Over Hyped game that you played and didn't like it


New member
Apr 8, 2010
fable 3, dumb story , stupid characters, horrible pacing, choices don't matter a bit , painfully stupid ending etc.

deus ex 3, very average gameplay in every way, predictable plot with no pay off, boring overdone characters, adam was a tool!

black ops, a serieus feelling off ''what the hell is going on?!'' throughout the whole game. for a game called black ops there is nothing sneaky going on, and npc's sacrificing themselfes in just dumb ways.


Senior Member
May 8, 2011
Another downvote for Bioshock. Massively propped up as being innovative and fun, but mostly consisting of an interesting concept ruined by poor implementation. "Hey guise, let's have all our exposition delivered via conversations that occur whilst you're trying to kill Sploicers / something is exploding very loudly. This can only end well."

Let's also have a plot twist that most people probably saw coming, combine it with a much-hyped "Moral Choices" idea that locks you into "Evil" or "Good" endings from the first decision you make regarding a Little Sister and a remarkably generic Final Boss-Fight. Bioshock played like an immensely dumbed-down System Shock 2 and the ending was deeply unsatisfying after slogging through it.

KoToR 1. People rave about this RPG. It gets so much credit for so many things but, try as I might - and I tried when it came out and I keep trying again since it was on Steam for next-to-nothing recently - I cannot find the motivation in me to put up with the tedium of running back and forth around Tarsis. It's so slow-paced and its combat so stultifyingly dull and I just can't bring myself to be interested in the story, either.


New member
May 30, 2011
I find it interesting to examine exactly what the title of this thread means, when you look at it. "Over-hyped" is more just a standard prefix in this day and age, with the shear amount of hype that every AAA game gets nowadays from both the media and its fandom. But then asking me which one of those I didn't like, makes me feel comfortable enough to list games that I still think are well-made, good games for their genre, but which I personally just didn't enjoy. This includes World of Warcraft, Half-Life 2, and Assassin's Creed Brotherhood. The last one is unusual to be on there because I enjoyed both 1 and 2 immensely, I just thought it was too similar to number 2; I enjoy them changing the environment more drastically.


New member
Apr 5, 2011
Dragon Age. For all I hear people praise Bioware for being able to create good stories, I wish more had mentioned how crappy they create gameplay. I hate Gambit Systems, 90% of the fights basically boiled down to "USE ALL THE SPELLS/SKILLS" and nothing else, and the side-questing was so much like old-school MMO Quests that I was trying like hell to keep myself entertained while playing.

Also, Cataclysm. This is coming from someone who got hooked into the game in BC, and stuck it out through most of WotLK, but for all the hype that Blizz gave Cata, they wrote a check that (predictably) they just can't cash anymore. I regret buying it, I regret spending the money for a server change, and I regret the six months of membership I let them suck out of my still near-nonexistent gaming budget. Oh, and I regret that I didn't sell my account sooner, cuz now it's probably worthless.


New member
Jun 13, 2011
GTA3 - immediately leapt to mind I could not and still cannot understand the hype for that game, well originally I can I mean its GTA in 3D right meaning it should be awesome er unfortunately no it was just dull dull dull everything felt the same the missions were boring driving anywhere was a chore and the city just felt like a pain in the arse to negotiate and did not inspire any sense of wonder or awe whatsoever. The game is not atrocious but I did not enjoy it at all and found it depressingly average at best.

Assassins Creed 1 - pulled the same old GTA trick lets build a massive city (or two or three) then design a game around it instead of making the process more organic (well thats what it feels like anyway as for how it was actually made I have no idea) so what happens stick flags everywhere for no reason to be collected for no reason with a timelimit for no reason ugh I really hate this kind of lazy design then all the other quests were the same sit on bench and listen pickpocket this guy beat up this guy then just take on the main target in melee because its so much easier and quicker than attempting to stealth under the near broken system. I finished it but my god it was a chore I was actually genuinely looking forward to this game (like gta3) but it just felt unfinished.

Mario 64 - Yes I am sure I will get a lot of stick for this but I found this game unplayable on release and after trying it again last year I still cant play it I even found it worse than sunshine and yet loads of people rave about it cannot understand it at all give me super Mario bros, super Mario 3 or Mario galaxy anyday (not Mario galaxy 2 though that game just puts me in a bad mood whenever I play it dont know why the level design is still impeccable but it just isnt much fun).

FFXII (12) - I was expecting good things only to find a game with rubbish characters poor art direction uninteresting plot and a battle system that was annoying as hell ok I have made my gambits but even with all the slots unlocked I still cant get them to do exactly what I want them to do and since every battle is slightly different unless you are just killing easy enemies to get the best results you have to change the gambits against every enemy type to get best results which takes longer than just going in to a battle and selecting things manually oh and make sure you baby sit them so they dont run off and attack the stupid strong enemy in the area. Yes you can change gambits to prevent them from doing this but you will also make your team less effective i.e reactive than proactive. Like XIII the end game was good but what a chore to get there at least XIII for all its faults eventually yielded a good battle system with decent a.i and had the decency to look nice despite its boring early gameplay.

I would have put Bayonetta here as well as after playing on medium I was completely underwhelmed but after trying and finishing on hard it all came together gameplay wise into a really tight and enjoyable experience for me its just a shame the bosses and characters seem a bit rubbish oh and the less said about the narrative and cutscenes the better, I know it was supposed to be tongue in cheek bad but it missed that and just became boring almost incomprehensible bad.


New member
Jul 29, 2011
I have a list.

CoD - I've tried, and I do see why people can like them, they just bore the shit out of me.

Minecraft - I got a headache playing it. The headache came from my head bouncing off my desk when Minecraft bored me to sleep.

Batman Arkham Asylum - It was a good game, that is all. It wasn't great it wasn't amazing it was good.

Gears of War, all 3 of them - Average game with an average story using characters I couldn't like if they were my own children.


New member
Sep 13, 2010
Uncharted. I played the demo and it just felt like your average cover-based shooter with some not very fun platforming stuff thrown in. Plus, the main character is so shallow and cliched he might as well be a cardboard cut out with a voice chip that repeats random lines from Indiana Jones taped to the back.


Robots will replace your job
May 28, 2011
That would be Far Cry 2 and GTA 4. though i musts admit many people raged about Far Cry 2 as well, but judging from reviews, i could say "overhyped game that i didnt like". Gta 4 also seems to have caused a nerd-rage, and to be honest, most of us didnt like it because we liked the previuos versions, and they took a total different direction. but once again, huge sales and good reviews versus my opinion, so fits the bill.
I guess i dont need to mention such games like counter strike, which is w+left.mouse.button games imo. i guess to each his own. id rather find a game that i hate than find a game that is averae (cough COD cough). It was better when games were hate ir or love it and were meant for specific audience. sure some woudl hate it, but for some it woudl be awesome. now its jut average for everyone times :(

GTA3 - immediately leapt to mind I could not and still cannot understand the hype for that game, well originally I can I mean its GTA in 3D right meaning it should be awesome er unfortunately no it was just dull dull dull everything felt the same the missions were boring driving anywhere was a chore and the city just felt like a pain in the arse to negotiate and did not inspire any sense of wonder or awe whatsoever. The game is not atrocious but I did not enjoy it at all and found it depressingly average at best.
Well gta 3 was pretty much the first game to give you a large sandbox city enviroment that had stuff to do. so i guess its like halo, doesnt matter that game is arse, they still remember it becuase it started an era. (just for clearance: i liked gta 3, halo wasnt the first shooter, but it was first shooter that popularized the genre)


Romanorum Imperator
Jun 20, 2009
Shadow of the Colossus. I enjoyed Ico, but not SotC at all. Boring dead bland world and all the Colossus fights basically come down to poke with arrows, climb, fall down one million times, stabby mc stabberson. Boring.


New member
Apr 22, 2011
Shadow of the Colossus.

Look, I get what they were going for. There's a certain brilliant simplicity in just having two weapons, and making the game entirely boss fights. But it's not entirely boss fights. It's entirely 2/3 riding/running around with your sword held aloft like you're posing for a metal album cover, and 1/3 doing the same thing to each boss: latching on, holding on for dear life, and stabbing whenever you get a chance. There's some variation in how you reach the weak spots, yes, but once you get there it's the exact same thing 16 times.

I was really disappointed, because a game that had nothing but boss fights that were as good as, say, Metal Gear Solid 3's, would have been amazing. I was phoning it in by about the 8th Colossus.

I just don't understand why everyone, even Yahtzee, went gaga over this. Yes it's very artsy and unique, but it's also deadly dull.

[Edit: Damn you, erbkaiser! How dare you make my points two minutes before me?? :p]


New member
Nov 28, 2009
Fable 2. I was looking forward to that for years. Loved the first. Couldn't wait for the second. I shed a manly tear for that game :(


New member
Sep 5, 2011
GTA4 - changed the entire series in a bad direction and was just boring.

Bioshock 2- Nowhere near as good as the original.

LA Noire - Good facial animations but the rest sucked.

Brink - Just plain boring.

Deus EX HR - I couldn't force myself past the first mission. I was just that bored.

Fable 3 - Enjoyed Fable 2 but the third was just too short, there wasn't enough you could do as ruler (hang or free prisoners, lower or raise taxes, change laws that sort of thing would have been great) and the crawler was the most unimaginitive enemy I have ever seen in a game).

Halo Reach - Only got it as a freebie with my console but I couldn't make it past mission 3. Never really enjoyed the other halo games either.


New member
Oct 14, 2011
Final Fantasy VII: thats right I said it.

The Witcher 2: I mean seriously what was that piece of shit?


New member
Apr 17, 2009
Ilikemilkshake said:
Bioshock. I only played it for a couple of hours before i got really bored and traded it in. It just didnt live up to my expectations =/
I didn't expect to see Bioshock mentioned as much as it is. And here I thought I was the only one...
I only payed $5 for it on a steam sale so I don't feel that disapointed but I still got over it quickly.


Elite Member
Mar 29, 2011
Whole CoD series, and All Halos except the first. Other then that, I can't think of anything that REALLY let me down. I enjoyed most of the other games. I don't think ANY are as good as they are hyped to be, but they weren't as absolutely boring for me as CoD and the Halo sequels.


New member
Apr 17, 2009
Ragnarok185 said:
Final Fantasy VII: thats right I said it.

The Witcher 2: I mean seriously what was that piece of shit?
Funny, they are a couple of games that live in my favourits list. Diverse tastes are diverse.


New member
Apr 19, 2008
Basically every major Rockstar Games title (except 'Bully'). I don't think they are reeeally bad titles and can be OK if you're in the mood, but the terrible pacing ruins the immersion for me.

And 'Halo: Reach'. It was between meh and OK, but I never got the feeling as if this is the point where it all falls down.