Parasondox said:
"Fans" and users of the internet are going to be pissed arent they? They are already pissed? Sadly, nothing new.
I don't know, "Fans" are the type of people these comic changes are made to appeal to. Now it never works in the long run (long run being 12 months in this case) and the chance has a 100% chance of reversing within 24 months due to the fact those who jump on will leave within 12 months as they always do and those who stay behind will be fewer then they where last time this cycle happened, but hey it's not like Marvel Comics even needs to brake even at this point given each of Marvel Studio's movies on average brings in 3-5 times as much revenue as the comic subdivision does each year.
Silentpony said:
You know at this point the obvious panda-throwing to Tumblr in a desperate effort not to be trending the next day on Twitter is getting kinda' old. And the worst part is none of the people they're trying to appeal don't actually read comics. Otherwise they'd know comic continuity and characters are about as solid and consistent as gender-fluid water.
I mean look what happened when they pulled that 'female Thor' shenanigans. Nothing. Nothing happened. Talk show hosts gabbed for a day and a half, no one read the comics, and then it turns out she's not really Thor.
Though I guess we should be glad she's not a dog to appeal to the PETA people again. Woof.
Also how is the fact they gave her an afro not racist? That's African America caricature shit.
Marvel Comics gets a minor (and we're talking very minor here, like "getting competent writers and editors would dwarf this" minor) sales boost from this, so as long as it's deemed worth the effort the shotgun blast to the foot will be done again and again as long as the insurance lets it heal slightly better off then it was before, even if the scars won't go away any time soon.
Marvel Comics seems quite odd in their sales tactics. They're using the HBO method of few ads and using critical acclaim to be free advertisement for them, but HBO makes it work with consistent quality that ranges from good to some of the best work on television, while Marvel has the best of its comics from the past few years be what one could call "inoffensively average" (now that's not exactly true, some things like Daredevil's current run are actually pretty decent, but overall their quality is so low that the only thing shocking about their comparatively low sales numbers is that they aren't lower).
Marvel Comics is dead at this point, a relic of a bygone age that has been taken over by those who don't even hold respect for the medium they work in. In an executive that isn't unusual, but in an artist that's the creative death of a company. Unless it undergoes a purge and renaissance this is going to keep happening until the whole division goes in the red and can't manage to bounce back.