Poll: [Origin] How many of us have folded?


New member
Jun 3, 2010
I dont really want to help EA with fucking us all over, so i propably wont be getting it..
But one of my friends just linked this to me about the EULA, does anyone know if its true?

"This provision applies to all consumers to the fullest extent allowable by law, but expressly excludes residents of Quebec, Russia, Switzerland and the Member States of the European Union."


New member
Apr 28, 2008
I would say that having Battlefield 3 on origin is a bad idea. I would say i'll just get it for the 360. I would say that I have a strong will. Also im a liar.

Having Battlefield 3 on Origin is a great idea. It generates so much publicity for it. Thats how new networks on TV get off the ground. After watching TB play a match on the map Caspian, i became excited for this game. I recently saw some open Beta footage in my subscription box on youtube. I instantly ran over to download the beta and origin. Although i think their server crashed, so i'll do that tonight.

The point is, yes i downloaded origin. I really think we might as well give it a shot.


New member
Jun 13, 2011
I havent installed it for the same reason I dont use steam I just dont like digital distribution it is bloody horrible with the crappy infrastructure around here seriously by the time I have downloaded the game I could in many circumstances gone to the shops bought it and completed it.
Not to mention it slows my computer to a crawl (internet wise) until it has finished.
Consoles also have this in the xbox and ps store hence why I hardly ever use them oh and in these cases they are also stupidly expensive and take up valuable hard drive space at least steam has sales (and presumably origin as well).

However if for some reason there was a game I really really really wanted on Origin I would think about it but that is unlikely to happen.


Ravenous Gormandizer
Oct 23, 2008
Zyst said:
Well question about Origin. Have you installed it yet? Maybe you thought it was too intrusive, and monitoring your web usage was way too much, so you refuse to. Maybe you never gave a shit, and you installed it when you needed it, maybe you just refuse to deal with EA after their practices. Maybe you thought you'd never install it and now with Battlefield 3 beta you folded like a straw:

I Don't know, so I ask you: Have you installed Origin yet? Did you fold to install it or did you just install it?
I don't have Origin, mostly because of the silly monitoring it does, but I'm not overly worried about such. I'll install it if I have to have it to play TOR, but beyond that I will gladly never install it.

Loop Stricken

Covered in bees!
Jun 17, 2009
GWarface said:
I dont really want to help EA with fucking us all over, so i propably wont be getting it..
But one of my friends just linked this to me about the EULA, does anyone know if its true?

"This provision applies to all consumers to the fullest extent allowable by law, but expressly excludes residents of Quebec, Russia, Switzerland and the Member States of the European Union."
It's true: We here in Europe don't take kindly to contracts that have us sign away our human rights.

Imperioratorex Caprae

Henchgoat Emperor
May 15, 2010
I don't get up in arms over Origin, it doesn't matter to me. I don't use credit cards online, I don't give out vital information over the internet.
I also don't see Steam in the infallible light others seem to. Corporations are corporations, plain and simple. Maybe yes Steam gives out free games now and then... a devilishly brilliant marketing scheme designed to get you to part with your money. Microtransactions galore on TF2 (and may I say the prices on some of that stuff is outrageous, and yes I'm aware you don't have to buy it, and people have the nerve to say they're not out for money?)


New member
Mar 26, 2009
I installed the shitware but I'm running it sandboxed. Fuck EA and their spying.


New member
Oct 15, 2009
due to privacy issues no and never I don't like the idea of EA going through my computer.


New member
Jun 3, 2010
Loop Stricken said:
GWarface said:
I dont really want to help EA with fucking us all over, so i propably wont be getting it..
But one of my friends just linked this to me about the EULA, does anyone know if its true?

"This provision applies to all consumers to the fullest extent allowable by law, but expressly excludes residents of Quebec, Russia, Switzerland and the Member States of the European Union."
It's true: We here in Europe don't take kindly to contracts that have us sign away our human rights.
Well, at least we got that right.. For now..

But i wont be getting it anyway, you have to take a stand in this world..


Souplex Killsplosion Awesomegasm
Jul 29, 2008
I have not yet fallen to the evils of Digital Distribution, and my resolve shall never waver!
That said: Compared to Valve, EA is a lesser evil.


S.T.A.L.K.E.R. did it better.
Dec 6, 2007
octafish said:
Psycho-Toaster said:
I see no need to install it until BF3 is released, so I'll leave it until then. Maybe the day before so I have less hassle to go through on the day.
Yes this is me.

I was hesitant about the privacy issues but then EA changed their EULA to say every thing they snoop will be kept in house, the same as Steam. I am OK with that.

The Class Action prohibition like the Sony ToS (and a lot more ToS in the future I imagine) doesn't apply to Australia so that never bothered me.

I haven't installed it yet because I pre-ordered BF3 through Gamersgate for $30 less than Origin (Australian over inflated prices), I miss out on the Beta but I saved $30.

This is me as well. Origin is the same as Steam, only it's actually a bit better as I don't need the client running. Pricing is as silly as Steams so no issue there. The new ToS is as bad as Steam so no issue there. The law suit thing doesn't affect me as I live in Denmark.

I've not preordered the game though, but if I buy it I'll buy it on GamersGate. That's the best shop these days what with Steam ripping me off. And having crappy customer support.

Also the Beta is free from today mate.

And seriously: everybody should stop using Steam and start using GamersGate. Those guys are awesome!


Elite Member
Jun 24, 2011
United States
I have had it for awhile but damned if I can't find anything to buy on it. It's the same on every other DD site besides Steam. I want to broaden my horizons and use all the DD sites but only Steam has games I want at the price I want. It's like EA is going down the same path as Microsoft did with GFWL, big promises that their service can't fulfill.

Also Origin is too common a name, every time I try to Google information about Origin (like why the demos don't work when you click on them) I get everything except what I am looking for.

Loop Stricken

Covered in bees!
Jun 17, 2009
Souplex said:
I have not yet fallen to the evils of Digital Distribution, and my resolve shall never waver!
That said: Compared to Valve, EA is a lesser evil.
Wait what? Citation needed and all that jazz.

necromanzer52 said:
Why isn't there an "I haven't got a fucking clue, what origin is" option?
Presumably because people who don't know what a poll's about are usually smart enough not to try and answer it.


New member
Jan 6, 2010
SO I've been monitoring Origin for a while now and the only folders it seems to access are the EA and Origin ones in program files, all the folders in C:\ProgramData and the Origin folder in AppData.

The only thing it needs to access are the EA and Origin folders and the Origin folder in ProgramData and AppData.

If you don't want Origin to access anything more than required folders just block all other folders in ProgramData and you're good to go.

Sandboxie is awesome for this. I've set it to create a log of all folders it accesses and let you know if there's any update.

Good luck and have fun.

Zyst said:
If you want to add the above info to your first post so those that are sceptical can see it, be my guest :D.


New member
Dec 24, 2008
Yea. Installed it when I was invited to the Battlefield 3 alpha beta. I prefer Steam, but it could be worse.

Father Tunde

New member
Dec 8, 2010
Not yet, but I will without a second thought, should a game I want to play require it.

lunncal said:
Teckdeth said:
I don't have a lot against Origin, but right now I have no reason to get it installed. I will if necessary, but I've got Steam for now, and that'll do.

I have little interest in this Origin vs Steam discussion. It seems so arbitrary, even when compared to other arbitrary gamer arguments like PC vs Console, or PS3 vs Xbox. I mean, they're both free right? It's not like you can only buy one and need to defend your choice, they're free! Just get both! XD
This isn't about which one is better, it's about how Origin (among other things) completely obliterates your privacy [http://www.escapistmagazine.com/news/view/112559-Internet-Explodes-Over-Origins-Invasion-of-Privacy] in a way that I actually thought was completely illegal. I mean I personally have a few issues with Steam too (though not nearly to the same degree), but I grudgingly use it anyway because of the great deals it has and Valve's solid reputation. Origin on the other hand I wouldn't use even if it was giving away games for free.
This isn't about how Origin 'obliterates your privacy', this thread is about whether or not we've downloaded Origin. And in the second half of your post, you defied what you said in the first half, by saying you use Steam, but wouldn't use Origin, even if they were giving away free games.


New member
Jul 29, 2008
Used it, saw what happened with the whole privacy thing. Uninstalled it. (I had problems with it too, bugs mostly.)

Don't plan on using it again until they change their wording.