So I found out I'm on my schools "Shooting Watch List"


New member
Jul 22, 2010
So, what happend is that they profiled the cases where students went postal and they try to prevent a shooting by being nicer to students who fit that profile in their own school?

Personally I don't see it as that big a deal. Of course, they might be completely wrong as I'm sure only a very small percentage of the students who fit in the profile will actually go postal, but you can't really blame them from trying to prevent shootings.

Seeing as it's a classified file that states they should act nicer around you it's hardly as bad as what muslims of arab descent go through when travelling by plane.

Of course, having to find that out is far from fun, but I think it's positive that they're trying something. I could think of worse ways to try and avoid shootings than this.

My advice: don't talk about it at school and get on with your life. What could you, or your school gain from bringing this out in the open?


New member
Mar 18, 2009
Just tell your parents. I'm sure if they love you they'll kick up a shitstorm in your honor.


New member
Apr 17, 2011
Pretty sure they had a similar file for me. All BS but I was quiet, didn't talk to many people but made no bones that I didn't and don't believe in God, this was in a catholic school too so more problems. I was the butt of jokes from most of the more popular students but I didn't really give a shit about that. I had a thick skin. What may have been the worst thing was that my dad's a cop and I have access to and knowledge of guns. So yeah, I might have been on top of that list if such a list existed.


New member
Sep 28, 2010
Big Brother is watching you...

nah, the school is wrong for making accusations they cant prove.
I have the same problem with mine, being labelled in the top 3 for serving time in a foreign jail, and they always patronise me by trying to moddle coddle me, just becuase they know ive been through s anumber of harrowing things in my life. I'm not a fuck up, i just have a very dry, dark sense of humour that most dont fully understand and because I have quite big, muscley build people think I'm gonna Columbine the place at the mention of someone breaking my pencil.

yeah, its the schools duty to the care of its students, but not at the cost alienating and ruining one students wellbeing.


Regular Member
Dec 2, 2010
United States
binnsyboy said:
TheGuiggleMonster said:
DVS Storm said:
Okay I'm seriously getting tired of the whole "you listen to metal so you like to kill people" thing. I listen to metal and I have trouble killing flies sometimes. Also the whole SSP foldersystem is messed up. Are they getting so paranoid about it?
The correlation between killing animals and being a psychopath isn't that simple though.
He's right, when I started hunting as a kid, I could snap a rabbit's neck and such without thinking about it, yet I'm actually a fairly amiable person. Trust me, if anyone where I live is going to go psycho, it isn't me. (I could actually name a few people XD)
Sociopathy requires cruelty to people and animals, not just killing them. As in, intentionally causing them horrific pain just to inflict it on them or to see how they respond. If you see someone that is constantly teasing dogs or cats, or doing cruel things like taping their legs together to watch them hop around, that's a warning sign. There is an overall lack of empathy. Sometimes they will feign empathy to get what they want, so look for cruelty when they have nothing to gain or lose.

Think, "What would Eric Cartman do?" That's a good guide.

I was probably on some kind of watch list when I was a kid. I always had a pocket knife on me... that I used to fix school equipment, but they conveniently forget that after you're finished helping them. What they don't know can't hurt you.


New member
Jul 4, 2010
My english teacher in yr11 used to mark me down really heavily and i complained to the head of the department, then the principle, but, because i had been through so many different schools (11) they just assumed the teacher was right and i was some little behavioral problems kid.
It was funny that all it took was my next english teacher in yr12 to actually chat to me on a friendly level for them to discover, i wasnt a behavioral problems kid, i just had parents who moved a lot

I hate how judgmental some teachers can be, kind of ruined my grades and burned me out on school, almost would have failed english, but the good teacher made me work and pass.(for a frame of reference, the year before, i had received the regional award for excellence in english)

anyway, my 2 cents on judge-y teachers


New member
Sep 5, 2008
Welcome to my world, man. My principal has actually compared me, out loud, to my face, directly to Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold. All because me and some of my friends (who were not, to my knowledge, spoken to or punished in any way) started a "Slap List" which was comprised mostly of celebrities and fictional characters.

School staff today are entirely too paranoid.


New member
Nov 25, 2008
0 can you have an interest in death if you are an atheist?

That's like looking forward to not getting an imaginary ice-cream sundae.


New member
Mar 31, 2011
Excuse me, what? I listen to metal and I'm an atheist, but like you I'm not interested in death nor have a lack of empathy. Since when did music choice reflect on philosophy or anything else for that matter?

And why are you supposed to have a lack of empathy if you're an atheist? Seems to me like the religious folks are the ones who lack it, being able to torture and murder those who do not think like they do and everything.

All in all, I sorta wish this would've happened to me so that I could flip shit. I am quite good at flipping shit.

Lt. Vinciti

New member
Nov 5, 2009
zHellas said:
WhatIsThisIDontEven said:
Anyone else think this is a bit weird?
I say steal the file and show it to your parents and possibly alert the local news about this.
That wont put Offender into hot water at all...

I think you were wrong to look...

We all had our fair issues in high schools....but I didnt sneakpeak offical school documents to post it all over the internet...


New member
Jun 28, 2009
Since when does a lack of empathy have to do with religion?

Also, this:
zHellas said:
WhatIsThisIDontEven said:
Anyone else think this is a bit weird?
I say steal the file and show it to your parents and possibly alert the local news about this.


New member
Aug 8, 2008
Pictures or it didn't happen. If it did happen show the pictures to your local press. Lulz will ensue.

Ironic Pirate

New member
May 21, 2009
Wait, how would they know what music you listened to, and such? Is your guidance counselor some kind of stalker?


New member
Apr 1, 2011
Damn, teachers are getting [ IF TEACHER, DON'T READ THE REST UNTIL NEXT LARGE CAP SENTENCE! ] dumber aren't they, saying that because have an interest in something that isn't a Christian moral that your going to shoot up the place. [ TEACHERS CAN READ NOW! ]
Don't be quiet about this, their just doing this to separate the people that aren't conforming with the other students as dangerous. It is damn profiling, and its just complete bull shit ways to say that you'll shoot up the place, I was suicidal and the teachers at my middle school didn't give a damn enough to try and help, but they kept extra close eye on this one kid so he wouldn't shoot up the place because of angst.
Seriously, go to the news, or at least tell your parents, and find if any of your friends had the same talk, form a small mob essentially and confront the school, they'll with hold information from you if its just you, bring friends and people that had the same talk with the school.


Citation Needed
Nov 28, 2007
WhatIsThisIDontEven said:
So I was called into the office of my high school today to talk to my guidance counselor about college stuff (I'm a senior) and she had all my files and stuff on her desk. There was one folder she never looked at though during the meeting. I asked her about it and she said it wasn't important.

The bell rang and we both got up to leave. I went back to her office once she had left and picked up the folder. It was a report about my "school shooting potential". At my school, apparently, the SSP is based on grades, interests, music choice, and religion. It said this (from what I can recall, I skimmed it)

"Grades: Excellent, excels in science.
Interests: Shows an interest in death and goth culture.
Music Choice: Heavy metal, shows interest in death.
Religion: Atheist, shows lack of empathy.

Comments: Staff are urged to act nicer to NAME to keep him at a stable emotional level."

Which is weird, because I don't have any interest in goth subculture or a death fascination. I do like metal, but so? Also the part about me being an atheist is ridiculous (the school is in a Protestant/Catholic town).

Anyone else think this is a bit weird?

Basically the fear generated by columbine gave the schools an excuse to go on a major power trip. They need to find reasons to justify things like their "zero tolerance to violent expression" policies that have gotten people suspeended or expelled for doing things like taping little army men to an American Flag hat to celeberate "Veteran's Day". I'd imagine like most "adults" they have no idea what the youth subcultures after their time are actually like, and by using terms like "Goth" they are tying you to the types of behavior associated with "The Black Trenchcoat Mafia" (even if that isn't a good definition for them). I'd also guess, that you might be one of the kids on the receiving end of a lot of abuse from either kids and/or staff for whatever reason, and having this paperwork allows them to say "see, we had this kid on watch" if you ever do get involved in anything. They probably figure that since you get your buttons pushed regularly (which is a guess) that there is a chance your going to explode, and the paperwork is easier to write up to back a retroactive cover story (OMG we told the teachers to be nice to him!) if something happens, than say change the fundemental school structure that leads to such things.

In the end the biggest factor is simply that without a constant supply of potential enemies of the school-state, they can't justify their own little power trips. What's more this allows schools to get political when and where they want as opposed to remaining neutral. I look at incidents a couple of years back where schools were kicking students out for wearing American flags during Cinco Demayo which upset the various unassimilated Latino students despite them allegedly being American citizens (ie it's the flag of their own country, them not seeing it as such and backing a foreign holiday to the point of finding their own country offensive during it is a problem). These policies allowed for some strong punkhammering of the students they wanted to target. Ironic given that they justified it by "fearing violence" from the immigrant students, yet ironically none of them were "Zero Toleranced" out the bloody door for generating those fears... meaning it was a political statement more than anything. (look up American Flag, Banned, Schools, as a search criteria, you should get plenty of hits, I've posted links before).

At any rate, remember this, because when your out of school society is going to need people like you to undo the damage of the baby boomers in matters like this. You'll wind up in a rut probably like most adults, but we will still need adults to speak against such things and work on getting the policies reversed. Right now there just aren't enough voices or enough action despite a few battles being won here and there.

Still, I'm wondering if eventually the pressure cooker they are causing is going to lead to a more epic explosion than what it allegedly was supposed to prevent. I'm still waiting for a "columbine type" incident where a bunch of students expelled stupidly decide to take guns to the principle's office, or to d a Board of Education meeting in response for having their lives ruined due to explusion for stupid political reasons. It won't be a good thing exactly, but a lot of the shootings we've seen have been aimed at students due to the excesses the schools have allowed (rules aside) nerds shooting jocks for tormenting them and such. That's being done in the name of maintaining that order is costing those on the receiving end more than a wedgie and a trip into a trash can (maybe), it's costing them their lives and futures. Viewed objectively, there have been far worse reasons for armed insurrection. (do not misunderstand this though, I'm calling it as I see it, more than saying it's a good thing. It's a matter of me expecting something really bad to happen, based on the actions we're seeing more than anything. I'd like to see the school system change it's course on it's own rather than see some kind of anti-teacher/school authority masacre).


New member
Jan 11, 2010
Your screenname seems very appropriate for such a situation. I didn't even know they had school shooting watch lists. Is that a paranoid American thing, or what?

Blood Countess

New member
Oct 22, 2010
smells like a lawsuit if you ask me since you are being singled out as an atheist

I would bring this up with your parents and demand to be shown what is being said about you and if they refuse then bring a lawyer in

My niece got similar and my sister raised hell simply cause she didn't want to be friends with the people they kind of felt she should be with and she was semi anti social