Poll: Usernames

Khedive Rex

New member
Jun 1, 2008
Khedive Rex. To me its an expression of who I am. It's my internet name and I imagine it as almost a seperate identity, an expression of who I am on the internet.

I thought of it origionally for a site called Perplex City which was an elaborate puzzle game. It was also my first real forray into the internet. As such, I wanted a name that would be a bit of a puzzle but that would also really characterize myself. I took my favorite middle name, Khedive, and threw a Rex at the end.

The logic behind this is that Khedive means Prince, Governor, or Lord in Arabic and Rex means King in Latin. So the litteral translation of my name would be "The King of Princes," which I took to mean as "A noob with a lot of potential," which conveniently was how I considered myself at the time.

Of course, the name left room to grow. If I felt accomplished I could call myself the King of Governors, which is like "one of the best amoung equals." And if I felt arrogant I could call myself King of Lords or King of Kings, "The absolute cream of the crop."

Anyway though, the name has always stuck with me. I like the meaning and it has a good ring to it. Plus, no-one else uses Khedive Rex. Ever.

War Penguin

Serious Whimsy
Jun 13, 2009
I have no idea what to label my name under. It was a cartoon I was working on but the final product didn't look good. The name stuck, though.


New member
Oct 10, 2009
My name is based off a really bad mispelling of romulan(off star trek) that I made when I was 8. I still use it now because it's a unique name and most websites don't have that username taken. The funny thing about this name is that no one can pronounce it. It's pronounced exactly how it's spelled. Rom and blen. But no one can say it.

My name for steam is Sins of a Solar (insert some random word). The random word changes weekly. If anything, it's an expression of the occasional random thought I get I every now and then.


New member
Oct 12, 2009
Um. Well, my nickname was Captain Rob through grades 8-10. When I finally (FINALLY) got a 360 and Live, it was taken. One of the suggestions was HalfCaptainRob. And I dunno. It stuck.


New member
Sep 11, 2009
i prefer expression of myself but it is always taken and is never the same with numbers in it

Guitar Gamer

New member
Apr 12, 2009
Monocle Man was taken and I like titles with the same letter starting each word.
also it has a nice ring to it, my PSN tag is "Willah since my nick name and I inevitibley have some one say it out loud in whatever I play online


New member
Nov 2, 2008
Well, this username I have on this site is a combination of two identities I've acquired. One (Aby) from Guild Wars, and the other (Z) from Xbox Live. My other, new one is either aZn or Death (maybe both).

I see usernames as just another way to identify someone. In the end, a username (or perhaps the shortening and... nicknaming of the nickname) can end up truly becoming part of you. It's funny, as 'Z' is my middle initial, so it works out quite well.


New member
Nov 2, 2007
It started out as my gaming identity in Diablo.
Skeleon (Skeleton + Leon >>> Skeleon), the mighty axe-wielding demon-slaying Warrior who also invested in Blood Star because of how cool that spell is.
I kept it.


New member
May 29, 2009
Meh. Usernames are simply required by almost all forms of media. Want to talk in a forum? Username! Want to play an online video game? Username! Want to contribute video/audio to the internet? Username! All I do is pick something that means something to me, if only mildly, and go with it. They aren't important. If everything I used usernames for had only ever given me a random number instead of a name option, I'd be no worse for it.


New member
Oct 8, 2009
It gives me some mystery, right? Nobody has no idea what it means, 'cause it's finnish. I've used it for quite a few years now. It's always funny listening some game-reviewers trying to say my name... "I got interviewed by Vk... Mi, ma, mu... Vksomething."


New member
Aug 16, 2008
I have absolutely no idea how I got Sketchy, but it stuck for some reason. It has no meaning to me, but I generally use Sketchkov now, which I got when I played SWAT 4's expansion, the Stetchkov Syndicate.


New member
Jun 10, 2008
It started out as just a name, but now its become an identity. I use it (or a variation of it, but always containing at least Piff) on all the forums and videogames as my username/screenname. Basically if you see the name Pifflestick its a safe bet to say thats me unless the name starts with "IHate".

In fact, my name is unintentionally descriptive of the way my posts work a lot of the time. Piffle is defined as "nonsense" and to the random outsider who hasn't gotten to know me my posts will at best seem rambling and at worst be an unintelligable clusterfuck; Especially when I'm writing on a topic about politics.