Preferred Melee Weapon Choice?

Dan DePuy

New member
Jun 15, 2011
Willinium said:
I would have to say that my favored weapon of choice would be a spear.

To clarify I mean overall or the one you want most.[/quo
RaNDM G said:
For what purpose? Every weapon has a specific role in combat, and there's no such thing as an ultimate weapon.

I'm assuming you mean what weapon we'd want most. I guess I would pick a lightsaber, simply for the prestige of being the only person to own a fully-functioning lightsaber.
A spear, historically speaking, was the primary infantry weapon prior to the invention of the musket and the bayonet. That being said, it is strictly for infantry combat in groups. Other applications would be tricky; one-on-one a person with a shorter and more agile weapon would be more able to outmanuever you. Although it does merit some consideration that the long range of a spear would keep an enemy well outside attack range. Unfortunately, it is extremely difficult to hit a single target from that far away.

The best weapon for "melee combat," in my opinion, barring the use of a semiautomatic handgun or other firearm, is a single-handed broadsword. This is especially worth considering against the OP's spear. A thrust of the spear could be answered with a sideward step and a single cut to the haft, rendering the spear useless. A spear would be too long to use like a quarterstaff. A single handed broadsword is agile, easy to handle and requires only one cut to kill the target. When paired with a shield it is the ideal weapon for single combat again, barring modern firearms.


New member
Mar 19, 2009
Untrained: a machete. See the Rwanda massacres for an example of what those things can do.
Trained: Kukri blade - aka what the Ghurka's carry.

Funky Flump

New member
Jun 24, 2010
Something that's light but with a long reach? Also maybe adds some shock value over deep and dangerous wounds, so I can get out without killing them? And ideas?

(Although I would like to say claws so much!)


New member
Jun 11, 2011
TheYellowCellPhone said:
*stares at fists*

*nods approvingly*

And axes. Can never go wrong with axes.
Fists and axes... I like this guy
Throw a warhammer into the mix and you have my choice
Aug 17, 2009
Imposing a totally arbitrary limit on myself, if I was picking a real weapon from some point in history, I'd go with either an Épée from 1600-1750 France, or a Ninjato from Medieval Japan, just because I'm a pansy and, if in a fight to the death, I want something light and really deadly.

With fantasy stuff thrown in, I don't think you can beat an Infinity Plus One Sword from your average fantasy story.

Although, Charlemagne or Julius Caesar's swords would be awesome to own as well.


New member
Mar 1, 2011
spears are meant first and foremost for thrusting, but if that's all your doing with it you are not using it well. depending on the head, you can slash or crush enemies. because of its long reach it can strike from (funny enough) beyond the reach of the exact weapons you preferred over it. it can be swung in wide arcs and around the user, knocking back close quarters combatants and intimidating those that would try to enter its reach. (if they can be intimidated.) it can also be used like a staff where both ends can be used effectively in combat. its only true flaw is in tight spaces, which is what i think you meant. it is hampered by tight hallways, small rooms and when you are surrounded by large numbers and/or aren't strong enough to knock them back.


New member
Mar 1, 2011
personally, i prefer the mace, because its effective on most targets, including undead. it has little demand for maintenance/replacement unlike a sword or wood weapon, and its weighted head means that if you can swing it effectively, you don't need as much effort to get destructive force.


New member
Nov 9, 2010
A knife in my side pocket and my scooter tied up so it doesn't swing around on it's own.

I use the scooter as a sword bat thing and when stuf gets harry cut the strings wit the knife and scoot away.