Rumor: PSN Hackers Already Have Third Attack Ready to Go


New member
Aug 7, 2008
Outcast107 said:
Though I'm not for hackers of this kind, but I will admit they will have huge balls and very good luck to do this and get away with it. That or Sony didn't really beef up their security beside putting a billy goat at the entrance and the FBI are to busy eating donuts to notice. Not like that can happen.
they don't have balls. They are just asshats, even more so if they think they are doing something for the greater good.

If they had ANY balls, they would be hacking Exxon or the IRS or something.


New member
Aug 29, 2009
If they really attempt this, they're just batshit insane. It's like breaking in a house that you previously broke into, which is now under surveillance by the police.


All I know, is that they will be royally screwed if they succeed in a new break-in. Sure, it will make Sony look really bad, but these guys will be in a world of hurt, once caught.


New member
Nov 18, 2009
stabnex said:
I say stick it to the fuckers. Sony sucks. Disabling Netflix was the reason I sold my PS3 this week.
Because the loss of consumer credit card data and the inevitable layoffs will help everyone./sarcasm


New member
Aug 17, 2009
They're either: really bold, really good, or really stupid. Pick one or two.

Another attack? If/when they catch these guys, they should probably officially kill them and just hire them for government work.

EDIT: That probably wouldn't work out too well, considering that they can't even keep an attack secret... IF the attack actually happens...


New member
Aug 27, 2009
*sigh* I have a feeling that this isn't going to end soon or with much closer.


New member
Nov 22, 2009
WanderingFool said:
MelasZepheos said:
Man, these hackers are so clearly the good guys while Sony are so clearly the bad guys. I mean, who would support Sony in this situation? They're the greedy exploitative ones and they deserve this.

(the content of this statement may or may not be sarcastic)
At this point, I see it as sarcastic. Sony may be a greedy corperation (name one that isnt), but this isnt an attack on Sony as much as the customers of Sony, which is just bad dice...
Sony may pay up too 20billion in fines, what are you talking about, you may as well say good bye to PS4, and as we all know the gaming branch is the most profitable industry to be in, they are just going to have to say good bye too people who are willing to pay $5 for their silly DLC and go back to making products to normal people who actually value cash and know quality products.


New member
Jun 17, 2010
MelasZepheos said:
Man, these hackers are so clearly the good guys while Sony are so clearly the bad guys. I mean, who would support Sony in this situation? They're the greedy exploitative ones and they deserve this.

(the content of this statement may or may not be sarcastic)
Man, Sony really has it tough. If only there was a way for a multibillion dollar corporation to have people who are more numerous and competent than a few noname individuals/groups. Alas, in this world where money holds no power, they are helpless :(


New member
Nov 1, 2007
MelasZepheos said:
Man, these hackers are so clearly the good guys while Sony are so clearly the bad guys. I mean, who would support Sony in this situation? They're the greedy exploitative ones and they deserve this.

(the content of this statement may or may not be sarcastic)
It must be sarcastic. Because I don't think any sensible person thinks Sony is the douchebag in this ;).

I know I'm to the point where I hope Sony finds and throttles these people for every penny they've ever even looked at.


New member
Dec 18, 2010
Tom Goldman said:
CNET claims an informant that observes certain internet relay chat (IRC) channels says a "third major attack" is planned for the weekend of May 7 and 8. Even worse, the source says hackers evidently "plan to publicize all or some of the information they are able to copy from Sony's servers, which could include customer names, credit card numbers, and addresses."
You all didn't believe me... I know who it is and what IRC channel they are on. But I will not reveal that information but if you ever want news or details just PM me.

BTW they got more then adresses, credit cards and names....


New member
Apr 9, 2009
ionveau said:
WanderingFool said:
MelasZepheos said:
Man, these hackers are so clearly the good guys while Sony are so clearly the bad guys. I mean, who would support Sony in this situation? They're the greedy exploitative ones and they deserve this.

(the content of this statement may or may not be sarcastic)
At this point, I see it as sarcastic. Sony may be a greedy corperation (name one that isnt), but this isnt an attack on Sony as much as the customers of Sony, which is just bad dice...
Sony may pay up too 20billion in fines, what are you talking about, you may as well say good bye to PS4, and as we all know the gaming branch is the most profitable industry to be in, they are just going to have to say good bye too people who are willing to pay $5 for their silly DLC and go back to making products to normal people who actually value cash and know quality products.
Okay, I cant even began to make sense of what you wrote.


books, Books, BOOKS
Jan 19, 2011
United States
Daystar Clarion said:
I can't play co-op Portal2 because of these hackers.

What kind of monster would do such a thing.

[sub]In spaaaaaaaace...[/sub]
The type of monster that hates joy and happiness.

[sub]That also hates spaaaaaace... sorry, I'll stop...[/sub]


New member
Jul 29, 2008
Why do I have the feeling that the hacker is going to be a bunch of 360 haldtard diehards?


New member
Jul 15, 2009
Lt. Vinciti said:
I will find you...

I will chop off your hands....

So help me Gods....If I do not get Honest Hearts on 5/17

I will find you

I will chop off your hands....
This pretty much sums up how i feel too. If everyone but us gets Honest hearts, i wouldn't be stopping at the hands. I hope these people get caught and get 500 years in jail or something...

Lt. Vinciti

New member
Nov 5, 2009
Shadowfaze said:
Lt. Vinciti said:
I will find you...

I will chop off your hands....

So help me Gods....If I do not get Honest Hearts on 5/17

I will find you

I will chop off your hands....
This pretty much sums up how i feel too. If everyone but us gets Honest hearts, i wouldn't be stopping at the hands. I hope these people get caught and get 500 years of rape or something...
Fixed that for ya ;)


New member
Jul 12, 2010
stabnex said:
I say stick it to the fuckers. Sony sucks. Disabling Netflix was the reason I sold my PS3 this week.
And the Grand Asshole of the Thread Award goes to...

Seriously though dude, for one thing, Sony didn't disable Netflix. For two, I hope you hate gaming. That's what this post says to me, that you hate video games as a whole, which would make it extremely strange for you to be here.


New member
Apr 16, 2010
People open your mind!!!
Bin laden s death occurred at the same time as the PSN attack
we all know Bin laden hated the USA so he must have played PS3 instead of Xbox.
So it must have been the government that attacked PSN so Bin laden was bored before his death.
but Bin laden isn't dead because he didn't attack usa at 9/11.
We don't have to belive what the government is telling us, rable rable rable rable...

Seriously it is sad how many times the name "Osama Bin Laden" was named in this threat.

Sean Strife

New member
Jan 29, 2010
Ok, at first I could understand the attacks being in defense of GeoHot and shows the holes in their security (although I don't necessarily condone it). At this point, if it's true, I have to throw up my hands up and say "enough is enough". Ok? We get it, you can hack it into the servers. At this point, there is nothing left to prove except just how big of assholes you are. I hope you mother fuckers get caught and I hope you get fucking assraped in jail, you pieces of shit.