Optimus Gets Mad in New Transformers Trailer


New member
Oct 3, 2010
Well, that was cringe-worthy. But then, I suppose I couldn't say those lines with a straight face.

Alon Shechter

New member
Apr 8, 2010
Another stupid action flick with lots of explosions and pretty people.
And I wouldn't have it any other way.
I gotta say the absurdly "good looking" actresses (And in Megan's case, total shitty actress as well) are making me sick.


New member
Jan 26, 2009
Nouw said:
Transformers are human after all?

This trailer hypes it up well but with the plot once again focusing on the damn humans and the whole moon landing thing being quickly ditched gives me mixed feelings.
I see what you did there!

OT: No matter how bad we think this movie is gonna be, its still gonna make a fuckload of money.


New member
Oct 14, 2007
People whine too much. We all know what Michael bay does, what was anyone expecting?


New member
May 21, 2010
He yells "Optimus!" in every trailer... Also, did the director not pay attention to all the hate online? "The fight will be your own" is nice and all, but people don't want to see Shia fight, they want to see the robot do it.


New member
Apr 29, 2011
say what you will about t bay and the the whole debalica, BUT BY GOD I CAME FOR THE GIANT ROBOT FIGHTS!!!


New member
Sep 25, 2008
Ok- say what you will about the continuation of the bland Shia "Nonononono" LeBouf character and his plot or the other uninteresting characters, racist caricatures, childish sense of humor, overly dramatic plot about toys from the 1980s or how said toys look like giant CGI clusterfucks that are incredibly difficult to follow in fights, forget all that for a moment.

Giant robot boa constrictor crushing a building in half... you have to admit that is pretty fucking cool. All Michael Bay movies have that one awesome few seconds from a set-piece event that are a pleasure to watch- but they're really all that's worth seeing in the whole film. So thank you Trailer #2- I've seen enough to be satisfied.. RSVP to be there, you say? ..uhh yea, no.. I think I'm working that night.


New member
Jan 25, 2010
I actually kind of enjoyed the first movie. Not great cinema by any stretch, and I do have to agree with Moviebob that the basic concept had waaaay more potential than actually came out in the film, but taken on its own it's a decent action time-waster.
Second one... notsomuch. Had a couple things I liked, but they took everything that was bad about the first one and made it worse. Given how these trends usually work out for franchises, I'm not optimistic about the third.

What bothered me most about this trailer was the soundtrack, especially starting around 2:07. It's like someone's banging a screaming trash can lid next to my ear OVER AND OVER.

metal mustache

New member
Oct 29, 2009
Oh christ, this going to be more of the same drivel that my friends dragged me to the last time. Why do i get the feeling i'm going to see even less of the robots? See, optimus prime getting mad is going to be an excuse for him to dissapear for most of the movie, and judging from all the places we see what's his face talking to other people i'm guessing we'll be following him a ton. And then there's those robot aircraft, which i'm pretty sure bay brought in to replace the robots for what he actually loves, military hardware, just in alien form.


New member
Mar 22, 2011
hyperdrachen said:
figday said:

no megan fox in sight..thank god!! does this mean the movie will focus on the Bots instead of Sam's love and sex life with an actress that is more suitable acting in porn?

and if this movie turns out to be as bad as the 2nd one then i sincerely hope this will be the last of the franchise.
You folks that breathe the sigh of relief for Fox's exit must really be masochist. The movies are terrible because of shitty writing and cinematography. I barely have time to ***** about the bad acting and lack of faith to the source material. But I will take a side trip to the absolutely awful art direction on the robots, those flying suites... sigh. But hey if yanking fox is enough to get you to drop 10 bucks to watch shakeycam footage of shitty acting, shitty writing, and giant shambling piles of amorphous metal shards, uh... enjoy the show.
shitty writing and cinematography, i have to agree with you completely, im referring to the 2nd movie btw. and to add insult to injury, do you remember when on the last battle (iirc)? when sam told his folks to not follow him to the battlefield, and when fox stepped up and said 'im going with you!', and sam went a-ok with it without argument, wtf. that again can be blamed on shitty writing.
and as for the masochist part, no i am not a masochist. when i watch a movie, i pay attention on every detail, whether its cinematography, acting, writing, etc. im very critical when watching movies. the second installment was a big fail imo. and as my last sentence pointed out..
"and if this movie turns out to be as bad as the 2nd one then i sincerely hope this will be the last of the franchise" that goes for all aspects, not just the fox part.
anyways, thx for replying :)


New member
Apr 13, 2009
Let me be perfectly clear:

I didn't like (Read: Not Hated, didn't like) Transformers 1. It was amazing to see how many people got up to just stand in the bathroom while the not actiony parts happened. I wasn't one of those people and I didn't enjoy this movie.

I loathed The sequel, as I am sure many people did. I won't point flaws out, but I did not enjoy it.

Having said all of that, Transformers 3 actually looks like it might be... well, not good, but at least more exciting than the other two. I will spend money on the Transformer Series for one final time. [Michael] Bay, The Rock was pretty cool, and nothing can make your other movies any better short of getting Nicolas Cage and Sean Connery to appear as Autobots in TF:3, but I will see this movie hoping that it makes me soil myself with excitement.

That is all.


New member
Mar 8, 2011
Does anyone remember the human characters in the generation 1 movie? Do people remember them in the series? Do people seem to forget that this WHOLE FUCKING SHOW was meant for 10 year old boys? Seriously, I'll be the first to admit that giant fighting robots are kinda cool, but they aren't in any way mature or intellectually stimulating. That doesn't lead to a good live action move I'm afraid. Not much depth to the human characters that are supposed to be integral to the entire thing. I personally liked both the transformers movies bay did, and I've SEEN the 80's movie and G1 TV show! Stupid people make me angry...


New member
May 24, 2010
I'll surely see this film over summer. The first two films were good in my opinion, so this should be just as good.

Still, that shot of Optimus getting mad...That's not mad. That's annoyed.


New member
Feb 21, 2011
Blah blah blah Michael Bay...

Blah blah blah crappy movie...

Blah blah blah childhood ruined...


New member
Mar 12, 2010
I like how its focusing on the marines a little bit more.

they were MILLIONS more likable than lebouf, IMO.


New member
Jan 13, 2009
thenumberthirteen said:
Oh no you don't My Bay.

Fool me once, shame on you

Fool me twice, also shame on you for somehow making a worse movie

Fool me three times... you can't fool me again.
I think you mean: