Rumor: New WoW: Cataclysm Playable Races Leaked


New member
Aug 19, 2008
The Alliance can keep their little doggies, I'm gonna roll with the goblins if it turns out to be true >=D
Jul 27, 2009
Sweet, now that the ally's are getting Worgen, my blood elf can finaly have something else to mount on his wall other than the various animal forms of a NE Druid and the heads of space goats(dranei).


Du Jour Jaricho

New member
Aug 10, 2009
ZeroMachine said:
Du Jour Jaricho said:

Well hi there! I'm a Tauren! I've been a playable Horde race since WoW was released in 2004! And obliviously you will noticed I'm completely covered in fur! Just like the Worgens...
Welcome to the Escapist!

And, may I say:

Best first post ever.

Now, although I've quit WoW, I may go back to just experience some new content. And the Worgen makes sense with Gilneas and everything. Who knows...
Oh no, this isn't the first time we've met Zero..hahaha, hahahaha, MUHHAHAHAHAA! *Cough* sorry. This is just a new account I made since I disliked my old account name...I used to be Jarico, you know, the guy that told you about the Red vs. Blue animated series?


New member
Mar 29, 2008
well at least the Tauren looks bad ass, it will be funny to see a "worgen" hunter with another wolf as a pet.

For the horde!!


New member
Sep 6, 2008
I. Demand. GNOLLS.

The Warcraft 3 Manual even said, if Gnolls could stop FIGHTING each other, they'de be one of the most powerful forces in Azeroth. GNOLLS DAMNIT! AND I WANT THOSE DIRE FLAILS OF THEIRS TOO!


New member
Apr 6, 2009
theultimateend said:
Sevre90210 said:
Yay! Furries!....I mean Blizzard suck and sold their soul 4 and a half years ago.
Yes because corporations are living entities that have souls.

Damn them for making a successful game that keeps millions of people entertained.

The bastards.
Welll, corporations do have the same legal and social status of a human being, minus the responsibility of course.

Also, I think you meant 'millions of people distracted'. However, good points and my 10 cents is that they can do whatever the hell they want as long as they don't shove it down my throat.


New member
Jun 21, 2009
Du Jour Jaricho said:
NekoiHiokans said:
hansari said:
NekoiHiokans said:
*sigh* Do really need more WoW??? And why in the hell is the Alliance getting furries, can Blizzard not see that furries are not wanted?
There tapping into a brand new market...of furries lovers...
I can't wait for /b/ or Encyclopedia Dramatica to get a hold of this...Blizzard is slowly going to kill the internet.
You don't even know what you are talking about...WoW already has a race with fur, and it's one of the most popular horde races in the game. (There is fact another race that supposedly also has fur, though it isn't entirely clear)
I know that there is a race with fur, I referring to the fact that now the Alliance freaks are going to get furries...the internet is going to die that this officially announced...


New member
Nov 1, 2007
pirateninj4 said:
theultimateend said:
Sevre90210 said:
Yay! Furries!....I mean Blizzard suck and sold their soul 4 and a half years ago.
Yes because corporations are living entities that have souls.

Damn them for making a successful game that keeps millions of people entertained.

The bastards.
Welll, corporations do have the same legal and social status of a human being, minus the responsibility of course.

Also, I think you meant 'millions of people distracted'. However, good points and my 10 cents is that they can do whatever the hell they want as long as they don't shove it down my throat.
Oh sure I totally agree :).

Lemme find a quote that I loved that you just reminded me of.

"Corporation, n. An ingenious device for obtaining individual profit without individual responsibility."
- Ambrose Bierce

I do play it from time to time and I genuinely enjoy myself. Maybe that's because I'm in a guild of silly fathers and mature-enough sons. I even play it with my Step Dad. Good times.

sturryz said:
Furries? seriously? (BTW Taurens are not lumped into this group because they are genuine Mythological creatures, not some made up thing by a creature more screwed up then Atypical Japenese Otakus) Heres what i got to say.
And Worgen are Werewolves? Your point is what?

Du Jour Jaricho

New member
Aug 10, 2009
sturryz said:
Furries? seriously? (BTW Taurens are not lumped into this group because they are genuine Mythological creatures, not some made up thing by a creature more screwed up then Atypical Japenese Otakus) Heres what i got to say.

-Image from Encyclopedia Dramatica-
And the Taurens are based what? The Minotaur? (That's the half man half bull creature in case you have no understanding of Greek mythology) The only thing about that is the fact that The Minotaur did not have fur on his body besides a mane and his bull-like head. And what the Hell do you mean made up? Worgens are clearly based on Werewolves...

Du Jour Jaricho

New member
Aug 10, 2009
NekoiHiokans said:
Du Jour Jaricho said:
NekoiHiokans said:
hansari said:
NekoiHiokans said:
*sigh* Do really need more WoW??? And why in the hell is the Alliance getting furries, can Blizzard not see that furries are not wanted?
There tapping into a brand new market...of furries lovers...
I can't wait for /b/ or Encyclopedia Dramatica to get a hold of this...Blizzard is slowly going to kill the internet.
You don't even know what you are talking about...WoW already has a race with fur, and it's one of the most popular horde races in the game. (There is fact another race that supposedly also has fur, though it isn't entirely clear)
I know that there is a race with fur, I referring to the fact that now the Alliance freaks are going to get furries...the internet is going to die that this officially announced...
You're reasoning fails to explain the Blood Elf pandemic...


New member
Jun 26, 2008
Oh will you people get over it? There aren't going to be gigantic yiff parties in the middle of a city. and if their are go do something else. Complaining about the existence of furries is easily the biggest waste of time on the internet. I'm not even going to waste anymore time complaining myself, I'll just leave with this, but I'll say it clearly.

Most. Furries. Don't. Give. A. Shit. What. You. Think.


New member
Jan 14, 2009
Rednog said:
I seriously doubt worgen will be a race let alone an alliance race, considering how awfully racist the humans are. And I remember them releasing a handful more masks a few days after mmo champ had this story. Goblins, however remain a possibility because blizz has clothed them in tier gear several times (on the tournament realms) and they didn't look half bad.
Frenzyheart Tribe.


New member
Jun 21, 2009
Du Jour Jaricho said:
NekoiHiokans said:
Du Jour Jaricho said:
NekoiHiokans said:
hansari said:
NekoiHiokans said:
*sigh* Do really need more WoW??? And why in the hell is the Alliance getting furries, can Blizzard not see that furries are not wanted?
There tapping into a brand new market...of furries lovers...
I can't wait for /b/ or Encyclopedia Dramatica to get a hold of this...Blizzard is slowly going to kill the internet.
You don't even know what you are talking about...WoW already has a race with fur, and it's one of the most popular horde races in the game. (There is fact another race that supposedly also has fur, though it isn't entirely clear)
I know that there is a race with fur, I referring to the fact that now the Alliance freaks are going to get furries...the internet is going to die that this officially announced...
You're reasoning fails to explain the Blood Elf pandemic...
How do furries have any thing to do with Blood Elfs??????? And I don't play WoW, but I have a hatred of furries.


New member
Apr 25, 2009
I might reactivate for a month or two if that happens.

Maybe they'll bring my old class out of the gutter by then too.


New member
Sep 3, 2008
NekoiHiokans said:
*sigh* Do really need more WoW??? And why in the hell is the Alliance getting furries, can Blizzard not see that furries are not wanted?
Yes, we do need more WoW. It's a fun game, and I'd love to see new areas, new races, new stories, new factions etc etc.