I have no real opinion on the guns, just so long as they fix the spells and enchanting. I mean seriously, Morrowind had awesome spells, and the enchanting abilities would actually provided weapons and armor that were really useful. Maybe the levitate spell was a bit too much, but I want to be able to enchant my armor with more than +1 strength this time(exaggerated for maximum effect). That and creating my own spells. Sure a fire, frost, lighting spell might not have been the best, but it was FUN! And it looked cool! The best I got from Oblivion was a few damage points from each, and the spell would cost half my available mana.
Again, I know that some of the aspects of Morrowind made you a little overpowered, but Oblivion took most of that personal customization away that made me enjoy Morrowind so much. If, at the end of the game, I want to create the ultimate suit of armor, I don't want to be restricted to only a single minor enchant for each piece. Likewise for weapons and spells. What's the point of becoming so powerful if you can't even make a decent custom suit of armor? Anyway, main point is, make the game slightly more customizable than Oblivion. Find some happy middle-ground between Morrowind and Oblivion and I'll be happy with the game. I hope...