Poll: Time travel, is it possible?

Hamster at Dawn

It's Hazard Time!
Mar 19, 2008
FrostyV3 said:
There is no law in physics which disproves time travel.
So strictly theoretically, yes; it is possible.

My personal paradox with time travel this thus:

- Say; you built a time machine, and never again will another be made.
- When you turn it on for the first time, you receive a message from the future (your future time machine)
- This message tells you to destroy the machine.
- You do
Here is the paradox.
If you destroy it; then it would not exist in the future to send you the message to destroy it.

Enjoy having that play on your minds for at least a few minutes :)

It is basically the grandfather paradox with a twist.
So therefore it would be impossible to receive the message because if you received it then the time machine would not exist. I think that scenario would simply not occur.


New member
Jul 25, 2009
It might be possible but because of paradoxes the governments of the world would probably ban it.
Feb 13, 2008
FrostyV3 said:
Here is the paradox.
- If you destroy it; then it would not exist in the future to send you the message to destroy it.
- So you wouldn't destroy it; so it would exist in the future.
- So this is a never-ending cycle.
Number of ways to solve that.
1) There was another machine built. You can't really stop scientific progress. (And putting restraints on the human world never works)
2) The letter wasn't from you.
3) You're eliminated from the time-stream as a paradox.
4) You can't send the letter to yourself from non-intervention.
5) It might not have been the first time.
6) You might not be able to destroy the machine.

Applying set unbreakable rules to disprove something is Marketing, not Science.


New member
Apr 22, 2009
soren7550 said:
Time travel is impossible. There's no way to bend time forwards or backwards.
it is proven that u can travel faster trough time u only need to bee in space, because time is affected by gravity.

Hamster at Dawn

It's Hazard Time!
Mar 19, 2008
Gnomeking09 said:
i believe there is a way to time travel but as in lost what ever happened happened
I like that concept to, rather than the Back To The Future version where you create an alternate reality that changes photographs from your reality and then even though you changed a million things you end up back in your original reality and nothing has changed. I don't think anyone ever took BTTF that seriously though, to be honest.


New member
Sep 2, 2009
If time travel did exist, then wouldnt our future selves come back to us and tell us that it does?


Elite Member
May 19, 2008
Right heres the thing. Forward travel is posible, hell we practically have it. Freezing yourself and cryogenics is pretty much forward travel in time, in the same way a helecopter has the same effect as antigravity but a different method. Backward travel is impossible as paradozes are impossible. Also its IMPOSSIBLE to change the past. If you went and killed a guy in history nothing would change, in your time it would have already happened and no one would notice any different. If you went back and met yourself at age 7, you would and everyone else would have memories of it already. So if some one went back and changed time in the future, what we are living is the result. All time changes have happened and heres what we got. In conclusion its impossible to screw up time in the past UNLESS you do something to prevent yourself from going back in time in the first place. If any of you discover time travel in the future REMEMBER TO GO TO THE MIDDLE OF LONDON..... NOW! Then we will see if its invented.

Backward time travel: impossible

Forwards time travel: Possible, basically achieveed the same result anyway.

Travelling at the speed of light means you do not age. You are timeless. The theory for forward time travel is sound, there is no theory of backwards time travel.


New member
Mar 26, 2009
yes but since the future isn't set time travel can only go backwards and once you go back you can't come back, even your presence in the past will change the already set timeline, so going back in time will destroy the present.


Elite Member
May 19, 2008
You can from energy. Its amazing how many people say "E=mc2" as an example of something smart and have NO idea what it means. Matter and energy are interchangable, our universe began from boundless energy becoming matter.

Sharpeye42 said:
yes but since the future isn't set time travel can only go backwards and once you go back you can't come back, even your presence in the past will change the already set timeline, so going back in time will destroy the present.
Thats just wrong... completely. the idea of forawrd time travel comes from the fact that the closer to the speed of light you go the less you age, time slows down at EXTREMELY high speeds. Therefor forward time travel is possible while backwards is not. You cannot destroy the present, you cannot change the present as history has already been written to include the changes that time travel has made. If you went back and killed the dinosaurs thats how they died to begin with, there never was another way for them to die, it was ALWAYS you. If people in the future HAVE meddled with time this is the result we have, it cannot be changed as it has already incorperated all changes made in the past.

Hamster at Dawn

It's Hazard Time!
Mar 19, 2008
What if there was an infinite number of parallel dimensions and you could travel between them? Although all the dimensions would be at the same place in time, some of them would be more developed than our dimension and others less developed so in effect you could travel to different periods of time that we have had in our dimension or that could possibly be our future.


New member
Jan 7, 2009
Here's something to think about: What if time travel has already been invented? But someone went back in time and did something which caused a butterfly effect (or maybe it's the grandfather paradox) that resulted in time travel never being discovered again.

Trent Lynch

New member
May 12, 2009
I think it could potentially work, but it could work two ways, it could work in the alternate reality way (or the alternate version of that theory in which all possibilities DO happen and you are just on the path in which different people chose the options they did, and not the ones the didn't) or it could work on the one way theory were anyone who could time travel to a time before this one already did and affected this life already before they were born (in other words, if you could time travel back in time in 20 years and at that time you decided to go back to attempt to kill Hitler, you already did try but you didn't know it yet).