Poll: Are you a feminist?


New member
Oct 30, 2011
moopig66 said:
treat all others with respect and kindness
Ironically, I don't think you are living up to your own standards by the way, I have not attacked you personally, yet you have nothing but insults for me, calling me all shorts of names, saying I don't have any experience with real life, saying I'm out of touch with reality, and a host of other insults and names.

and then you say this?

"treat all others with respect and kindness"

I already am, perhaps you should too. It's a two way street buddy.


Elite Member
Jun 24, 2011
United States
Evil Smurf said:
I support equality for both sexes, I am a humanist.

The term "feminism" is the same as the term "masculinism". The terms are one sided.


New member
Oct 30, 2011
Tenmar said:
Darkmantle said:
moopig66 said:
Woah, woah. Both you and Moopig need to stop and refocus the conversation where you are having a discussion and not an argument. If you guys continue this ya'll gonna start just focusing on the whole "I am right and you are wrong" crap that doesn't get either of you two anywhere.

Focus on what your opinions on and focus on gaining an understanding on that opinion and situation. It makes it a much better conversation than what you guys are doing now.

Excuse me? I'm not the one using wild insults and calling into question his past and his current relationships, please read his past posts responding to me. I have no problem having a calm conversation. I'm still not mad, I get it all the time.


New member
Apr 22, 2011
Vault101 said:
Prof.Beany said:
thats not true at all
What isn't?
You kind of took that quote entirely out of context there man, Im not even sure what you're trying to say... That its impossible for anyone with that mindset to exist?


Emcee: the videogame video guy
Jun 26, 2012
DevilWithaHalo said:
I typed more, but then realized I was ranting...
Big ups for catching yourself doing so. Respect, dude.

As for the topic, I'm certainly a feminist, but like a lot of people, I'm hesitant to use that word in public. Though since I'm a guy, most people are just confused when I say I'm a feminist.

I think they assume I'm sexually submissive and that I eagerly accept my new female overlords.



New member
Oct 30, 2011
Tenmar said:
Darkmantle said:
Excuse me? I'm not the one using wild insults and calling into question his past and his current relationships, please read his past posts responding to me. I have no problem having a calm conversation. I'm still not mad, I get it all the time.
I know Dark, and I know you aren't mad(it is quite impossible to actually tell if a person is actually upset on a forum due to our absence of tone). However sometimes the best thing to do is to either simply build an understanding and just move on knowing what they think or to just ask questions and just state your views in hope that they will be respectful back and share their views. Should they try to be hostile or you decide they are so latched onto their own personal beliefs and not take your side for consideration then it is best to simply ignore them and talk to the people who you think are going to be earnest on the topic.
I suppose. I am somewhat amused that he proceeded to turn into an example of the very thing I was denouncing though. I think he's done anyway.

The Lunatic

Jun 3, 2010
No, I support gender blindness.

Equal rights for men on certain things, equal rights for women on others.

I don't so much believe "Women are getting the short end in everything" nor the other way around, but that there are cultural issues for both genders that need to addressed.


New member
Jun 21, 2012
Dictionary difinition - I would consider myself one.
In practice many of those who call themselves such, are actually female supremacists. That is a position I do not support.

Actively? I treat both sexes as different, yet equal in the daily life to the best of my abilities.


Elite Member
Jun 24, 2011
United States
The Lunatic said:
No, I support gender blindness.

Equal rights for men on certain things, equal rights for women on others.

I don't so much believe "Women are getting the short end in everything" nor the other way around, but that there are cultural issues for both genders that need to addressed.
Feminism is only interested in addressing biases against women. Biases against men are ignored. Feminism is not about gender equality and I don't think it ever was.


New member
May 13, 2010
Yes, to the definition you posted and not the more "popular" view of feminism. And as for the second question, yes, I have.


I'm in your mind fuzz
Sep 26, 2010
Prof.Beany said:
What isn't?
You kind of took that quote entirely out of context there man, Im not even sure what you're trying to say... That its impossible for anyone with that mindset to exist?
ok no..its not (answer to last statment)

but that's (generally) not [b/]why[/b] people complain about the portrayal of women in media. Some people will tell you that nothing is wrong but that's something I disagree with entirly


Pee Eye Em Pee Daddy
Apr 4, 2010
Let's do away completely with the segregation, especially when it comes to gym shower rooms ans. If equality is to be given then it should be across the board, not at a pick and choose level that its currently at.

Harold Hansen

New member
Oct 6, 2011
I am a shrubber. My name is Roger the shrubber. I arrange, design, and sell shrubberies.

The definition is the "advocacy of women's rights." When an activism is defined specifically in favor of women, or one group, I can't be a part of it, whether it is advocated on the grounds of equality of the sexes or the ideals of the guy who created Wonder Woman (Movie Bob might be able to tell you more about that, he made a Big Picture short on it).

Here's the thing: I like people. I am an advocate for the basic human rights of all people. I am a peoplist. I condone nonspecific movements in favor of the basic rights of any one group so long as they do not diminish the basic rights of another.

I understand that we don't live in a perfect world, and there are things we need to construct and allow in order to make up for what an imperfect world such as ours lacks. We create unspoken rules and guidelines, and sometimes sacrifice our pride or dignity, to avoid offending strangers, or to save someone from an awkward situation. I don't know how far I've gone with this, but I get the feeling this paragraph is neither here nor there.

I've been listening to "I'm not a Hero" by Hans Zimmer while I was typing this.


New member
May 13, 2010
I just try not to be an asshole. I would prefer if everyone else simply tried not to be assholes. There is no need for labels, it's not that complicated.


New member
Nov 28, 2011
moopig66 said:
Well, i lied. I shall rebut, just this once.

Mens rights? MENS RIGHTS! MENS FUACKING RIGHTS!? Are you absolutely shitting me?? Has your brain absolutely gone that far off the deep end. Have you lost touch with this wonderful place we call reality that you would use a term like "mens rights" pow-faced? Men have the rights, men distribute the rights to those who are bellow them, MENS RIGHTS is a made up term.

This asinine attitude of "oh they are victimized so i want to be too!" is so disgustingly childish, so beyond rational thought it sickens me that you share the same species as i. grow the hell up. Take reality for a spin some day, its quite fun.

As someone who has personally been discriminated against my whole life for no other reason than my birth, i hole heatedly support the feminist movement. I believe in equal rights and equal opportunity for all. To not believe in such is a sin worse than all the rest. Be nice, be happy, treat all others with respect and kindness, its not a very hard life philosophy to live by.

Edit: oh... im a dude... i dont know if that came across...
Darkmantle said:
moopig66 said:
OMG what part of not talking to do you do you not understand? One of your articles that you so smugly posted, I ALREADY POSTED IN RESPONSE TO ANOTHER PERSON!!!!!!! Or at least one with the same information. You can read my deconstruction of that if you want!!

Did some evil six foot five tall 200lb women physicality and sexual abuse you at some point in the past? This irrational, vile distrust of a group of people who's only crime was being born with their reproductive parts on the inside is something beyond evil.

I don't know, my only experiences wit women is as a friend, being a member of the rainbow squad and all, but i have never EVER met this cartoon-ishly evil, seductive archetype of a women once in my life.

And no, no i will not be responding to whatever ill conceived, hateful, sexist thing you feel like responding at me. Please stop co-opting conversations in the message boards (ive seen you before) and go be nice and happy with all the other good boys and girls in the not-internet world. I must now leave for i have a date... with a real person... something i doubt you have much experience with.

Darkmantle said:
moopig66 said:
Oh god, im not going to debate with you... ive seen you before and meet people of your persuasion. One day you will, hopefully, wake up and realize that taking an opinion because you want to be contrary is not a healthy thing to do. Your words are the regurgitation labyrinth of machination created by a particularly spiteful group of persons who dont want woman's equality. Please, for your own sake, stop being contrary for the sake of contrariety, and start formulating your own opinions based on your own experiences, like an adult...

and here i was hoping to have an adult conversation... oh well :)
Darkmantle said:
moopig66 said:
And what possible purpose would the evil women have for misleading all you soft and trusting men? I mean honestly, its attitude like this that holds our nation and our culture back. You have created a false narrative for a group that you have been told falsities about. Attitudes like this lead to very very bad things historically, i would hope that a group like us gamers would understand somewhat of whats its like to be subjugated. Why cant we all just be nice and happy and get along with each other? its not hard... really...
Darkmantle said:
moopig66 said:
Aw, and here i was hoping to have a thread without insults... dow well.

I would love to see your statistics source study... unless you... pulled it out of your butt...

and i love love love when people claim that feminists are somehow sexist. I have spoken to and am friends with many people who would be considered extreme feminists and never have i felt that they are in any way sexist. Its a slur, calling feminists sexist, that is founded on nothing other than a knee jerk defensive reaction from people who oppose feminism.

and... i apologize for any typos, i just got a new keyboard :p

Darkmantle said:
moopig66 said:
you want some stats man?


there's some.

and here's a feminist organization that's using fake stats.


If you watch, you can notice most if not all the stats used are 15 years old. Intentionally misleading. Both sides of Domestic Violence need to be addressed, many feminists simply don't agree.

And here's the founder of the first battered woman's refuge backing me up, she knew the score.

I'm not going to play the speculation game with you, nor did I say all women or evil or any nonsense as that, stop building straw men. It's more likely it's just ignorance or confirmation bias, as is your case.

Those stats are as solid as you can get. All I ask is that there be almost as many shelters for men as there are for women, because men need help to. You are not going to end the violence by pretending there is only one side to the issue, and until feminism catches up to the realities of domestic violence today, I'm not going to support them. Show me the feminist groups trying to get men's shelters open, or educate people about DV against both genders, I'll believe they are about equality.

The insulting of people who advocate for men's rights is not helping your case.

Look at the stats and stop being blind to your own bias. I fight for everyone's rights, maybe you should do the same.

You stand here with a straight face telling me I'm buying into some kind of agenda, yet you ignore the stats I posted, from UK and Canada, you ignore the woman who founded the FIRST woman's shelter (she should be a feminist icon BTW). Yet you have the gall to tell me I'm not forming my own opinions?

How about you do some real research into the groups you support, instead of blindly running to their defence.

I'll post the stats again, if you're mature enough to actually look at them.

Actually I've been in a stable monogamous relationship for the past three years. And we're both quite happy in fact. But I do appreciate the wild strawmanning of my opinions and assumptions about my history and relationships. Really shows the quality of person that calls themselves feminist.

Proves my point about feminist attitudes to people who advocate for men's rights as well. Good job becoming an example.
Moopig.. you are the reason why so many people have a problem to identify themselves as feminists when they support equality.

This attitude of dismissing sexism against men so easily while getting furious about sexism against women IS a form of sexism.

What? You really believe men don't suffer sexism?, here look:


DISCLAIMER: Yeah I know women have had it worst in the past, and still have it worst in the present in some aspects. But still, my point stands the same...