Poll: Lying to get laid is OK?


New member
Apr 29, 2009
If both sides are aware it's only going to be one night, lying about your wealth/success/popularity is acceptable in my opinion. After all the other person is going to assume you're doing that anyway.


Music Industry Corporate Whore
Nov 14, 2007
MasTerHacK said:
So, should you lie to get laid: on a one night stand and/or when you actually like someone?
No and no.

Firstly, you will get caught. Period. Secondly and more importantly, people talk to each other, and they LOVE to talk to each other about how other people are liars. The damage other people can do to your reputation will eventually make your chances of getting laid less likely in the future, even if your lies were initially successful. It's fine to want to get laid, but do it honestly. Wouldn't you rather that people you have slept with be spreading positive things about you, rather than negative things?


New member
Dec 23, 2010
CM156 said:
Baby Tea said:
No. Lying to get laid makes you a total scumbag douche.
Whether in a relationship, for a one-night stand, or whatever.
Lying for sex? Scumbag douche thing to do.
Wow. Sir, you put this in better words than I.

OT: Lying is not ever right. Ok, I guess if your life is at stake, I won't judge. But to get sex? Pathetic
I Concur!

Lying to someone for a one night stand is disgusting, (just get a whore!) but lying to someone you care about for sex is just horrible and cruel.

Sigma Van Lockheart

New member
Jun 7, 2011
I never lie.

This message was brought to you buy Lord Ramstien III multi-billionaire super secret spy of the British division of the ministry of silly walks.

Now that is a ok lie to tell someone but really if you have to lie to someone to get them into bed then that is kind of pathetic.


Man must have a code.
Dec 21, 2007
It truly depends on the lie.

There's a difference between "I'm a millionaire philanthopist who saves orphans" and "I totally love this club, too".


New member
Jul 8, 2009
I'd say only if you make your lies so ridiculous that they're obviously lies, i.e. "Yeah baby! I can totally shoot fire out of my nipples!"


New member
Jan 17, 2011
[quote="surg3n" post="18.300047.11937376" or accidently buying her a double instead of a singl.[/quote]

Can actually get you convicted of rape in some places.

In Israel, someone was also convicted for lying about his religion.

Benito Zamora

New member
Mar 29, 2011
Err, I guess that really just goes with your morality. Do I think that would be okay? Not in the least. Even if you don't care about the girl, I have learned that lies lead to bad things 90% of the time. It'll just make things a big mess.

Also, as others stated exactly what type of lie? Really it depends on this mostly.


New member
Feb 18, 2010
I think some people take this out of context a bit: "STD" "rape" and so on - that's totally out of context. If you are lying about this, the lying part is the smallest problem.

Also, alot of puritans: "lying for sex is douchebag". Hit the club scene and you'll find yourself lying pretty soon. But again, don't think that "lie" is anything else than something small or exagerations.

Basically it all depends on the situation and how much of an ass you are - if you care/are sensible to the person you are picking up.

Terminal Blue

Elite Member
Feb 18, 2010
United Kingdom
It's complicated enough that I think we can take it on a case by case basis.

Lying about having an STD, or even neglecting to mention that you have an STD when you know you do is wrong. In fact, it's illegal.

To a lesser extent (i.e. it's not illegal but still pretty douchey) the same goes about lying about a vasectomy, lying about your relationship status or otherwise lying about something which might actually come back and bite them later on.

Pretending to want a relationship with someone when you don't. Yeah, it can be kind of harsh, but people really shouldn't be so naive.

Lying about inconsequential things is kind of expected a lot of the time. People just need to learn to be mildly skeptical of strangers, because we all lie to each other or exaggerate things in order to come off better. If someone tells you something and that makes you willing to jump into bed with them immediately, then that's your choice, but you probably should be prepared for the possibility they weren't being entirely honest.

I'm thinking of one specific case in Israel where a Palestinian man was accused of rape because he changed his surname to make it sound more Jewish and then a Jewish woman had a one night stand with him without bothering to check. Really, that's not what the law or social judgement is for. You're responsible for whether you believe what other people tell you, unless they're putting you at risk by lying to you.


New member
Sep 21, 2010
surg3n said:
Depends on the lie. I think most people have to lie just a little bit for a 1 night stand, whether it's lying about missing a ride home, or accidently buying her a double instead of a single. Even when your in a relationship, little white lies are just par the course... Have you showered today?... Do you have to get up early?... Do you really think I'm better looking than my sister?
Pretty much this.
Kind of surprised at all the outright NO answers here, plus all the "If you lie, you are automatically a pathetic douche".
Sure, there are plenty of lies you really shouldn't be telling. Anything outright boastful is out, as is anything about STDs. But untrue compliments are pretty much expected, as are many other little things, and it's part of life that we don't always tell the 100% truth, and that's a good thing.


New member
Dec 6, 2009
Yes it is. Always. It's human nature and it doesn't hurt anyone. It's just sex, and it feels good. Fuck those moralists with their double standards.


No Time Like the Present
Jul 4, 2008
What do you mean by lie?

Do you mean: "I love you"? Or do you mean "I want to start a relationship with you"? Or "I don't have any STDs, what're you talking about?" or "I'm not married!" or even "I care about you?"

All those lies are, in my opinion, immoral. You are tricking someone to get sex. While that is not rape, it is a jerk thing to do.

Other lies like "I really AM a stockbroker" are still jerk things to do, but if someone is willing to sleep with someone because they think they're a stockbroker, they probably won't be emotionally devastated.

If someone is looking for casual sex, little tiny lies aren't TOO bad. Still wrong, but more of a mischievous-kind of wrong. But if you lie to someone by pretending to love them or to have an emotional attachment, or if you lie to them to get them emotionally attached to you, that's wrong. Again, not something I would throw you in jail for (unless you lie about STDs, which in that case, I WOULD throw you in jail), but a scummy, jerky thing to do.

Don't use the excuse that "other people do it!". Are you willing to let your moral standards be set by what other people do? If so, consider the possibility that you have no morals at all.


New member
May 26, 2011
GreatTeacherCAW said:
Sure. Why not? I have never really needed to, but I can see the situation arise. If the girl is hot enough and stupid enough, I say go for it. Then again, if she is that stupid all you have to do is insult her. One night stands are just that - one night. And honestly, can you really respect some girl that will jump on you after a few lies when you make her pay for your drinks because your money is too damn good? That has worked several times. Well, dozens. Just tell a girl that she isn't good enough for you to buy her a drink and if you have the moxy, she'll be buying you shots.

I'm not trying to pick women out on this one, but if people want to fuck, they will find a way. I once told a girl that her dress would look better on me (not a cross-dresser before the oddly large LGBT Escapist community jumps in and whines) and an hour later I was in her apartment. As long as you have any sort of wit and a decent looking face, picking up chicks is like buying a pack of gum. I'm sure the same works reversed, and even more so. The vagina is a powerful thing, especially when the homely chicks just need to screw and take advantage of the alcohol. I admit that I have messed up a few times. Damn you, whiskey! At least I only had two fat chicks in my sordid past.

Do whatever you want. If the other person wants to fuck, they will. Lie, truth, death. Whatever.
Well, damn. Some of these cats need to take notes from you, sir.

Unless you're lying about STD's, I don't think it's a problem. If all it's just for sex, and only sex, I'm not concerned.


New member
Feb 18, 2010
GreatTeacherCAW said:
Damn you, whiskey! At least I only had two fat chicks in my sordid past.
You sir are a great man, I salute you. What's funny is that once you do this, no matter how hot the next girls will be, you always be the guy that's get the big ones.


Do the buttwalk!
Mar 11, 2009
The romantic in me says you're probably better off being honest when trying to get laid.

The cynic in me says that most long-term relationships (including marriages) are fundamentally built on lies, so if that's how you hook up in the first place, your relationship's off to a solid start.