You guys, are of the awesomesauce of this forum. I felt bad having my rant, but best to get it off my chest anyway, but it warms my soul to see well placed humor in an exchange like this one. (Though I have my doubts Rileytwit will throw anything in this forum.)timmytom1 said:Cool how much? XDMaxTheReaper said:I have a bridge in Manhattan I'd like to sell you.timmytom1 said:Are you suggesting the moon isn`t made of cheese?
Of course it is, because it's not OUR god. And that's bad.Bored Tomatoe said:Because an Islamic Character who mentions his god is a terrible thing.
yes, Nazis yelling things in german, and murdering people. So Whats wrong with a turkish man in a Nintendo game mumbling something that could be turned into a musilm phrase with some effort. OH WELL. Cry me a river '-.- I dont think That your kids playing punch out will lead to them suddenly wanting to strap bombs to themselves and murder people.KDR_11k said:Oh blah blah blah post 9/11 world blah. There are games that feature NAZIS.
Communism doesn't kill, people do.Kukul said:Now unless you explain to me how a system, in which every economical activity is being centraly steered and in which almost every human need has to be satisfied by the goverment, is not totalitarian, you officialy gain my Moron of the Day award.Desaari said:It's even worse than the whole Communism being evil and equating to Totalitarianism and Fascism that you hear right wing extremists saying in the US.
(Please note that I made it easier for you omitted the fact that Communism killed 10 times as many people as Nazism)
Watch out for his shotgun.Khell_Sennet said:Hold up a second... People are in a tiff over pro-religious phrases being uttered in a game where you can PUNCH the person saying them? Where's the problem? They need to expand this idea and make it great... Have Punch-Out characters that recite bible-belt hellfire and damnation as I rearrange their face. Give me a Punch-Out Chris Crocker to smack the shit out of while he screams "Leave Britney alone! I'm serious!". And of course, special guest appearance of RepubliTard poster boy Dick Cheney, who mumbles incoherently and spouts off conservative bullshit. Careful though, Cheney has a mean right hook, and is known for face shots.
Mark 2:10Malygris said:"Allah Akbar," which is typically translated as "God is great," is used by Muslims in a variety of situations but has become most notorious as the battle cry of terrorists and suicide bombers. This makes it problematic, Riley claimed on his YouTube channel [], because despite its other connotations, "we can't forget that this phrase is fiercely inflected before murderous animals do things like" the September 11 bombings of the World Trade Center.
But does Bald Bull actually speak the phrase at all? Riley's YouTube replay of the sequence in question, available around the 2:10 mark if you're not interested in watching the whole thing, is debatable at best.
My politics are a bit rusty admittedly but i do beleive that fashism (in certain forms) also works through a state controlled economy and i seriously doubt that communism has killed 100 million people in the great purges (the most significant piece of murderous soviet Activity ) 7 million or so (probably wayy more though i doubt it stands at 90 something million)were sentanced to time in gulags which were admittedly compareable to concentration camps according to official numbers some 2.6 million peole went through them at it`s height of which i suspect a considerable amount died given the conditions) died. a further 2 million (according to declassified KGB documents (which addmittedly is deplorable ,but nowhere near the numbers you suggest) on a side note stalinism is not really communism (I.E it shares none of the core values of leninism) if you look at what stalin`s style of goveremnt it`s far closer to a fachist(spelt wrong i presume) dictatorship but i digress totaling all this you get a staggering 11.6 million dead or so. (for the record the holocaust alone cost 21 million lives )Kukul said:Now unless you explain to me how a system, in which every economical activity is being centraly steered and in which almost every human need has to be satisfied by the goverment, is not totalitarian or you officialy gain my Moron of the Day award.Desaari said:It's even worse than the whole Communism being evil and equating to Totalitarianism and Fascism that you hear right wing extremists saying in the US.
(Please note that I made it easier for you omitted the fact that Communism killed 10 times as many people as Nazism)
And about every single form of goverment (even anarchy,in fact especially anarchy)Kukul said:You can say the same about Nazism.Erana said:Communism doesn't kill, people do.
Its right up there with being as bad as the Catholic character who mentions God. Oh wait, if it wasn't Islamic, no one would care at all.Bored Tomatoe said:Because an Islamic Character who mentions his god is a terrible thing.