Poll: Time travel, is it possible?

Apr 17, 2009
What people don't seem to realise is that time travel is not only possible, but that every single one of us is a time traveller. We're all going forwards in time, second by second.
Just because we don't leap about the timeline like a demented frog on ecstasy doesn't mean we aren't actually time travellers


New member
May 1, 2008
soren7550 said:
theklng said:
soren7550 said:
Time travel is impossible. There's no way to bend time forwards or backwards.

It's kind of like teleportation: it sounds nice but it will never work and never happen. Hell, for teleportation to work you'd have to be able to create a machine that could break something down past its atoms, send them somewhere else and put them all back together. People are made up of trillions of atoms, and trying to remove & put back the most simple of items/organisms that there is next to impossible. No complex organism can be teleported in any such matter.
just to take you as an example: please shut up when you don't know what you're talking about. unless you're one of the scientists of CERN (which you are not), hold a degree in physics (which you do not) or at least know the basic about quantum physics (not something you know), your opinion is void.
And how by your expert opinion do you know that I have no bloody clue to what the hell I know or don't know what I'm talking about? Do you have any degree in any form of psychology that shows that you're a expert at determining if someone does or doesn't know what they're talking about?

Or are you pissy and heartbroken because I was able to explain how teleportation is impossible?
i think it's funny you're so confident in your skepticism. any scientist working in any frontier field would hesitate before speaking up on theoretical issues such as these. why? because even they are in doubt. this just further proves your ability to talk out of your ass.

like i said in my previous post, the theory of relativity states that time travel is possible. the theory of quantum entanglement states that teleportation is possible;i remember hearing of an experiment in the 1990s where they managed to deconstruct and reconstruct lego bricks with what they then called teletransportation.

beyond this, however, there is no proof of either. while you may think that no proof means an impossibility, in science no proof means that it hasn't been proven yet; it could go either way. we don't know enough about the universe to understand these things. if you think you understand them by just saying "no" to the general ideas of them, then you are what i would call thick.

oh, and i am so pissy and heartbroken that i just proved you logically wrong. don't be smug and don't be an idiot: you don't know more than any scientist on top of their field; and until you do (never), please keep quiet. i don't want another bible written just because you think you can explain all the wonders of the world in a single 50 word paragraph. scram.
Feb 13, 2008
One thing that collapses most arguments against time travel is the "Well, you could do this and that would ruin it."

Funny, because flying doesn't rule out the laws of gravity. And if you try and fly very close to the ground, you soon find out that Newton's Law of Conservation of Momentum can be rather harsh.

Hence such things as the fictional Blinovitch Limitation. [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blinovitch_Limitation_Effect] Time travel; like gravity, fusion, and Van de Waal's forces, have their own little hit squads for people who say "What does this button do?"


New member
Jul 13, 2009
well in relativistic physics time is considered a dimension so theoretically you could move forward and backwards through it.
And Paradox won't occur because when you go back you will have already gone back and set into motion all the events that you set into motion. IE (you can't kill Hitler before the second world war but you could be the guy who popped JFK in Dallas from the grassy knoll as conspiracy theorists claim)
ok so one more time trying to simplify it yes you can time travel no you can't change past events.

kommunizt kat

New member
Jul 8, 2009
Cama Zots said:
Is time travel possible? I mean what about alternate time lines and going back in time and killing your grandfather and stuff like that? It's so confusing I don't think it's even possible... I don't think it would be worth the risks involved. The world we live in could very well be influenced by visitors from the future.
Anyway you spin it I think it would take more than a sonic screw driver, chameleon circuits, and a flux capacitor.
so time and space are not separate... there is a thing called "time-space" so technically speaking if you travel through space you also travel through time. Time differs depending on where you are, hence time is relative.
PS u read a wrinkle in time? lots of errors in scientific theories but a good book...


New member
Jul 1, 2009
Lukeje said:
Of course Time-Travel is possible; I'm travelling through time right now...

Damn it, I wanted to say exactly that when I saw the thread title xP


New member
Jul 13, 2009
soren7550 said:
Time travel is impossible. There's no way to bend time forwards or backwards.

It's kind of like teleportation: it sounds nice but it will never work and never happen. Hell, for teleportation to work you'd have to be able to create a machine that could break something down past its atoms, send them somewhere else and put them all back together. People are made up of trillions of atoms, and trying to remove & put back the most simple of items/organisms that there is next to impossible. No complex organism can be teleported in any such matter.
Just for the record there is something called Quantum teleportation http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quantum_teleportation
which allows for information in the form of energy to travel at ftl speeds though only over extremely tiny distances

Hamster at Dawn

It's Hazard Time!
Mar 19, 2008
I think if time travel were possible then it would have to happen on the same timeline (no alternate realities) and therefore it cannot be possible unless everyone in the future wears stealth suits or something. If you could travel to an alternate universe (or create one) then it would be theoretically possible but I don't think it will ever happen. I think it's more likely that there will be some sort of device that allows us to see into the past but we won't be able to interact with it.


Coxa no longer floppin'
Jun 22, 2009
Nope, time isnt a material, it cant be manipulated. Ever, not even in the year 3000.


New member
May 6, 2009
What idiot would actually want to make a time travel device, when we wouldn't know what would happen?

Sure, killing your grandfather might split into a seperate timeline that wouldn't simply erase your existance, but then again, maybe the split timeline theory is incorrect and it doesn't work like that. And if it is, people would forever be trapped, and go missing in our universe.

It's the fact that we don't know how catastrophic the outcome that would make scientists seriously reconsider trying to create a time machine. Sure, scientists can do crazy things, but they generally try to stay out of anything that could seriously tear reality apart. At least with the Large Hadron Collider, they had statistics. Time travel is a freaking coin toss.


New member
Aug 1, 2008
I built a time machine once out of a cardboard box. It only went forward in time though, at regular speed.
Feb 13, 2008
Ph33nix said:
IE (you can't kill Hitler before the second world war but you could be the guy who popped JFK in Dallas from the grassy knoll as conspiracy theorists claim)
I thought you said you couldn't kill Hitler?

Ooops....I've said too much.


New member
Feb 22, 2009
There is no law in physics which disproves time travel.
So strictly theoretically, yes; it is possible.

My personal paradox with time travel this thus:

- Say; you built a time machine, and never again will another be made.
- When you turn it on for the first time, you receive a message from the future (your future time machine)
- This message tells you to destroy the machine.
- You do
Here is the paradox.
- If you destroy it; then it would not exist in the future to send you the message to destroy it.
- So you wouldn't destroy it; so it would exist in the future.
- So this is a never-ending cycle.

Enjoy having that play on your minds for at least a few minutes :)

It is basically the grandfather paradox with a twist.

Hamster at Dawn

It's Hazard Time!
Mar 19, 2008
coxafloppin said:
Nope, time isnt a material, it cant be manipulated. Ever, not even in the year 3000.
You don't need to manipulate time. Time stays were it is and you're the one that moves. You also don't know if time can be manipulated, we just don't know how to manipulate it. However, we don't really know if we can travel back in time or if time is something that only ever has one state. Time could also not really exist but just be a concept we have invented. I don't think we can completely rule out the (slim) possibility of time travel just because "time isn't a material".