Poll: Lying to get laid is OK?


New member
Apr 9, 2010
MasTerHacK said:
I've been thinking about this subject for the past few days, is lying to get yourself laid OK? I'm not saying you should lie about everything to everyone, just for one night stands and not excluding the possibility that you may actually like someone and want a deeper relationship with them.
I've been talking about this subject with my friends, some agree, some don't and I can't really get a conclusive result. So, I'm asking you, the people what do you think.

So, should you lie to get laid: on a one night stand and/or when you actually like someone?

EDIT: From what I've seen, people are getting the impression that I'd lie to get laid. No, I'm asking about your opinion only.

EDIT 2: On the Hot Thread list, hell yeah!
What are you lying about though? I don't think it really matters, it's up to the other party to make the decision to fuck you in the first place. So yeah go for it

EDIT: There's no "yes" option? Hardly makes sense...


New member
Apr 16, 2008
Here's my opinion:

Lying when it has any potential health implications ("Why, no. I don't have any STDs.") is a straight up scumbag move.

Lying to someone you actually care about and/or would be interested in having a relationship with is stupid, because the lie will be found out, and it's also a scumbag maneuver.

Lying about a career to boost your chances of a one night stand is NOT necessarily a bad thing. Saying that you're an architect when you're actually a construction worker doesn't hurt anybody. All you're doing is making the woman slightly more inclined to sleep with you. If a relatively small and difficult to verify white lie is enough to push her over the edge, then she was probably already 95% of the way there already, and the next morning, it won't matter, because there is a high probability that you won't see her again, hence the one night stand.

Then there are the ridiculous lies which, if believed, indicate that she is too stupid for whatever that lie might be anyway ("I'm a billionaire hanging out in this dive bar." "I invented toast." etc.) and would likely be willing to sleep with you regardless, providing everything else is there. At that point, it likely that she wouldn't actually care what your career is.


New member
Jun 27, 2009
It really depends on what the lie is. I mean everyone lies at some point in a relationship whether it be just a small fib to a huge ass planned out lie. I mean if you have to lie about your favorite color then why the hell not. I don't know why what your favorite color would have to do to get you laid but I have heard much more weirder things. Now if the lie is something like you aren't seeing anyone but you are, or you don't have a STD but do then that is not okay.
I assume though you're talking more along the lines of saying stuff like "Why yes I am a doctor and I saved 23 deaf, blind school children who were injured on a bus after it was attacked by terrorists." That still isn't bad because if the person wouldn't sleep with you unless you were a doctor or lawyer or something than they aren't any better than you are morally.


New member
Apr 16, 2008
Rex Dark said:
Lie to get sex?
Would that even work?
Seriously, who would fall for that?
And what kind of lie would work?
You really need to hang out in different places, or with different people, if only to diversify your social experience.

Richard Eis

New member
Oct 5, 2009
If you are willing to lie in such situations then you aren't yourself a very nice person. So the question is, do you want to be a nice person who shows at least some respect and empathy for the people around them.

Also don't forget that the more you lie, the more likely for that pattern to repeat itself across your brain for next time. Plus because you know that you lie for certain reasons, you will probably start to assume that other people are lying to you.


New member
Apr 16, 2008
Oh, I've got another one:

Lying about scars is okay.

Did you have you're appendix removed? Boom, it was a motorcycle accident.
Facial scars from that time you faceplanted during your first and last time on a skateboard? No, it was a fight.
Hooked collar bone from when you broke it rolling down a hill after getting black-out drunk? Now it's a skiing accident.


May 28, 2010
Any major lie is a no go for me. Minor exaggerations of things about me fine. Playing a bit heavy on the compliments fine. Massively false lies as a joke fine.

I might say I'm better at X than I am by a small margin. But I'm not going to pull elaborate or huge lies. So while I might not be 100% truthful and who is all the time? I'm not going to push believeability far and the truth less so.

Is being liberal with the truth to come across better really the same as majorly changing ones appearance/identity to get laid. In my books no. If you think they are the same you must never trust anyones word.


New member
Oct 29, 2009
I blame this stupid rule where people are supposed to "have things in common".
And you've all lied, you've all said you like some shitty actor, film, book, band or whatever, maybe not to get laid, maybe only to be liked or to fit in.


And that's really all "lying to get laid" is, misrepresenting some details about who you are to not seem so pathetic/desperate/insecure/perverted/lonely which we all are to one degree or another and that's totally fine in my eyes.

Well, except in cases of infidelity, in which case you are an arsewipe.


New member
Dec 29, 2009
are you (i mean you in a general sense, not as in, the OP) really that desperate. maybe im just old fashioned, but i dont get any satisfaction from sleeping with someone with whom im not in a serious relationship. if i dont deeply care about someone, having sex with them will be about as satisfying as jerking off. since i view sex as the physical representation of your feelings for someone, and i wouldnt lie to someone i care about, no i dont think lying to have sex is okay. im not saying youre a horrible person if you do, its just not something i would ever do.

and im happily surprised by the amount of people who chose "No" in the poll

The Lugz

New member
Apr 23, 2011
whilst I wouldn't, if you're planning a one night stand then what's the harm?
it just adds to the fun a one-nighter is basically a role-play event anyway

if your in a situation where you might hurt someone, then absolutely not.

00slash00 said:
if i dont deeply care about someone, having sex with them will be about as satisfying as jerking off.
and im happily surprised by the amount of people who chose "No" in the poll
sorry but woman > hands for me its just more fun it's more than possible to connect with someone for just one night and get it right, if your still single why not try it?


New member
Apr 1, 2009
"I haven't seen you in this bar before [LIE] Do you come here often?"
"Not really [LIE]. Thanks for the drink though, this cocktail is my favourite [LIE]. And thans for buying a drink for my girlfriends too"
"Oh yeah, I love this drink too [LIE]. It's no problem [LIE]. Your friends seem really nice [LIE]"
"Yes my friends [LIE], they are not usually like that [LIE], Mary has had a couple of drinks too many [LIE]"
"This music is awesome [LIE], but I can barely hear you [LIE], do you want to go somewhere quiet to talk? [LIE]"

And so on and so forth.


New member
Apr 15, 2009
BringBackBuck said:
"I haven't seen you in this bar before [LIE] Do you come here often?"
"Not really [LIE]. Thanks for the drink though, this cocktail is my favourite [LIE]. And thans for buying a drink for my girlfriends too"
"Oh yeah, I love this drink too [LIE]. It's no problem [LIE]. Your friends seem really nice [LIE]"
"Yes my friends [LIE], they are not usually like that [LIE], Mary has had a couple of drinks too many [LIE]"
"This music is awesome [LIE], but I can barely hear you [LIE], do you want to go somewhere quiet to talk [LIE]"

And so on and so forth.
That's pretty true.

Assassin Xaero

New member
Jul 23, 2008
Baby Tea said:
No. Lying to get laid makes you a total scumbag douche.
Whether in a relationship, for a one-night stand, or whatever.
Lying for sex? Scumbag douche thing to do.
That pretty much sums up my thoughts...


New member
Apr 14, 2009
Even when looking out for a one night stand, you still owe it to any women worth your time to respect her. Lying is disrespectful, and meaning no harm has nothing to do in the debate.

I don't get this idea that if a woman is willing to do a one night stand, she's not worth being honest with.

Techno Squidgy

New member
Nov 23, 2010
Eh, I don't lie as such, more enhance the truth to make my stories sound better. It's not even a conscious thing, it just happens, I like to make my stories more interesting!

To be honest there is a very broad spectrum of possible scenarios and possible actions to take, as such this poll is fairly meaningless.