Poll: Are you a feminist?


New member
Oct 30, 2011
Tenmar said:
moopig66 said:
I hoped his words of wisdom would rub off on you. Misandry, which makes wavy red lines appear below it as it is not a word... well... isn't a word. I, as a male, do not discriminate against men because they are men... that would be weird considering i BONE THEM! If i was a gay misandrist, it would be very hard to find positional dates considering my hate for them...
WOAH! WOAH! Umm Moopig, I'm all for sharing and such but no one asked about your sexual preference and you are clearing the too much information line. The only reason you are getting that reaction from Jiggy is cause of the way you have been treating other people in this forum thread.

The topic clearly does not require you mentioning your sexual preference and you could easily of said you overreacted and started over and have a conversation with Jiggy instead.
It's the same logic that a black person can't be racist against black people, or your not racist because you have a black friend. The old uncle tom kind of thinking.


New member
Feb 1, 2011
I apologize, i was put in RAGE MODE, upon reading some of my fellow escapist's comments.

As someone who knows what its like, and i know im bringing that up a lot now but... i feel it adds some weight to the conversation or rather my opinion, this specific subject understandably can hit close to home. It does disturb me however to see people basically stating their disapproval for women equality. Having an opinion is one thing, but prejudice disguised as "asking questions" is not a valid opinion to hold as it is not an opinion but rather a prejudice.

I want to see us all living in a nice happy world where we can all get along, but to do so we must first stamp out the prejudice that plagues us (yes i know... colorful words...) Even on the internet, all opinions are not valid, an opinion that i know many may disagree with. Racism is not a valid opinion as it is not based on fact but rather personal misunderstandings and inbred prejudice. Likewise, sexism toward women is not a valid opinion to express anywhere, education is a must. Now obviously im not saying sexists should be shot, but they should be given a nice lecture, however i also know that, in the words of Spock, one cannot be brought to a rational conclusion if they have not reached their own conclusion based on logic.

We keep pretending its ok to say redirection things about any subject like this. And underneath every (...most... but "every" sounds more exciting) opposing sentiment is a subtext of pure sexism.

The definition of sexism is, via Wikipedia (long quote): "Feminism is a collection of movements aimed at defining, establishing, and defending equal political, economic, and social rights for women.[1][2] In addition, feminism seeks to establish equal opportunities for women in education and employment. A feminist is "an advocate or supporter of the rights and equality of women." I hope that each and every person out there agrees with these sentiments, that women out to be equal and that they deserve an appropriately proportionate role in our society. And this "men are victimized too!!!" attitude that just translates to a MEE TOO attitude is just laced with sexism. We as men are of a privileged we cant even begin to understand, there are so many more doors open to us from birth, specifically if you happen to be white and straight. And we forget that fact and fall into a defensive mode whenever confronted with this knowledge, and for what? So we can stay special? Is it because you dont feel privileged, because you work for a living? Im sure you do, im sure you work very hard and im sure you diverse what you get, but not everyone is presented in life with the same opportunities that lead to your success.

There is nothing inherently wrong with the Y chromosome, and no feminist thinks that there is, no matter what some Conservative blogger pushes. And ya there have been a few "feminists" who have said that all men are evil. but they arnt feminists, their wrong. Feminism is about equality for all, a sentiment that i hope everyone can get behind.

Oh... and i apologize for all the typeos... its late here in Portland... though its much later out east... i resend my excuse... :)
Tenmar said:
moopig66 said:
My friend mister Sterling of the Jimquisition fame:

Question: Are you really presenting opinion as fact here?

I mean I've read your posts and honestly I really don't see you actually sharing your stance on the issue or definition of feminism. All I've seen you do is charge in headfirst and tell other people on this forum that they are wrong and just focus on being negative rather than positive.

You are for some reason focused like this is some battle where there are winners and losers where in actuality you are in a forum where people are here to have a conversation and share their opinions, thoughts and ideas. It would be better before you start actually having a debate with a person to actually see if they would like to debate the issue and actually share some sort of starting point.

Not everyone is going to agree with you, especially with some radical statements that you have made tonight. But you know what? That is okay, but don't think that a person is attacking you because they disagree with you on a forum. You are forgetting that the written word lacks tone, as humans our main mode of communication if voice. To which your reading comprehension on these forums demonstrates that you are perceiving that the people who are typing to you are somehow yelling at you to which only explains why you have taken such a radical stance and made declarations like "right wing tactics".

You would best be served to stop, think, and not be afraid to actually ask questions. There is nothing wrong with asking questions as it helps leads to that understanding so you are both on the same page. Darkmantle tried his best but you clearly did not give him that equality or follow any sort of golden rule.


New member
Feb 1, 2011
My point being, and one that either went over your head or defeated your line of reasoning, was that its quite hard for someone... like me... to be this made up word.

Oh, and dont pull that debate cop-out "oh, im going to overreact now to deflect attention toward you!" its rather easy to see through.

Tenmar said:
moopig66 said:
I hoped his words of wisdom would rub off on you. Misandry, which makes wavy red lines appear below it as it is not a word... well... isn't a word. I, as a male, do not discriminate against men because they are men... that would be weird considering i BONE THEM! If i was a gay misandrist, it would be very hard to find positional dates considering my hate for them...
WOAH! WOAH! Umm Moopig, I'm all for sharing and such but no one asked about your sexual preference and you are clearing the too much information line. The only reason you are getting that reaction from Jiggy is cause of the way you have been treating other people in this forum thread.

The topic clearly does not require you mentioning your sexual preference and you could easily of said you overreacted and started over and have a conversation with Jiggy instead.


New member
Oct 30, 2011
Tenmar said:
Darkmantle said:
It's the same logic that a black person can't be racist against black people, or your not racist because you have a black friend. The old uncle tom kind of thinking.
I think you are quoting the wrong person there Darkmantle...
I'm not planning on responding to him further, but you seemed completely shocked when he brought his sexuality into it, so I figured I'd explain why he'd bring it up like this, I've seen that kind of thing before after all :p

I'm trying to stay out of it now, but it's hard to ignore :p


New member
Feb 1, 2011
really... some ad-laden website from the neather is your source...?

Wikipedia is so much better!!


anyhoo... i bring up my sexuality to shed light upon where my understanding comes from, and because being called a word that, no matter what the internet asserts, makes wavy red lines appear underneath it, is an assertion that would be counter to my orientation.

As well, no actual dictionary has it, or as far as i can find, and Wikipedia is not a dictionary but rather a reference sight, which can define made up words.
Jiggy said:
moopig66 said:
I hoped his words of wisdom would rub off on you. Misandry, which makes wavy red lines appear below it as it is not a word... well... isn't a word. I, as a male, do not discriminate against men because they are men... that would be weird considering i BONE THEM! If i was a gay misandrist, it would be very hard to find positional dates considering my hate for them...
1. I don't give the slightest shit where you put your junk and it has no bearing at all on you being a misandrist.

2. For your reading pleasure:


New member
Feb 1, 2011
Well the people here do make the laws, if their in America, they Vote. And feminism isnt really loaded, its been twisted by its dissenters, sadly effectively, and it saddens me that so many are unable to at least embrace it in some way. And weather or not you identify with feminism is aside the point, it weather you agree with its philosophies. And i hope most people, or rather all, do agree. But many MANY people out there have fallen into this sad mindset of feminism having any negative connotation to it.

As well, I CANT BELIEVE THAT YOU SEXIST MOTHER... im just kidding... i liked your video! :p
Tenmar said:
moopig66 said:
Hey I'm the conservative guy here just trying to help ya out. Most of the people here posting who say they aren't feminists or don't like to identify as feminists on this thread are simply saying that they don't identify as feminists due to all the loaded concepts that come with the word. Especially when you consider the interpretations of the feminist theory to which is its own school of thought.

Ya gotta know though that none of these people who disagree with you are against ya. They are just other people here who like to play video games that are sharing their opinions. They aren't the ones legislating laws. Concepts like racism and sexism are usually rooted in irrationality or experiences that are based on one's heritage, experiences both positive and negative that simply can't be pinned down easy.

But if you really do have a problem with the philosophical thought of conservatism, have you checked out this guy? He does some pretty solid blogging when it comes to politics. You might find that the other side actually does have a conversation and calls out the bullshit lines that you will hear from the political theater that is FOX, CNN, and MSNBC.



New member
Feb 1, 2011
Well... it does not, we all live in a society and we dont get to make up words to fit our sexist fantasies. It comes from the same mindset that thinks Christians in america are oppressed, it would be funny if it wasn't so sad.
Father Time said:
moopig66 said:
really... some ad-laden website from the neather is your source...?

Wikipedia is so much better!!


anyhoo... i bring up my sexuality to shed light upon where my understanding comes from, and because being called a word that, no matter what the internet asserts, makes wavy red lines appear underneath it, is an assertion that would be counter to my orientation.

As well, no actual dictionary has it, or as far as i can find, and Wikipedia is not a dictionary but rather a reference sight, which can define made up words.
Jiggy said:
moopig66 said:
I hoped his words of wisdom would rub off on you. Misandry, which makes wavy red lines appear below it as it is not a word... well... isn't a word. I, as a male, do not discriminate against men because they are men... that would be weird considering i BONE THEM! If i was a gay misandrist, it would be very hard to find positional dates considering my hate for them...
1. I don't give the slightest shit where you put your junk and it has no bearing at all on you being a misandrist.

2. For your reading pleasure:
Are you honestly going to say that firefox is a better source than wikipedia and the dictionary?

Misandry is just the hatred of men, it exists, and it's not a complicated concept. M

repeating integers

New member
Mar 17, 2010
Jiggy said:
xplosive59 said:
I am all for equality in everything!

I hate feminazi's though, and by that I mean the ones who want men to be wiped off the face of the earth eg this ***** here...


...Who believes that every man should be castrated, and should be executed if they refuse. (She isn't trolling either, she's got an entire youtube channel devoted to that stuff.
Uh, yeah, she is trolling and it's fucking obvious, she even has a list of Anti-Feminist Youtubers on the Sidebar.
You know, I thought so too at first. But apparently this woman once wrote "*****" on her daughter's forehead and threatened to kill her, so it looks like she's a genuine crazy.

Captcha: sudo make sandwich. Dafuq?


New member
Dec 3, 2011
Most of the people here posting who say they aren't feminists or don't like to identify as feminists on this thread are simply saying that they don't identify as feminists due to all the loaded concepts that come with the word.
Nah. In reality, there is no baggage or loaded concept that comes with the word. These people simply are sexist and cannot handle women having equal rights. This is why they pretend there is baggage with the word.

When in reality, it's just butthurt men insisting that it's bad.

Men and Women are different! We think different, we act different, We are different.
This is intellectually dishonest. An average man and an average woman are somewhat different. The same is true for every group of men being different from other groups of men.

In fact, men from different groups are, on average, more different than men are, on average, different from other women. The problem is that people like you don't understand this.

So, yes, men and women are different. And men and other men are also different. Clinging to the "they're different!" as if it had merit doesn't get you anywhere, sorry. Humans generally are very different from other humans. DUH.

Example Pay, More men take the dangerous, undesirable work and generally favour connivance over comforts. Women the opposite generally going for comfort, easy commute, benefits etc. over money. And guess what because of that men get paid more on average.
This proves that you have no idea what you are talking about. For one, the wage gap is generally existing for people with the exact same job, so some random nonsense you made up about what jobs women take doesn't exactly help your point.

Furthermore, it's a completely idiotic argument, because wage has nothing to do with the job being dangerous or undesirable. The jobs that are, by far, the most well paid also tend to be completely lacking in dangerousness.

Men get shat on when it comes to devour and child custody.
This is because of misogyny, actually: If you keep pushing that women should be caregivers and not men, then yes, the opposite effect is that men don't get to be. This is pretty much the consequence of misogyny. The solution here? More equality. If caregiving is not automatically a woman's job, then men would not be shat on so much there.

Proof: Scandinavic countries. The less sexism a country has, the better men stand if they want to take family time. Simple fact. IN fact: This issue is evidence for sexism in general.

Once we are at a point where nobody will give a damn if a guy stays home to take care of kids because it doesn't matter and their gender doesn't play into it, then sexism is probably over.

Until then, it's not.

And Women generally get less jail time than men for the same crimes.
Actually, this isn't true. There are many crimes where women get harsher sentences.
Murder, for example. If a man kills his wife "because she cheated", he will get a lot less jailtime than if a woman kills her husband because "he cheated". There's actually legal precedent for this in Britain, and it hasn't been challenged yet (because, lets face it, people don't exactly care about the rights of wife-killers or husband-killers).

Factually, you are wrong. Again.

So all in all I think the equal rights thing is done and does not need to go further
Actually, you're proved that we still have a long way to go. It's far from done.

Equal rights doesn't mean "men have it easier nearly everywhere, but the difference isn't AS big anymore, so we can call it a day!"

It means actually equal rights. That means that men and women can pick any task based on their individual capability and not get into trouble for it/get equal pay.

This includes, for example, men raising kids, if they so want. This also includes both genders being taken serious when making a complaint about rape. As serious as, say, a complaint about getting your car stolen.

Not the case right now, despite false car theft reports being a lot more common than fake rape reports.

It's not a straw feminist if there actually exist people like that in the real world
By this logic, wouldn't it be okay to hate all men because a few men are insane douchebags?
Wait, you'll say - not all men are like that, so that'd be bad!

Yes. And the same goes for feminists. I'm one, and I have never seen one of these supposed feminazis in real life, nor in online communities. I have never heard anyone utter the wish to "wipe out" or "castrate" men, nor have I ever observed any "women are better than men".

In fact, the ONLY people I have seen saying the "women are better" were men on 4chan.
Who aren't known for feminism.

On the other hand, despite not being in many male-focused groups, I have seen dozens of rape-threat campaigns against women (some of which with thousands of men joining in to try to silence a single woman - takes women vs tropes, which STILL has buttdevastated men bashing her with lies), have seen hundreds of threats of physical violence against feminists IRL, and have seen these threats being carried out.

I have far more a leg to stand on if I wanted to say "all men are assholes" or "men are bad". I don't say it. Why do you think is it more okay to say "feminism is bad" based on... a single crazy blogger who is probably a troll or actually clinically insane?


New member
Feb 1, 2011
I may of been responding to someone else when i quoted those stats... let me check... yup, i may of been on a tare there for a bit... oops... perhaps the intended target received the message?

And im using Chrome thank you very much, i never touch this Firefox thing you speak of :p

But, as i said before, you dont get to make up a word and pretend like its real because you want it to be, and you certainly dont get to pretend like this made up word is actually happening in that crazy place we call the real world!

Stoner... stoner... you wavy lines... Truthyness... damn, i was hoping that one was real... Feminist... hey, that one has no lines...
Father Time said:
moopig66 said:
oh... no reference... sad face, and here i was hoping that you would reciprocate with a source that proved your point instead of deflecting the argument... :(

Asserting ones independence and equality is not sexism, its fair. I strongly support gay rights as someone directly affected by the outcome of said legislation, does this mean that im "hetrophobic"?
I never said feminism automatically makes you sexist, I said there are sexist feminists, and I never said you were one. If you really want a source then I can find some people who call themselves feminists who bluntly state that they hate men.

moopig66 said:
I heard that term the other day from a christian extremist person.. i like it... hetrophobic... although it does make little wavy lines appear underneath it... perhaps its because its not a real thing??
Stoner produces red lines underneath too. We don't base what's real and what's not on firefox spellcheck. And I've seen a few people online (a few as in I can count them on one hand) who say they hate straight people, but if you're honestly worried about them effecting your life then you're paranoid.

And I don't know why you're giving me stats about domestic abuse seeing as how I never brought it up, so I'm just going to ignore it.


New member
Feb 1, 2011
Yes, lots of things are older than me, like sexism... and homophobia... and racism...

How am i making up definitions?? Have you seen the man going their own way forum?

I have not once in my existence met anyone who hates men, they might not like the power they assert over them, they may not like their self appointed lordship over women, they may even avoid men as much as possible, but they dont hate men. And ive met MANY MANY far left liberals, im in Oregon after all.
Father Time said:
Misandry does not mean they're oppressed, now stop making up definitions and especially sotp being a hypocrite.

You honestly think that nobody hates men? Because I can find people who say that they do really freaking easy.


The word is probably older than you are. Nobody here made it up.

moopig66 said:
Well... it does not, we all live in a society and we dont get to make up words to fit our sexist fantasies. It comes from the same mindset that thinks Christians in america are oppressed, it would be funny if it wasn't so sad.
Father Time said:
moopig66 said:
really... some ad-laden website from the neather is your source...?

Wikipedia is so much better!!


anyhoo... i bring up my sexuality to shed light upon where my understanding comes from, and because being called a word that, no matter what the internet asserts, makes wavy red lines appear underneath it, is an assertion that would be counter to my orientation.

As well, no actual dictionary has it, or as far as i can find, and Wikipedia is not a dictionary but rather a reference sight, which can define made up words.
Jiggy said:
moopig66 said:
I hoped his words of wisdom would rub off on you. Misandry, which makes wavy red lines appear below it as it is not a word... well... isn't a word. I, as a male, do not discriminate against men because they are men... that would be weird considering i BONE THEM! If i was a gay misandrist, it would be very hard to find positional dates considering my hate for them...
1. I don't give the slightest shit where you put your junk and it has no bearing at all on you being a misandrist.

2. For your reading pleasure:
Are you honestly going to say that firefox is a better source than wikipedia and the dictionary?

Misandry is just the hatred of men, it exists, and it's not a complicated concept. M


New member
Dec 3, 2011
t is not sexist to point out that equality cannot be achieved by focusing on the issues of a group that is so equal that they now mus
Wrong. Thanks for proving that you have no clue what you're talking about.

The things you call petty are hardly petty. If you had any idea whatsoever about sociology or how the human brain works - or how humans learn things when they grow up, and internalize them- you wouldn't write such complete nonsense.

These things matter a *lot*. You just don't really understand this because you are used to being catered to at all times, and are unwilling to look past your own situation.

You can take that propaganda and shove it right up where the sun doesn't shine. Many a moron has tried to tell me that I'm totally privileged, yet not a single one has yet managed to actually explain how I am privileged
Facts aren't propaganda. You chose to ignore the proof there is, but that doesn't mean it's not there.

You're just like a flat earther ignoring actual photos of the planet. I am sorry that you are butthurt about actual science proving this concept over, and over, and over. It must be hard to argue against science.

I personally couldn't really do it. I like the scientific approach too much, but it must be nice to live like you, ignoring facts, and just going along with your pre-concieved beliefs that you never question. :)


New member
Feb 1, 2011

I thought i was alone it the fight against these... gentlemen... :)

zefiris said:
Most of the people here posting who say they aren't feminists or don't like to identify as feminists on this thread are simply saying that they don't identify as feminists due to all the loaded concepts that come with the word.
Nah. In reality, there is no baggage or loaded concept that comes with the word. These people simply are sexist and cannot handle women having equal rights. This is why they pretend there is baggage with the word.

When in reality, it's just butthurt men insisting that it's bad.

Men and Women are different! We think different, we act different, We are different.
This is intellectually dishonest. An average man and an average woman are somewhat different. The same is true for every group of men being different from other groups of men.

In fact, men from different groups are, on average, more different than men are, on average, different from other women. The problem is that people like you don't understand this.

So, yes, men and women are different. And men and other men are also different. Clinging to the "they're different!" as if it had merit doesn't get you anywhere, sorry. Humans generally are very different from other humans. DUH.

Example Pay, More men take the dangerous, undesirable work and generally favour connivance over comforts. Women the opposite generally going for comfort, easy commute, benefits etc. over money. And guess what because of that men get paid more on average.
This proves that you have no idea what you are talking about. For one, the wage gap is generally existing for people with the exact same job, so some random nonsense you made up about what jobs women take doesn't exactly help your point.

Furthermore, it's a completely idiotic argument, because wage has nothing to do with the job being dangerous or undesirable. The jobs that are, by far, the most well paid also tend to be completely lacking in dangerousness.

Men get shat on when it comes to devour and child custody.
This is because of misogyny, actually: If you keep pushing that women should be caregivers and not men, then yes, the opposite effect is that men don't get to be. This is pretty much the consequence of misogyny. The solution here? More equality. If caregiving is not automatically a woman's job, then men would not be shat on so much there.

Proof: Scandinavic countries. The less sexism a country has, the better men stand if they want to take family time. Simple fact. IN fact: This issue is evidence for sexism in general.

Once we are at a point where nobody will give a damn if a guy stays home to take care of kids because it doesn't matter and their gender doesn't play into it, then sexism is probably over.

Until then, it's not.

And Women generally get less jail time than men for the same crimes.
Actually, this isn't true. There are many crimes where women get harsher sentences.
Murder, for example. If a man kills his wife "because she cheated", he will get a lot less jailtime than if a woman kills her husband because "he cheated". There's actually legal precedent for this in Britain, and it hasn't been challenged yet (because, lets face it, people don't exactly care about the rights of wife-killers or husband-killers).

Factually, you are wrong. Again.

So all in all I think the equal rights thing is done and does not need to go further
Actually, you're proved that we still have a long way to go. It's far from done.

Equal rights doesn't mean "men have it easier nearly everywhere, but the difference isn't AS big anymore, so we can call it a day!"

It means actually equal rights. That means that men and women can pick any task based on their individual capability and not get into trouble for it/get equal pay.

This includes, for example, men raising kids, if they so want. This also includes both genders being taken serious when making a complaint about rape. As serious as, say, a complaint about getting your car stolen.

Not the case right now, despite false car theft reports being a lot more common than fake rape reports.

It's not a straw feminist if there actually exist people like that in the real world
By this logic, wouldn't it be okay to hate all men because a few men are insane douchebags?
Wait, you'll say - not all men are like that, so that'd be bad!

Yes. And the same goes for feminists. I'm one, and I have never seen one of these supposed feminazis in real life, nor in online communities. I have never heard anyone utter the wish to "wipe out" or "castrate" men, nor have I ever observed any "women are better than men".

In fact, the ONLY people I have seen saying the "women are better" were men on 4chan.
Who aren't known for feminism.

On the other hand, despite not being in many male-focused groups, I have seen dozens of rape-threat campaigns against women (some of which with thousands of men joining in to try to silence a single woman - takes women vs tropes, which STILL has buttdevastated men bashing her with lies), have seen hundreds of threats of physical violence against feminists IRL, and have seen these threats being carried out.

I have far more a leg to stand on if I wanted to say "all men are assholes" or "men are bad". I don't say it. Why do you think is it more okay to say "feminism is bad" based on... a single crazy blogger who is probably a troll or actually clinically insane?