Pair rape and Murder a girl. Then confess in WoW.


New member
Sep 26, 2010
personally reading their behaviors leading up to the crime the culprits were mentally unhinged, I can't help wondering if this could have been prevented by them getting psychiatric treatment.I mean no normal team goes around drinking body fluids and what not.


New member
Mar 1, 2010
Pearwood said:
Pedro The Hutt said:
I would sincerely hope you're wrong there, those two don't deserve to see daylight ever again. (By which I mean a life in prison)
They deserve to spend a hell of a long time there though. 15-20 years at least, assuming they show remorse and learn to control their anger.
Hell of a long time? Remorse.? Who the fuck cares about remorse? :\ What they did cannot be forgiven after a million years in prison. They robbed another person of her life, in the worst possible way. And her family of a daughter and maybe sibling.

I dont understand. I agree with the mother. They are monsters. Like rabid dogs. They should simply be put down. Not as a punishment, just...because its what we should do with rabid dogs. I feel no hatred towards them, but I do not feel they deserve a second chance. Second chances are for crimes that can be paid for. There is no payment big enough to satisfy this.

CalluesCow said:
Comando96 said:
Most of the time I think the Death Penalty is a bad thing...
Not at all...

Psychopaths who now have a taste for murder and rape...

Men get arrested. Dogs get put down.
What do you do when Boys do things that is below a dog?
Nice watchmen quote,makes you seem real bad-ass. The death penalty is stupid no matter how you spin it,it may be morally satisfying but that does not make it just. Saying that murder is wrong by killing the murder is retarded.
It really isnt. The world isnt black and white. A murder is not the same in every circumstance. If I was defending my loved ones from some rabid killer I would not hesitate in taking his life. This act would not cost me any bad conscience. And I do not think anyone doing something like this should be punished in the least. In a war, its kill or be killed. While I abhor war, I would go into it with the mindset that its me or them. I would expect to be killed and would defend myself accordingly.

The act of these two boys comes nowhere even close to anything I've mentioned. There is no justification for this. I do not wish the death penalty as a punishment for them, there is no worthy punishment. I do not wish it because I hate them, and I do not find it morally satisfying. I just think that we live in a society. And even if its values are not the same all over the world, there are a lot of similarities. These two have done something that is simply not defensible. It cannot be paid for with money or years spent behind bars. They have changed the world for the worse in the most horrible way. The only response I can think of is that acts like that are simply not welcome in ANY kind of circumstance or setting. They do not belong in society. They are a bad weed and should be plucked out. Simple as that. For some deeds there can be no redemption.


New member
May 2, 2011
Calling it "The WoW murder" just suggests that Blizards MMORPG is somehow involved in this killing.
Here comes the media...


New member
Jan 5, 2008
DiMono said:
This is the kind of thing that makes me wish I was alone with them and an aluminum baseball bat. It's not just that they raped and killed her, it's that they took two hours to do it. That means it wasn't just a spur of the moment thing, it's something they were thoroughly enjoying. There's no way these two deserve to ever be part of society again. I give them 2 months in general population before they're found dead.
I think it's the fact that she died from the suffocation over anything else they did that makes it worse.


New member
Jan 16, 2008
Comando96 said:
Most of the time I think the Death Penalty is a bad thing...
Not at all...

Psychopaths who now have a taste for murder and rape...

Men get arrested. Dogs get put down.
What do you do when Boys do things that is below a dog?
Points for the Watchmen reference...

I am all for giving people second chances, but here there is no remorse, no recognition of the fact that killing is wrong... Put them away for life, or send them over the border... I don't endorse killing in any form, but these guys are not worth spending money on keeping alive, even in jail...

Best Regards


New member
Sep 25, 2011
'Wow, this topic is about Canada! These topics are never about Canada.' Was my first thought. I think I'm a bad person. D:

I see what it is not in place anylonger, but with events as horrible as this, I believe an eye-for-an-eye system should be in place. These two should die for what they did.


New member
Mar 26, 2010
Clearly those are twisted humans, not bearing much resemblance with us anymore.
They have a disease which separates them from us, makes us call them monsters and sadly that desease is beyond our understanding, we cannot even dream to cure it at the moment, a prison is even less helpful for that matter. The only thing it will do, is keep them from roaming free preventing them from harming others but it won't be able to cage their insane desires.


New member
May 4, 2011

There is one exeption with the death penalty and that is "high treason" under the civil code!

But ya these kids should never see the light of day again.


New member
Nov 18, 2009
Vrach said:
CardinalPiggles said:
So what has this got to do with Wow?

They simply chatted on Wow about their planned crime.
^This. But then again, seeing as the OP is seemingly trying to imitate the Escapist writers (for reasons of trying to get hired or satire, I can't actually say, but assuming/hoping the former due to the weight of the thread), he's got the "misleading useless title" part down perfectly.
Sensationalism gets more thread views, it's a proven fact. I don't like that fact but I have to exploit it.


New member
Nov 18, 2009
poleboy said:
How is this "The WoW murders"? That would be like naming a murder spree after the cop that solved it, or a random person living in the street where the murders were committed. Please don't supply Fox with more ammunition. This has nothing to do with WoW or video games.
In hindsight, this is mostly my stupidity but many news publications and the article I drudged up from Kotaku had this as the title so I picked one that I hoped people would be familiar with.


New member
Dec 17, 2009
A lot of people saying "I don't believe in the death penalty, but".
A lot of others saying "They should go to prison forever."

I believe wholeheartedly in the death penalty, and I furrow my brow at the suggestion that the Canadian tax-payer should be made to shoulder these sub-human things for [x] length of time.

Lock them up.
Don't feed them.
Test cosmetics on them.
Test dangerous medications on them.
When they're hanging on by a thread, put them in the oven.



The Killjoy Detective returns!
Jan 23, 2011
CardinalPiggles said:
So what has this got to do with Wow?

They simply chatted on Wow about their planned crime.
Because some people have to make a tragedy into a problem for themselves. Which is very stupid, what people think about WoW is irrelevant. A girl was just brutally raped and murdered.


New member
Nov 18, 2009
BloatedGuppy said:
Hank Wants Pie said:
When the title said "The WoW Murder" I was thinking that this thread was about Blizzards' awful design mistakes made in "Cataclysm" and the poorly chosen theme of "Mists of Pandaria".
Ha! That's actually what I thought too. Little did I know I was going to be re-exposed to the whole terrible Kimberly Proctor story, which I'd already had a bellyful of given that it happened where I live.

Jeers to the OP for the deliberately misleading post title. Double jeers for this being placed in the gaming forum.
Sensationalism Works. Also in my stupidity (Word you'll be hearing alot bout me), I naturally assumed since I saw the story on Kotaku, it means that it was related to gaming! it also might have to do with the fact that it was 3 in the Morning and I was still awake for some inane reason.


New member
Nov 18, 2009
6unn3r said:
Those in the UK will now watch with trepidation as the Daily Mail jumps on the "BAN VIOLENT VIDEO GAMES/PORN/THE INTERNET/EVERYTHING EVER" bandwagon.

If they had confesed on facebook the result would be the same, that poor girl would still be dead and somthing other than the parents of those two little shits gets the blame.

Oh, and calling it "The WoW Murder" does not help matters OP.
I am sorry, it was stupid I know, but I know that news outlets reporting on this, would instantly call it the WoW Murder, no matter what the pretense.


New member
Apr 29, 2009
That's just fucking disgusting.

I hope they get raped daily in prison. That's just unforgivable, what they did.


New member
Apr 28, 2010
Jesus Christ, there were plenty of warning signs that these two were off their rocker, didn't anyone think to try to get them some kind of help? Or at least locked up?

Poor girl. I find myself agreeing with her mother, once someone like that has inacted their sick fantasy there is no hope for reform.


New member
Apr 14, 2009
Let me put it this way: If the courts don't punish them properly, i sure as hell hope vigilante justice does. I don't say that often but, in this case, I'm prepared to make an exception.

It wasn't just the fact they raped someone, although that was appauling even in itself, but the fact they did this to A FRIEND. Someone who trusted them, someone who had their backs, and they just snuffed her life out for no other fucking reason then they wanted to get off on it. That alone has catapulted these two into the depths beyond redemption and simply makes me hope they get lynched by an angry mob. Prison is too good for them.


New member
Apr 28, 2010
CalluesCow said:
Comando96 said:
Most of the time I think the Death Penalty is a bad thing...
Not at all...

Psychopaths who now have a taste for murder and rape...

Men get arrested. Dogs get put down.
What do you do when Boys do things that is below a dog?
Nice watchmen quote,makes you seem real bad-ass. The death penalty is stupid no matter how you spin it,it may be morally satisfying but that does not make it just. Saying that murder is wrong by killing the murder is retarded.
It's actually quite just, it's fair that a murderer be killed, if anything it's not enough punishment for the suffering that poor girl went through, they beat and raped her for four hours.

I understand people hating the death penalty, but these aren't people, no person would willingly do that to an innocent person, nobody plans for days or weeks to turture and rape a person, only an animal does that kind of thing.