Poll: How do you type?

Brutal Peanut

This is so freakin aweso-BLARGH!
Oct 15, 2010
All fingers and both thumbs, and I'm moderately quick. Sometimes I have a quick glance downward, out of habit. Rarely have errors though.


New member
Mar 24, 2010
I type the normal way I was taught in school with a modified index fingering thrown in depending on the angle. I wish I could type like L and just use my index fingers. Man he was so cool


New member
May 26, 2010
I bang my head against the keyboard until something grammatically correct comes out...

... nah, I was taught the 'proper' way to type, but I just gradually updated my search-and-poke technique to include the ring and middle fingers.


New member
Nov 25, 2010
I did take a typing class back in high school that was centered mostly around using the program 'All the Right Type'. It focused on the use of the home row so that you can avoid looking down at the keyboard. During tests, we had to wear these plastic blinders under our eyes so we couldn't peak. However, nowadays I don't use the home row anymore for typing.

I've got big hands so unless I use one of those ergonomic keyboards, using the home row is not particularly comfortable. In my 'resting' position, I keep my left hand in line and to the left of the F key which is a product of all the FPS games I've played with the WASD format. As for my right hand, for some reason, my index finger stays on the M key with the remaining fingers on the middle row and to the right of the K key.

As for typing, my hands go all over the keyboard, sometimes using my left index finger to hit the Y. I only look down occasionally just to get my bearings but usually, I'm just used to the feel of the keys so I'll know my place. I never use my pinkies for typing except when hitting the Ctrl key so they're usually slightly elevated.

As messed up as my typing habits are, it's comfortable and it gets the job done in a quick manner.


New member
Mar 15, 2011
For some reason (mine is the only one I know that did this) my elementary school started us on typing lessons.
So we learned to type in 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th.

Wrists on the lip of the desk, "home row", right hand hits space bar, left hand hits shift.
My friend hits caps lock instead of shift (for single capital letters). Anyone here do that?


New member
Jun 7, 2010
I do it the proper way, and I usually do it without looking at the keyboard. I remember that I learned how to do this from a game from The Learning Company called Read, Write, and Type. Taught you the alphabet, and gave each letter of the alphabet a certain character protrayal. They had this back in first/second grade in my school(during free time I suppose), and I liked it so much, I asked my parents to get it for me. Was really fun in the long run.

Course, when I had an actual typing/computer classes later on, it was super easy since I already knew how to do it. By that time we were learning how to do it with a program called Mavis Beacon, or something like that. Coincedentally, my mother bought that for herself a year or so before, so I was already familiar.

A shame that a lot of the kids chose to ignore the proper method. They mostly just did whatever they wanted during that time. Though I have to admit, I always got a kick out of everyone around me getting surprised that I could type really fast with my eyes closed.


Positively Neutral!
Feb 18, 2011
Hunt-and pecker.

School tried to break me of it.

Strangely, I'm one of the fastest typers I know, and rarely need to look down at my keyboard.

Incidentally, I hold a pencil weird as well.
Mar 5, 2011
I type with a style that is similar to proper QWERTY typing, which I never learned, I use all my fingers to type and sometimes look down.


New member
Apr 4, 2010
I touch type, not very well mind, but i touch type. I was never really taught how to type and i don't really remember any one saying they were back in school, it just kinda happens.


New member
Aug 13, 2010
Typing class? Never heard of such a thing. I use the first 3 fingers on each hand to type, most of the time.


Don't Bend! Ascend!
May 15, 2008
Well I anchor my right hand on the side of my keyboard with my pinky, only typing with my ring, index, and middle finger, thumb is space only... for my right hand I anchor it to the shift key and only remove it to hit the Y key...


New member
Feb 4, 2011
I use my index fingers for typing and I hit the shift key with my left pinky and left ring finger.

For keybinds in video games I use my ring, middle, and index finger with my pinky finger for hitting shift/CTRL.

The Random One

New member
May 29, 2008
That seems weird. I was never 'taught' to type, but I think my typing is a mostly incorrect version of what they teach. I know where every key in the keyboard is (in fact my keyboard's letters are wearing out and that doesn't hinder me at all) so I just think of a letter and my finger types it.

Now that I'm thinking about it it's suddenly gotten way harder though.


New member
May 17, 2010
I was never told how to type in school I just got better at typing as time went on I was extremely slow at typing but now I can and am touch typing with the Qwerty keyboard though I am strange in how I do it.

Hands usually stay above the keyboard until I type right Index, middle and ring fingers above O,U and H and left Index, middle and ring fingers above A,E and R.

Cap'n Ninja

Magnificent Malefactor
Jan 16, 2011
I type using all of my fingers save my thumbs, simply because that's what I've always found easiest. I can knock out a good... I'm not sure how many words per minute, but it's faster than most people I know, so I don't think I'm doing all that bad.

EDIT: Just took a typing test, apparently I can do 64 WPM, which is supposedly "Fast"
Damnit, now all of my typing is a race!


I'm anticipating DmC. Flame me.
Jul 23, 2008
My hands move all the way over the keyboard with no apparent logic, but I type pretty fast. I actually challenged my CS teacher in high school, and I won: I type faster than most home row typers with my weird method.
Except when I try typing Russian. Then I'm slower than a sloth crossing a street.