Question of the Day, March 24, 2010


New member
Jul 16, 2009
I can't find a reason to say no, but I don't see a reason to say yes. It's a very odd thing to find in a username about sexuality. And I've seen ALOT of usernames.


New member
Sep 11, 2009
I don't have anything against people of other sexualities, but I really don't see why it needs to be proclaimed to everyone. Odds are it won't improve anything. If it changes anything at all, it'll just set off more discrimination. People that really are against it will know exactly who to target their aggression at, and I have to ask this; who benefits from this?

Of course, if they want to do it, it's down to them. But I for one don't even think to take in to account a fellow gamer's sexuality when I'm playing with them. To put it simply, I don't care, and if they feel the need to 'show it off', I'll probably only dislike them for that. Not because of the sexuality, but because of them seemingly believing that everyone needs to know/gives a damn.


New member
Oct 28, 2009
in a screen name, no. in the gamer's profile, sure. its just that having right there on screen will invite a lot of hating


New member
Mar 19, 2009
Rather than asking whether such things should be permissable, I would instead pose the question, why shouldn't it be? Whether someone wants to put such a thing in their gamer tag is entirely up to them, and is no stranger or offensive than doing something such as putting your football team preference in your name or a reference to a particular game or character.

Banana Phone Man

Elite Member
May 19, 2009
Sure, as long as it won't offend anyone else then it's fine with me. Hell, I've seen a lot of tags which describe how straight people are and how many people they've slept with so I don't see a problem with homosexual ones aswell.

The only problem I have is when, in game, people will start a speech of their sexuality or against others sexuality. This I want to avoid at all costs and hate it with a passion.

child of lileth

The Norway Italian
Jun 10, 2009
I don't think it would hurt anything to have it as an extra option. People could still not add it if they don't want it to be displayed to, so I don't see anything negative about it, other than people saying things about the person when they confirm it one way or the other. But that can still happen without that option anyway.


New member
Feb 11, 2010
If you allow it, it sounds like you're asking for discrimination to be tagged with a jury determined amount of money, because either way people are going to lose on this one.


Spice & Wolf Restored!
Feb 19, 2009
I'm going to say no, because it would incite homophobes to attack the person verbally.


New member
Jul 4, 2009
KoreyGM said:
Lowbreed said:
KoreyGM said:
Lowbreed said:
I'm just not so sure why? Is it reckoned that it would cut down on the "******!" namecalling?
Well as south park indicated people don't call each other fags because they think they're gay, its more like douchebag. But I'm not sure about this, I think people would abuse it.
You think I have any faith that a reduction in namecalling would ever come about?
That's not what I said, I said fag generally isn't even used to refer to a gay person specifically.
I think we're talking past each other, mine was initially a sarcastic statement as well, as it will never happen and is only vaguely related to sexual preference.


New member
Mar 19, 2010
Went with no. It's already a terrifying thought that the trolls survive by feeding off their own brain matter, just imagine what would happen if we started feeding them.


The British Paladin
Jul 14, 2009
Dont see no harm by this...although I bet some immature children will be up in arms about it
Feb 13, 2008
KoreyGM said:
and saying being gay is just about who a person has sex with is kind of hateful, as if they don't have feelings and it's not about love at all, and that's what free speech and freedom of expression is about, saying what you want and being who you are without caring what others think, people make way too big a deal about stuff like this.
That's why I didn't say that. I said "what". It includes all manner of sexual references, which is why I don't say mine. Your sexuality, like you said, doesn't define your personality or your name, so it doesn't belong there.
You don't like what someone thinks or says, stay away from them.
So you're quoting me repeatedly why?

I have a gay friend who I tease about the men they like in the same way I tease my straight friends about the women they like. Or the women about who they like. That's equality.
(Thinking about it, I've two transgender friends as well...but they don't name themselves "Used to be a man".)

If you want to wear a rainbow ribbon or something to define yourself as a man that wants to sleep with men, that's fine and dandy. If you want to hold hands, kiss or engage in more visceral forms of PDA, more power to you. But it's not something you broadcast for everyone to see. That's just being rude.


New member
Jul 24, 2009
I say yes, but not if they're going to put it as their actual gamertag. I'd say let it be an optional field to fill in, but have a drop down menu. Letting people put whatever they want there would just lead to bad things. That being said, it doesn't bother me if you like men or women. I like what I like and I respect you for liking what you like. Just don't force it on me.

The thing that gets me about this issue is that people are assuming that most people of different sexual orientations act just like the blatant stereotypes. It's not like a gay gamer is going to be shouting into the mic about how much he loves Madonna or kissing guys. If he's playing the game, then he's playing the game.


New member
Feb 17, 2010
Sure, just dont start complaining if someone starts whining or cussing you because of it.
If you have the need to confront people with stuff that doesn't really matter while your gaming, dont expect people to not use it against you since people are dicks that way.

Do whatever you want, just dont whine when others do the same thing: whatever they want.

Imagine a team deathmatch games between [STRAIGHTS] vs. {GAYS}....doesn't sound like such a good idea now does it? stuff like that leaves a bad taste.

If a somewhat controversial thing like that should be allowed (i have no problem with it) then you cant really forbid religous 'clans' or taggs either. where do you draw the line?
Next thing you have an Al Quida clan trying to kill a gay clan in TF2 or such :s

Games should not be used to advance a (personal) agenda that focusses on Sexual preference, religous reasons or political ones.

Games should be about fun. Don't hijack that fun with normal life crap that concerns you and bother other people with it, it detracts from the fun


New member
Mar 4, 2010
I'm not sure I understand what "Gamertag" exactly means. Is it some kind of profile page or just a name? Why would anyone want to display their sexual preference in their name? It's got nothing to do with playing a game, does it? I mean it's not like people display their favorite ice cream flavor or something like that in their gamertags.

So what, are they going to call themselves "Masterchiefhetero" then? So that when he's being called "gay" by others on Xbox Live he can point to his tag and say "No I'm not! See!"?
Likewise, a gay person probably wouldn't add that information anywhere too obvious just because it's frequently used as an insult and even if it's allowed they'll be discriminated against by some of the more ignorant people online I bet.
Besides, what would they get out of rubbing their sexual preference in everyones face? It's just got nothing to do with playing a game online... well except if it's something like Ragnarok Online I guess. -,-