Poll: [Origin] How many of us have folded?


New member
Jan 29, 2009
The only thing I bought from Origin was the Mass Effect DLC Pinnacle Station. It wasn't that big of a deal.

Haven't installed origin on the new computer yet, but when I get around to installing ME1, I'll install it again. I don't see what the problem is.

Captcha: very conotm. I don't know what conotm is, but this post must have it in oodles!


New member
Nov 1, 2007
Paragon Fury said:
I installed Origin as soon as it came out. Unlike most of the gaming world I don't have a fucking hard-on for Steam. I saw, and still see no issues with EA or Origin. Don't care if EA sees that I watched that one episode of Manyuu Hikenchou or Sekirei over a couple times. Or knowing that I checked my bank account twice on Tuesday.

They would not be so stupid as to ever give put things like passwords and such, and vigilant consumers don't need to worry.
You must not be a fan of Sims >_>.

Trying to get sims 3 accounts to work ever since origins hit has been damn near impossible.

Then you get to deal with "fun" customer service.

My praise for steam comes mostly from the service working and not requiring me jiggle 19 different account names around. (Or however many different nametags have been slapped onto my EA account over the years).

BUT! To each their own, if it makes you happy then roll with it. Anyone who is willing to turn themselves into the product should be allowed to do so.

Mr Pantomime

New member
Jul 10, 2010
If I need it for the BF3 Beta, ill probably be installing it today. I was a bit skeptical about it, but my friend showed me our new BF3 gaming clansite yesterday. My hands are kind of tied.

I just dont want Origin on my computer really. Im not a big fan of the whole client thing. I have steam, and that pisses me off by not working half the time. But that service gets me some very good, cheap games, as well as a great indie lineup. To be honest, the only game I bought full price on Steam would probably be The Secret of Monkey Island. I much prefer things like Good OLd Games or Gamers Gate.

Im really failing to see the point of Origin. From what ive seen, it stocks only EA games, and only new ones, at the same price they are in store. Im not exactly hard pressed to find them, am I? So all im getting is a stupid client ill never buy from unless they give me cheap games. Which they wont, because they are EA.


New member
Aug 24, 2010
I haven't installed it and never will. In the event there's a game I want that requires it, I'll go buy a legitimate copy of the game, open it up, set it on my desk, then download a torrent of the same game. By how I see it, it isn't pirating because I bought the game new, but it gets me out of using crap like Origin and Steam. In fact, the only time I ever buy a game on Steam as opposed to buying a hard copy is during stuff like the summer sale where its 75% off. I may hate online distribution services like Steam and Origin but if I can nab Killing Floor for 5 bucks then I'll make an exeption.

Of course, with all the crap like Origin monitoring web use I'd never install it even if they had ridiculous sales.

(Also mods please dont ban me or anything D: I dont pirate, I just hate how digital distribution works and as such refuse to use it most of the time.)


New member
Aug 5, 2011
Xorph said:
I haven't installed it and never will. In the event there's a game I want that requires it, I'll go buy a legitimate copy of the game, open it up, set it on my desk, then download a torrent of the same game. By how I see it, it isn't pirating because I bought the game new, but it gets me out of using crap like Origin and Steam. In fact, the only time I ever buy a game on Steam as opposed to buying a hard copy is during stuff like the summer sale where its 75% off. I may hate online distribution services like Steam and Origin but if I can nab Killing Floor for 5 bucks then I'll make an exeption.

Of course, with all the crap like Origin monitoring web use I'd never install it even if they had ridiculous sales.

(Also mods please dont ban me or anything D: I dont pirate, I just hate how digital distribution works and as such refuse to use it most of the time.)
I support this man.

If he bought the game, and get's a copy in this manner. I say it's his right.


New member
Jan 16, 2008
Like many others, I purely got it for BF3... Downloaded the beta today, and am having a blast... Also, it's nice to finally have a game which smacks my computer up-side-down with its graphics....

Only problem I have with the beta, is the fact that apart from prone and working bipods, not much of the improved features have actually turned up yet... Meh, still have it on pre-order, so I guess Origin was inevitable sooner or later...

Best Regards :)


New member
Oct 29, 2009
It's not like I gave up my humanity. It's not even that intrusive. It just downloads your games, installs them and then you never have to run origin again. You can launch your games without it.
Now, to hate it on principle is just ridiculous and i like to give anything the benefit of the doubt. So far origin has done nothing to make me want to do bad things.


New member
Dec 11, 2010
Saulkar said:
TwoSidesOneCoin said:
No thank you, not until I can figure out how to isolate origins to make it run on what it'll see as a completely empty system. There has to be a way, but if no way exists, then I guess I'll only play BF3 on xbox.

Oh well.

Get your butt over there and read the second last post on page one! Let E.A. know you control your PC and they have no right to access it! Then you can play the Battlefield 3 beta.
Thanks for the information. I've already bookmarked the page and saved the instructions onto a document on my computer so that later on I can give it a try.

Although I just got off the xbox 360 beta, and I have to say, even if this "sandboxing" thing-a-mo-bob doesn't work for me, I'll still pick it up for the xbox 360.

Pretty fun game, even if its only one map. Recoil seems pretty damn hectic, but hell its better than CoD's super human/spartan way of canceling out recoil.

Also, I LOVE the bipod attachment for the support rifles. FUCKING A! Was kind of thrown off with the whole "assault class has medic kit and defib whilst support class has ammo kits".


New member
Aug 27, 2010
I haven't had to install it for anything I've wanted to play yet. I only keep steam installed for Multiplayer games; I've hacked all my single player games off of Steam and they play better for it.

Edit* Even Dead Island crashes less but VPN Lan play is annoying to set up.


New member
Mar 1, 2010
Steam was new some time in the past too. I'll try it, if I dont like it, fuck it. Battlefield 3 is not important enough to me to mess around in something I dont like.


The Loneliest Jedi
Apr 17, 2009
well, it auto updated to Origin when i tried to play my Sims 3 game, so yes its in my PC but i didnt downloaded it, had to install it thought :S

Syntax Man

New member
Apr 8, 2008
I installed it to play the Battlefield 3 Alpha back in August, its been there, unused until the Beta opened up today.


New member
Feb 25, 2008
Zyst said:
I Don't know, so I ask you: Have you installed Origin yet? Did you fold to install it or did you just install it?
Nope, not yet.

Although, now that various workarounds and settings changes are appearing that limit Origin's data accessing abilities, I am thinking very hard about it. We will see how EA responds between now and release day.

But for now BF3 is 360 only for me.


New member
May 25, 2010
I dont really care that much about the origin vrs steam debate.

I just really do not like EA. I dont like their ethic's or how the moment they get there grubby fingers in a game it gets degraded.
I dont like how they feel their entitled to snoop around my computer or how they feel so special just becouse their EA. I also dont like how if you dont like EA then they'll want to ban your account and lock you out of any games you have JUST becouse they have grubby fingers in that game.

Sightless Wisdom

Resident Cynic
Jul 24, 2009
I installed it to give it a chance before I declared it as crap. It lived up to my expectations, meaning of course that it is indeed crap as far as I can tell. It may one day be a great service comparable or even somehow superior to Steam, but right now it doesn't even come close to being decent.


New member
Jul 14, 2009
wouldn't say i folded, didn't really care since theres no way i'm not going to play bf3 on pc. : p


New member
Sep 18, 2009
Nope, haven't installed it. I can't be 100% I never will, so I answered "No, not yet". But I never will if I can help it.