Poll: Teen sues school over "wigger day"


New member
Apr 6, 2010
Come on, it's easy to see her point. This railing against so-called 'political correctness' is so often misapplied and just used as an excuse to be insensitive or rude. Sure, you have a right to say what you want, and therefore a right to offend, but is it RIGHT to offend? That's the issue. The whole 'political correctness' myth hinges on a mentality that 'rightness' and 'legality' are synonymous. They aren't, a large percentage of the time. It is pure selfishness to live your life at the expense of others when simple REASON, CONSIDERATION and CARE would erase the entire problem. You're not being 'oppressed' if, due to consideration for others, you choose appropriate times and places for your various actions.


I miss my old avatar
Jan 29, 2010
B-Rye said:
I can see it being offensive, but I could not care less. I think people should take issue with what Fox News cares about covering. This particular story was not skewed in any way from what I can tell. It is just sad that this is what Fox wants to focus on, and by extension this is what the audience wants.
Baneat said:
Actually - Consider the news source, consider how dumb the school would have to be, and the money involved in the charges.

FOX is pulling a fast one, you're getting only a horrifically spinned version of the story.
So what's the big deal with Fox? I mean, they're doing what a News Organization is supposed to do, cover events happening around our country. I mean why is everyone jumping on Fox for putting up an article about this? The Huffington Post did it, so did the Minneapolis Star Tribune. I'm sure more news agencies have covered it too, it's probably on Fark too. Why are we attacking Fox for reporting this?

I don't understand, Bill O'Reilly hasn't done a primetime special, it wasn't covered on the morning show (Fox and Friends I think?). It was just a bit article covered on their website. Other websites are reporting virtually the exact [http://www.globalpost.com/dispatches/globalpost-blogs/weird-wide-web/wigger-day-minnesota-school-sued] same [http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/08/03/wigger-day-red-wing-minnesota_n_916323.html] thing [http://tpmmuckraker.talkingpointsmemo.com/2011/08/black_alumnus_sues_high_school_over_wednesday_wigg.php], and in some cases covering the Schools Rebuttal [http://thinkprogress.org/justice/2011/08/03/286950/a-wigger-homecoming-officials-at-predominantly-white-high-school-defend-theme-mocking-black-people/] to the incident and we're jumping Fox News shit for having the audacity to put a pretty decent straightforward article on their website.

I mean Fox isn't bullshitting it or making it up, a lawsuit has been filed (July 29) and hell might actually go to court rather than get settled out of court.

Jegsimmons said:
Lionsfan said:
Bobbity said:
i actually agree, isnt the point of a wigger to be a white guy acting like a stereotypical black person? So how did they cover that wrong? is our hatred for fox so deep we actually rip on them for not makeing a mistake?
I guess this is the only way to describe it


New member
Apr 2, 2008
Shouldn't the school be more concerned about providing its students with a proper education than putting on superfluous events that may be racially insensitive?


The Furry Gamer
Jun 29, 2010
Through lots of Face palming

Trezu has now been knocked out and his hand is black through hitting


New member
Oct 15, 2009
Just... what? How can you even sue for that. It was a lighthearted joke, not some hateful racist statement. if it made her want to drop out of school (which I doubt) then it's her own fault for being so sensitive.


New member
Jan 19, 2010
Lionsfan said:
B-Rye said:
I can see it being offensive, but I could not care less. I think people should take issue with what Fox News cares about covering. This particular story was not skewed in any way from what I can tell. It is just sad that this is what Fox wants to focus on, and by extension this is what the audience wants.
Baneat said:
Actually - Consider the news source, consider how dumb the school would have to be, and the money involved in the charges.

FOX is pulling a fast one, you're getting only a horrifically spinned version of the story.
So what's the big deal with Fox? I mean, they're doing what a News Organization is supposed to do, cover events happening around our country. I mean why is everyone jumping on Fox for putting up an article about this? The Huffington Post did it, so did the Minneapolis Star Tribune. I'm sure more news agencies have covered it too, it's probably on Fark too. Why are we attacking Fox for reporting this?

I don't understand, Bill O'Reilly hasn't done a primetime special, it wasn't covered on the morning show (Fox and Friends I think?). It was just a bit article covered on their website. Other websites are reporting virtually the exact [http://www.globalpost.com/dispatches/globalpost-blogs/weird-wide-web/wigger-day-minnesota-school-sued] same [http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/08/03/wigger-day-red-wing-minnesota_n_916323.html] thing [http://tpmmuckraker.talkingpointsmemo.com/2011/08/black_alumnus_sues_high_school_over_wednesday_wigg.php], and in some cases covering the Schools Rebuttal [http://thinkprogress.org/justice/2011/08/03/286950/a-wigger-homecoming-officials-at-predominantly-white-high-school-defend-theme-mocking-black-people/] to the incident and we're jumping Fox News shit for having the audacity to put a pretty decent straightforward article on their website.

I mean Fox isn't bullshitting it or making it up, a lawsuit has been filed (July 29) and hell might actually go to court rather than get settled out of court.

Jegsimmons said:
Lionsfan said:
Bobbity said:
i actually agree, isnt the point of a wigger to be a white guy acting like a stereotypical black person? So how did they cover that wrong? is our hatred for fox so deep we actually rip on them for not makeing a mistake?
I guess this is the only way to describe it
I'm not ripping on them for not making a mistake, I clearly said that I think they should focus on more relevant issues.


New member
Mar 20, 2009
Ok, yeah. That's just dumb. The school thinking that day is a good idea. If it was at a private school....well, it would still be dumb but I wouldn't care what those private morons want to do. But at a public school? But what's just as bad, trying to get $75,000 in damages. For what? Being an alum of a stupid school? Sorry. No dice.


New member
Mar 30, 2011
pretty stupid decision on part of the school. I expect they'll reach some kind of settlement in which the school admits wrongdoing but doesn't pay much in damages

B-Rye said:
I'm not ripping on them for not making a mistake, I clearly said that I think they should focus on more relevant issues.
Not a fan of FOX either, but they don't seem to be focusing much on it to me, at least not according to their site. The main front page article is about Syria, and the main US page article is about Warren Jeffs.

It just looks like a minor article to me, and calling out a school for its retardedly offensive "holiday" seems like decent reporting for me.


New member
May 21, 2010
It's hard to sympathize with someone suing for $75,000. Even so, they shouldn't be having a day like this under the circumstances. The worst anyone should is writing a sternly worded letter. It's not THAT big of a deal.


New member
Mar 30, 2011
Gothproxy said:
Ok, yeah. That's just dumb. The school thinking that day is a good idea. If it was at a private school....well, it would still be dumb but I wouldn't care what those private morons want to do. But at a public school? But what's just as bad, trying to get $75,000 in damages. For what? Being an alum of a stupid school? Sorry. No dice.
Probably punitive damages, which is basically extra damages to deter other people from committing the same offense. It's quite common in civil cases


New member
Jun 1, 2008
w1ndscar said:
pubbing said:
A black student is suing her former Minnesota high school
She doesnt even go to the school anymore, she deserves nothing but shame.
On other news articles, it says that she (and others) made plenty of complaints during the time of the problem, and she even talked to the super attendant of the school district - who said he'd do something about the racial insensitivity.

But the school did nothing when the students opened a pro-wigger-day facebook page, and did nothing to stop it in the school, itself.

... Besides all that, it takes money and a job to afford a lawyer. Both of which were hard to find in the last few years.


New member
Jan 19, 2010
dyre said:
pretty stupid decision on part of the school. I expect they'll reach some kind of settlement in which the school admits wrongdoing but doesn't pay much in damages

B-Rye said:
I'm not ripping on them for not making a mistake, I clearly said that I think they should focus on more relevant issues.
Not a fan of FOX either, but they don't seem to be focusing much on it to me, at least not according to their site. The main front page article is about Syria, and the main US page article is about Warren Jeffs.

It just looks like a minor article to me, and calling out a school for its retardedly offensive "holiday" seems like decent reporting for me.
I noticed that also. Nothing is wrong with this article at all, but my humble opinion remains that they are giving this the time of day (no matter how little) when that same energy put into this article could have been used to shed light on other issues that deal with issues of today, not a case dealing with the personal grievances of an individual regarding events from over a year ago.

I know a news agency is supposed to maximize output and following, and they are doing their job. I just think other issues deserve focus.

Sure, we and anyone else talking about this article are the only ones likely aware of it, and we're spending our time debating the merits of the issue, the case itself, and whether or not this is relevant from a journalism standpoint. Imagine if this forum was a discussion about say raising the debt level, wall street controversy, etc (regardless of where we stand on those issues).

I sort of see this discussion entering the roundabout, but there it is.


Elite Member
Aug 19, 2009
Ocealot said:
The high school will get what they deserve I dont know what the guy was smoking to find wigger day to be a god Idea. I dont know how the student could not find it offensive.
I agree. Frankly, I don't see how anyone could not find "Wigger Day" offensive. Racially insensitive, sophomoric, and just plain dumb. Much like white guys pretending to be black, really.


Well, I guess they got me there.


New member
Mar 30, 2011
B-Rye said:
dyre said:
pretty stupid decision on part of the school. I expect they'll reach some kind of settlement in which the school admits wrongdoing but doesn't pay much in damages

B-Rye said:
I'm not ripping on them for not making a mistake, I clearly said that I think they should focus on more relevant issues.
Not a fan of FOX either, but they don't seem to be focusing much on it to me, at least not according to their site. The main front page article is about Syria, and the main US page article is about Warren Jeffs.

It just looks like a minor article to me, and calling out a school for its retardedly offensive "holiday" seems like decent reporting for me.
I noticed that also. Nothing is wrong with this article at all, but my humble opinion remains that they are giving this the time of day (no matter how little) when that same energy put into this article could have been used to shed light on other issues that deal with issues of today, not a case dealing with the personal grievances of an individual regarding events from over a year ago.

I know a news agency is supposed to maximize output and following, and they are doing their job. I just think other issues deserve focus.

Sure, we and anyone else talking about this article are the only ones likely aware of it, and we're spending our time debating the merits of the issue, the case itself, and whether or not this is relevant from a journalism standpoint. Imagine if this forum was a discussion about say raising the debt level, wall street controversy, etc (regardless of where we stand on those issues).

I sort of see this discussion entering the roundabout, but there it is.
But the suit was filed last week, so that makes it news. And I'm sure the article is quite relevant to some people (albeit probably not the kind of people who read or watch FOX), who may be similarly offended. Seriously, how offensive does it need to be for you to consider it news? Does the private school have to segregate bathrooms or something?

As for news organizations having to report only "important" issues, you're using impossibly idealistic standards, not relative ones. Name one news organization in which EVERY article is of a worthy and important topic.

I'm not sure what you're getting at regarding imagining if the forum was about raising the debt level (and why would it be? we already raised it :p). Seems like it would a pretty boring forum compared to a forum about gaming-and-other-stuff.

FOX sucks, but this seems like selective hatred to me. Btw, CNN also reported on it.


New member
May 1, 2011
Arluza said:
the first problem is your link is to Fauwks 'News' (using news very lightly). Fauwks has made up stories to make minorities look weak and easily offended before, and often make it so the poor white man is being abused by the minorities. So until someone can provide a newspaper headline that isn't owned by Rupert Murdoch, i won't believe the story.

however, the article was kind enough to say what newspaper did write an article first. here is a link to it: http://www.startribune.com/local/126739938.html

Now, when you google "The Minneapolis Star Tribune wigger day" the first link is to Fauwks, the second to that link, and the third here, to this very thread. And i don't know about you other Americans from public schools, but typically homecoming takes place in late September to mid October, depending on the schedule of the football games. WHY then was this only NOW covered by the news? something like this in Ohio would get news for the notice that wiggers even exist. a student SUING a school? that would probably be a decision made far before an entire year had passed.

The whole article seems fishy at best to me.
It could very well be implied that she's suing over the concept, not so much the act as it was currently taking place. Atleast the way the article is worded.

Second, just because fox news posts it doesn't mean its not true, before you start making hasty decisions why not just keep your opinions to yourself about the number 1 rated news network. I have yet to see any false news reports mind you I don't watch and obsess over it and trying to prove it wrong. Not saying you do, just that a lot of people do and anything has flaws if you look at it close enough.


New member
Nov 15, 2009
Very long post to reply to multiple people at once as so not to spam the thread incoming!
intheweeds said:
Third, if you were really 'expressing acceptance' you would realize that while all the straight people are having a good time and laughing, the gays (who you were trying to express acceptance of?) are feeling made fun of and hurt.
Edit: The best way i can put it is this - it is impossible to have 'dress-like-a-black-day' or 'dress-like-a-gay-day' because it's impossible to 'dress like a black' or 'dress like a gay' unless you are pulling from a stereotype. If you are, you are inherently wrong.
corneth said:
I think that basing an entire day on expressing a stereotype for gay people would actually get a lot of people pissed off.
I would like to draw attention to the fact, myself - would not be offended - and considering I come under said minority being bisexual leaning gay myself with plenty of gay friends who have agreed that it's not offensive to us at all. I would find the whole thing amusing as hell! Sure a stereotype is wrong - it's meant to be, everyone knows that. It's why the day would be like it is - just to prove that it is all meant to be all in good fun and joke.
As long as it's not purposefully done in a cruel mocking tone, there's no reason said days cannot happen. I find the whole gay stereotype as funny as a straight person would, people need to stop being so politically correct these days - it's probably more offensive you'd think we would be offended by all this in the first place!

Imp Emissary said:
No. This is not about acceptance. It's about turning a group of people into a joke, and saying that all the people in that group are nothing more than that. A big joke that shouldn't be respected.
However, I don't think you can fine the school for just being stupip. They didn't do this out of malice, just ignorance. You can't fine someone for stupidity alone. Yet.
Also wigger is a combo of the N-word and white.
If we want acceptance we need to stop dividing ourselves. We are all human.
To be honest - in this case maybe you're right, this was just out of pure ignorance and it should just be canceled not leading to a whole lawsuit BUT I think being able to laugh at yourself is very important, if we don't we're clearly taking life too seriously! With that all said, there's doing it as a friendly joke and there's doing it to what they think white people alone will find funny - it should be done so even the minority themselves can smile and understand the joke. Using the term 'wigger' was a step too far.
krazykidd said:
Expressing their acceptance? Wait what ? Your joking right? I find this extremely offensive . Wigger day ? Really ? Wait let me say this how is it . White ****** day. The point of the day is for white kids to pretend they are black implying black people are niggers ! Thats terrible ! Thats also implying that black people are different than white or "regular " people! Thats even more offensive. Sooooo lets pretend we are black , how would one do so? Here is where terrible stereotypes come into play, i can just imagine the horrors . I would completly skip this day of school AND sue the whole school board. Seeing people act the fool ( you know this is what they are doing) and feel inferior becAuse thats what black people do right? Act the fool? This is proof that we have long ways to go before racism and discrimination is dead and gone.
After considering everything and the name of the day - this day probably was simply born of ignorance and stupidity (see a quoted poster above who agreed) and really he was right in saying you can't sue people for ignorance but still, there's a 'terrible' stereotype which would be cruel and mocking to do, and then only doing it jokingly. I think this school wasn't aiming to be as mocking as they appeared to be. If they were then sure they can go ahead and be sued - but this is a school we're talking about, they were probably just encouraging kids to try and act out stereotypes to prove that they know that stereotypes are all a big joke and wrong. Hell! If I was going to one of those days as a minority I'd act the opposite of who I am just to prove they can understand it's all in good fun.
supermariner said:
I think it's more likely to be expressed in a mocking way rather than an accepting way
'Wigger' tends to be used exclusively as an insult, or at least over here it does
I'll finish up with your quote and say my whole point is - this entire situation can be taken one of two ways: As 'the school was racist and terrible' - in which case, if they were intending the day to be like that then OK, sue the hell out of them and fire any idiot who came up with the idea. OR. They were trying to get people to act out the stereotype so people will understand that a stereotype should not be taken seriously, hence why they're having a day mocking the ignorant idea of taking a stereotype seriously.
I don't know how the school was intending it, considering the name - it sounds like they were aiming for just joking around with the idea of the stereotype and not outright hatred, but it came out very wrong.