Rumor: PSN Hackers Already Have Third Attack Ready to Go

Lt. Dragunov

New member
Sep 25, 2008
if psn comes back up "later this week" and goes right back down again, then I'm sorry sony i tried to roll with the punches but this is just too much.


New member
Oct 10, 2009
cursedseishi said:
And security has, as it always is, been 20/20 in hindsight alone. You develop a new piece of armor, and it'll be broken through faster than it took to develop it. The same can be said about internet security. You think your new firewalls and scanner updates will stop hackers and viruses from getting in your computer, but you have a bunch of little f*&%s sitting on their asses in a basement all day who only ever do hacking, who do you think is going to win?

Someone's trying to get you, don't know why but they are. You think you have all the angles covered, but all of a sudden a psychopath lets a bunch of poisonous aquatic snakes into your sewer pipes and you get bit in the arse by one when you sit down on the toilet, whose fault is it? Well, obviously yours because you never bothered to install anti-snake gates in your pipes, so you must suck at this whole "security" thing.

There is never a "win" for the defense in these situations, only a draw when the attacking side backs down finally, and the whole thing until that point is just a war of attrition.
You sir, make an excellent point and I agree 100%.


New member
Mar 8, 2010
Sparrow said:
For the love of god. What the hell are these people attempting to achieve, other than being giant wankers?
Most hackers are thieves and/or anarchists. So general mayhem with al little profit is theses guys aims, hell maybe they are even 360 fanbois to boot(I kid relax).


New member
Dec 30, 2010
Kenjitsuka said:
Massive, massive balls or some kind of delusion about being untraceable might give them the mindset to strike thrice.
Must be that seventh proxy.

ohHaiGuiz said:
This will only make their punishment worse when the FBI and Homeland catch'em
The punishment of a government web security job?

CheckD3 said:
Anon, if you're reading this, please find them and turn them in. We want to play our games, we want to be able to go online on our PS3s, and do what we want. And these dipshits are ruining it for everyone
Not a bad idea but sadly, and famously, Anon is not your personal army.


New member
Jul 5, 2009
I really hope my Mortal Kombat pre-order codes and Kombat pass to expire (they don't that they do on the leaflet) because if they do i want a refund.


New member
Feb 24, 2010
Kinda makes me think that someone actually paid them to do this

Jezz who the hell hire these hackers. They're acting like terrorist almost.

No really who would of though that indrustral sabatoge ((however you spell it)) would actually exists in the gaming world.

Yep a whole new level to me


New member
Dec 9, 2009
Tulks said:
CheckD3 said:
Anon, if you're reading this, please find them and turn them in. We want to play our games, we want to be able to go online on our PS3s, and do what we want. And these dipshits are ruining it for everyone
Not a bad idea but sadly, and famously, Anon is not your personal army.
I know, if they were my personal army I'd use them to get myself through college like it was nothing. Web classes + hack = least I'd suppose.

I guess it's more of what I wish for. The same way one would wish for a million dollars or something. Only that's more likely to happen than Anon listening to a single nobody making a call for help


New member
Jan 3, 2010
Andronicus said:
castlewise said:
I kind of doubt it. The previous hacks weren't some sort of hactivism. They were thefts, heists, if you will. People trying to steal stuff don't announce it in IRC channels days ahead of time.
If they were just thefts, then they already have all the information they could possibly want; hacking Sony for a third time, especially when the risk is so much greater this time, would just make no sense.

If they do actually attack for a third time though, I think we can assume that it's personal. If it's personal, there's a good chance that they'll want to gloat about how much better they are than Sony, in which case announcing it in IRC channels makes perfect sense.
Would be sad(not that I empathy with the crackers)if they got caught over something like that.


The Dissapointed Gamer
Apr 16, 2009
I just want PSN to go back online so i can finally play Arcana Heart 3 =(.

Atmos Duality

New member
Mar 3, 2010
The fear of such an attack could prove to be just as effective as an actual attack.
Huh, that could actually count as....nah. I won't even go there.


Arctic fox and BACON lover
Jun 13, 2009
Bad news for the idiots, I'm ready for them. *Loads a rifle*
I don't care if they are going to publicize my address, my credit card number is changed. But I'm not going to put up with this shit.

I really wish that some vigilante hackers would track these bastards down. Hell, Anon would get my support if they get involved in the search. All they need to say is that they are doing it for the people, not Sony. The hackers are endangering the people more than Sony (which is a big corporation, which makes it hard to take down).

But anyways, the network is down and I'm going to play some good old Dragon Age (the first one). But I do hope Sony also is prepared for them, if they anticipated another attack then this can get interesting.


New member
Sep 2, 2010
*gets popcorn*

I Hope This is a false alarm.

Now where did I put that popco.I mean Fingers-crossed!


New member
Jan 15, 2010
What would be the point now? Even if they could pull it off, what good would it do?

Is the right to hack/mod a PS3 really worth all this crap? Just buy a freaking PC, you parasites.


New member
May 19, 2009
Raiyan 1.0 said:
Brace for impact!

MelasZepheos said:
Man, these hackers are so clearly the good guys while Sony are so clearly the bad guys. I mean, who would support Sony in this situation? They're the greedy exploitative ones and they deserve this.
The sarcasm is strong in this one.

But tell me, who has been defending the hackers?
XBOX fanboys?
Yes... I went there...

But honestly, this is going to have some bad effects on enterateiment industry if this keeps going for much longer.