Rumor: PSN Hackers Already Have Third Attack Ready to Go


Moderately confused.
Sep 4, 2009
If you don't like the company why attack the user?
If you show my personal details I will honest to god kill you. No bullshit.


New member
Jun 4, 2010
Sparrow said:
For the love of god. What the hell are these people attempting to achieve, other than being giant wankers?
Umm... They're going after people's credit card info and selling it to the highest bidder so if I had to guess I'd say MONEY $$$$$$ DOLLA DOLLA BILLS YO.


New member
Mar 29, 2010
Dear Hackers
Please leave Sony alone, you have caused them a great deal of issues already and please let them recover.


New member
Apr 10, 2009
Why these criminals are still not in jail? FFS!!!
I wish I could find myself a hacker... And whack bastard's face with a large brick.


New member
Aug 4, 2010
icyneesan said:
Sony just can't catch a break. Hopefully this attack is not truth and the PSN will return to full services soon.

Sparrow said:
For the love of god. What the hell are these people attempting to achieve, other than being giant wankers?
International Criminals/Internet Terrorists/Super Villain status? I wouldn't be surprise if they try to ransom the PSN off for...

If they did infact get the credit cards they could probobly charge them for more then that unfortunately :/

Pontus Hashis

New member
Feb 22, 2010
Lt. Vinciti said:
I will find you...

I will chop off your hands....

So help me Gods....If I do not get Honest Hearts on 5/17

I will find you

I will chop off your hands....
But I would burn 'em, kick 'em down "the Divide" and then hang 'em on a lampost!


New member
Aug 19, 2009
Sparrow said:
For the love of god. What the hell are these people attempting to achieve, other than being giant wankers?
I don't know. At this point it seems they are hoping to cause the complete collapse of Sony (unlikely, but not out of the realm of possibility). I mean, if you really have it in for someone, and you have the capability...


New member
Mar 28, 2010
I was rooting for the hackers in this fight, since I have nothing to loose and I like seeing Anon as all-powerful Internet gods that cannot be stopped.

Then I realized it wasn't Anon doing this.

So I give you this challenge, Anon, one that would make you into Goddamned superheroes: stop these hackers, whatever it takes.


New member
Oct 16, 2009
True or not, this is starting to piss me off somewhat. I'm not huge on online gaming but I like the store and have begun using it on a regular basis now that a credit card is no longer required. I amazes me how people can be such utter dicks sometimes.

I'm not dependent on the thing, but I wouldn't mind having it back either...


New member
Dec 29, 2007
First time was exactly what Sony deserved.

Second time was funny but a bit much.

IF there is a third time then I say that they went majorly overboard.


New member
Nov 17, 2009
Ahem. I appoligize in advance for the following:

Fuck these hackers. Fuck anyone helping them. Fuck anyone who paid them, any support network they have, anyone who backs them. That said, I hope they do this. I hope the PSN goes up and gets taken down from the hack. Because then? Then their asses would belong to HS and the FBI, who right now are probably watching like thrice-damned hungry as all hell hawks. And I can think of no better fate for them then to be sent to Gitmo for life. Treat them like the little terrorist shits they are and let them enjoy 'advanced interogation techniques' till the day they drop dead from old age.

And while I'm at it, fuck Geohot for not discouraging this shit earlier. Little late to say 'Bad hackers, bad!' when they already fucked it all up, asshole. Your white knight brigade is just going to make sure any future system is so locked down that even changing your profile name will brick the damn console. All this shit means is the next generation of systems will be hyper-secure paranoia-driven crapfests, as everyone still in the industry will be fighting to the burger to make sure this never happens to them. And don't get too comfy, PC gamers; they can't screw with your system, but they damn sure will go out of their way to hyper-protect the games after this, thank you SOE attack. These hacks will just help to validate going more insane with the DRM measures in a desperate attempt to keep investor confidence from crapping out.

Long story short, this idiots just fucked the industry up for all of us. No death can be long or painful enough as punishment, and no life long enough for all the suffering they deserve.

Jake the Snake

New member
Mar 25, 2009
Shit, they got the FBI in on this now? Ok, the hackers do realize it's only a matter of time before their caught and fucked hard, right?


New member
Feb 11, 2010
What I'm wondering is, if the "real" Anon is against injustices being done against the innocent, why aren't they doing anything about this?


Mages Rule, and Dragons Fly!
May 2, 2011
United States
icyneesan said:
Sony just can't catch a break. Hopefully this attack is not truth and the PSN will return to full services soon.

Sparrow said:
For the love of god. What the hell are these people attempting to achieve, other than being giant wankers?
International Criminals/Internet Terrorists/Super Villain status? I wouldn't be surprise if they try to ransom the PSN off for...

If thats the situation we're in then we just need to get a very weird and horny british guy to go after the criminals,
and defeat them with the power of their shear coolness and quick tongue! But who can we ask?....O_O Oh my god, quick someone get Yahtzee!


New member
May 21, 2009
See, these hackers will get caught.

And when they do, they are in for some big time and a shitload of money they don't have (well, maybe from the credit cards).

You'd think if you were royally screwing yourself this much that you would at least have a meaningful motive.


New member
Sep 8, 2010
The outage isn't effecting me much. I'm just worried about the poor indie developers who aren't getting paid back.


New member
Mar 31, 2011
poiuppx said:
Ahem. I appoligize in advance for the following:

Fuck these hackers. Fuck anyone helping them. Fuck anyone who paid them, any support network they have, anyone who backs them. That said, I hope they do this. I hope the PSN goes up and gets taken down from the hack. Because then? Then their asses would belong to HS and the FBI, who right now are probably watching like thrice-damned hungry as all hell hawks. And I can think of no better fate for them then to be sent to Gitmo for life. Treat them like the little terrorist shits they are and let them enjoy 'advanced interogation techniques' till the day they drop dead from old age.

And while I'm at it, fuck Geohot for not discouraging this shit earlier. Little late to say 'Bad hackers, bad!' when they already fucked it all up, asshole. Your white knight brigade is just going to make sure any future system is so locked down that even changing your profile name will brick the damn console. All this shit means is the next generation of systems will be hyper-secure paranoia-driven crapfests, as everyone still in the industry will be fighting to the burger to make sure this never happens to them. And don't get too comfy, PC gamers; they can't screw with your system, but they damn sure will go out of their way to hyper-protect the games after this, thank you SOE attack. These hacks will just help to validate going more insane with the DRM measures in a desperate attempt to keep investor confidence from crapping out.

Long story short, this idiots just fucked the industry up for all of us. No death can be long or painful enough as punishment, and no life long enough for all the suffering they deserve.
Great post there, mate. People need to start understanding that this is not going to help anyone, it's going to make everyone's situation worse. As if we didn't have enough shit with the DRM already, now everything might become so closed off that if you get a new damn IP, your games become unavailable. If you want to fight a system, do NOT try to show them why they should enforce it even more, show them why it would be a better idea to loosen it up. I'm sure this has just set us back many years when it comes to gaming liberty.