Out of these 10. recommend 3


New member
Jun 5, 2008
telocaster said:
So out of these 10 games, recommend 3 of them.

Infamous 2
Goldeneye Reloaded
Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Battlefield 3
Saints Row the Thied
Deus Ex: Human Revolution
Dark Souls
Driver San Francisco
Dead Space 2
Metal Gear Solid HD collection
Infamous 2

Goldeneye (Only if you played the original)

Skyrim (Definitely)

Dead Space 2


New member
Jul 8, 2009
Mikeyfell said:
Dark Souls


Infamous 2
These are also my recommendations. I have Dark Souls (and between various builds have sunk several hundred hours into it), my friend is borrowing InFamous 2, but it is a vast improvement over the excellent Infamous, and I'm getting Skyrim in a few days, and I am quite hopeful for it.


Elite Member
Mar 17, 2010
Wow, the only ones on that list that I've played are Infamous 2 and Dead Space 2. I've gotta go to my Gamefly account...
Just in case you're wondering, no I'm not a spam-bot. But I seriously gotta que those up for rents, though.


New member
Jul 6, 2011
Dark Souls definitely. My GOTY probably, gave me a good 60 hour playthrough.

Skyrim if you get the PC version or if you're particularly into RPGs.

If you've never played them, absolutely get the MGS HD collection. Otherwise Infamous 2.


New member
Mar 30, 2011
Having played all of these games, Personally I'd have to say Dead Space 2, Infamous 2, and Skyrim. The others are by no means bad games, save maybe BF3, but those are easily the 3 I'd choose first out of the lot.


New member
Feb 10, 2011
Skyrim is possibly the most over-hyped game in modern history. That being said, sex and booze are also extremely over-hyped, but you know what, they're still among the best things out there. Heck, if it wasn't for the fact that Portal 2 redefined what a I think a good game is, I would say that it would be game of the year.

Human Revolution was also an extremely good and engulfing game. While not without it's flaws, I've enjoyed it a lot more than most games I've played in years. However, it's not the "everyman" game like Skyrim is. The people who like games like Deus Ex will love it, and those who don't... won't.

As an "opposite end of the room" suggestion. If you aren't up for a game like Deus Ex, and just want to kill zombies with a giant dildo and then skydive without a parachute only to land ***-first on the president, go with Saint's Row The Third


New member
Apr 23, 2010
Battlefield 3 on PC, but not if you want a singleplayer game. It is only good as a class based team shooter with vehicles. Will be the best online multiplayer game until either the next BF game or Planetside 2.

Deus Ex: Human Resources on PC (you can remap the controls which seemed to be a sticking point for some).

Skyrim on PC (I guess, everyone seems to be raving about it, but you will need a PC to fix the problems it will inevitably have.


New member
Mar 12, 2011
Skyrim- Because, well... let's face it... IT'S FUCKING SKYRIM.

Dark Souls- Yet another game that you can sink 100-150hours into... most economical

MGS- Because, the MGS series will always have a warm and fuzzy place in my heart also, it's a 3 for 1 deal ... again, most bang for your buck
The other games up there are good choices too... I'm just thinking that if you're wanting to narrow it down to three then you're doing so because of economic reasons... and I just want you to get the most enjoyment for your money.
Also, DE:HR... was the other one on the list that I have played BUT it's not... that... good. I mean, it was 'okay' but nothing to write home about.


New member
Mar 18, 2009
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Saints Row the Third
Dark Souls

I picked four. So sue me.

The first two are because I've played them and I fecking love them. I picked Saints because I watched a bit of gameplay from my friend and the Internet, and it looks fun. Dark Souls is there on the assumption and gathered knowledge that it's brilliant just like its predecessor.

If I had to omit one for the sake of keeping it to three games, I'd take Saints out of the mix.