PC Gamers Launch Crysis 2 Petition


New member
Nov 17, 2008
See I'm all for 'making your own demo' especially for those companies who are notorious for putting out HIGHLY incorrect system requirements but Crysis 2 not only has a demo but they're spot on with their requirements.

And it annoys me when people are just blowing it off and pirating when the game actually is being quite good with it's consumers. For God sakes just buy the stupid game, I would ...but I'm officially broke, sad times. So it's time for me to cross my arms like a child and ...wait for a steam sale D:.


New member
Mar 20, 2009
dogstile said:
Count me along the people who will buy it legally...

Just in a few years, when the price drops on steam.

Also, wouldn't pre-ordering be a more meaning "pledge"?

I think so. The pub should get on that.


New member
Mar 20, 2009
Veloxe said:
I wonder how many people who signed this have already pirated it to play or will before the official release. Not saying they couldn't do that and then buy the release when it hits of course. Just be curious how many people would reach out with one hand while using the other to start the torrent is all.
Maybe they played it, thought it was good (or promising), and decided it was worth paying for. I hope this is the case.


New member
Oct 5, 2010
Choppaduel said:
Veloxe said:
I wonder how many people who signed this have already pirated it to play or will before the official release. Not saying they couldn't do that and then buy the release when it hits of course. Just be curious how many people would reach out with one hand while using the other to start the torrent is all.
Maybe they played it, thought it was good (or promising), and decided it was worth paying for. I hope this is the case.
Ya, I would also certainly hope that an incomplete version wouldn't put off too many people who were prepared to buy the finished version upon release. It really is a pretty crappy situation for the developers to be in, hopefully everything works out for the better.


New member
May 18, 2009
dogstile said:
Count me along the people who will buy it legally...

Just in a few years, when the price drops on steam.
Me too.
Do you think it's right to sign the petition in these circumstances lol? We're following the spirit of the thing... Is it my fault the government doesn't give me more money for being at University?
I will definitely be buying this sooner or later though... Maybe one of my friends will get it sooner, then I can just play it on his PC. I still have to do that with COD4, despite owning it, because my damn temperamental laptop won't run it.


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Mar 23, 2010
Xzi said:
After getting that chance, however, I can't lie and say that I'm still compelled to pay full price for it. I didn't think anything could dissuade me from pre-ordering or buying Crysis 2 on day one, but there it is. Maybe others will find the experience worth that price. It's a disappointment when placed side-by-side with Crysis, however, at least in the campaign. Hopefully the multiplayer can make up for that.

Just a reminder, and one I'm sure I don't need to point out, but pre-release beta builds are not always 100% indicative of the final release alpha. Many times they are simply a tech demonstration, proof-of-concept, trial run, or some other WIP. Saying not much will change in two months time is completely inane.

Case in point - back in May of 2008, a beta build of STALKER: Clear Sky (used at E3) was released to the internetz. This build showcased only a small portion of one of the new maps, a working demonstration of the new Smart Terrain system, improved AI and helicopter logic, as well as a few graphical changes (new sunshafts and sun flare effects as well as dynamic weather) . . . while at the same time showing no widescreen support (and no 16:9 or 16:10 resolutions were available), was still running on X-Ray 1.0 (which was NOT the DX10 compliant X-Ray 1.5 that Clear Sky was running on, although the DX10 option and console commands existed in this beta build), was buggy as hell, the map was actually rather small, sounds and textures were still dated from SoC and prior . . .

Clear Sky was released 5-6 months later (depending on your current continent), and the final build was a night and day difference over the E3 beta. There's no way that many changes were made in only a span of 5-6 months . . . even more-so considering how long it takes to actually compile the finished maps (upwards of weeks or more, depending on one's rig), and the scripted events and logics can not be written until the maps are done. The E3 build was much older than it's actual compile date (of March-April '08), and was really aimed as only an interactable tech/concept demonstration for a convention showing.

There were a TON of users put off by this build, as Clear Sky was being hyped for a good 6 months prior to this leak. In no way does the beta build resemble the final product - some "features" of the build were even cut entirelly, while many more features were added in.


New member
Oct 16, 2010
i don't know what the pc gamers ***** about
they all know why they choose the pc as their preferred platform
and the exact same thing that pc gamers hail opens the doors for the easiest piracy possible

they should decide what they wanna do in the future
either bashing console gamers because of how awesome PCs are or whining about how bad their platform sucks when it comes to piracy
both is not an option and lets them look like even bigger dicks


New member
Feb 2, 2011
thaluikhain said:
raxiv said:
Such a petition is a stupid thing. What, "sign" "internets" to show you care? Write the developer by snail mail or e-mail for that matter, put time and effort to show how much you care, not click a button and send a petition which can be tampered with.
Or, you know, just wait a month and buy the thing.

What's the point of showing your support for a game that is going to be released in a month's time?
Well one point of showing support for a game that's so close to release is for the sake of the developers. As in the human beings that put years of their life into this game and are now unsure of how their product will turn out financially due to the leak.


New member
Dec 9, 2010
I would just like to point out of this was Duke Nukem no one would take notice. We would all be playing by now.


New member
Aug 3, 2009
It would be nice to actually have a demo version to try considering the fact that PC gamers like to try out demos to get a better idea if their rig can run it.


New member
Oct 8, 2009
Why are people acting like this is the only game to ever be leaked early? It happens all the time.


New member
Dec 20, 2009
Andy Chalk said:
Diligent said:
This is why nobody takes online petitions seriously.
Right, like the Canadian and German governments. Oh wait.
Well, I'm quite sure that if you're talking about the recently overturned CRTC decision about usage based internet billing, it had more to do with direct e-mails and regular mails to politicians.
Those are 2 examples you cited where an online petition helped, but looking at the top 10 petitions on petitiononline.com we have things like "PLEASE DO NOT SHUT FACEBOOK DOWN!" and "Video Game Custom Button Remapping". Silly stuff that can't or just wont be taken seriously.
Even noble causes like "Stop the dolphin and whale killings in Taiji" currently has 1,295,211 signatures, which makes the 400,000 or so to overturn UBB in Canada look almost small by comparison...and frankly I don't see that petition doing a darn thing for those dolphins.

Pardon the hyperbole when I said nobody takes them seriously, but my main point is that the majority of online petitions out there are frivolous and accomplish nothing, and starting petitions that aren't even petitions, just pledges to do something doesn't really help in my opinion. The best way to really help out Crytek and show your support is to buy the game if you're interested in it and vote with your wallet. That's what I'll be doing!
Sep 14, 2009
Metal Brother said:

Pedantic arguments aside, it's a nice gesture. Of course, the real "pledge" is made with money...

the smallest things count. obviously the developers recognize this, i dont care what people say in it being "pointless" and "does nothing", it is a REMINDER to them that they do have people WHO CARE.
Sep 14, 2009
Andy Chalk said:
Serenegoose said:
I certainly misphrased my opinion. I don't quite mean 'my problem' or 'my responsibility' I think I more mean 'my fault'.
Fair enough, and I can definitely roll with that. But the fact is that like it or not, piracy is our problem. We may not indulge in it, but we suffer for it.
100% this, just because you didn't contribute to it, nor were there when it happened, doesn't mean your not apart of it nor effected by it.


New member
May 28, 2010
This seems rather pointless, it isn't as if the whole game got deleted and is cancelled, I think everybody is taking this a bit too seriously.

Also, to every single company in the world, if you stopped paying attention and reporting it whenever something gets leaked, nowhere near as many people would download it. If you want to start stopping something, stop telling everybody where they can get free copies of games.


New member
Sep 14, 2008
sunburst313 said:
I will be dedicated to buying Crysis 2 as soon as I get a functioning PC demo. Until then, no dice.
Same with me. I will pre-order... if they release a good demo.


Flamboyant Homosexual
Apr 11, 2009
One of my friends is bound to pirate it, when they do I'll prob watch them and have a go, If I like it I'll put it on my "to buy" list under CoD:BO and Portal 2.


New member
Mar 24, 2009
Almost to 400 now. I support this as it finally is a speak-out for those who support the people who chose to dedicate a lot of time into a project.
Considering the pirated version isn't complete and buggy, and therefore won't be getting any support or working patches, I would call the pirates the real losers here.