So my mom tried to get me to come 'out of the closet...'


New member
Oct 25, 2009
Simili said:
Most awkward conversation with a parent is easily when I was in my room with my girlfriend having sex, and my mum knocks on the door saying:
"just to remind you there are condoms in the cabinet if you need them...Good Night!"
We all laugh about it now though.
lol that's pretty funny. My mother's a bit more like, No sex. Period. It was kind of funny when she was telling me that though, cause I knew what she was trying to say, though she had a hard time saying it. I felt maybe it was a bit more awkward for her than it was for me.

Leg End

Romans 12:18
Oct 24, 2010
United States
Nothing to see here folks.
(Accidental double post)

Leg End

Romans 12:18
Oct 24, 2010
United States
ajemas said:
LegendaryGamer0 said:
Umm... not exactly the worst I can remember but one of the most memorable.

Let's just say it's like coming out of the closet, just not the gay closet. Some refer to it as coming out of the toybox.

It basically went with her freaking the fuck out, saying to "get away from me you sick pervert" and her basically saying she was going to disown me(probably joking on the latter of course).

Even though the hints were fucking EVERYWHERE and my sister actually knew for a while before I even told her. My mom is now just using it as a four-word insult now to annoy the hell out of me. Not a fun time. She is actually still in denial about it too.

If you do not know what I am talking about, look at my other posts if you don't get the whole "coming out of the toybox" thing. Particularly since I am pretty sure I will not be seeing any sympathy from any of my fellow Escapees. Your reactions may be similar.

[sub][sub][sub][sub]I'm a nice guy... I don't hurt anyone...[/sub][/sub][/sub][/sub]
As long as you don't act on your actions, then I suppose that it is OK. I find the actual act of your particular obsession to be one of the worst things on the planet, but I guess that as long as you aren't acting on your urges, then there isn't a problem. However, possession of any... materials depicting things that you might enjoy is still very illegal, and so is engaging in any kind of action.
My advice is to get some kind of help or treatment. I'm not saying that you should go to one of those crackpot people who try and change your sexuality; that's impossible. Just go to see a regular therapist. You might want to do some research, but I'm pretty sure that they have to keep your information confidential. (Again, please double-check.) Just being able to talk to someone about it could really help you out.
By the way, I would try and keep mum about this. Browsing through your posts, like you instructed, I've seen numerous references to your you-know-what. Why would you tell everyone about that? Why would you flaunt anything related to sex and sexuality, especially with your particular subset? And, with your attraction, people are going to think far less of you, including me. I'm sorry, but that's just how it goes.
I must ask you, why do you speak of it as if they are nigh uncontrollable urges? It is a simple attraction. No, I do not possess any such... material. I have no desire to see a therapist because I feel content with myself. I have no issue with expressing it so why suppress it? Though I only really do so with related subjects.

I have no desire to impress people. I have no care as to how it goes. Allow all to think what they want. As long as they keep their remarks to themselves and do not interfere with my personal life(which many frequently do regardless), I have no issue. I am that I am. Which is nothingness.

EDIT: Sorry if I sound like a heartless prick. I am just very... passionate, on the matter.


New member
May 29, 2008
personaly id make a joke About it, say that you Arent in the Closet but say, hiding a Drug Problem instead


New member
Jul 23, 2009
Hm I can't remember if I ever had a 'coming out of the closet' like moment with my parents of any sort.


New member
Apr 5, 2010
Does anyone remember those pop-ups advertising screensavers, and some of them were hot chicks? Well one of my parents walked into the room just as i was closing one of them.

If they'd been there the whole time, they'd know it was just an annoying pop-up which I closed, but because my mum came in just as I was closing it, she thought I was looking at porn.

So a few hours later I'm playing xbox and my dad walks in and gives me the "porno talk", about how it's 'perfectly natural', but that the internet is not a very safe place to view such material blah blah blah.

Most. awkward. conversation. ever.

Booze Zombie

New member
Dec 8, 2007
Chiselling stone makes you a lesbian? Good thing I never took it up... I'm male.

Uh... I guess I was talking to a friend and I freaked him out by talking about circumcision in great detail. That was funny.


Slayer of Bothan Spies
Sep 28, 2008
Let's see here. I've had that one, and I've had one talking about one that I probably should have seen a doctor for.


New member
Apr 28, 2010
My mother once asked me why my butt was so flat.

Not really sure if that counts as a conversation as I found no way to answer her other than "Because I'm not fat!"


New member
Jan 3, 2010
Can't say I have had none, aldo, I went home once during the school lunch in middle school since we had PE after lunch and I had forgot all my PE stuff, and I can hear my parents having sex in the living room.

Was the last time I ever came home before they expected me to come.


Sep 12, 2008
This makes me sort of glad my Mom walked in on me with a gal when I was sixteen. Although I'd have to say to proceeding conversation about using "protection" and whatnot was pretty damn awkward.


New member
Feb 7, 2009
scw55 said:
(I don't understand with the whole 'come out of the closet' thing. Surely your own sexuality shouldn't matter. With regards to telling your parents, it will come up anyway when you let them meet the unexpected boy friend/girl friend.)
The thing is, as much as I agree with you, some people just have weird views on the matter. They see problems with homosexuality. I can't get my head around that concept, but whatever. It's everywhere.

Mudze said:
They started a big discussion with me as to how being gay is okay. It got tangential and my dad ended up saying bisexual males don't exist.

I'm a bisexual male.
Pleeeeeeaaaaaaaasse tell me how that conversation went xD
It'd be pure gold.

Death God

New member
Jul 6, 2010
"The" talk about sex and life in general. She didn't tell me what we were doing but bought me some ice cream, and game and as we were driving home she says to me, "Well, now that the fun stuff is out of the way, let's talk about sex!" Oh boy, that was just plain awkward after that. Still wasn't the most awkward thing ever done by parent and child but I can say I have felt a friend's embarrassment when we were in her room studding and her mom comes in to talk to her about her period.... with me still in the room. I could get a word in edge wise to ask to leave the room and of course she is half speaking Laotian and half speaking english so I was just lost, confused, and I felt so bad for her and just a little bit awkward myself.


New member
May 25, 2010
I think my dad thought I might have been for a while, as most of my friends are girls, i've never had a girlfriend, i'm not exactly what you'd call a mans man and unlike most of the males on my dads side i don't make comments about any attractive woman that are on tv at the time. He kept asking if i what i thought about an attractive woman on tv or if i thought any of my friends were pretty, which they are, but i'm not that interested in them in that way tbh. He still does occaisionally though I think that might be because I can be a bit eccentric at times (I think capes are cool and if I could get away with it in public I would wear one, and I wear a snuggie as a gown so it kinda looks like i'm wearing a robe or cape, if it were a little shorter i'd look like a jedi). I can't flirt for toffee either and anyone I am interested in I end up knowing to well to ask them out because I don't want to ruin a potential friendship, plus I still don't know if I like my best friend Izzy or vice versa though the more I actually think about it the more convinced I am that in the end we are just friends who are very close, if it does turn into something more on its own then fair enough, if it doesn't she's still the best friend I have and probably ever will.


New member
Nov 18, 2010
I overheard my mom tell someone on the phone awhile back that after my older sister, she and my dad didn't want anymore kids. Then she got pregnant with me. :( She also said that she prefers my older sisters to me, and my dad prefers me. I look (and act) the most like him, so no wonder!!