Poll: [Origin] How many of us have folded?


Regular Member
Aug 25, 2010
I am setting up a sandbox which will protect me from unauthorized access. Problem is I do not know if Origin will scan my computer when it installs before I even start it!


Regular Member
Aug 25, 2010
TwoSidesOneCoin said:
No thank you, not until I can figure out how to isolate origins to make it run on what it'll see as a completely empty system. There has to be a way, but if no way exists, then I guess I'll only play BF3 on xbox.

Oh well.

Get your butt over there and read the second last post on page one! Let E.A. know you control your PC and they have no right to access it! Then you can play the Battlefield 3 beta.

Username Redacted

New member
Dec 29, 2010
The only things I'm aware of that EA is coming out with that I care about is Mass Effect 3 and probably more Dragon Age content so I'll make a choice about whether or not to install Origins when confronted with those products and if the answer is yes whether or not to restrict Origins to a sandbox.


Regular Member
Aug 25, 2010
lunncal said:
Teckdeth said:
I don't have a lot against Origin, but right now I have no reason to get it installed. I will if necessary, but I've got Steam for now, and that'll do.

I have little interest in this Origin vs Steam discussion. It seems so arbitrary, even when compared to other arbitrary gamer arguments like PC vs Console, or PS3 vs Xbox. I mean, they're both free right? It's not like you can only buy one and need to defend your choice, they're free! Just get both! XD
This isn't about which one is better, it's about how Origin (among other things) completely obliterates your privacy [http://www.escapistmagazine.com/news/view/112559-Internet-Explodes-Over-Origins-Invasion-of-Privacy] in a way that I actually thought was completely illegal. I mean I personally have a few issues with Steam too (though not nearly to the same degree), but I grudgingly use it anyway because of the great deals it has and Valve's solid reputation. Origin on the other hand I wouldn't use even if it was giving away games for free.

The second last post on the first page tells you how to configure sandboxie to trap Origin. That'll tell E.A. to shove it up their arses.

Liquid Paradox

New member
Jul 19, 2009
Mass Effect 3 will require Origin, and therefore, I will install it. I will play Mass effect through a few times, and then I will uninstall origin. I have no programs/videos/whatever else EA feels it's a good idea to monitor which shouldn't be there anyway, and I surf the web with onion when I need privacy. I am not worried.


Regular Member
Aug 25, 2010
Thanatus1992 said:
I disagree with the Terms of Service, so no I won't be using it.

Unfortunately this means that I may not be able to play Mass Effect 3 when it comes out, which saddens me.

Try Sandboxing Origins following the second last post on the first page, near as I can tell it works but not everybodie's systems are the same so some changes to the configuration may have to be made.


New member
Dec 6, 2010
TwoSidesOneCoin said:
No thank you, not until I can figure out how to isolate origins to make it run on what it'll see as a completely empty system. There has to be a way, but if no way exists, then I guess I'll only play BF3 on xbox.

Oh well.

I don't want companies spying on me.


New member
May 29, 2010
No, because I have a hard-on for Steam/Valve and every EA game I've played in the last forever has been terrible. I don't want to play any game that's on Origin and even if I did I would boycott it because I can't be bothered with *another* digital distribution service.


New member
Mar 27, 2009
Not installed it, even cancelled my pre-order of SW:TOR on Origin when I found out about EA monitoring my computer use.

Even going to postpone playing BF3 untill they release a non-origin client for PC, sometimes you just got to stick to your principles.


New member
Nov 21, 2009
NEVER!!! Ok, I really do not care, I have just grown so accustomed to being able to play EVERY pc game on steam. And I really want this game! On PC. But with origin... nooo... I will wait until maybe steam and EA come to an agreement or until origin actually will be worth a damn. But if they release Mass Effect 3 exclusively on Origin, I will definitely go POSTAL!!!
But who knows? Maybe their policy's and game libraries will be better then?


New member
Apr 4, 2010
Haven't installed it and have no need to. I like the convenience of playing all of my games through Steam and GOG and for now it doesn't look like i'll be needing anything else. Even if EA does start witholding more games from Steam I can't really think of any EA games i'm interested in playing on PC.


New member
Nov 24, 2008
not yet but if I need it to play KotOR when it finally arrives
then I guess I'll be gritting my teeth and grabbing my ankles

but I wont be buying anything from it that isn't absolutely necessary for playing KotOR

EA should go die in a gutter they are really fucking up the scene...

OI... terrorists stop trying to blow up normal ppl it wont help u and we aren't scared or impressed. Do something useful and suicide bomb EA instead.

Tuesday Night Fever

New member
Jun 7, 2011
Vote: No, and never will.

Granted, the "never will" part is kinda up in the air. I have no intentions of installing Origin, but that doesn't mean that I won't be forced into it at some point by a game that I really, really want to play. So the "never will" part is only really applicable to the forseeable future.

And no, it's not because I'm a hardcore fan of Steam. I have Steam, don't get me wrong, but I'm not as obsessed with it as some seem to be. I for one hate digital distribution of games, or movies and music too for that matter. I like to have a hard copy in my hands. I've bought digital copies of games in the past, sure... some of those 50% to 90% off sales on Steam are hard to resist when it comes to a game that I'm somewhat interested in but wouldn't be likely to buy under normal circumstances. But the point is that I already have Steam. I don't need two programs to give me the same service that I rarely take advantage of anyway. If Origin had come along first, I'd probably be saying the same thing about Steam right now.

That said, I do admit that I'm additionally put off a little bit toward Origin because of Electronic Arts. Those guys have changed a lot over the years, and have strayed very far from their humble mission statement. At one point many years ago I felt like, as an avid gamer, I was more than just a statistic to them. These days... not so much. I'm not really angry with them... I'm not going to be one of those people raging for a boycott of EA titles... I think I'm mostly just... disappointed. I guess that's the word.


New member
Jun 7, 2009
L3G0kees said:
silverbullet1989 said:
its virtually the same as steam, a little rough, but you barly use it guys come on! apple bloody tracks ya location yet millions of people still use apple producs and accept their t&c's everyday! grow up! oh no a developer is making its own version of steam, boo friking hoo i dont care if *yoink

0_0 apple do not track peoples location and produce some of the best producs on the market
Well the big problem is that steam FREAKING works,
Origin does not work I'm trying to download the beta for 1 hour now and only saw, sorry this service is currently not available.
whys that any different to when a game is launched on steam and everyone is trying to download it and get the " steam servers are currently unable to handle your request " i got tht with red orchestra 2, first time i bought a download game through steam, the last time i do it too. Considering BF3 is one of EA's biggest launching titles i was taken by supprise as to how well the system worked, i thought it would have gone down the moment the beta was released.


New member
Jan 20, 2011
Haven't got it, I've already got steam and My CPU couldn't run most recent EA games anyway.

Also, that whole watching everything you do bit, That kinda sets me off.