008
figday said:

no megan fox in sight..thank god!! does this mean the movie will focus on the Bots instead of Sam's love and sex life with an actress that is more suitable acting in porn?

and if this movie turns out to be as bad as the 2nd one then i sincerely hope this will be the last of the franchise.
You folks that breathe the sigh of relief for Fox's exit must really be masochist. The movies are terrible because of shitty writing and cinematography. I barely have time to ***** about the bad acting and lack of faith to the source material. But I will take a side trip to the absolutely awful art direction on the robots, those flying suites... sigh. But hey if yanking fox is enough to get you to drop 10 bucks to watch shakeycam footage of shitty acting, shitty writing, and giant shambling piles of amorphous metal shards, uh... enjoy the show.


New member
Oct 5, 2010
1:38-1:54 might actually convince me the movie could be good. Well, if it weren't for the other 2 minutes and 12 seconds of the trailer that is...

Prismatic Baron

New member
Aug 24, 2010
NinjaDeathSlap said:
Prismatic Baron said:
Who honestly cares about the humans? Anyone?

I never saw Revenge of the Fallen. I hear it is horrible, but maybe now that I can watch it for free I'll see it. Gotta try anything if my main man Starscream is in it.

The shots in the trailer looked like they have smoother action (Less Micheal Bay shaky cam), so that might be good? Still, hard as hell to be excited when I know it's another movie about Shia LeBeouf in his eternal quest to justify his career after Holes.
What was wrong with Holes? It's probably the only movie that I thought he was actually good in.
No, no. AFTER Holes. I also rather liked that. Everything since is just sad.


New member
Jul 28, 2010
my thoughts about the trailer "meh"

i may be biased about the movies too. cause a friend of mine and myself made it sort of our thing to go on release night. well we had a falling out. so i guess the will to see it is less because of that.

or the fact that Revenge of the Fallen was such a smoldering pile of sh*t. (and no i will not buy the "writers strike" excuse. see Dr. Horrible's Sing Along Blog for a perfect example of why that excuse is lame).


Future sovereign of Oz
Nov 6, 2010
Too much flaming. Let's focus on the good parts of the trailer! The special effects look great, and ......uh..........the...uh................well the, no no no.......


Souplex Killsplosion Awesomegasm
Jul 29, 2008
The camera looks stable for once. The action might be watchable.


New member
Mar 25, 2011
anteru said:
the fact that Revenge of the Fallen was such a smoldering pile of sh*t. (and no i will not buy the "writers strike" excuse. see Dr. Horrible's Sing Along Blog for a perfect example of why that excuse is lame).
You can't compare a short direct-to-the-internet short (made on a whim because of the writers strike) to a 200 million dollar blockbuster who's script could not be modified until the strike was over.


New member
Mar 25, 2011
This trailer looks awesome. Absolutely no shaky-cam, and no craptastic dialogue has been spotted in any of the trailers. Unlike a lot of you people I can actually enjoy a Bay-flick (first Transformers is the definition of a summer blockbuster), so I look forward to this simply because the man knows action and destruction. Sure the second movie kind of sucked, and this is from a Bay supporter, but I'm still loving what I've seen from this flick.


New member
Nov 24, 2009
Oh my (insert deity of choice)!!
This movie suxorz just like the other 2 movies. Micheal Bay is a douchebag.. rant rant, ***** *****.

Sorry, I don't understand how people complain how these movies are bad. "But its nothing like the tv show! nyeeeeh..."

SO?? Neither was GI Joe, or the A-TEAM. See it as a tribute damn it! Not a modern version of the old show! That way you can enjoy all the fancy action and not let your inner bitter, hypocritical, nostalgia hipster come and piss all over it!!

I want to bet and say that over 10-15 years the same people will praise this movie as a cult phenomenon!

Enjoy the simple things in life (explosions and big robots). Because what if that movie didn't come out on that date? Rather have a Kings Speech movie set in Colonial America? Boring.
Its summer! I want action!


New member
Apr 24, 2010
Captain Placeholder said:
PurpleLeafRave said:
I dont think the internet will allow me to be exited for this, but i am one of the supprisingly large group of people who enjoyed the transformers films, having not grown up with the old transformers i found them very entertaining and personally i cant wait for the new one, Let the quote-flaming begin!
This was basically what I was going to say. I haven't seen Revenge of the Fallen, but I loved the first one.
It is good, you should watch it :D

Straying Bullet said:
I personally enjoyed both movies. I don't suffer from "Nostalgia" or whatever from the old cartoons. I also enjoyed the game "War for Cybertron". Love it!
THANK YOU! God I am so sick and tired of the naysayers with their rose-tinted glasses thinking that Micheal Ruined Transformers. Personally I think the movies are a shit ton better than the crappy cartoon. (Yes it was crap, but a good kind of crap - Like all the old 80's horror films were crap, but good kind.)
See, I'm a huge Transformers fan. I've been collecting them from 1984 when I first saw Optimus Prime and Megatron at Wal-Mart (Conned my mom into buying them both lol) up until today when I bought the last of the powercore Combiners sets I needed (Dinobots) to have them all up until now.

Even as a kid I knew that the cartoon wasn't great, it's fun, but not great. The comics were where it was at (save for a few goofy issue like Bumblebee going to a rock concert). My favorite thing about Transformers is the engineering that goes into making them. Taking a car and making it so that with some twists, snaps and folds and making it into a robot with it's own personality takes a lot of work. Sadly, Bay wanted realism (in a movie about shapeshifting alien robots no less) and make the transformations work the way they would i n the real world.

That took away all the personality from the robots and made them interchangeable. You can't tell Decepticons apart and the only reason Autobots look different is because they aren't all gun metal grey. Seriously, if you don't understand what I mean, spend $10 on Sgt. Kup or Perceptor at TRU and look at the story the robot mode tells. That's what is missing from these movies.

Well that and writers who understand the source material (the writers of the first movie went to us fans at a Transformers site and was asking things like "So are Optimus and Megatron brothers? Why don't they like each other? Who is the yellow good guy?")

Madara XIII

New member
Sep 23, 2010
I dont think the internet will allow me to be exited for this, but i am one of the supprisingly large group of people who enjoyed the transformers films, having not grown up with the old transformers i found them very entertaining and personally i cant wait for the new one, Let the quote-flaming begin!
I'm with you on this one. Despite the hate for Transformers 2, I still enjoyed it a good amount and I'm always willing to give this one a chance. It has a good premise and a reason for me to watch it.

Secondly I better see Starscream kick some ass this time around.

Finally, as much as I can't stand Megan Fox, they really really didn't do a good job replacing her. Whoever this new actress is, looks like her lips are inflated worse than Angelina Jolies'

And yes I said it!!

Madara XIII

New member
Sep 23, 2010
AnythingOutstanding said:
I see Shia LeBitch has a new bimbo.
Why can't they get any likable female actresses? I'm sorry if I make a preemptive strike on this one, but GOD DAMN her lips are HUUUUUUUGE......nasty

Megan Fox was annoying to all extent to me and I'm hoping this new one can at least deliver a performance that takes my eyes off her damn lips. JESUS, looking like Angelina Jolie...*Shudders*