Poll: Metroid: Other M killed Samus

Monk Ed

New member
Feb 11, 2010
LordNue said:
Monk Ed said:
LordNue said:
Oh, you meant in regards to Samus herself. I thought you meant story period. My mistake, it was nice talking about a far better game though. But I dunno, none of the other games barring perhaps fusion really were about Samus either. Metroid was just "Go stop pirates" Metroid 2 was just "Go kill metroids" Super Metroid was "Go do this thing you already did and don't cock it up this time, also they took that metroid you found". The prime series just followed suit. And honestly is it that bad to not revolve the entire world around her? Having just brief, subtle glimpses into her mind and personality through her actions and whatnot rather then just spurts of exposition they vomit at us?
To be clear, I'm not the guy you were responding to in the response I quoted. I just kind of jumped in.

The thing is, people were already aching for a change from the formula you describe. As I said somewhere before, after playing alongside Samus for so long, I wanted to finally learn about her -- and the little glimpses we see in Prime, etc only make that yearning stronger rather than satisfying it. It's not that the game series has to revolve around her; it's that it has not for so long that she deserves to get a little more orbital revolution, know what I mean? Maybe not through "vomited exposition" but through something more than four or five brief shots of her face throughout a game.
Oh, eh after a while people on forums start to blend together unless they're really interesting. However that's exactly what Other M did, it made the entire game about her and her incessant whining about how terrible she was and how adam was always right and blah blah blah. She was suddenly no longer the character that character that fans had been familiar with for years because the games had pretty much been "you are samus" up until now, letting them fill all the blanks, it was basically the CDi link to every other zelda game. Just a big old "WHAT?!" If they want to give her a real character they'd have to do it gradually. Bring more to her without just suddenly going "This is how she is now. She's always been like this, yes always. ALWAYS" regardless of how unbelievable it is.
It appears that we agree: Mood Whiplash (or, storytelling style whiplash?) is at fault here. In an effort to keep this from going overly long, I'll just say that I've already elaborated as much as I can in my many previous posts.


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Aug 11, 2009
Sven und EIN HUND said:
Moviebob saves all


Note: This may or may not have been posted in this thread yet, admittedly I didn't take the time to read through the entiiiiiiiiiiiire comments section
you are the 8th or so poster who didn't read replies left to the previous 7. Congratulations.


New member
Aug 15, 2008
LeonLethality said:
Aura Guardian said:
HAHA. No. No it didn't.
It's just that Nintendo can't win when you think about it. People wanted Nintendo to add voice acting and emotion to their franchises. They listen and the fans hate it.
LeonLethality said:
Ruined? No, it added character to an otherwise uninteresting character.

Other M made the series much more interesting and I hope to see more Metroid titles like it.
Thank you.
Glad I saved you a bit of opinion typing. It's sad how fickle many fans can be, the same fans who praised OoT as the best game ever and comparing every following Zelda game to it saying they were not as good criticized Twilight Princess for trying to be like OoT. I kinda feel bad for Nintendo, no matter how much they listen to their fans they just can't seem to please them.
Let's not be so specific. Fans can never be pleased in general. When you like something, it's generally because you can or want to identify with it, and once you do that, you create something of your own version of it. Not necessarily what the game creators intended, but what you wanted them to portray. After that, it's all gonna be screwy. There will be a million threads like this when Duke Nukem Forever comes out(Even though we know it won't).

OP: No Samus was not ruined by Team Ninja. It's not unusual for Nintendo to completely break continuity in their games. Zelda hardly makes sense any more, as far as a concise timeline from game to game goes. The next Metroid game can be completely bad ass and everyone will forget about this game. Or at least they'll all stop bitching about it ruining the series.


New member
Jul 6, 2008
Aiddon said:
-snip for space-
Honestly, it's a topic I'm not sure I want to touch on that much in a thread about Metroid, but I'll give a summary, which will touch on the "Games are Art" theory. The problem with games are that people don't treat them like other media out there. They aren't like TV shows because you can play them at any time, which avoids the convenience of slotting them at a later time slot. They aren't as cencored as movies, because really, ESRB isn't law, it's a guideline, unlike movie ratings which are law. You can't sell something rated XXX to minors or you'll be shut down. Sell a M-rated or PEGI 18 game to a minor and you get a slap on the wrist and a small fine. Unlike books, the content is also visual, so imagination has no part in what is protrayed, thus needs to be cencored, unlike books which require previous experiences of vast details which can be tedious to go through if the subject matter is dry. Music falls under movies, porno magasines as well, etc etc.

The fact is, when it comes to video games, we're very childish. We want our cake and to eat it too. This is by no means not the fault of large companies as well. With the amount of information we can glean from technology and registration, Xbox Live shouldn't be seeing anything under the age of 17 on something Like Halo or Modern Warfare 2, simply because they should be banned for breaking the ESRB or PEGI ratings. But because these aren't solid law, there's not much reason to enforce them if you're still getting your extra $60 from another sale. The fact is, if we keep treating video games like we are, we don't deserve to have them.

However, that's neither here nor there. The point is that in all medias, people will always complain about characterizations not going the way they wished. People needs to grow up and get over themselves instead of going "ZOMG SAMUS SUX NIAO WISH NINTENDO DIES SKAAMOTO IS STOOPID!" (please, hyperbole, no flames) and actually think about how the entire game is presented. So what if they didn't use subtle analogy for some things? That's their choice. The personality still got through. Ignore it and move on because, really, it's not that big a deal. Most of her stuff was introspective so she's still the silent badass for the most part, and eys she does break down but my reason has already been stated twice. Go check my other posts if you want my opinion on that bear trap.


New member
Feb 9, 2009
HellsingerAngel said:
Why is she so scared of Ridley!? She's killed him, like, a bajillion times!!!

Alright, this is probably the easiest argument out of them all.

Remember when in Super Metroid, the game Other M directly follows, Samus "kills" Ridley? Of course you do, it's one of the times you counted in the "Samus vs. Ridley" tally of why she shouldn't be afraid of him. Now, do you also remember the part where the entire planet blew up and no one saw Ridley escape it!?!? By all accounts, Ridley was still on planet Zebes when it blew up. Now, I understand Samus is pretty cool under preasure, but if I had an arch-nemesis that just survived a brutal beat-down by me, which was followed by a planet exploding on him(!!!!!!!) I'd be seriously considering my life decisions and career goals at that moment, right before I crap out my intestines and cry to anyone near-by to make the bad space dragon monster go away! Yes, there's hyperbole in there, but that's just how rediculously scary that would be! This guy survived an explosion from something that killed Mother Brain, which would probably be that of many, many megatons of blast force, after getting the crap kicked out of him. Hope that puts some perspective on that.
... that doesn't explain why she would be afraid. At all. She had already killed Ridley many times over, we can then assume that she realizes he has just been flying away and not dying. Why exactly would she suddenly think he didn't fly away again when Zebes blew up? And wouldn't she want revenge on Ridley anyway, the one who attacked the space colony at the start of Super Metroid? If they're going to give her this motherly attachment to the metroid hatchling (her bond couldn't have been too strong if she was willing to just ditch it for resarch but anyway) then maybe she should've showed the other side of those motherly emotions when given (another) opportunity to trash Ridley who set the wheels in motion that caused the hatchling to die. You telling me if your child was ever kidnapped, then killed saving your life by the guy in charge, you wouldn't jump at the opportunity to exact some revenge? There is no defense for her acting like a coward in front of Ridley.


New member
Aug 11, 2009
hobo_welf said:
LeonLethality said:
Aura Guardian said:
HAHA. No. No it didn't.
It's just that Nintendo can't win when you think about it. People wanted Nintendo to add voice acting and emotion to their franchises. They listen and the fans hate it.
LeonLethality said:
Ruined? No, it added character to an otherwise uninteresting character.

Other M made the series much more interesting and I hope to see more Metroid titles like it.
Thank you.
Glad I saved you a bit of opinion typing. It's sad how fickle many fans can be, the same fans who praised OoT as the best game ever and comparing every following Zelda game to it saying they were not as good criticized Twilight Princess for trying to be like OoT. I kinda feel bad for Nintendo, no matter how much they listen to their fans they just can't seem to please them.
Let's not be so specific. Fans can never be pleased in general. When you like something, it's generally because you can or want to identify with it, and once you do that, you create something of your own version of it. Not necessarily what the game creators intended, but what you wanted them to portray. After that, it's all gonna be screwy. There will be a million threads like this when Duke Nukem Forever comes out(Even though we know it won't).

OP: No Samus was not ruined by Team Ninja. It's not unusual for Nintendo to completely break continuity in their games. Zelda hardly makes sense any more, as far as a concise timeline from game to game goes. The next Metroid game can be completely bad ass and everyone will forget about this game. Or at least they'll all stop bitching about it ruining the series.
When something is done wrong, it is done wrong. People who jump onto the fans claiming it is personal opinion simply that is what they happen to like can be objectionably explained to why they went wrong on this particular game.

Let's keep this short and quick: A game should never have to rely on exposition to help a player understand what is happening in the game, it should rely on previously inserted elements to carry that weight for them, player: "there are experiments going on in this facility? and that tube is broken? Something must have excaped!" The fewer words stated the better, second would be to have the characters in-game actions, match their personality and appearance. I've already stated that even if Kratos never said a word or never had a cutscene, you still knew he was a psycopath by his appearance, and the way he fights, whereas in other m, Samus can grab onto a giant eyeball before shooting it, shove her gun down other creatures throats, and intentionally get swallowed so she could blow open the monsters stomach, and we are expected to believe inside the suit she is a skinny, borderline helpless woman incapable of making strategic decisions for herself.

Longer than I wanted, but the point is to make the character fit the bill, and in that regard, whether you like it or not (go right ahead), other m falls short.


New member
Jul 20, 2010
I'm actually glad Samus has some character to her now... She now has a basis and story behind her actions, it's like she's a fuller character now. It makes me happy :)

Kurt Horsting

New member
Jul 3, 2008
What, you would rather have a robot with tits? She had no character before the game, now she does. Literally, everything said about what her character is has been inferred. NOTHING in the games shows her having even a little personality. But because she isn't a man hating ice queen that does everything on her own, people think that she is a step backward for strong female characters in video games. Grow up.


New member
Jul 11, 2009
it may not have killed samus, but its definately a black mark on the series. i liked it when she wouldnt talk, i could put in a personality i thought she would have myself. i got super pissed when i found out they gave her actual dialogue.


New member
Jul 6, 2008
Racthoh said:
... that doesn't explain why she would be afraid. At all. She had already killed Ridley many times over, we can then assume that she realizes he has just been flying away and not dying. Why exactly would she suddenly think he didn't fly away again when Zebes blew up? And wouldn't she want revenge on Ridley anyway, the one who attacked the space colony at the start of Super Metroid? If they're going to give her this motherly attachment to the metroid hatchling (her bond couldn't have been too strong if she was willing to just ditch it for resarch but anyway) then maybe she should've showed the other side of those motherly emotions when given (another) opportunity to trash Ridley who set the wheels in motion that caused the hatchling to die. You telling me if your child was ever kidnapped, then killed saving your life by the guy in charge, you wouldn't jump at the opportunity to exact some revenge? There is no defense for her acting like a coward in front of Ridley.
Sweet, discussion. Alright, here's goes...

1. Ridley was presumed "dead" when she had beaten him on Zebes. No one ever actually sees Ridley fly off so you can be sure he was beaten to within an inch of his life.

2. The planet blew up. Nothing Samus has in her aersenal can blow up an entire planet, let alone deal enough damage to come close to that.

3. The game can effectively be beaten within the time span of three hours (set by game devs via bikini Samus) so we'll say that's roughly the time span the mission takes.

4. Motherbrain is directly after Ridley, which means he has about 30 minutes breathing time.

So what you're suggesting is that Ridley can recover from a near death experience within thirty minutes to escape a blast radius of an a planetary core explosion? Really there's two explinations:

1. Ridley can survive that blast, even in his near-death state.

2. Ridley can't survive that, but has the ability to recover enough to escape said blast radius to recouperate, when within thirty minutes time, Samus barely makes her own escape powered by a Metroid.

So really, either Ridley can become empowered close to that of a Metroid without the frailty of being a Metroid, or he's just that unkillable and can survive a planetary explosion. Either way, it means nothing that Samus can throw at him will even dent him, and if I was Samus, I'd be really worried about a guy that can avoid being killed by a planet exploding (really, I can't stress the entire planet exploding enough because it'd be that huge) through either of those means. I mean, we're talking about an explosion that would probably only be matched by if we fired all our nuclear warheads at once. Even then I doubt that would be even close to the amount of power that blast would create. In any case, Samus does get her act together and fights Ridley, and wins! If you read the rest of my post, you'd see the explination as to why that's a great thing and now the narrative of the game is told within gameplay as much as within cutscenes. Her initial running away is certainly justified within the context of what had happened previously with Ridley.


New member
Aug 20, 2009
The characterization was off in that Samus looked at Adam as a daddy too much. In reality I suppose in Fusion Samus did talk about him as such, but I always figured the hero-worship caame from his sacrifice, not their actual time in the same unit. Although, he and the black guy were supposedly the only humans she respected and felt respeected by. I felt that this was overdone. The only reason I had to struggle through the game with lesser equipment was because Adam said so. You're a BOUNTY HUNTER! Kill or be killed!
The whole being portrayed as a weaker person thing doesn't fit with what I saw, because the most-cited example is when she freezes up on seeing Ridley. But seriously. Your arch-nemesis keeps coming back no matter what you do to him. Clever escape artist? But then you drop him in lava (again) and proceed to BLOW UP THE PLANET. NO ONE survives that. So when your arch-nemesis who murdered your entire home colony turns out to need more than a detonating planet to kill, would YOU be scared shitless? She's a bounty hunter, but she's human.
Samus is very chatty, uncharacteristic in a Metroid game. Somehow, I actually enjoyed this. "It's her first time having a real voice actor," I thought, "let's let her actually narrate her thoughts Fusion-style." And it did not kill the game for me.
Gameplay was oversimplified in some areas and overcomplicated in others. I hated HAVING to do finishing moves. I LOVED the ability to regen missiles and health, which I always figured she could do since Prime hinted that her suit had interdimensional storage. I hated having to stand still in first person mode. I hated not having access to missiles in 3rd person mode.
Overall, I'm glad I got this game but it's not as good as the Prime trilogy.


New member
May 27, 2009
oh come on really? voice acting finally being used in a nintendo game and someone moans its ruined it well excuse me princess!
that aside I think its good that nintendo are finally catching up with the times, now we just need to see some other famous characters get a proper voice:

Yes I'm looking at you buddy....


New member
Feb 5, 2009
How about we make Gordon Freeman talk. And have emotions. And essentially angst.
Then we can all also count on Valve going out of business.

Spencer Petersen

New member
Apr 3, 2010
Other M was probably the most sexist mainstream game released this year, just think about it.

A female character who can only be capable when a male is controlling her in some way.

The only time where Samus acts in any way self reliant, strong or motivated is when
A. Shes under the players control, and
B. When shes being ordered around by her bossy boyfriend.

Shes a shining testament to the rampant sexism that lies under the roots of gaming.

The message Other M sends is as follows: in order for a women to be on equal footing with men in terms of capability and "baddass-ery" then they need to be either acting in order to win the approval of a man or being controlled by someone else.

This is a giant step back in terms of gaming being taken seriously in the greater culture and its a miracle that the media didn't pick up on this. This behavior is immature and offensive, stop it Team Ninja.


New member
Apr 23, 2008
TLatshaw said:
A single game can't "ruin" a character. Neither can several: Just ask Sonic.

If a certain title portrays a character unfavorably to a player, the bright spot is that the next game may be completely different. I don't see why some people have so much difficulty viewing Other M as another director's interpretation of a character.
sonic.. is not a good example XD, he hasent made good games since he was 2d XD
says me, a big time sonic fanboy of old XD ( hell i grew up with the old cartoons with SONIC SAYS! in them XD )

Dark Knifer

New member
May 12, 2009
If it wasn't for the incredibly monotone voice I'd say no. But the voice for samus is so terrible...


New member
Jul 6, 2008
Spencer Petersen said:
Other M was probably the most sexist mainstream game released this year, just think about it.

A female character who can only be capable when a male is controlling her in some way.

The only time where Samus acts in any way self reliant, strong or motivated is when
A. Shes under the players control, and
B. When shes being ordered around by her bossy boyfriend.

Shes a shining testament to the rampant sexism that lies under the roots of gaming.

The message Other M sends is as follows: in order for a women to be on equal footing with men in terms of capability and "baddass-ery" then they need to be either acting in order to win the approval of a man or being controlled by someone else.

This is a giant step back in terms of gaming being taken seriously in the greater culture and its a miracle that the media didn't pick up on this. This behavior is immature and offensive, stop it Team Ninja.
See, I can't agree witht his. The problem here is that you jump right at the throat of what invalidates the argument: Adam is a guy. Aside from point A being the obvious oversight of gameplay being narrative, I'll just side step that right into point B. The one thing you need to ask yourself is "what was her motivation?" Why did Samus follow Adam's orders? Most would say it's because she had a connection with him. He was her parental figure. Others (like me) would also note that she is still bound by Galactic Law being a licensed bounty hunter and has to abide by the juristictions in place. However, the real question under all this would be if Adam was Eve, would the situation have played out any different? Considering those two motivations, no, it wouldn't have. That's what makes it not sexist.


New member
Jul 25, 2008
LeonLethality said:
Ruined? No, it added character to an otherwise uninteresting character.
Are you talking about Samus from Metroid or Anakin Skywalker in the Star Wars prequels?

Both "add character" but if that is a SHIT CHARACTER then it is not the right thing to do. "add character" is not in of itself a good thing, stories are not written by pointless box-ticking.


New member
Mar 12, 2010
I can't believe people have been saying it makes a 3D character out of her.

it was UNINTERESTING, went against the reason she was silent in the first place, and worked Backwards, make her a 0D character. there isnt any real SUBTLETY to it, and god damnit, MGS,FF, and now metroid, you NEED SOME DAMN SUBTLETY OR SHIT WONT WORK.

god, Im not even a fan but this pisses me off.