Poll: Metroid: Other M killed Samus


New member
May 22, 2008
I didn't write this, but it sums up exactly where they went wrong with Other M's Samus portrayal. It was written in response to the TGO vid.
tomatobob of metroid2002.com forums said:
he does make some decent points, but he's kinda underselling the effect of projection. Metroid is an old series so people have had plenty of time to develop an idea of who Samus is. Nintendo absolutely had to be aware of this and should have found a better way of developing the character.

They could have introduced shades of this character in Fusion, that way you get an idea that she's sort of grown from the Other M events when you look back or set Other M after Fusion so it's a bit less jarring for people. Or set it as a prequel (lol) to Zero Mission that way it doesn't conflict with the entirety of the series afterward. It's really not out of the question or the realm of reason for people to be a bit annoyed with the character's direction. And there are certainly better ways to emphasize the femininity of the character without reaching so much for stereotypes.

A lot of the fan reaction is valid.


New member
Mar 10, 2009
Aura Guardian said:
Gigaguy64 said:
LeonLethality said:
Aura Guardian said:
Just watch what this user posted...
Already watched it, huge TGO fan here.
Ah. Should have known. Now I wonder if they give Link character...again.
*gives Link character*

Excuse me while I go burn my hands for using that many exclamation marks.

Aura Guardian

New member
Apr 23, 2008
LeonLethality said:
Aura Guardian said:
Gigaguy64 said:
LeonLethality said:
Aura Guardian said:
Just watch what this user posted...
Already watched it, huge TGO fan here.
Ah. Should have known. Now I wonder if they give Link character...again.
*gives Link character*

Excuse me while I go burn my hands for using that many exclamation marks.
Nah...they'll just say it doesn't exist. Some fans they are.


Saviour In the Clockwork
Feb 2, 2010
Dr. Whiggs said:
Ulquiorra4sama said:
How is "Bringing some life to" the same as "Killing"?
Please read this out loud to yourself in your best Reanimator voice.
You made me think about it, so of course i did.

Kinda creepy, but i still think i made my point...


Faerie girl in hiding
Mar 17, 2009
Russian_Assassin said:
This argument is idiotic. Where does it state that Samus is a cold blooded ***** that eats testicles for lunch? Actually, moviebob said it better than me: http://screwattack.com/videos/TGO-Episode-40-Heavens-to-Metroid

It made a one dimensional character third dimensional and suddenly that is a bad thing? Are we really that accustomed to the emotionless angry fuckheads that wouldn't smile even if they won a billion dollars while getting sucked off by Angelina Jolie and watching "insert hilarious movie title here" that we can't accept any other character archetype?
Thanks for linking Game overthinker! I'd lost that, and forgot what it was called. They're great articles, even if I don't agree with everything within them necessarily. (such as here)

I have no problem with the idea of Samus as a woman with insecurities, emotions, etc. I have a pretty big problem and I think he's being a bit hypocritical with his whitewashing of the 'permission' system. A games mechanics, world, and story are not seperate, distinct things. How she acts in the story doesn't get to be separate from how she acts in the game, if mechanics make no sense when they should make sense, they should be called on. Saying that the permission system is just a plot device we can easily gloss over is fine if it doesn't jarringly smash immersion into tiny bits. It's like, if in any movie, the good guy has the world saving macguffin good to go and then sits on it for an hour before just turning it on. Nobody would just ignore that, so why is it fine in a videogame? It isn't. This also means that, when confronted with ridley, she should act in a manner consistent with the other games. I have absolutely no problem with her being shaken, no problem with it bringing back memories from her childhood, etc etc etc. All of that is solid character development. However, the depiction was not coherent. Samus has never once frozen up so completely that she would just let Ridley kill her. The -actions- of Samus in previous games are not recognisable as the -actions- in this game. Dialogue entirely aside, we can and should compare the actions, and they don't match up. The basic idea is right, but the implementation is wronger than wrong.


Posting in the wrong thread.
Sep 3, 2009
I have absolutely no doubt that Samus could be an emotional wreck under that armor, but I do doubt that she would talk about it. As far as I knew, she was a badass bounty hunter, or at least as badass as Nintendo can make one of their original characters.

I had grown fond of the no talkey, all shooty attitude that Samus had. She was a Nintendo character. If they stated to make Link talk about his journey from simple forest-dwelling life to epic heroism, I would feel exactly the same way. They've been in-the-moment kind of characters since the beginning. It might have perhaps worked if the writers eased into it through a series of games, but shoving it all in our faces is no more pleasant seeing your cat jump up onto your lap only to immediately take a piss on your leg.

Perhaps she needed a story. But if she did she certainly didn't need this one. It makes her appear, for lack of a better term, lame. How would you feel if your seemingly normal friend of 12 years who is a relatively successful businessman by now suddenly told you that for the past 8 of those years he has been addicted to cocaine and stealing money out of your wallet to feed his habit? It certainly adds a new dimension and makes him more interesting but it certainly doesn't make him any better.

In short, I wouldn't have minded if Other M had some kind of backstory to Samus. They could have given her anything. She could have been a French Horn virtuoso 15 years ago and grew fond of killing after she got a reward for beating a mugger down with her case and the police showed up "just a little too late". Anything that would keep her from actually appearing to be a whiny *****.

Now I've got to stop typing because I need to go to a radio seminar and maybe get my voice heard by more than 20 or 30 people.


Special Zero Unit
Apr 22, 2009
Aura Guardian said:
Gigaguy64 said:
Aura Guardian said:
Gigaguy64 said:
Hey man.
I didn't see you ranting in here.
Invalidate any good complaints lately?
More like agreeing with the true fans of Metroid.
Oh well.
ill still keep playing Metroid Regardless of other people feelings.
And Fusion is AWESOME.
I don't understand how people dislike it, especially when it plays like a tighter Super Metroid with better Art and Story.
I could have sworn that the Self Proclaimed "True Fans" have been Wanting Super Metroid Clones ever since Super was released.


New member
Mar 19, 2009
The only problem I have with the authorization thing is the logic behind needing authorization for the Varia and Gravity Suits. The characterization is fine. In fact, it seems like a good way to get an interesting story out of Metroid. In the previous Metroids, there hasn't been people for her to socialize with, so having a character that has conflicting thoughts and actions adds conflict without removing the sense of isolation.

Midnight Crossroads

New member
Jul 17, 2010
I've got no problem with it. It made sense back in the day, and I like to see some new ground being broken in the character of Samus.



New member
Jul 23, 2009
there should be a way to get Alan the fuck out of the game. It's all his fault


New member
Mar 10, 2009
Gigaguy64 said:
I could have sworn that the Self Proclaimed "True Fans" have been Wanting Super Metroid Clones ever since Super was released.
Didn't I JUST SAY to Aura about how OoT fans wanted another OoT and as soon as Twilight Princess came along they were all bitching about how it was too much like OoT and was not good enough because of that.

Can't please em.


New member
Feb 24, 2010
They had a good idea, at the start. Adding more depth to Samus would have been great, but the character they attached was completely different than what you'd assume her to be if you'd played Super Metroid.

I am extremely disappointed with this.


Special Zero Unit
Apr 22, 2009
LeonLethality said:
Aura Guardian said:
More like agreeing with the true fans of Metroid.

Gigaguy64 said:
Oh, hey you're here too!
Iv come to the conclusion that im one of the few people who has enjoyed every Metroid Game iv played.
Hell i LOVED Hunters.
And now i want a 3rd Person Metroid Prime:Hunters.
Sylix FTW.
It would be EPIC.